Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 63: War Between Great Powers! No Smoke! Discover The Mecha Core! Epoch-Making Artificial Int

Chapter 63: War between great powers! No smoke of gunpowder! Discover the core of mecha! Epoch-making artificial intelligence! [Begging for customization]

During this period, both the Security Bureau and the FBI were thinking about how to deal with Mr. Su.

The top management of Beautiful Country did not only consider solving Mr. Su's matter.

Before that, their original purpose of stopping Mr. Su was to prevent this technology from flowing into Daxia.

But now, the super nanochip technology has definitely fallen into Daxia.

Naturally, their beautiful country cannot sit still and wait for death.

Although the chip technology has already been in the hands of Daxia, even if they are trying to make up for it now, it is better than letting Daxia produce chips there!

For this reason, for a while, the strategic leaders of Beautiful Country were also discussing strategies to solve the problem of Daxia Godson.

And after some thinking on their part.

Finally, they decided to impose sanctions on Daxia’s Loongson!

"If we can't stop them technically, we can only intercept them through external forces."

"That's right. Sanctioning Daxia's chip manufacturing industry will prevent Daxia from producing it even if they have the ability. If they do, it will be illegal and require compensation.

"We are good at suppressing companies from other countries. Let us pass the order now and ask the Ministry of Commerce to announce sanctions against Daxia Loongson!"

Soon, under the decision of the strategic leaders of the beautiful country.

The Ministry of Commerce of Beautiful Country received news from superiors requesting sanctions against Daxia Loongson.

The Ministry of Commerce is also familiar with this, after all, they have done many such things.

As a result, the Ministry of Commerce of the United States quickly formulated and announced a statement on sanctions against Daxia Loongson.

"The Ministry of Commerce of the United States, the current official announcement is as follows."

"After repeated consideration and judgment by the Ministry of Commerce, we have determined that Daxia's chip manufacturing industry violated our previous trade agreement."

"In view of Daxia's violation of the trade agreement with us, we decided to impose sanctions on Daxia's chip manufacturing industry."

"The sanctions targets, headed by Daxia Loongson, and other Daxia chip manufacturing companies, will also receive varying degrees of sanctions. We will announce the detailed sanctions plan later.


"Finally, here, we urge Daxia to please immediately give up the research and development of Daxia Godson, otherwise you will be subject to a new round of upgraded sanctions from us!"

After the Ministry of Commerce of the United States issued these statements to the outside world.

Their actions began directly with the release of the statement!

They promulgated various laws to attack the production of Loongson Company from multiple angles.

Under the blow of their decrees.

Soon, part of the manufacturing progress of Daxia's Loongson Company encountered a production crisis.

Especially in terms of production process manufacturing.

Their Loongson Company was originally dependent on the industries of other companies in the beautiful country.

After the beautiful country promulgated the relevant laws, they can no longer rely on the relevant companies and industries in the beautiful country to provide technical means.

This has also caused serious obstacles in the production of 1nm top chips.

Faced with this obstacle, the factories produced by Loongson had no choice but to transfer relevant manufacturing technologies to other domestic production companies.

Although the technology of domestic production companies is not as perfect as that of beautiful countries.

But they can at least rely on domestic production companies to reluctantly produce 1nm chips.

Of course, as for the performance of the final chip produced, it may be slightly worse than that produced before.

But there is nothing we can do, who lets the beautiful country suppress them?

For them, as long as Loongson can be produced now, it is a victory.

After all, 1nm’s top chip technology cannot be covered.

No matter how beautiful the country suppresses it.

As long as they can produce chips, they can break the global chip blockade chain of beautiful countries.

Thus achieving global success on the chip!

Of course, in the face of the sanctions imposed by the beautiful country, Daxia is obviously not afraid at all.

Although they do not want to confront the beautiful country, they are not afraid of confronting the beautiful country.

Since your beautiful country can make empty promises and fabricate evidence to impose sanctions on them in Daxia.

Then don't blame them for being rude to Daxia.

For this reason, Daxia quickly announced a series of measures to counter sanctions.

Including but not limited to, suppressing various corporate entities in beautiful countries in the summer, imposing additional tariffs on manufacturing industries, banning the export of materials and resources for industrialized industries, etc.

Because of this anti-sanction measure, the beautiful country's small and medium-sized manufacturing industries, as well as some large enterprises, have also begun to suffer serious trauma in a short period of time!

The beautiful country is also so angry that they are gnashing their teeth!

Although their actions put serious pressure on Daxia's chips.

But Daxia's countermeasures undoubtedly caused bleeding in their beautiful country's economy!

Don't look at this as just heavy bleeding.

If this continues, it is likely to lead to a bubble economy and plunge the entire country into a severe economic crisis!

Of course, in the face of Daxia's counter-sanctions measures, Beautiful Country still does not intend to give in.

Even if their beautiful country is in economic crisis, they can print beautiful coins and let the world pay for them.

