Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 58: Beautiful Country Is Dumbfounded! Su Yan Is Not Dead? ! Still In Beautiful Country! ! !

Chapter 58 The beautiful country is dumbfounded! Su Yan is not dead?! Still in the beautiful country!!!

"What exactly is going on? Why did Daxia suddenly start mass production of chips?"

"Is it because Mr. Su passed the top-notch nanochip technology back to Daxia that Daxia is now mass-producing chips and preparing to deal with us?"

"Judging from all the evidence discovered so far, Daxia seems to have really mastered top-level nanochip technology, and it is still in mass production!"

"What is going on? Hasn't Mr. Su's defection plan been smashed by us? Even if Mr. Su and the Blackwater mercenaries merged, they may not be able to give all the technology in such a short period of time. Send it back - right?!"

"Oh, Shet, is it possible that Mr. S Yamazato Minoru is not dead at all?!"

At this time, the beautiful country also discovered that something was wrong.

In the conference room of the Beautiful Country Strategy Center, many relevant strategic executives gathered together and discussed with each other around a round table.

Now, many countries around the world have begun to order chips from Daxia.

Even if they think with their toes, they can imagine that other countries must have guessed the situation in Daxia, so they all made chip reservations with Daxia.

In doing so, one is not to miss the good opportunity to buy 1nm top-level chips, and the other is to give their beautiful country a look to show their dissatisfaction with the beautiful country's chips.

For this reason, at this moment, Meiliguo also felt a very headache.

Unexpectedly, the issue of the chips developed by Mr. Su actually became a big deal, and many other countries began to order Daxia's chips.

When Daxia's chips are completely produced, their beautiful country will definitely suffer a huge blow!

Thinking of this, many of the strategic leaders of Beautiful Country were once again gnashing their teeth in hatred towards Daxia!

"Damn, hateful building!!"

Many senior executives couldn't help but cursed angrily.

At the same time, they also began to think about what the current situation was.

According to their judgment, Mr. Su is already dead.

But judging from the current situation in Daxia, Daxia should also have mastered 1nm chip technology.

According to Daxia's style, they should not lie about this kind of thing.

But according to their judgment, Mr. Su was on the run the whole time, and it was almost impossible to pass on the technical information of the chip.

For this reason, they have now concluded that Mr. Su is probably not dead!

"Why do I feel that there is something weird in this? I always feel that the death of Mr. Su in Daxia is not as serious as we originally thought!"

"Indeed, I also think things are a bit weird. Although we have been able to verify Mr. Su's death, after all, we have not seen Mr. Su's true face. We have only verified part of the DNA information!"

"Remember the FBI building that was hacked before? It was easy for the hacker to break into the FBI central control room. It was also extremely easy to modify the DNA information in the FBI database [the other party may even have done so!"

"My dear, after being reminded like this, I suddenly realized that we have ignored the most important information. It is obviously not very rigorous to use DNA to verify Mr. Su's death!"

"But the key point is that before the fleet opened fire, they did see Mr. Su in the yacht. This can't be false, right?"

"It is true that before killing Mr. Su, people saw Mr. Su in the yacht. From this inference, it seems that Mr. Su is indeed dead.

Many senior executives in the conference room were still discussing and thinking.

The more they thought about this matter, the more confused they became.

There are too many suspicious clues here, and it would be wrong to combine them all.

For this reason, many senior executives in the conference room also became anxious and didn't know what to do for a while.

However, that's about it.

Suddenly, a senior executive opened his eyes and said, "Do you all still remember that before Mr. Su was killed, the frigates of the navy fleet seemed to have been attacked by hackers? It took us a long time to get in touch!"

As the senior executive spoke.

The other senior executives also suddenly opened their eyes!


At that time, when the frigates of the naval fleet were searching at sea, they were indeed attacked by hackers for a period of time, and then lost contact with them.

Although I don’t know what happened later, the signal returned to normal immediately.

But it is very likely that Mr. Su passed the chip information to Taizhong at that time!

"What happened at that time? Why did the signal lose contact? Why didn't the naval fleet report it?!"

At this time, a senior executive realized the special situation here, felt something bad, and couldn't help but ask others.

In this regard, one of the senior executives replied: "At that time, the report from my direct subordinates said that they were attacked by ordinary hackers, and then the personnel in their fleet who had hacking skills cracked the attack. It was dropped, and I didn’t say anything more about the rest, and no detailed report was made to me afterwards.”

"I didn't give you a detailed report afterwards?!"

