June 7th, 9pm.

I was coding at home, and I was coding very vigorously. Suddenly, a friend request appeared on VX.

I clicked on it and found that the other person was very familiar. I clicked on the other person's profile picture and immediately knew who it was.

My goddess and former crush.

One thing to say, when I saw the goddess taking the initiative to add me as a friend, my first reaction was a bit confused.

I was asked to be a friend on Double Eleven, and I thought I was finally going to be single.

Because this goddess has always been my favorite.

But when I was young, I had very low self-esteem. First of all, although my family background was pretty good, my family never spoiled their children. When I was in high school, even my goddess used a smartphone, and I still had a second-hand Nokia.

In addition, when I was young, I didn’t know how to dress myself up.

After I graduated, I worked up the courage to confess my love, but all I got was, "Are you crazy?"

For a moment, I felt heartbroken, uncomfortable, and in tears.

In the blink of an eye, five or six years later, I occasionally dreamed about this goddess in my dreams. Sometimes when I was alone, I would occasionally think of her.

Calling it love is a bit hypocritical, after all, we never talked about it.

It's not love, I don't know how to describe it.

So the goddess added me as a friend, and I was confused on the spot.

The application notes are also [Are you xxx? 】

After thinking for a while, I chose to go through friends. Looking at the conversation bar, I really didn’t know what to say for a while.

I clicked on her circle of friends. She is still so beautiful. She is 1.7 meters tall, has long legs, long black hair, very delicate facial features, and a great figure. To be honest, her appearance can at least be beaten. Ninety-nine points, the kind that has a high rate of turning heads when walking on the road.

However, the goddess took the initiative to send a message at this time.

【Are you xxx? 】

After seeing the message, I immediately replied


After replying to the message, my mind was a little blank. I was nervous and a little overwhelmed.

And the other party immediately replied.

【Do you know who I am? 】

This is a bit of a clichéd opening. If it were someone else, I would probably delete my friends directly. It’s 2020 and I’m still doing this.

But facing the goddess, my answer was even more cliched.

【Is it xxx? 】

What followed was an awkward chat.

While chatting, suddenly, the goddess sent a message.

[I heard from xx in the class that you seem to be doing quite well recently]

Hearing this, I was a little puzzled, but suddenly, I vaguely felt that something was wrong.

But perhaps because of the inferiority complex faced by the goddess, my little bit of vanity still cannot be concealed.

[Well, it’s not bad, let’s just eat together]

Then there was another awkward chat, the content of which was nothing more than, this is also called just having a good time, what's wrong with you, and I heard that I want to buy a house and a car, I didn't expect that you are doing so well in our class.

After an awkward chat.

Until eleven o'clock, I felt that it was too boring, so I might as well write down the words carefully and add a few more updates to repay the handsome readers.

So I just said, I still have something to do.

The goddess replied.

[Oh, don’t you like chatting with me? Or am I annoying you too much? 】

What followed was another round of explanations and awkward chatting.

Until the goddess said something.

[I remember when you were in school, you seemed to like me, right? 】

When this problem arises.

I fell silent.

Brain freezes.

I don’t understand what the other person meant when he suddenly said this.

But I still answered.

[Yes, I will really like you when I go to school]

The goddess replied [Oh? You mean, you don’t like it now? 】

As soon as I said this, I was stunned.

He seemed a little panicked and offered various explanations.

Finally, there was another awkward chat.

After the awkward chat, it lasted until one o'clock in the morning. Maybe she was going to bed, so I stopped talking and started typing.

By noon the next day.

The goddess sent another message asking me if I had eaten.

I simply replied that I just woke up.

Suddenly, the goddess said which restaurant was pretty good. Would you like to meet old classmates and have a meal?

At this moment, I felt like happiness came too suddenly.

I was very excited and replied "yes" without thinking.

So we made an appointment, and in the evening we came to a restaurant.

I dressed formally and even had my hair done.

Arrive at the restaurant half an hour early.

Soon, the goddess came, wearing a white one-piece dress. When she walked in, most of the men who came to eat looked at her.

Still radiant, still a goddess-like existence.

I'm worried!

I was also a little nervous.

Even I have some regrets.

This feeling and taste are so uncomfortable.

But soon, after she smiled gently, sat across from me, and said hello to me, I felt a little better and wasn't so nervous.

During the meal, the goddess picked up the dishes for me and even wiped the oil from the corners of my mouth with great care.

I was really confused, really really confused.

