Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 75: Mecha Transformation! Adam Becomes Nuwa? Is The Mecha Taking Shape?

Chapter 75: Mecha transformation! Adam becomes Nuwa? Is the mecha about to take shape?


"Mr.Su actually passed the identity verification and passed the door as if nothing happened?!"

"Mr. Su is not a member of the military, how can he pass the identity verification? Moreover, the military base here uses a local area network. Even if the outside world wants to invade, they will definitely not be able to get in!"

"What on earth is going on? I'm already a little confused!"

"It must be the result of Mr. Su's planning in advance. If Mr. Su died so easily just now, it must be impossible!"

"That's right. Don't forget that Mr. Su is a talented player who can create a powerful storm with just one coin!"

When they saw Su Yan pass through the mechanical door smoothly, the audience in the live broadcast room were all shocked.

While shocked, they also admired Su Yan more and more!

Although they didn't know what method Su Yan used to break through the crisis just now.

But Su Yan broke through the crisis, and that was enough for them!

This is the Mr.Su in their eyes!

at the same time.

Compared with the excitement of the audience in the live broadcast room, the official staff of Beautiful Country obviously had a mental breakdown.

At this moment, they all looked at the scene in the live broadcast room with incredible expressions and felt very incredible.


Mr.Su actually cracked the identity verification program of their mechanical door and escaped a life crisis?

This is so fucking impossible no matter how you think about it!

It's not like they didn't think that Mr. Su could escape the crisis just now.

But they never thought that Mr. Su could get out of the crisis directly and smoothly!

This was completely unexpected!

"What exactly is going on? Is it because there is a mole in our military base? Is that why Mr. Su's identity verification was successful?"

"It's impossible. We can absolutely trust everyone in the base. This matter must be related to Mr. Su himself. He cracked the identity verification himself!"

Crack the identity verification by yourself? But Mr.Su’s hacking skills don’t seem to be that powerful, right? And you just saw Mr.Su cracking the program? The programs inside are all LAN, which is the hacker force behind Mr.Su, too. There’s no way outside help can crack it!”

"It's too mysterious. I feel more and more that Mr. Su is incredible. Such a person must die and must not be allowed to stay!"

"Don't mention those things that are there or not. We have not only prepared this plan, but also have follow-up plans. We will continue to act now [Shi Gou must seize this opportunity]


With the continuous discussions among the senior officials of Beautiful Country.

They also quickly recovered from the shock that Mr. Su was not dead.

At the moment 05, they all cheered up again and looked forward to what would happen next.

They believe that even if Mr. Su was not taken away in the wave just now, they can definitely take away Mr. Su in the future!

Later, with the firm belief of many senior executives in Beautiful Country, they all once again set their sights on Yan in the live broadcast!

At this time, Su Yan was still moving towards the interior of the military base.

He now knows everything here, so there is no need to worry.

Because he was already familiar with the roads here, he now headed straight for the mecha warehouse.

After all, his purpose is to come here to research and develop his Nuwa mecha!

As Su Yan continued to move towards the mecha warehouse.

The official side of the beautiful country couldn't help but start to wonder.

"Strange, why doesn't Mr. Su learn from other places? Instead, he seems to be moving towards one place with a purpose?"

At this moment, a senior official from Beautiful Country said with doubts.

Other senior executives were also confused.

"You're right. I'm also very confused. It stands to reason that Mr. Su came to study with us. He has passed by so many places, so he should stop and take a look, right? But instead of stopping, he Coming down, it seems like you are going somewhere with a purpose?"

"It's really strange. No matter what, you won't learn anything, right? Otherwise, wouldn't it be in vain for him to come? He himself will definitely not be willing to do it!"

For a time, all the senior officials of Beautiful Country were confused.

They completely couldn't understand what Mr. Su was doing in the base.

They even felt that Mr. Su was a frequent visitor and was already very familiar with their military base.

Otherwise, why could Mr. Su be free, familiar with the road, and go straight to a certain place without even looking?

That's when.

Suddenly, a senior executive said in surprise: "Have you noticed that Mr. Su is running towards our mecha warehouse?"

"Mecha warehouse?!"

After hearing this, many senior executives were immediately surprised!

They took a deep breath and carefully observed the direction of Mr. Su in the picture.

Then I discovered that Mr. Su didn’t seem to be walking aimlessly, but was heading towards a goal!

If you look closely, it seems that Mr. Su is heading straight towards the mecha warehouse!

"He, why is he going to the mecha depot? Does he know that there are good things in our mecha depot?"

"The key is that he doesn't want other things now, but instead goes straight to the mecha warehouse. This is very problematic!"

"Reminiscent of what happened just now when Mr. Su escaped the crisis we set up, I now feel that the situation is not good!"

"Damn it, has he done something to the mechas in the mecha warehouse?"

"Taking tricks on the mecha? How can... No, with Mr. Su's strength, it is very possible! He may have actually controlled our mecha through some means!"

"Even our killer mecha has been controlled? So what should we do next?!"

