Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 31: The No. 1 Organization In Beautiful Country, Block 18? !

Chapter 31: The No. 1 organization in the beautiful country, the 18th Street Block? !

New York City, in the 18th neighborhood, in a villa.

"Boss, the FBI said they want us to cooperate in the arrest of Mr. Su!"

A middle-aged man put down the phone and reported to a man with a hooked nose sitting at the front.

As soon as he finished speaking, someone next to him interrupted.

"What? It's been half an hour and the FBI hasn't caught even a single scientist yet??"

This person's tone was extremely exaggerated, causing a burst of laughter!

However, the hook-nosed man sitting at the top did not stop his men from teasing him wantonly.

Obviously, in his heart, he doesn't think highly of the FBI!

"Before, they seemed to have invited all the gangsters from New York City to mobilize! Just like this, they can't even take it? Can't they?"

Another person spoke up, his tone equally mocking.

Then another burst of laughter broke out.

"It seems they really had no choice, so they thought of our 18th neighborhood!"

Another person spoke.

In the living room of this villa, more than a dozen people were standing or sitting.

They were all the senior executives of the 18th Block!

At this time, after learning about the FBI's cooperation request.

But every one of them was extremely unrestrained and kept teasing without restraint!

And if it was someone who really knew the inside story, they would know.

This is not because they are arrogant, but because they really have this status!

Although, the 18th Block also belongs to the category of gang organizations.

However, they are different from all other gangs in New York City!

Those gang organizations all started by relying on illegal means in their early years.

After accumulating a certain amount of capital, each one of them assumed the image of an entrepreneur and tried hard to establish a good relationship with the authorities.

The 18th neighborhood is completely different.

They have no intention of washing their hands at all!

the reason is.

It turns out that they are a secret organization directly controlled by the beautiful country!

What the 18th Block did was also quite simple.

Across the world, selling something is absolutely illegal, but absolutely hugely profitable!

Then, 70% of the proceeds will be handed over to the beautiful country officials!

Of course, all processes must be carried out in the dark.

It is precisely for this reason that Beautiful Country characterized the 18th Street as a gang organization.

Although openly suppressed.

But in fact, the 18th District can report directly to the federal government!

Even within the beautiful country, the authority given to the 18th district is quite high!

Although they have only emerged a few decades ago.

However, in the beautiful country's system, the 18th District is originally on the same level as the FBI!

In fact, on most foreign-related matters, their authority is higher than that of the FBI! !

Because the economic benefits that Block 18 can bring are so great!

Although, the name is the 18th Street.

However, their business scope is not just a small neighborhood in New York City, but covers most of Blue Star!

said with no exaggeration.

Globally, one day's revenue from Block 18 is equivalent to a department's entire year's funding!

In the beautiful country, the importance of capital is undoubtedly the first!

It is precisely for this reason.

The status of the 18th District is quite high, and they have the capital to look down on the FBI!

"Okay, this operation is very important, and we still have to cooperate."

The leader of the 18th District, the hook-nosed man said slowly.

Because of the business they are in.

In the organization, many are not normal people!

Even at the top, this is the same.

Therefore, his management is also quite relaxed, which is completely different from the nervousness of the FBI.

"Now, let's put together the intelligence!"

The hook-nosed man clapped his hands and said.

After hearing the leader's words, other senior officials immediately calmed down.

Then, they began to report one after another.

"The Mr. Su that the FBI wants to arrest is a chip scientist from Daxia."

"Now, it is suspected that unknown forces are behind him, which is giving the FBI a lot of resistance!"

"Previously, the FBI had notified all gangs in New York City to cooperate with the arrest operation. However, these gangs did not fully participate in the arrest. Instead, they kept shirk-passing."

"According to the situation of these small gangs, the strategy they should adopt is to protect themselves wisely and will not disobey the FBI's order. However, now this scene has appeared!"

"The underlying reason here is that the 'Godfather' came to New Testament City!"

"Looking at the other party's attitude, they probably want to keep Mr. Su!"

Several senior executives completed their reports.


Hearing this term appear, the hook-nosed man laughed evilly.

"If I remember correctly, their family was already a leading gang before the 18th District was established, right?"

"Their family has been the leader of the beautiful country's underground world for too long."

"I was worried that I wouldn't have a chance, but then I delivered it to my door? It's just in time for a big reshuffle!"

"I think it's time to change this seat! If it were me, it would be great!"

The hook-nosed man muttered to himself.

And hear his words.

The oldest one-eyed old man present frowned.

"Boss, with our current strength, it is too early to challenge the 'Godfather'!"

He is the second-in-command in the 18th District and the top brain trust of the entire organization.

Now, the number two figure directly expressed his concern!

The man with the hooked nose let out a cold snort.

"One-eye, you are too old and your brain cannot bend."

"You were right many times before, but it's different now!"

"Behind the 18th Street, there is the official of the Beautiful Country! No matter how powerful his godfather is, can he fight against the entire Beautiful Country?"

After saying this, the hook-nosed man looked stern.

"Send the order, everyone is dispatched and fully cooperate with the FBI's arrest operation!"

And not just the 18th Street.

At this moment, all departments and organizations in New York City were activated!

The FBI alone dispatched more than tens of thousands of agents!

The patrol bureau has even more manpower, a full 50,000!

As the special force of the patrol bureau, there are also 5,000 people dispatched!

And, the 18th block is also full of people!

Plus other manpower transferred by temporary orders...

More than 100,000 people were dispatched at the same time, forming an airtight net with Su Yan's position as the center, surrounding him from all directions!

at FBI headquarters.

The FBI director sneered.

Under this disparity in power, all possibility of failure has been eliminated!

This encirclement he created with his own hands is definitely not something that Mr. Su can compete with!

According to the current situation.

This operation will not take twenty-four hours at all.

Within an hour, he can capture Mr. Su! !

And not far from him.

Tom, the deputy director of the FBI, put his hand in his pocket, compiled all the plans into a message, and sent it quietly!

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