Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 40: A Nationwide Moment Of Silence In A Desperate Situation? The End Of Science Is Coming! !

Chapter 40: In a desperate situation, the whole country observes silence? The end of science is coming!!!

"Is there any way I can help Su Yan?"

"Can we report it to Daxia? Can Daxia take action?"

"It's probably too late! This happened too suddenly!"

on Daxia’s social media.

Hundreds of millions of netizens are discussing it non-stop.

After seeing the previous report.

They were already filled with indignation.

However, what is before them now is more than just that report.

There is also a live broadcast channel!

in that live channel.

Su Yan drove Wuling Hongguang and fought desperately in New York City.

However, the FBI and Marine Corps he faced were surrounding him like a tide!

Although, from Su Yan's first perspective, she was still running away desperately.

However, all Daxia netizens in the live broadcast channel couldn't bear to watch it!

They saw it with grief and anger.

Judging from aerial images.

The encirclement of Beautiful Country has been formed!

even though.

It's still a little loose now.

However, there is no breakthrough at all!

at this time.

Take Su Yan as the center of the circle.

Radiate outward.

Every neighborhood.

Every street.

Every intersection.

All have been blocked by the FBI and Marines!

From the perspective of viewers watching the live broadcast from God's perspective.

The encirclement has been formed and there is no way out!


Due to the obstruction of buildings and views.

Su Yan, who was at the scene, could not see the entirety of the opponent's encirclement!


In the live broadcast perspective.

All the audiences in Daxia Kingdom.

I can only look at Su Yan in the picture with sorrow and indignation, driving the Wuling Hongguang, constantly turning and speeding, looking for possible escape routes!


The siege he faced.

They are all heavy troop transport trucks, multi-purpose infantry vehicles, and even tanks!

In contrast to this disparity in power.

Wuling Hongguang by Su Yan.

Just like a leaf in a big lake, it looks extremely thin!

"Beautiful country, it's so abominable! Don't they know it will be broadcast live around the world??"

"You bully our scientists so confidently??"

"Can Daxia send troops to rescue Su Yan immediately!!!"

In the live broadcast channel, countless netizens were sad and angry. 05However, they can't do anything!

Half a blue star apart, they can only accuse the beautiful country of its shameless behavior!

Although among them, there are many people who are very extreme and want Daxia to take action directly.

Apply pressure from the perspective of the international community to protect this.


More people understand.

This road simply doesn’t work!

I'm afraid that even if Daxia comes forward, Beautiful Country can't be stopped directly!

After all, Su Qi's identity is now exposed.

All the people of Daxia also understood what he had in his hands.

1nm level chip technology!

Although, most people are not engaged in this industry.

They don't even have a concept of 1-nanometer level chip technology.

However, now more than half of the people in Daxia are gathered in the live broadcast room.

Soon, someone quickly carried out popular science!

And his long articles on popular science are also being copied and forwarded constantly, allowing more and more people to see them.

In fact, there is nothing special in the long article.

It just explains the concept of this chip technology.


Netizens after watching it.

Then I understood it all at once!

"It turns out that this chip technology is so important!!"

"No wonder the beautiful country wants to arrest Su Yan even if she doesn't want her face!"

"Humph, they have been suppressing our technology!"

"My husband works in the IT industry and is an engineer working there. He has to sign a confidentiality agreement and be desensitized for five years before he can return to China!"

"What? Five years of desensitization?? This is too long!"

"Yes! In five years, the original technology will be obsolete!"

"Yes, and you are not allowed to work in the IT industry during these five years!"

"This is just a ploy of the beautiful country!"

"Their purpose is to keep all the high technology and not leak it to us at all!"

"Especially the chip industry! Our domestic technology lags behind by decades!"

Under popular science.

More and more people are becoming aware of the concept of chips.

And after understanding this.

They discovered more and more.

What Su Yan is doing is so great!

And how important this matter is to Daxia!

To know.

Now, Daxia's chip technology is decades behind!

This is not to say that Daxia’s scientists are inferior to their counterparts.

Rather, it has not yet been a hundred years since Daxia truly stood up!

And technology can’t be improved just by improving it!

Not only does it take people, but it also takes time!

And it takes an average of twenty years for a scientist to grow up!

