Chapter 151 Bet

Li Zixuan walked to Su Yan at this time.

Said to Su Yan in a low voice. "You can't compare with Su Yan. His math has always been the best in the school."

Su Yan nodded when she heard Wang Ziming's words, then looked at Wang Ziming and said to him seriously.

"Okay, it's a competition, so since we're competing, we need to have a bet, don't you think so?"

When Wang Ziming heard that Su Yan wanted to place a bet, Wang Ziming thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement. At this time, he only heard Su Zi speak.

"Then what's the reason for our bet?" After Su Yan said this, he thought about it seriously. Wang Ziming saw Su Yan's expression at this time, but he laughed in his heart.

I didn't expect Su Yan to be so stupid and dare to compete with himself in mathematics. Doesn't he know that his mathematics is the best? At this time, I only heard Su Yan say.

"How about we bet your status as monitor. If you lose, you can no longer be monitor. If I lose, how about I leave the school?"

Li Zixuan was shocked when he heard Su Yan's words. He didn't expect that Su Yan would bet on leaving school. Li Zixuan hurriedly tugged on Su Yan's sleeves.

Remind Su Yan not to be impulsive. When Wang Ziming heard Su Yan's words, he burst out laughing.

So he agreed without even thinking about it. When Su Yan heard that Wang Ziming had agreed, she felt very disdainful of Wang Ziming. At this time, I only heard Wang Ziming speak.

"Okay, we'll just take what you said." Su Yan nodded after hearing Wang Ziming's words.

So I saw Su Yan take out a pen and paper from the cave. Several people were a little surprised when they saw Su Yan's actions. They didn't know why Su Yan took out the pen and paper.

At this time, I only heard Su Yan handing the pen and paper to Li Zixuan and saying to Li Zixuan.

"You come and write a certificate, write down the bet I just mentioned on us, and Wang Ziming and I sign on it as evidence.

Li Zixuan was even more surprised when he saw the paper and pen handed over by Su Yan. He did not expect that Su Yan was serious and Li Zixuan was unwilling to take the pen and paper.

Even more reluctant to write the certificate, at this time I only heard Wang Ziming say. "What are you doing? Write quickly."

Li Zixuan listened to Wang Ziming's words, and then glanced at Su Yan. Su Yan nodded towards Li Zixuan.

Li Zixuan had no choice but to squat down and write down the bet between the two of them on the paper. He quickly finished writing it and handed it to Su Yan.

Su Yan glanced at it, then took the pen and filled in his name. "Then he handed the paper to Master Ziming.

Wang Ziming also took a look and saw that there was nothing wrong, so he also wrote his name. Su Yan saw Wang Ziming write his name.

So he took the paper, handed it to Li Zixuan, and said to Li Zixuan.

`〃You have to hold this proof, I don’t worry about others holding it. "Li Zixuan saw the certificate handed over by Su Yan.

So he nodded (Wang Li's), took it, folded the certificate carefully, and put it in his pocket. Su Yan saw Li Zixuan put on the certificate.

He turned to look at Wang Ziming with a smile and said to Wang Ziming. "I hope you will be willing to admit defeat when the time comes and don't cheat."

When Wang Ziming heard Su Yan's words, he felt very unfortunate, so Wang Ziming also said to Su Yan.

"I hope you will keep your word. If you lose, please leave this school immediately."

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