After realizing that Su Yan was heading towards the direction of the mecha warehouse.

At this time, all the senior officials of Beautiful Country could not laugh.

After all, the mechas in the mecha arsenal are originally their killer weapons.

Mr.Su actually went straight to their mecha warehouse now?

Isn't this a deliberate provocation to them?

For a moment, they were not sure whether the mechas in the mecha library were under their control.

For this reason, the top leader ordered on the spot: "Activate the mechas in the mecha warehouse and let them deal with Mr. Su now. Don't worry about the live broadcast. If we can directly kill Mr. Su, it is victory!" "

Following the order from the top leader.

This time, not a single high-level person opposed it, all of them supported the immediate activation of the mecha!

Because they all realized that Mr. Su might have done something shameful behind their backs.

Those activities may very well lead to the complete failure of a series of plans they planned!

Right now, the only safest choice is to deal with Mr. Su in the military base!

When Mr.Su died, it all really ended!

At this time, the authority of the mechas in the mecha library is also controlled by the highest level.

Therefore, after the top leader gave the order, one of the senior executives began to control the computer in front of him, preparing to send the mecha out.


When the senior executive tried to open the mecha warehouse door, he was dumbfounded.

Bo, boss, my computer actually lost control of the mecha warehouse door!"


After hearing what the senior executive said.

The other senior executives present, as well as the top leaders, were all dumbfounded!

"You no longer have control authority over the mecha warehouse door?! Didn't you still have it during the test half an hour ago?!"

The top leader took a deep breath and looked at the senior executive in astonishment.

#bo, boss, my control permission was denied, and it was prompted that my identity is illegal. I think maybe our mecha library control program has been changed. "

The senior executive looked at the series of red dots on the computer screen and said with a look of hatred.

Hearing this, the other senior executives were still shocked and a little unbelievable.

"Isn't it possible to connect again? The door of the mecha warehouse cannot be opened. Can't the mechas inside also be controlled?"

"Yes, the door and the mecha are independent, right? Let's first try to see if the mecha can control it. If it can, then at worst we can use the mecha to force open the door, and then eliminate Mr. in the shortest possible time. Su!"

"Hurry up and try to see if the mechas in the mecha library can still be controlled! Those mechas are the key to our victory!"

Many senior executives in the conference room kept urging the senior executive to try to control the mecha.

Then, facing the urging of others, the senior executive shook his head and said with a helpless expression: "No, the mecha is also controlled by Mr. Su. I don't have access rights at all, not even one!"

"Even our most powerful Adam number was renamed by Mr. Su to Nuwa number!"

"The Adam has been renamed the Nuwa?!!"

Hearing this, many senior executives were once again dumbfounded.

While they were dumbfounded, their pupils shrank suddenly and their hearts beat faster!

Even the mecha has been controlled by Mr.Su?!

what is happening?!

Doesn't that mean that their last trump card is gone?

Now Mr.Su is living happily in the base?

"Damn it, just start the base's self-destruction program! Anyway, Mr. Su has emptied everything in the base. It's the worst we can do without it!"

At this moment, the top leader said angrily.

Hearing this, the other senior executives were shocked at first, and then they felt that it was not impossible to do this!

Anyway, their military personnel have now evacuated outside.

Even if it self-destructs internally, it will not spread to the outside!

Although the entire Cyberpunk City did not dare to trade with Mr. Su's life, it would affect the beautiful country's economy after all.

But they still dare to change this base where Mr. Su has already stolen all its secrets!

The worst case scenario is that we will lose this military base and Mr. Su will never exist!

After making this determination.

At this moment, the top leader no longer hesitated.

The base's self-destruct authority was on the computer in front of him.

As he opened the control page of the military base.

The next moment, he directly pressed the mouse and clicked to make the military base where Mr. Su was located self-destruct!


Then, something happened again that dumbfounded him.

He found.

Even if he clicked the self-destruct button, there was no success response!

On the contrary, there is a prompt response of insufficient permissions!

The top leader became anxious and clicked the mouse again, three times, four times, five times.


But the results are the same.

The confidential program system reminded him that he could not obtain permission to the Cyberpunk City military base.

In other words, now, even he, the top leader, has lost control of the Cyberpunk City base!

And this makes the top leader even more incredible.

"This, how is this possible...

The top leader said with a trembling voice.

After seeing the reaction of the top leader, other senior officials immediately understood the reason.

Obviously, the plan to activate the base's self-destruction program also failed.

From this point of view, Mr. Su really controls their entire military base!

Although I don’t know how Mr. Su mastered it.

But at this moment, each of them looked at each other, their eyes dull for a while.

The entire military base has been controlled by Mr.Su?

It’s scary just thinking about it!

This means that all the methods they planned and calculated before will not work on Mr. Su!

For Mr.Su, it may feel like he has entered his own home now!

And they let Mr. Su wander around in his "home"?

Thinking of this, they suddenly felt that they were all evil!

"Boss, what should we do next? Do we really want Mr. Su to visit our base and then leave as if nothing happened?"