Then, they can truly conduct high-precision research!

By the time we can make technological breakthroughs, we are already in our fifties and sixties!

It is precisely because of this comparison.

Only then did all the people of Daxia find out.

How valuable is Su Yan’s scientific research?

We don’t need to mention chip technology at the 1-nanometer level.

The most important thing is that he is only 24 years old!!!

At only 24 years old, he has already made such brilliant scientific research results!

To know.

Many experts in the industry predict that the chip limit is only 1.5 nanometers to 2 nanometers!

And Su Yan directly broke through this prediction limit!

And, only 24 years old!

For a moment.

All the people understood it.

Why did Meiliguo go to such great lengths to capture Su Yan!

If such a character returned to Daxia.

I’m afraid it will drive the development of the entire technology!

"Are they already trying to find out? They are not hiding it at all!"

"This is broadcast live around the world! Don't you care about the international impact??"

"Is there any way I can help Su Yan? Think about it quickly!"

at this point.

All Daxia netizens watching the live broadcast.

My emotions are very complicated.

On the one hand, there is atmosphere!

The beautiful country is so shameless, using its identity as a country to put pressure on a person!

On the other hand, they are also feeling sad for Su Yan!

Although, in the picture.

Su Yan never gave up and was still trying desperately to break out.

However, from an aerial perspective.

Every audience member can see it clearly!

The opponent's encirclement has been formed, and it is simply suffocating!


What Su Yan faced was almost desperate!

As the circle shrinks.

It’s only a matter of time before Su Yan falls into the opponent’s hands!

Moreover, this time will not be long!

The longest one is only five minutes!

After five minutes at most.

Su Yan's Wuling Hongguang is about to be surrounded and captured by the densely packed Marine Corps!

at this time.

In the live broadcast room.

The atmosphere is quite gloomy.

Except for some people who are still filled with indignation and accusing the beautiful country of its shameless behavior.

But more people lowered their hands.

Their eyes were confused and they stared blankly at the live broadcast in front of them!

Facing this circumstances.

They really don’t know what to do to save Su Yan!

Regardless of time.

Or the location.

It’s still a matter of strength comparison between the two sides.

For Su Yan, everything is too bad!

Even if Daxia Kingdom takes action, it will be too late to arrive!

An atmosphere of despair began to spread in the live broadcast channel.

More and more people stopped talking.

Because, they found out.

No matter what kind of flash of inspiration.

Come up with something.

They are not enough to cope with the current situation!


Every Daxia netizen who was watching the live broadcast felt uneasy.

However, it seems that there is no room for this matter!

After a maximum of five minutes.

Su Yan is about to fall into the hands of Meili Guo!

"Wait! There is still a turning point!"

At this time, someone suddenly stood up and spoke.



"What's the turning point??"

I saw someone speaking.

Many netizens were slightly excited and asked quickly.

in their hearts.

I still hope that Su Yan can escape!

"Look, Su Yan didn't mean to run away!"

"He is also making some arrangements to attract the enemy's attention!"

"Although I don't know how he did it..."

"But, maybe there is still hope!!"

Inside the live broadcast channel.

Someone typed a speech quickly.

And under the reminder of these people.

More netizens also discovered this immediately!

Su Yan is not running away blindly!

He is purposefully creating accidents and striving for an upgrade for himself!

Many netizens’ eyes suddenly lit up!

Two and a half minutes ago.

Su Yan suddenly got out of the car and ran into a parking lot.

However, he came back too fast, taking less than 30 seconds in total.

At that time, people watching the live broadcast thought he was going to get some supplies.


After someone reminds me.

But these netizens remembered it one by one!

"Wait! I just saw it, right after Su Yan left..."

"In about three minutes, the parking lot burst into flames!"

someone said.

Although most eyes are following Su Yan's Wuling Hongguang.

Not paying attention to the parking lot he passed.


Now, there are too many people in the live broadcast channel!

Someone still noticed the fire in the parking lot!

Immediately, they announced this fact!

And under this information delivery.

More and more netizens.

I suddenly understood.

Su Yan stops from time to time, why!

He is creating obstacles and trying to draw the enemy's attention!

"Maybe...can it really happen?"

In the hearts of many viewers, hope was rekindled.


