Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 60 Found It! Su Yan Is In Cyberpunk City! The White House Is Panicking!

Chapter 60 Found it! Found it! Su Yan is in Cyberpunk City! The White House is panicking!

As Su Yan is studying crazily.

The various kinds of knowledge stored in his brain began to become more and more abundant.

At this moment, Su Yan quickly digested various circuit integration, electronic components, program structure and other information about the intelligent robot into his brain.

Su Yan also learned about various complex electronic technologies in intelligent robots through study.

For this reason, he was also very surprised.

Unexpectedly, in this cyberpunk city, just an intelligent robot that prunes branches and leaves can be so precise.

From this point of view, wouldn't other more advanced AI intelligence be more worthy of learning?

Thinking of this, Su Yan began to look forward to this cyberpunk city even more.

It truly deserves to be the top technology city in the beautiful country.

It will be very exciting when he finishes learning all the scientific and technological knowledge here and brings it back to Daxia!

After a while.

Su Yan thoroughly learned and digested the core knowledge about intelligent robots.

In order to prevent this useless robot from being accidentally discovered and causing unnecessary trouble.

Su Yan contacted nearby Blackwater personnel again.

Let them get rid of this intelligent robot.

Then, after the order is finished.

Blackwater personnel also immediately acted according to Su Yan's orders.

Su Yan left here alone.

Walk through the night market and continue to move forward in this cyberpunk city.

Of course, for Su Yan now, without the official pursuit of the beautiful country, his time is not so urgent.

And he himself originally had the identity of this city.

For this reason, Su Yan will not overwork himself while learning the science and technology here.

In this luxuriant city, you still have to have fun when it's time to have fun.

For this reason, at this moment, Su Yan was also having fun and relaxing while looking for the goal of his next study.

Rest and work at the same time.

And when Su Yan was traveling in the cyberpunk city with a new identity.

The relevant personnel in Beautiful Country are still anxiously trying to find Su Yan!

They all know that Mr.Su is a top 05 genius.

Allowing them to live freely in their beautiful country is like hanging a knife over their heads!

After all, Mr. Su had previously infiltrated into their naval fleet, stolen the core information of their frigates, and also stolen one of their nuclear submarines.

This is already so arrogant even in the naval fleet.

Wouldn't it be worse if Mr. Su were allowed to infiltrate into the army's team?

If Su Yan reveals all their secrets by then, they will really be in trouble.

For this reason, many senior officials of the beautiful country gave orders again.

All official departments in the beautiful country are required to be on strict guard and not allow any suspicious persons to enter!

If someone makes any mistake, he will be punished more painfully than death!

And under the orders of the senior officials of the beautiful country.

The subordinates at all levels in the officialdom were also extremely panicked and all cheered up!

Let’s not talk about whether the superiors will punish them or not.

Just let Mr. Su appear next to them, they themselves will feel terrible!

You know, he is a genius who can create perfect accidents with coins!

When they really meet Mr. Su, they may die somehow.

Because I was worried about losing my life.

Therefore, all official departments of the beautiful country are strictly defensive.

Check the internal personnel more than once to prevent anyone from pretending to be among them again!

While their nerves were tense, they were wary of Mr. Su sneaking into them.

Beautiful Country officials also arranged for FBI personnel again to investigate Mr. Su's current location.

The FBI, after receiving the order from their superiors, did not dare to neglect it.

After all, they failed to arrest Mr. Su last time, and they were severely punished by their superiors at that time.

This time, the superior ordered them to search for Mr. Su again. It was obvious that the superior was giving them a chance to make up for their mistakes!

At present, the search for Mr. Su is once again led by the director of the FBI.

Under the high attention of his superiors, the FBI director also issued the most serious order to his subordinates, requiring everyone not to slack off in any way!

If Mr. Su is not tracked down due to personal laziness, then he himself will definitely give them the most severe punishment!

Just like that, under the close action of the FBI.

For a time, an operation to hunt down Mr. Su was once again launched throughout the beautiful country!

As the FBI manhunt continued, their actions quickly attracted the attention of the beautiful country.

When many people in the beautiful country noticed that the FBI was suddenly looking for something, they couldn't help but become curious.

Why is it so good that the country has deployed large-scale manpower to search for things again?

For this reason, people in many beautiful countries are very confused and make speculations.

