Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 47 Escape? Su Yan’S Amazing Moves! Contact Su’S Father!

Chapter 47: Escape? The plan failed! Su Yan’s tricks! Contact Su’s father!

When Su Yan was curious about what his father was hiding.

The Blackwater security personnel who entered the building came to Su Yan and explained and confirmed it to Su Yan again.

After some confirmation, Su Yan became even more surprised.

Even his assistant Xiao Lu felt incredible.

He never expected that Su Yan's father could mobilize such a huge Lihuang.

What kind of person is capable of doing this?

But having said that, with such a huge force to help, at least they wouldn't be as embarrassed as when they didn't know what to do before.

"Master Su, time is pressing. Let's escort you to the private airport."

At this time, a security guard from Blackwater Security Company looked at Su Yan and said with concern.

In this regard, Su Yan didn't hesitate much, nodded and said: "Then I'll leave it to you.


Many members of the Blackwater Security Company did not waste any time.

On the surface they are security personnel, but in fact they are mercenaries.

At this moment, out of professional qualities and habits, they guarded Su Yan and escorted Su Yan in the most professional way.

Su Yan, under the covert escort of Blackwater Security Company personnel, left the building with his assistant Xiao Lu.

After leaving the building, they got into the vehicle prepared by Blackwater Security Company and quickly headed towards the private airport!

at the same time.

Other Blackwater mercenaries from various parties throughout New York City also received the news that Su Yan had been successfully recruited.

They all acted more energetically, escorting Su Yan's escape and resisting various hidden dangers.

in the car.

Su Yan was talking to the security personnel of Blackwater.

"So, my father acquired your company, and your company is now part of my family property?"

"Yes, Master Su, we are all members of your family now, but because your father is quite hidden, we don't know more specific information.

As the security personnel of Blackwater finished speaking.

Su Yan was also more curious about what his father had hidden from him.

However, he will arrive at the private airport soon.

At that time, he can go to the National Embassy and then return to the country smoothly with the help of the National Embassy.

Therefore, Su Yan did not ask more questions from the people in Heishui, and planned to ask his father in detail after returning to China. 780

But this time.

In the car, the leading Blackwater security guard said: "Master Su, if you are willing, we can contact your father now and let you talk to him.

"Can I contact my father?"

Hearing this, Su Yan couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Now that the mobile phone signal is out of contact, and all means of contact are through satellite signals, he will definitely not be able to contact his father.

But it would definitely be best if he could contact his father.

Maybe he can do more things based on his father's current strength.

For this reason, Su Yan also agreed on the spot: "Then please help me connect to Dad."

"Okay, Master, I will contact you right now."

At this moment, the leading security personnel did not hesitate.

Immediately start listening to the signal line on the satellite side.

Help Su Yan contact Su's father.

Prior to this, Su's father gave Blackwater Security Company some satellite call calling rights.

And Heishui also greeted them in advance.

So now, as long as we contact each other, it is easy to get through to the other party.


It was at this time.

Boom boom boom!!!

Suddenly, there was a huge explosion not far ahead!

The staff of the Blackwater Security Company couldn't help but be surprised when they heard this.

Su Yan also frowned at this time.

Because he noticed that the direction of the sound was coming from his private airport!

Then, combine the speed of sound propagation with the current distance from the private airport.

Su Yan unexpectedly discovered that the direction of the explosion sound was the direction of his private airport!

At the same time, the Blackwater security personnel also immediately received the report from the Logistics Intelligence Department.

"Reporting to Blackwater, after satellite survey, the private airport that Master Su Yan was going to has been destroyed by missiles. It has been razed to the ground. "There is no point in continuing to move forward!"

When the news from the Intelligence Department came.

The faces of the Blackwater security personnel in the car suddenly turned pale.

Unexpectedly, he finally arrived at the private airport and protected Master Su Yan from leaving.

As a result, the private airport was blown up by missiles?!

If the private airport is bombed.

Then Master Su Yan's escape may be more complicated than all previous situations!

Everything you did before was in vain!

"Immediately change direction and drive somewhere else. The FBI and Marine Corps may have locked our direction!"

At this moment, a security guard in the car gave an urgent order.


The security officer driving in front also immediately accepted the order and turned around and drove in another direction.

"Don't worry, young master, we will definitely deliver you to Daxia safely."

Seemingly worried about Su Yan's emotional instability, the security personnel in charge comforted Su Yan.

"It's nothing, I'll think of other ways."

Su Yan smiled and couldn't help but sigh.

Although his mood didn't fluctuate much.

But he also felt very sorry.

After all, we were about to arrive at the private airport, and the beautiful country bombed it.

If it weren't for the protection of Blackwater Company, he might really be in despair now.

Of course, even with the protection of Black Water, he still couldn't think of a better way to escape for a while.

After all, his previous actions were all based on going to a private airport!

And luckily.

At this moment, under the connection from Heishui.

Su Yan finally contacted the person he had been away from for a long time, but who he called not long ago - his father!

"Hey, Dad, I might not be able to escape now."

After answering the phone, Su Yan didn't waste any precious time, didn't ask any gossip, and spoke immediately.

"Well, I already understand the situation on your side, and I'm still thinking of a solution."

On the other side of the phone, Su's father's voice was also extra heavy compared to before.

Facing the life problems encountered by his own son, he is now more anxious than anyone else.

"Dad, can you tell me what forces you have mobilized for me before? I want to know how powerful the forces behind me are."

Su Yan asked on the phone.

He now urgently needs to know the power and resources in his father's hands.

Only in this way can he make use of the power resources in his father's hands.

Combine with the help of others to think of more complex countermeasures.

After all, he had the idea before.

Now with the help of Heishui, if there are other people to help, it will undoubtedly be more convenient for him to think of countermeasures.