After hearing this, the other senior executives were suddenly surprised.

They all looked at the senior executive who answered.

At this moment, their intuition told them that there must be something fishy here!

At this time, the top leader seemed to have thought of something, and his breathing began to become rapid.

The next moment, he slapped the table and angrily yelled at the senior executive who had just answered: "Your subordinates didn't report to you afterwards, why didn't you ask?!"

"I'm sorry, boss, I didn't think well. After learning that Mr. Su died, I was too emotional!"

The senior executive who just stood up immediately stood up, bowed his head and apologized to the top leader, explaining his dereliction of duty.

"Okay, no need to apologize. Contact your direct subordinate immediately. The key may be there.

The top leader no longer cares about the failure of his senior officer.

After all, all of them were so excited at the time that they didn't think about anything deeper.

"Yes, boss!"

The senior officials directly under the navy fleet immediately nodded in agreement.

Then, he sat down and began to contact the Navy's Third Fleet.

When the head of the Navy's Third Fleet saw the call from the Strategic Center, he immediately answered it.

With the answer.

The commander-in-chief of the navy fleet was immediately scolded by his superiors!

"Why didn't you report to us the aftermath of the hacker attack on the fleet? How did the hacker attack your frigate, and how did your frigate defeat the hacker attack? Why didn't you tell us clearly?!"

"Now hurry up and ask your subordinates to report in detail. If the explanation is not clear, you all go to prepare for the funeral!!"

When the person in charge of the Navy Fleet Headquarters heard these words, he was immediately frightened to death.

"Yes, I'll go ask my subordinates right now!"

At that moment, the commander-in-chief of the naval fleet hurriedly agreed to the order of the superior officer.

Then, he immediately contacted his subordinates.

He naturally knows nothing about hackers attacking frigates.

But after Mr. Su died, he stopped caring about those things.

And now, the superiors actually called and asked about this matter in a hurry?

It’s hard not to make the commander-in-chief of the navy fleet wonder, "Mr. Su is not dead, right?!"

For this reason, when the call from the chief of the navy fleet came to the lower-level frigate captain.

He also immediately cursed the captain of the frigate!

"Riel, you useless thing, do you really think you can get carried away after making a great contribution?!"

"It was the hacker attack that was cracked by your fleet members, right? Where is that fleet member of yours now? How did he crack the hacker attack? Please tell me clearly. I am anxious to tell you now. Make a report to your superior!!"

As the head of the naval fleet spoke.

Riel, the captain of Su Yan's previous frigate, suddenly became confused.


What happened? Why did his superiors suddenly start yelling at him?

Didn’t he make a great contribution in killing Mr. Su?!

Riel remembered that his subordinate Bruce told him that he did not like to take credit, so he passed all the credit to him.

And because he likes to take credit, he takes all the credit for Bruce's work.

Tell their superiors that the reason why their fleet was able to crack the hacker attack at that time was because of their own operations and the assistance of their subordinate Bruce.

As for finding the Blackwater team, he did it all by looking at the radar screen and had nothing to do with Bruce.

The credit he received can be said to be quite large.

At that time, his superiors even praised him and gave him awards.

Why did his superiors suddenly start scolding him now?!

For a moment, Riel was at a loss and couldn't help but ask: "Boss, I don't understand what's going on. Hasn't Mr. Su been killed? Why do you still care about this now?"

"Mr.Su was killed?! Who the hell told you that Mr.Su must have been killed?! Let me tell you, Mr.Su is probably still alive now, and he and your guy are helping you with hacking technology people, it has a great relationship!”

"Wha, what?!!"

After hearing this sentence.

Riel's whole body was about to become paralyzed.

One word awakens the dreamer.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that he had always trusted Bruce too much!

If Mr.Su is really not dead, it definitely has a lot to do with him!

After all, he was the one who let Bruce enter the main control room, and then let Bruce stay in the main control room for a long time!

Logically speaking, all this will not matter after Mr. Su dies.

But now, his superiors actually told him that Mr. Su is probably not dead?!

Doesn’t that mean he’s going to be doomed?!

"Boss, I, I..."

Riel hesitated and couldn't say a word.

On the other side of the phone, the head of the naval fleet immediately realized that the situation was not good after hearing what Riel said.

"Don't tell me that your man named Bruce has left and is no longer in the fleet."

"Yes, I'm sorry, boss. Bruce said he wanted to take a vacation because of his meritorious service, so I agreed to let him take a vacation."