"Faker, what's going on? Who is the FBI searching for now?!"

"I don't know. Having said that, apart from searching for Mr. Su, I have never seen the official use such a large amount of human resources!"

"Could it be that Mr. Su is the person the official is searching for?!"

"Mr.Su?! Isn't Mr.Su already dead? How could the authorities still search for him?! Your mind must be broken!"

"Your brain is broken. Isn't Mr. Su smarter than you? If he devises a plan to fake his death, it is not impossible to survive! Maybe now the official has found a clue that Mr. Su is not dead, so he started Search Mr. Su’s!”

"My dear, after hearing what you said, I suddenly feel that there is a high possibility that Mr. Su is not dead!"

The FBI's actions have aroused widespread concern from the outside world.

For this reason, they all expressed different opinions and conducted extensive discussions on social media.

During their discussion.

More and more people are beginning to wonder, is Mr. Su not dead?

And in the process of their doubts.

There are also some people who have questioned those who doubted it, thinking that Mr. Su is not dead is pure nonsense.

But those people's doubts were quickly shattered by some suspicious evidence.

Because under their constant discussions.

Soon, they learned about Daxia's sudden mass production of chips by watching the news.

And also learned.

Other countries around the world seemed to have gotten the news of the leak somewhere.

They are all actively pre-ordering the chips that are being produced in Daxia!

At this time, the netizens of Beautiful Country were suddenly not calm.

"My dear, why do you think Daxia started producing chips so aggressively?! What kind of chips are they producing?!"

"The sudden production of chips at this juncture makes people doubt that Daxia has mastered high-tech chip production technology!"

"Oh Fake, if this is really the case, doesn't it mean that Mr. Su has passed his 1nm chip technology back to China?!"

"Combined with the fact that other countries are ordering chips one after another, it is difficult not to make people doubt that it is true! I'm afraid the odds are the same!"

"Ouchette, Daxia's public mourning for Mr. Su is to cover our eyes and make us mistakenly think that Mr. Su is dead, but in fact Mr. Su is dead.

not dead?!"

"Based on all the clues obtained so far, I'm afraid this is really the case. The FBI is currently searching for Mr. Su. It is very possible that Mr. Su is still with us.

"Monkey Thunder Sheet! Come on, Peach Blossom!!"

At this moment, netizens in the beautiful country continued to discuss and speculate.

They gradually came to a conclusion.

That means there is a 99% chance that Mr. Su is not dead!

Otherwise, why would their officials suddenly send a large number of FBI people to look for something at this time?!

And when they realized this.

Suddenly, netizens across the beautiful country were very surprised!

They remember that all the official evidence released at the time showed that Mr. Su was indeed dead!

But now, why did Mr.Su suddenly come to life again?

What kind of resurrection method did Mr.Su use?

Thinking of this, netizens from Beautiful Country suddenly felt that Mr.Su was very scary!

They couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, Mr. Su is indeed a genius who can create perfect accidents with a coin!


While they were shocked by Mr. Su's terrifying strength.

Their faces were also burning and painful!

Before, they were all gloating over Mr. Su's death.

But they didn't expect that the clown turned out to be themselves.

Now, netizens in Daxia have also guessed that Mr.su is actually not dead.

For this reason, netizens from Daxia also came here to ridicule them in the face.

And they, faced with ridicule, couldn't say a word.

All I can say is that they are so embarrassed!

Of course, the most important thing at the moment is not whether or not we will lose face.

But Mr.Su is still in their beautiful country!

In other words, Mr. Su may appear next to them at any time!

When they thought of this, they felt a little scared.

What the hell, they had gloated over Mr. Su’s death online before!

Will Mr. Su come to the door and kill them all?

For a time, the people of the entire beautiful country did not dare to continue to speak out online, and they all collectively chose to remain silent!

Of course, deep down in their hearts, they are still praying, hoping that the FBI can find Mr. Su as soon as possible and kill him.

at the same time.

On the FBI side, under the urging orders of senior officials, they acted quickly.

Their investigation, on the one hand, is based on the information about Bruce in the previous naval fleet, and on the other hand, it is based on the surveillance that can be found in New York City, and conducts a comprehensive range search.

After some searching.

The FBI people can basically determine that Mr. Su is no longer in New York City.

But they still didn't give up.

After all, sometimes the most dangerous places are the safest places.