As long as they suppress Daxia's chip technology, they can ensure that they will develop a more monopolistic development in the next five to ten years.

It is precisely because of this that Country 1 decided to have a head-on confrontation with Daxia!

By suppressing and sanctioning you through various means, you don’t believe that your chip will survive?

This time, their beautiful country must win!

at the same time.

The constant moves between the beautiful country and Daxia soon attracted the attention of the world.

Countries around the world have begun to turn their attention to Beautiful Country and Daxia.

They knew without thinking that the cause of this incident must be the 1nm chip technology developed by Mr. Su.

In this regard, countries all over the world can't help but sigh.

Unexpectedly, just because of Mr. Su, a war between the two big countries started without smoke (afeh)!

Sure enough, genius can always create miracles.

This is probably the difference between ordinary people like them and geniuses!

During the period when Beautiful Country began to sanction Daxia Chip through various technical means.

Su Yan also received the news.

However, Su Yan believes that “Taizhong’s side can definitely handle this matter.

Therefore, Su Yan's current focus continues to be on the high technology of this cyberpunk city.

After these few days of study and exploration.

Su Yan has learned and digested a lot of technological knowledge about Cyberpunk City.

Su Yan has mixed opinions about the knowledge she learned.

Some are relatively cutting-edge technologies.

But more importantly, it was the technology he had mastered before, which was not as complicated as he imagined.

And this also made Su Yan a little disappointed with this cyberpunk city.

Of course, because this city is really big.

Therefore, Su Yan has not yet explored all the technological details of this city.

Although he knows that his father has bought this city now, and now the entire Hanbo Punk City belongs to his family.

But he didn't dare to go around openly.

After all, people are not completely trustworthy.

And it is difficult for him to guarantee that no FBI members will sneak in to secretly search and arrest him!

Therefore, Su Yan's current actions have always been relatively covert.

This also made it impossible for him to quickly learn all the knowledge in this city in a short period of time.

It’s even less possible to find what you want at any time.


Today, it is different for Su Yan.

Because Su Yan knows that today is Cyberpunk City’s monthly military base resource supply day!

Before coming to Cyberpunk City, Su Yan knew the core military base in the city.

What he saw in the beautiful country's secret plan at that time pointed to the military base in this city.

Although this cyberpunk city has almost nothing to do with the beautiful country.

However, the official military base of the beautiful country inside is still in operation for a long time.

The military base here is slightly different from those outside.

The military base here does indeed rely on the entire cyberpunk city to operate.

However, the soldiers in the military base are usually only responsible for conducting secret research inside the base and do not perform their military affairs externally.

Therefore, in normal times, the military base and the cyberpunk city seem a bit inconsistent, and it seems like a place where no one lives.

Only when the resource supply day comes, they will open it to the outside world.

And today happens to be the opening day for everyone’s human resource supply!

After finally catching up with this day, Su Yan naturally would not miss this opportunity.

He believes that the military base here definitely has what he wants!

For this reason, Su Yan quickly arrived near the military base of Cyberpunk City!

Looking from a distance, it is a huge building full of metal texture.

Outside, there are now some armed soldiers carrying supplies inside.

Outside the door, there were five or six armed soldiers standing watch.

Seeing this, Su Yan knew that he might not be able to enter easily.

Of course, he was not helpless.

After all, this city now belongs to their family.

He can mobilize everything in this city at will.

Now he has obtained permission from his father.

He can personally order almost everyone in the city through himself, as a mysterious person.

At this time, Su Yan quietly pressed the button of the intercom.

He called the city's power supply system center department and asked the person in charge to answer the call.

The general person in charge of the Power Supply System Center is still in shock of being acquired, as well as fear of the acquiring power.

So when he saw the mysterious call from Su Yan, he was immediately frightened.

He didn't dare to neglect anything and immediately answered the phone.

"Hey, boss, what are your orders?!"

Ba Beier, the general manager of Cyberpunk City's power supply system, said with an extremely sincere attitude.

"There are some companies in the military center that are not very obedient. They should shut off all the power in this area. I want to teach them a lesson."

"Stop, stop the power at the military base?!"

When Ba Beier heard Su Yan's order, he was immediately frightened.

If it means turning off the power in other places, that's okay.

But if you turn off the power to a military base, does that mean...

"What's wrong? Don't want to?"

Su Yan said in a cold tone during the call.

"No, no, no, b

Oss, I’ll stop right now! Then I’ll say it’s a temporary failure of the power system, do you think that’s okay?”

Babeier quickly agreed on the phone.

He didn't dare not agree.

Otherwise, just because you don't do this well, you will be in a wheelchair in your next life.

Su Yan, after receiving Babier's reply, also nodded and agreed: "Okay, but now you give me the control authority of the power system, and I will control it myself.

Control power outages and incoming calls. "

"Yes, worry!"