"What? Did you really let Bruce go?! Didn't you say that he only helped you a little bit? What kind of contribution did he make that deserves you to give him a day off?!"

0…Please give me flowers…

"Boss, I, I...

Riel didn't know what to say at all.

Damn it, if Bruce hadn't helped him make great contributions, he wouldn't have given Bruce a holiday!

However, he himself claimed that the great achievements that Bruce helped him achieve were all done by himself.

If he told the truth now, wouldn't he be guilty of taking credit without authorization?

"Riel, I have to tell you that your current behavior will inevitably lead to dismissal and imprisonment. Even a breath from your superiors can kill you directly. You can no longer escape.

"Now if you tell the truth honestly, you may be able to die directly and avoid the torture of being imprisoned. I hope you can take care of yourself, be frank and lenient, tell the truth honestly, and don't let me remind you any more."

With these words from the chief of the navy fleet.

This time, Riel's defense was completely broken.

He was so frightened that he almost fainted!

He felt extremely regretful in his heart!

Why, why didn't you suspect Bruce at that time?!

Why did he let Bruce enter the main control room to control the computer so easily?!

According to his current guess, that person may even be Mr. Su!

He has actually been talking to Mr.Su!

What's even worse is that he actually let Mr. Su run away!!

While paralyzed with fear.

Riel also realized that he had really failed this time.

Regardless of whether Bruce is Mr. Su or not, he will be severely punished.

Now, instead of deliberately concealing things, it is better to directly tell everything about what I directed.

In this case, the crime may be reduced a little at that time.

So, after some consideration.

In the end, Riel had no choice but to tell his superiors everything he knew.

Including how Bruce entered the main control room at that time.

Including when Bruce helped him find the location of the Blackwater team.

It also includes how Bruce said he wanted to take a leave of absence.

After he told his superiors everything about Bruce.

The person in charge of the naval fleet also suddenly felt that the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and he almost collapsed!

Damn it, there must be something wrong with that Bruce, 90% of the time he didn’t run away!

Now, he, the commander-in-chief of the naval fleet, will also be severely punished!

However, in line with the idea of ​​being frank and lenient, the head of the naval fleet had no choice but to honestly report what he knew to the senior management of the strategic center.

When the senior executives of the strategic center learned of the news, they were deceived on the spot!

"Damn, they are a bunch of trash, they are all trash! The FBI doesn't have a military fleet and it doesn't do a good job. It has raised such a bunch of losers!!"

"That Bruce is probably Mr. Su. The Mr. Su in the Blackwater team is probably fake. We have all been deceived by Mr. Su!!

"When we attacked the yacht of the Blackwater team, the picture we saw was probably not a picture modified by hackers, it was not real-time! Because Mr. Su was lurking inside our fleet, invaded the frigate through the LAN, and controlled the people inside the frigate. data!"

"Now it seems that our nuclear-powered submarine was probably stolen by Mr. Su. After all, the nuclear-powered submarine is also connected to the local area network in the sea there. It was Mr. Su who stole our nuclear submarine. He may also have By the way, they stole the core data of our aircraft carrier and frigate!!"

"Ofak, we were all excited about Mr. Su's death at the time, and we only regarded the intrusion of the LAN as a super method of the hacker 'god'. We were too naive and did not consider this at all. connection between them!”

"Damn it, the key is that these useless subordinates actually gave Mr. Su a vacation. We don't even know where Mr. Su has gone now!!"

At this moment, the entire strategic center of the beautiful country was in chaos.

They hated him one after another and gnashed their teeth at Mr. Su, wishing that Mr. Su would be thrown into pieces!

At the same time, combined with Daxia’s acting reactions.

They also realized that Mr. Su was probably still in their beautiful country!

After all, if Mr. Su was taken back to Daxia, Daxia would probably not be able to act and pretend to be sad.

For this reason, the senior officials of Beautiful Country also issued an arrest warrant for Mr. Su again at this moment!

Order a thorough investigation!

No matter where Mr. Su is, as long as he is still in the beautiful country, he must be found!

When the top management of Beautiful Country issued the order.

The subordinates at all levels felt very incredible for the first time!

Unexpectedly, Mr. Su was not dead, and they were all deceived!

But time did not allow them to think too much.

Immediately, relevant personnel at all levels began to take action again!

Search for Mr. Su everywhere in New York City!!

While the beautiful country was searching for traces of Su Yan in New York City again.

What they don't know is.

At this time, Su Yan had already left New York City.

He is moving forward rapidly towards the top cutting-edge city in the beautiful country, Cyberpunk City!

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