Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 36: Beautiful Country Can’T Hide It Anymore!

Chapter 36: Beautiful Country can’t hide it any more!

In New York City in the beautiful country, news of the Marine Corps' advance was spread back to Daxia.

In the first moment, it caused an uproar!

As the flagship force of the beautiful country, the Marine Corps actually makes a lot of appearances in daily life.

If it appeared normally, it would never attract so much attention.

However, it is completely different now!

Just half an hour ago, all communications about New York City were suddenly interrupted, as if the city had completely disappeared on the blue star!

Now, although a small part of the communication has been restored.

However, there was news that the Marine Corps was moving in!

Everyone who gets the news.

I can't help but connect these two things together.

“What the hell happened in New Testament City??”

Everyone can't help but be curious!

And the major media outlets refused to let go of this opportunity!

They had already concluded when New York City lost contact.

Such a big thing must be the headline news during the day!

And now, there is news about the Marine Corps, adding another layer to this matter!

All media and newspapers are fully mobilizing their own resources and frantically looking for clues!

But now, finding clues is countless times easier than before!

Because now, New York City’s communications are no longer as unresponsive as before!

Although only a small part of the communication was restored.

However, this small part is enough for them to get the first scene information!

All major media outlets are desperately trying to contact New York City.

Each of them has dispatched reporters in New York City, so they can get first-hand information!

And on the Daxia network.

The popularity of this matter continues to ferment.

Everyone couldn't help but be curious.

You know, New York City is one of the top three megacities in the beautiful country, and it is undoubtedly the economic center!

What happened there to cause such a big commotion that even the army was dispatched? ?

"Is it an alien attack? Or something?"

"The Marine Corps has been dispatched. Is it to suppress something?"

"Then the previous disconnection of the Internet in New York City was man-made??"

"Is it possible that civil strife broke out in the beautiful country??"

Countless speculations have emerged.

And after just a short while.

In the major media in Daxia, there have been major gains!

Their reporters in New York City dug up some absolutely breaking news!

The big commotion in New York City was actually an FBI operation!

However, the scope of this operation was extremely wide, and not only the FBI was involved!

The FBI, the Patrol Bureau, and the Secret Service have all been mobilized!

Even the Marine Corps entered New York City because of this operation!

The reason why we discovered this information is not because these media reporters are really knowledgeable.

Mainly, there is so much chaos in New Testament City right now!

Car accidents and fires happen almost everywhere!

In this chaotic situation, all civilians who have nothing to do with the matter are rushing home to take refuge as quickly as possible!

And almost everyone else on the street is a participant!

Except for the official personnel of the FBI and the Patrol Bureau.

There were also many gang members in plain clothes, but also armed!

And what surprised many media reporters.

They only paid a few hundred yuan for information, and the other party revealed all the information they knew!

Even the names of the action targets were directly exposed!

Originally, many reporters could not believe that the information came so easily!

However, after checking the information, I found that almost every piece of information was similar!

As a gang member, it is impossible for the other party to specifically talk about this matter.

And combined with the clues they found in other ways, the direction of inference is exactly the same!

In other words, this information is true!

The beautiful country went to such great lengths to fight just to arrest one person!

Moreover, he is from Daxia! !

This news was quickly spread back to Daxia by various reporters.

The major media outlets in Daxia immediately realized the gravity of this information!

Then, a headline was jointly published!

An ordinary name suddenly appeared in the public eye!

Su Yan!

His identity is unremarkable, he is just a young scientist.

However, reports from several major media revealed this.

There was such a big commotion in New York City because they were chasing him alone! !

As soon as this report was published, it immediately caused a huge earthquake on the Daxia Internet!

In just a few minutes, the discussion has exceeded one billion!

The name Su Yan has dominated all the hot searches!


#大夏国Su Yan#

#Who is Su Yan? #

# Su Yanscientist#


#FBI arrestSu Yan#

And under the discussion, one hypothesis after another was put forward!

And Su Yan's identity as a scientist has triggered a lot of speculation!

"The beautiful country wants to arrest Su Yan, what is it for??"

"In the past, even among the most wanted criminals in the world, I never saw them willing to pay such a high price!"

"Could the reason for this have something to do with Daxia?"

"Could it be said that Su Yan developed a certain scientific research result and was targeted by the beautiful country??"

even though.

The incident happened far away in the beautiful country, and none of them knew the truth.

However, the discussion is getting more and more heated!

Beautiful Country can no longer hide this action! !

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