Listening to the cold voice on the phone, Babeier became more and more frightened.

He believed that if he did not agree to the other party's request, he would definitely die miserably.

At the moment, he didn't dare to have any hesitation.

He directly followed Su Yan's instructions and shut down the power system at the military base.

And handed over the switching authority of the power system to the mysterious person, that is, Su Yan, and allowed the other party to act as he pleased.

Anyway, their power company now belongs to the mysterious person.

There was no way he could refuse this kind of thing!

Later, when Su Yan obtained control authority of the power system.

He directly asked the hacker "God" to help him write the permission program into his walkie-talkie.

He can control the city's power system directly through the walkie-talkie.

At this time, under Su Yan's planning, the military base suddenly suffered a power outage!



At this moment, the entire military base building began to flash red warning lights!

At the same time, there was also a squeaking alarm sound.

"What's going on? There's an attack?!"

"Could it be that the power system has been invaded?!"

"There is a power outage due to unknown reasons. Now the entire military base is out of power. Hurry up and activate the backup power supply!!"

"The backup power supply is already starting automatically, but we need all of our identity permissions to verify [otherwise it cannot be ensured that no outsider will tamper with our power system]"


When the power in the base was suddenly cut off.

The relevant military personnel in the base were suddenly surprised.

Their cyberpunk city, as the forefront city of the beautiful country, can still have a power outage?!

And there was a power outage at their military base?!

This is simply a once-in-a-thousand-year experience!

For this reason, everyone in the entire military base began to be surprised.

At the same time, they also rushed to verify the identity of the backup power supply.

In order to prevent hackers from invading their internal power systems, the military set up procedures.

When the outside world loses power, all members of the base must conduct identity verification and completely open access to the internal power system to ensure that there is no external power failure.

to invade.

Otherwise, the internal power system will only last for a period of time, and then the entire military base will be affected.

The consequences of such a power outage will definitely be serious.

So at this moment, the personnel in the military base began to panic.

They never expected that something like this would happen suddenly.

For this reason, they immediately started to verify their identity information to avoid a base-wide power outage.

Of course, in order to prevent outsiders from invading, they still left a few people to watch outside temporarily.

However, those who stayed behind were no threat to Su Yan.

At this time, Su Yan had already used his LV8 mathematics to find the best breakthrough point.

In the east area of ​​the military base, there is a material dispatch point that is most suitable for him to sneak into.

And when you find a suitable location for yourself to sneak into.

Su Yan also started to use her LV8 mathematics at all times, combined with LV7 physics, to calculate and analyze all the surrounding data!

Analyze air flow data and sound propagation data to determine how far you are from other people, where there are people and where there are no people.

And because there are relatively few guards at the military base at this time.

So soon, Su Yan successfully sneaked into the military base!

And based on your own analysis of the surrounding data, beware of anyone approaching!

At the same time, Su Yan also activated the Blackberry "God" to create for him the great string of interference water drop rings through twisting.

The ring he wears on his hand can help him interfere with the signal frequency band of the monitor, so that military personnel cannot easily see him on the surveillance screen, nor can they easily pass the alarm.

The police system learned about him.

Therefore, the main thing Su Yan has to do at the moment is to avoid meeting with military personnel.

Of course, you must always judge the anti-intrusion traps in the military base through the perception of physical data to avoid being caught!

In this way, under Su Yan's secret operation.

Soon, Su Ji avoided everyone in the military base and arrived at the secret room with the highest data authority!

Here, even ordinary military personnel cannot approach directly, so Su Yan will not meet military personnel after entering.

As for the way to open the door, Su Yan naturally contacted the hacker "god" and asked him to help unlock it.

At this moment, after entering the top secret room.

Su Yan closed the door and felt a little relieved.

After all, the confidentiality level here is very high, and no other military personnel usually enter.

He acts secretly here, so he doesn't have to worry too much about people from the military coming in.

Of course, rest assured.

This does not mean peace of mind!

Su Yan knew that people from the military might actually come in by then, but he couldn't guarantee it.

For this reason, he now needs to act quickly, finish learning what is here, and leave here quickly!

At this time, Su Yan glanced at the computer screen in front of him and did not dare to act rashly.

In order to avoid triggering some protection alarm and attracting everyone in the military base.

Therefore, at this time, Su Yan was still in contact with the hacker "god".

Prepare to start hacking operations under the auxiliary command of the hacker "god" to find the core information here.

However, just when Su Yan walked to the computer screen and was about to take action.

Suddenly, a scene happened that stunned Su Yan.

I saw it on the right front of his body.

The small robot that had remained motionless and that he judged to be no threat suddenly began to speak!

"Unrelated foreign personnel have been detected, please leave immediately!"

That small robot gave Su Yan a very serious order!

ps: I beg for an automatic subscription and a reward. If there is one, the author will continue to explode with 30,000 words tomorrow!!!!!

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