Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 21 The Media Is Shocked! Think Tanks Show Their Power!

Chapter 21 The media is shocked! Think tanks show their power!

But here in Daxia.

The major media are racing against time to get the first-hand news!

Now, none of their reporters stationed in New York City can be contacted.

But it still takes time to transfer reporters from other regions to New York City!

Under this situation.

The Huang Group, whose entire building was brightly lit, was directly regarded as their first target!

Senior reporters from all media are rushing to the Huang Group!

However, when they arrived at the gate, they were stopped directly by security guards.

"Refuse to be interviewed?"

A senior reporter's eyes widened.

"Our media editor-in-chief has called us a long time ago and has the authority to make an appointment for an interview!"

"We have received authorization to interview Huang Group's work content!"

The senior reporter was aggrieved and argued hard for reasons.

He is a senior reporter from the leading media in Daxia, and he speaks very toughly!

He also thought that the Huang Group was connected with other media and was unwilling to hand over first-hand information to them.

Seeing the other party's attitude, the security guard of the Huang Group also asked for instructions.

"Our president has said that what we are doing now is not within the scope of daily work and is a commercial secret. It is not convenient to be interviewed."

"In addition, Mr. Huang also said that he promised not to accept interviews from any media, so that you can rest assured."

After hearing the security guard's explanation, although the senior reporter was unwilling to accept it, he felt balanced.

President Huang is really slick, and without even meeting him, he directly hit on his biggest worry!

As long as the other party promises, he will not accept interviews from any media.

Then even if he returns without success, it is just a wasted trip, and it does not count as a loss of a major opportunity.

While admiring.

This reporter was also moved.

The entire Huang Group works overtime all night long, but it’s not just for daily work?

He knew it well, and with the other person's identity, there was no need to lie to him.

Moreover, if it is really part of daily work, then there is no need for the other party to refuse the interview.

With the weight of their media, if a report is published, even a giant company like the Huang Group can gain a lot of color!

If the other party says it's confidential, then that's 90% likely!

This made the reporter curious.

What on earth is the Huang Group busy with?

Thinking of this, the senior reporter directly asked the security guard in front of him.

"Brother, can you help me ask Mr. Huang for instructions? Can we report that the Huang Group is working overtime?"

Even if there is no real interview.

This incident alone is already a worthwhile trip!

The security guard heard this, asked for instructions again, and then responded in the affirmative.

The veteran reporter then walked away satisfied.

Huang Group has made public statements before.

Nearly 30% of their business is related to the beautiful country!

Now, the other party works overtime late at night, but is not at work. Could it be related to the incident in New York City, the beautiful country?

Just linking these two things is enough to attract attention!

The senior reporter returned home and began writing furiously.

In less than an hour, a press release was written and approved quickly!

With such big news happening, timeliness is crucial!

Every minute and every second spent in the lead is worth real money!

Soon, Daxia's heavyweight media issued a headline report!

And not just their family.

The top media outlets in Daxia all acted immediately and issued headline reports one after another!

The publication of these reports directly caused a sensation in Daxia!


In this late night when New York City loses contact.

The Huang Group is not the only one that suddenly has to work overtime, but there are many companies!

The Longhua Group in the capital, the Qin Group in the Magic City, and others all suddenly entered an emergency overtime state!

Moreover, without exception, they all refused to be interviewed, saying that it involved business secrets!

This made everyone who saw the report extremely curious.

"The beautiful city of New York has disappeared from the map? Can anyone please tell me??"

"Isn't it an asteroid impact?"

"It's definitely not the case. If it were true, there should have been a warning a few days ago!"

"Then the disappearance of New York City is related to the overtime work of several companies like ours in Daxia?"

"I really can't say for sure! Although it's not mentioned in the report, these companies are all giant-level companies, and their business is closely related to the beautiful country!"

"But why did they refuse the interview??"

“At times like this, don’t they need the media to help them establish their corporate image?”

“What are these companies busy with???”

In just a few minutes, the discussion on Daxia’s social media has exceeded 100 million!

However, no one can guess what these companies are doing.

After all, these are all giant-level companies, and their confidentiality work has been extremely perfect.

If they don't want to be interviewed, they are sure that no information will be revealed!

And at this time.

In these giant companies.

Everyone is busy with the same thing!

It’s all about gathering information like crazy!

Their goals are extremely clear, and their division of labor is down to the individual.

Everyone is working hard to retrieve the information they are responsible for, sort it, and sort it by priority!

Then, their information is summarized and refined layer by layer, and finally collected and sent to the same terminal!

Where the terminal is located is a building in central Daxia.

In the top room of the building, several people were quickly analyzing this extremely condensed information.

Although there are not many people.

However, every one of them has a terrifying background!

among them.

There are world-renowned information experts.

There are academic leaders from Daxia.

There is also a giant who once controlled millions of people!

These less than ten people gathered together at this moment to form a think tank!

At this time, what they are analyzing is the actions of Beautiful Country!

Although the other party leaked very little information to the outside world.

However, with the terrifying personal strength of these few, it is enough to follow this bit of information and peel off the cocoons!

And now.

Their analysis has reached the end!

"The results are almost there. Shall I report it?"

Among them, a middle-aged man with deep eyes said.

"Well, let's report it. The current analysis shows that these are the limits."

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

So, the middle-aged man picked up the phone and dialed.

What he dialed was Su's father's phone number!

"Mr. Su, this is the think tank."

"Our analysis results are out and we will report to you now."

The middle-aged man's tone was extremely respectful.

"Well, what's going on?"

Father Su on the other end of the phone asked directly.

"That's right, the analysis process is not important, I will omit it as much as possible."

"The other party launched the 'Jedi' plan, and a conservative estimate is that the economic losses will be around 144 billion."

"In this case, the other party will definitely use all means to pursue the young master."

"However, the young master's current situation will be better than before!"

"Although I can't contact the young master now, without high-tech support, the efficiency of the other party will be reduced by at least two orders of magnitude!"

"In this case, their personnel in New York City are the FBI and the Patrol Bureau."

"Personnel from other departments, firstly, have different professional skills, and secondly, they need to appease business owners, etc. The possibility of being involved in the pursuit is less than 15%."

"But there's another thing, the gangsters in New York City!"

"Judging from the FBI's style of conduct, it is not ruled out that the other party can directly contact the local gangs in New York City and mobilize them to participate in the operation!"

"And the number of people the gang can mobilize is probably more than that of the patrol bureau!"

"Moreover, it is estimated that they will be quite familiar with the situation in their area. Moreover, without knowing it, the young master may not be prepared enough for these people!"

"For the young master, this group of people may be the biggest threat!"

He spoke quickly and told all the analysis results.

After hearing this, Father Su nodded.

"Well, go ahead."

After saying that, he hung up the call.

Then, Father Su began to think.


Father Su sneered.

Immediately, he quickly searched on his mobile phone, found a number and dialed it.

This number was completely different from the ones he had called before.

Although those calls before were all made to a giant or business giant.

But the owner of this number.

But it actually controls the life and death of millions of people at all times! !

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