This fire of hope was extinguished immediately before it lasted even half a minute!

Because the opponent's troops are too many!

Even if a thousand people are separated.

The remaining round-up teams have not decreased at all!

Surrounded by Marines.

It’s still shrinking!

And the methods Su Yan used.

Although it is effective.

However, the effect is too small!!

Even at the end.

in the live channel.

All viewers see.

Su Yan doesn’t know what method was used.

It directly destroyed an unfinished building!

The ten-story building collapsed!


None of this can hinder the other party!

On the ruins, the Marine Corps tanks directly ran over it!

The encirclement of Beautiful Country is still shrinking!!

See this scene.

Everyone in Daxia Kingdom is watching the live broadcast.

Everything is unbearable.

at this moment.

In the live broadcast channel, few people were typing to speak.

Everyone felt a sad feeling in their hearts.

Although, they can see the live broadcast.

However, there is nothing they can do!

Everyone can only watch helplessly.

in the live channel.

Half a blue star away.

That circle of Marines.

It keeps shrinking, getting smaller and smaller!

And now.

Su Yan has no way to escape!

The other party discovered Su Yan's traces.

The tank actually opened fire, directly destroying half of the building, causing rubble to fall, and directly blocking the road!

In the face of such a huge power gap.

No matter what, it seems too weak!

And in the end.

The encirclement has shrunk to an extremely small level.

at this time.

Watch from the aerial view of the live channel.

The screen was filled with Marine Corps soldiers and vehicles.

In the center of the encirclement, there is a lone Wuling Hongguang!

Although, Su Yan did not give up at the last moment.

But now, he can only stop where he is.

All his tires have been blocked!

at this moment.

All the people in Daxia felt a sense of sadness for no reason.

There is truly no way to heaven and no way to earth!

Many people even closed the live broadcast channel directly.

I can’t bear to read any more!

They couldn't even imagine it.

Such a scientist.

What will happen if it falls into the hands of the enemy?

And at this time.

In the city of New Testament, the king was besieged heavily.

The director of the FBI and the commander of the Marine Corps are all here.

More special team members have already dismounted their vehicles and are slowly approaching with firearms in hand.

Their target, Mr. Su, is in the Wuling Hongguang in the center of the encirclement!

Now, their people have surrounded them on three levels inside and three outside.

The other party's tires had also been blown out.

This Mr. Su can no longer resist.

"Mr. Su, on behalf of the Beautiful Country, I would like to formally extend an appointment invitation to you!"

The FBI director held up a loudspeaker and shouted loudly.

"As long as you work for us, you can immediately become a beautiful citizen, and you will get an annual salary of 30 million!"

"In addition, we promise that for all products involving your chip technology, you can get a first-class share of the total sales!"

The FBI director continues to offer temptations to persuade him to surrender.

Although this Mr.Su has already had a hard time flying.

However, if he can be allowed to surrender voluntarily and work for the beautiful country.

For him, it is also a credit!

And these words of the FBI director.

Listen to the Daxia netizens in the live broadcast room.

But it's like killing people and killing people!

Many people are depressed and angry.

This beautiful country can be so shameless!

The army has been dispatched to surround it.

At the end, they are still talking about invitations to hire!!

And at this time.

On the streets of New York City.

Su Yan opened the car door and walked out.

And opposite him.

There are dark muzzles and densely packed enemies!


This is the first time Su Yan has encountered such a scene in his life.

However, his expression was not too panicked.

And the FBI director opposite.

Seeing Su Yan get out of the car, he raised his voice even more and kept trying to persuade him to surrender!

Big benefits were promised from his mouth.

However, Su Yan didn't care.

He raised his head slightly and looked at the clouds in the sky.

His eyes are getting brighter and brighter!

Then, he opened his mouth as if he was saying something.

However, the surroundings were too noisy and I couldn’t hear the sound at all!

I saw Su Yan talking.

The FBI director waved his hand.

In an instant, the surroundings became silent!

And Su Yan’s voice.

Just echoing in this silence!

"Today, the end of science has come!!"

"Oh, Su Yan, I'm no longer a human being!"

"This is...God's moment!"

ps: I beg for an automatic subscription and a reward. If there is one, the author will continue to publish 30,000 words tomorrow!!!!!

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