And Su's father, facing his son's inquiry, had no intention of hiding anything anymore.

At the moment, he told Su Yan all the resources he had mobilized.

Including how to mobilize drones, how to mobilize hackers, how to mobilize satellites, etc.

Let Su Yan understand what the current reliable manpower is.

As for the issue of identity, he did not say anything, and planned to wait for his son to return in detail.

"Dad, do you call our family an ordinary rich second-generation family?"

When Su Yan heard what her father said, she was shocked again and couldn't help but complain.

He remembered that his father had always told him that their family was just an ordinary wealthy family in the capital, nothing special.

But it is so ordinary that it can mobilize the world's top satellites, buy the world's top hackers, and fully acquire the DJI drone company?!

What the hell, if it were an ordinary wealthy family, then it would be called a ghost!

Su Yan is becoming more and more unpredictable about her mysterious father.

But at the moment, he doesn't care about his father's arrogance (affj).

But find a way to escape!

The private airport is gone, and escaping is now many times more difficult than before.

You must seize the time and think of new ways to escape!

Fortunately, after Dad finished talking about the resources he was currently mobilizing.

Su Yan has also thought of a new countermeasure!

Before, he had no backup, so he was running away desperately.

And now.

Since it has been broadcast live globally.

Then why is he so cowardly?

If you want to do it, do something big!

"Am I still broadcasting live globally via satellite?"

At this time, Yinyan asked the Blackwater security personnel beside him.

"Master Su, because of your escape, any part that involves your safety and confidentiality can only be seen by some of the think tank experts who make decisions for you. Ordinary people cannot see it. Their live broadcast has been cut off. It’s somewhere else.”

Hearing the answer from the Heishui security personnel, Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction.

Then he said to his father on the phone: "Dad, do I have the power to mobilize your people? I want to call the hacker who was previously called 'God'.

On the other side of the phone, Su's father didn't know what Su Yan was thinking, but he would definitely not reject Su Yan. He immediately agreed: "Yes, you can mobilize all the resources under my command, just don't be too messy.

"Okay, dad, then connect my walkie-talkie to your highest authority. I need to mobilize some resources, so I will hang up now. I will contact you if anything happens.

"You kid, you have to make me feel at ease."

After hearing what Su Yan said, Su's father knew that his son had another bad idea.

But time was tight now, so he didn't ask any more questions.

After hanging up the phone, he immediately released his authority to Su Yan.

Let Su Yan also mobilize the manpower resources under him.

If other manpower resources are needed, he can continue to mobilize them.

For no other reason than to escort my son back home safely!


When Su Yan hung up the satellite communication phone.

Su's father also immediately opened the highest authority to him.

After all, it is something that the Blackwater people often use to communicate. At this time, the satellite phone in Su Yan's hand is also relatively smart.

With the change and opening of permissions, the current satellite smart phone has become Su Yan's own thing.

Immediately, Su Yan did not hesitate and immediately contacted the previous hacker who was known as the "god".

"Hello, Master."

The hacker "god" speaks in a neutral voice, with no discernible gender, giving people a very mysterious feeling.

But his attitude towards Su Yan was extremely sincere and respectful, as if he was facing his benefactor.

"Can you help me hack into the Marine Corps network?"

"Reporting to the young master, the invasion has been successful and we are always waiting for your orders.

"Has the invasion been successful? Then...help me select some Marines. They need to be the Marines participating in the encirclement and suppression of me this time. Their body type and other characteristics should be close to mine, preferably Asians."

"Okay, young master, I will screen you now..."

"We have found marines who meet the conditions you mentioned. There are three in total. Which one do you want?"

The words fell.

Su Yan immediately saw that a person's information details were sent to his satellite smart phone.

All were Marines involved in the arrest.

The body shape is similar to him, and they are also Asian.

Faced with the information of these three people.

Su Yan observed it carefully.

The first person is the squad leader of the Marine Corps. He usually has more contact with other people in the Marine Corps.

The second person, very ordinary, is injured now and is going to receive treatment from medical staff.

The third person attracted Su Yan's attention more.

That person is relatively ordinary, and he is still in New York City, and they are searching for him.

What worries Su Yan is that that person is usually withdrawn and rarely interacts with other people.

And his companions don't like him very much, and rarely interact with him.

Su Yan couldn't help but feel happy.

Just what he wanted!

"Can you help me locate that person's location information?"

At this time, Su Yan asked the hacker again.

"Master, we have locked his location and will send it to you now."

Hackers known as "gods" are indeed very efficient.

After he finished speaking, he directly sent the location of the Marine to Su Yan.

Su Yan noticed that it seemed to be quite close to his current location.

"Then please, please change all his identity verification information, such as fingerprints and irises, to mine, and I will replace the Marine.

"In addition, the information collected by the FBI and Marine Corps was also modified so that they received incorrect identity verification information.

"Can the above be done as soon as possible?"

As Su Yan finished speaking.

The hacker "god" almost didn't pause at all, and answered firmly on the spot: "Report to Master Su, it can be done. Do you need me to take action now?"

Su Yan thought for a moment and said: "Don't use it for now. You will listen to my orders later. Hang up now."

"Okay, Master, I will wait for your instructions."

After saying that, Su Yan and the hacker hung up the phone.

In the car, several Blackwater security personnel couldn't help but feel a little surprised when they looked at Su Yan.

"Master Su, what are you planning to do..."

The leading Blackwater personnel looked at Su Yan and asked with some confusion.

Although he was confused, he vaguely guessed Su Ji's plan.

Su Yan, on the other hand, did not shy away from this. He smiled and said, "Just as you think, I am going to sneak into the Marine Corps."

As soon as these words came out.

Suddenly, the Blackwater personnel in the car opened their eyes in surprise.

I feel very unbelievable!.

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