Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 25 Budget: 100 Billion! Acquire All Satellites! !

Chapter 25 Budget: 100 billion! Acquire all satellites! !

Several think tank members shook their heads.

This plan, if it can be implemented, is indeed very feasible.

Even all the other plans they had reviewed, added together.

This plan may not necessarily have a high success rate!

To know.

They have reviewed hundreds of plans before.

And every plan was thought up by the analysts who racked their brains!

You know, each of them is worth something extraordinary!

If they casually make a business plan and put it on the market, even if it is not targeted, there will be many companies willing to pay tens or even millions for it!

In order to ensure the efficiency of these think tank experts.

The plans that these analysts come up with have to go through layers of review!

In the end, not even one copy out of a hundred could be submitted to the hands of these think tank experts!


Just pick one out of a hundred plans.

Among them, the best ones only have 60% to 63% feasibility!

This feasibility is the probability of success after the plan is implemented.

In other words, before, the plan with the highest success rate was only a little over 60%, which was just passing the test!

And in comparison.

This is a fantastic plan.

If implemented, the success rate can even be as high as over 95%!

To say that it is worth the sum of all other solutions combined is actually not an exaggeration at all!


All the think tank experts frowned.

Although the success rate is high.

However, this plan is too difficult to implement!

Its difficulty is even higher than all other plans combined! !

In this plan, the basic equipment that must be used is an artificial satellite! ! !

Moreover, more than one is needed! ! !

This left these think tank experts speechless.

I really dare to write this plan!

The plan within this plan.

They actually used satellite signals to break through the information blockade of the 'Jedi' plan!

Under the ‘Jedi’ plan.

All communication base stations in the beautiful New York City have been shut down.

Without base station support, network communication is impossible.

In the form of semiconductor radio waves, there is also full-band interference blocking operation.

And what this plan means.

Astonishingly, the communication function of artificial satellites was used to reestablish network communication in New York City, a beautiful country! !

You don’t even need to think about it to know how exaggerated the cost is!

I have seen all the plans before, and the most daring ones only used a budget of tens of millions.

And this plan, for just one artificial satellite, must have a budget of over 100 million! !

You know, just the launch vehicle for launching artificial satellites costs more than 100 million!

Moreover, it is still a consumable item, it is gone after being fired once!

And the artificial satellite carried by the rocket is even more expensive!

What's more, it's clearly written in this plan.

There are more than one satellite that needs to be used! !

Look at this plan.

Several think tank experts kept shaking their heads.

This plan is simply unbelievable!

Not to mention the sky-high prices required to purchase several artificial satellites.

The point is, even if you have money, you can’t buy it! !

These think tank experts each have specialized disciplines and their knowledge covers various fields.

They also understand the technology of artificial satellites.

Artificial satellites are a technology that only appeared in the 1950s. They are truly cutting-edge technologies!

Although, as of today.

This technology has initially entered the commercial field, and many companies have already launched civilian satellites into the sky.

However, civilian satellites, whether in function or any other utility, are completely incomparable to real first-line artificial satellites!


To launch civilian satellites, no special launch vehicle is used.

It's just the mounting position that was given incidentally when the first-line satellite was launched! !

But it's just a civilian satellite.

No matter what, the results required by this plan cannot be achieved!

That is to say.

This plan not only uses artificial satellites, but also must be first-tier satellites! !

In this era, looking around the world, even the most backward first-tier satellites have not yet entered civilian use!

All first-line satellites are controlled by big powers!

Even if you want to get one, it's impossible.

But this plan requires the cooperation of seven first-tier satellites! !

I have to say that the proposer of this plan really dared to think.

However, in terms of operability, it is too difficult! !

All the think tank experts frowned tightly.

"There is no time, we must submit the plan to Mr. Su as soon as possible!"

said one think tank expert.

In this case, they don't have time to wait for more plans!

Moreover, the more than one hundred plans that have been screened out have almost exhausted all possibilities!

The subsequent plans are just minor changes and have no influence on the overall situation!

"Select the five most feasible plans and I will submit them to Mr. Su."

The leading think tank expert said.

The others heard this and immediately started sorting it out.

When they read these more than one hundred plans, they had already sorted them according to feasibility.

It doesn’t take a minute to organize it!

"Do you want to put this in?"

Someone pointed to the latest plan and said.

"Put it at the bottom."

The think tank expert hesitated for a moment and then said.

after all.

Although the content inside it is simply incredible.

However, this plan has the highest success rate!

In just three minutes, all the plans have been sorted out.

Then, the think tank expert dialed Su's father's phone number.

At the same time, other experts compiled the plan into a document, packaged and sent it in the most streamlined form.

"Hey, Mr. Su, we have sorted out the plans and selected the five most feasible ones for you to take a look at!"

"Well, let me take a look."

Su's father took his mobile phone, asked the servant to bring a tablet, and clicked on the file.

At a glance, the first four options in the document are only 63% feasible!

He knows the level of these experts in the think tank.

Each one of them is a leader in their own field!

The plan selected by them is definitely the best one.

However, the success rate is not even over 70%!

Could it be said that the beautiful country’s ‘Jedi’ plan is really so seamless? ?

This made Su's father frown slightly.

And when his eyes reached the fifth and final plan.

Su's father couldn't help but his eyes suddenly lit up!

I saw that the success rate marked on this last plan was astonishingly 99%! !

"Why is this plan ranked fifth?"

Father Su asked directly.

"This... this plan, if it can be implemented, has a very high success rate!"

"However, its prerequisites are almost impossible to complete! That's why we ranked this plan at fifth as an alternative!"

After answering, the expert began to quickly explain the specific steps of this plan to Su's father.

And at this time.

Su's father has already clicked on the fifth plan.

After a quick glance, Su's father nodded slightly.

He understood why the think tank experts believed that this plan was almost impossible to complete.

Because, in this plan, the most basic prerequisites require seven artificial satellites! !

Moreover, it is the largest, most technologically advanced, and most comprehensive first-line satellite! !

A satellite of this level would cost more than a billion dollars to build!

Even the richest man in the country has no chance to get his hands on this kind of thing!

Because any technology involving first-line satellites is tightly controlled by the big powers!

Let alone more than a billion, even if they spend several billion, they can't buy it at all!

However, Su's father sneered.

"All plans that can be launched will be launched!"

"I want to save my son at all costs!"

"The budget is 100 billion! Buy me all the satellites that can be sold!!!"

After saying this, Father Su hung up the phone.

Those other plans can be left to the people under your command.

As for this solution that requires satellites.

As long as he takes action personally, there is nothing he can do!

At this time, Father Su had already thought of a country in his mind.

A country that dares to sell anything as long as it has money! ! !

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