Just in case, the FBI has sent some additional manpower to conduct a deeper investigation in New York City, and will not let go of almost every inch of valuable land.

While they were investigating New Testament City.

They also began to turn their attention to other cities

In their opinion, the reason why Mr. Su did not return to Daxia was probably because he was not satisfied yet and wanted more beautiful Chinese technology.

For this reason, the FBI has also begun to investigate and search places where technology is relatively developed in Meimei Middle School.

This time, the FBI also joined forces with the National Security Agency to conduct operations together with the National Security Agency.

The Security Bureau is cooperating with other official personnel to investigate all official agencies where Mr. Su may appear.

Under a joint investigation by the FBI and the National Security Agency.

In a very short period of time, they analyzed various places where Mr. Su might appear, and looked through almost all the clues that could be called.

And as they search.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Suddenly, the director of the FBI discovered suspicious traces of Mr. Su near Cyberpunk City!

He noticed that at the same time, there were dozens of suspicious cars driving in different directions towards Cyberpunk City!

Although there seems to be no connection between each vehicle.

But the driving motives and parking locations of those vehicles seemed to have been planned in advance, as if they were to protect someone!

After noticing this abnormality.

The FBI director couldn't help but be surprised, and then immediately ordered a comprehensive investigation of those cars.

The lower-level personnel also immediately followed the instructions, collecting information collected from all aspects, and continuously analyzing it.

Based on their long-term FBI investigation experience, they quickly locked onto a black car!

And with them locked.

Soon, they saw a man dressed in a relatively ordinary way and stepped into the cyberpunk city!

Some plainclothes officers also followed the man in, seemingly protecting him secretly! After 610 received this information, all members of the FBI suddenly became excited.

Based on the other party's suspicious behavior, they can almost tell that those plainclothes security personnel are Blackwater's security personnel!

As for the ordinary person who walked into the cyberpunk city.

Although the walking style doesn't look like Mr. Su at all.

But they believe that Mr. Su must also have some special disguise skills that can prevent others from easily recognizing him!

Moreover, Mr. Su's body shape must have remained unchanged, and it is not that easy to disguise.

And the reminder of the person they are targeting now is almost exactly the same as Mr. Su!

For this reason, the FBI can almost conclude that the person who entered the Cyberpunk City is Mr. Su!

at the same time.

The Security Bureau also obtained the news that people suspected of Mr. Su went to Cyberpunk City through various official personnel movement information.

Coupled with Mr. Su's original intention to steal the beautiful country's technology.

In the end, the FBI and the Security Bureau concluded that Mr. Su is now in Cyberpunk City!

"Hurry up and report to the highest level of superiors. We have identified someone who is extremely suspicious of Mr. Su. Now we need to request action instructions from our superiors!"

At this moment, the director of the FBI urged the Security Bureau.

Because the FBI director failed to get things done last time.

So now, the superiors have handed over the decision-making power to the Security Bureau, so all the highest instructions are caused by the Security Bureau.

Naturally, the director of the Security Bureau does not dare to neglect anything. After all, if this matter is not handled well, he will also bear a big responsibility!

For this reason, the director of the Security Bureau immediately reported the news to his superiors!

"Reporting to superiors, 99% of the people suspected of Mr. Su have been found in Cyberpunk City. Do you want to enter Cyberpunk City to conduct a trust investigation on Mr. Su?"

When the director of the Security Bureau passed the news to the top management.

The senior officials of the Beautiful Country Strategic Center were immediately shocked!

They never expected that Mr. Su could be so hateful.

He even went to the cyberpunk city in their beautiful country?!

Cyberpunk City is the most cutting-edge place in their beautiful country’s technology!

Even some high-tech secret things that their country needs to develop have arranged for relevant personnel to be carried out there!

What if Mr. Su stole all the technological things there?

For this reason, the strategic leaders of the entire beautiful country have fallen into extreme anxiety and panic!

We can't let Mr. Su steal all their top secret technology!

At the moment, he was faced with a request from his superiors.

Most of the senior officials of Beautiful Country did not hesitate at all.

Immediately issued the highest instructions to subordinates!

"Relevant personnel at all levels should rush to Cyberpunk City and strive to kill Mr. Su completely in the shortest possible time!!"

"And this time, we must cut off Mr. Su's head. Only by bringing back Mr. Su's head can we receive a heavy reward!!"

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