I feel a little too dreamy.

After eating and chatting for a while, the goddess finally revealed her purpose for finding me.

Borrow money!

That’s right!

Just borrow money!

And it's a loan of 10,000.

I was surprised.

But after the surprise, I felt relieved.

Yes, the goddess suddenly came to look for me, what could it be?

Closer to reality is borrowing money.

She was a little tactful and a little embarrassed.

[I encountered something recently. I want to ask you to borrow some money to turn around. I wonder if you can help me]

When she said this.

My heart went cold.

Also feel sad.

I was silent and didn't speak. The previous illusions and the previous beauty were all shattered.

Seeing that I didn't speak, she couldn't help but lower her head slightly, and then said in a mosquito voice.

[I know you are a little unhappy when I ask you to borrow money like this, but I really encountered something very important]

[If you are willing to lend it to me, I can agree to it]

After saying this, I was stunned.

Don't understand what this sentence means.

[What do you mean, you can agree to it? 】

[Anyone who calls me tm can agree to this? ? 】

I asked subconsciously, but after asking, I felt a little inappropriate.

And she didn't continue talking.

In an instant, I understood what she meant.

At this moment, I don’t know why, but I feel an indescribable feeling of disgust.

A deep sense of disgust.

It’s also very uncomfortable, really uncomfortable.

The goddess in my heart never expected to lose to reality in the end.

It's very sarcastic and bloody.

We were silent for a long, long time.

Finally I broke the silence.

[What do you want to borrow money for? 】

I ask her.

But before she could answer, I continued speaking.

[If your father is seriously ill or something, don’t say anything. I looked at your Moments and your parents are very good]

[Also, don’t talk about meeting a scumbag, I won’t believe it either]

Maybe I was a little angry, my tone was a little harsh.

The goddess was silent.

Finally she sighed and looked at me with her beautiful eyes, full of nervousness.

[You may not believe it. After I graduated from high school, I went to college. Because I was too good-looking, I was ostracized by many people. Now that I have a job, my boss harasses me, female colleagues exclude me, and male colleagues also Everyone is slandering me behind my back]

[I feel depressed, uncomfortable, and tortured every day. I even thought about...]

[But when I was most confused and uncomfortable, I became obsessed with online novels, especially a book called "Census, I was exposed for studying nuclear fusion." I really like reading this book]

[This book brought me joy. This book also helped me regain my confidence and found the courage and confidence to survive. 】

[I am very grateful to the author of this book. The author of this book worked hard to update more than 100,000 words of free chapters in six days. This is the fastest in Feilu, and each chapter is almost 3,000 words. Left and right, refuse to be short and weak. 】

[But the results that were originally very good have dropped a lot, and the data has not increased in recent days. The author said that he was miserable and could no longer hold on]

[I think he is very pitiful. I really, really, really want to give him a reward, but I have no money, but I don’t want the author to give up. I want him to work hard to create]

[This author is called Tian 1345. The characters he writes are flesh and blood. The stories he writes make me understand what life is.]

[He will be on the shelves soon. I really have no choice, so I came to you. Can you lend me ten thousand! I will definitely return it to you in the future】

The goddess spoke.

It was just her talking.

I cried.

I cried.

I cried like a fool.

My tears couldn't stop falling.

The goddess was a little surprised.

She asked me why I was crying.

I didn't answer, but took out my bank card, put it on the table, and spoke slowly.

[Password is your birthday]

I left.

Crying as I walked.

Brothers, are you crying?

Hit the public screen with tears!

Still looking at it, let out a squeak! ! ! !

It will be on the shelves at 12 noon tomorrow.

Please subscribe on the first day!

Very important! !

If you all want to gain weight, support an initial subscription first, and then you can gain weight! !

Brothers who have already invested, please subscribe to support, otherwise you will lose all your money! !

Wow, this story is so well written.

I really want to cry!

Please make an initial reservation.

Such a touching story.

Without full subscription support, would it still be just Wangyiyun?


I don’t dare to say who the author is, but 30,000 words is the minimum!

It will be available at twelve o'clock tonight!

I will continue coding now, and then send out all the words at twelve o'clock tonight!

The author tries to update as many chapters as possible on the basis of ensuring quality, and ensures that every chapter will be written with care!

This is my solemn guarantee! ! !

Let me say the important thing again. At twelve o'clock tonight, I beg you to be the first to order! !

Thank you guys! ! ! Thank you! !

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