"Although there are many of our people outside the military base, there are also many of Mr. Su's people. Our people don't have firearms in their hands right now, so they must die first.


“Damn it, I’m really in trouble today!

At this moment, many senior executives were very angry and hated it.

But no matter how much they hated him, they couldn't find a way to kill Mr. Su quickly.

In fact, they don't even know what to do next!

Instead, they now seem to have turned into lambs, being slaughtered by Mr. Su!

For this reason, many senior leaders have also turned their attention to the top leader and want to know what the top leader's plans are.

At this moment, the top leader was also frowning, constantly thinking about the next countermeasures.

They would definitely not be able to bear it if Mr. Su was allowed to live in their base.

But if the military base is blown up by long-range launch of missiles, it will be too late in terms of time.

Now Mr. Su must be extremely careful about them. Once they launch the missile, Mr. Su will definitely receive the news as soon as possible and then run away.

Thinking of this, the top leader also had an even more headache.

But at this moment, he suddenly remembered that they seemed to have forgotten something?

That's the super soldier!

They just told the super soldier not to alert others, so they didn't let him take action.

But now?

Mr.Su has already stolen their military base, do they still have to worry about alerting others?

Obviously impossible!

Besides, it takes time for missiles to hit them. The super soldiers are nearby, so it doesn’t take time to hit them!

At most, the fight with the Blackwater mercenaries and guards outside would be delayed for a while.

During the delay, even if Mr. Su wants to escape, there is no need to be afraid.

After all, when the time comes, the Blackwater mercenaries and guards will be fighting against the super soldiers, and they will definitely have no time to protect Mr. Su.

And Mr. Su, once there is no help from outsiders, how will he survive?

As for those mechas in the mecha library?

They all know that although those mechas are powerful, their development progress is also very worrying.

They are just some mechas that are not even semi-finished products. If they fight against super soldiers, it is almost impossible to win!

For this reason, after thinking about these.

The top leader didn't waste any time and directly contacted the super soldier, Wright!

After contacting Wright, the top leader directly ordered Wright: "I want you, now, to break through the military lines in Cyberpunk City, then enter the military base and kill Mr. Su!!"

At this time, Wright was also watching the live broadcast from the military base in a nearby residence.

After receiving the order from the top leader, he was immediately excited!

Then, he immediately sat up from the bed and said: 977 "Yes, boss, I will break through the defense line and kill Mr. Su!!"

After saying that, Super Soldier Wright got off the bed directly and put on a white coat.

Then, using his highest physical strength, he quickly rushed towards the direction of Cyberpunk City!

At the same time, Su Yan is here.

Under the attention of the global live broadcast room audience, Su Yan has also successfully entered the mecha library.

Before entering, the door of the mecha warehouse also sounded a similar prompt as before.

However, Su Yan successfully cracked them without any security risks.

And this also made the global audience even more stunned!

Only then did they realize it.

Mr.Su most likely controls the entire military base!

Otherwise, why could Mr. Su keep marching here and finally come to the mecha warehouse?

When he looked at it, they had to admire it. The beautiful country's technology was indeed very impressive.

As Mr. Su entered the mecha warehouse, all the mechas inside appeared in front of them.

Their emotions couldn't be restrained, and they were all shocked by the various mechas in the mecha warehouse.

As for Su Yan.

Although he knows that he is being broadcast live, he naturally does not care about what everyone thinks of him.

At this moment, when Su Yan walked behind the mecha warehouse.

Su Yan was ready to take action to upgrade his mecha.

But, just at this moment.

Suddenly, his walkie-talkie received a message from his father.

"The super soldiers have gone to Cyberpunk City, what are your plans?"

"The super soldiers are already here?"

After hearing what her father said, Su Yan was a little surprised.

Only two minutes have passed since he entered the military base.

But the super soldier is already heading towards him?

With the strength of his current Nuwa mecha, it can't resist the super warrior!

Thinking of this, Su Yan became a little nervous and felt the urgency of time!

"Dad, can someone buy me half an hour? Give me half an hour. The mecha I developed will definitely take shape, and I can compete with that super soldier by then.

A battle!”

At this moment, Su Yan asked her father with some uncertainty.

He had already told his father about the super soldier's strength information before.

So he believed that his father could also make correct time judgments!

After hearing his son's question, Su's father thought for a moment and then replied: "Are you sure it's half an hour? If it's half an hour, that's definitely no problem.

"Then if it is guaranteed that only one person is injured and no one is killed, can it last for half an hour?"

Su Yan thought for a moment, worried that the people protecting him would suffer heavy losses, so he couldn't help but ask again.

Hearing this, Su's father couldn't help but smile and said: "Don't worry, son, what I just said is that there are no casualties, only casualties, and this is already a conservative estimate. Don't underestimate your dad, I will give it to you." War calendar provided.”

"Of course, if there is an extra half hour, the situation may really be bad, because what I considered for you at that time was half an hour to escape. Unfortunately, I didn't expect that instead of escaping now, you would have to stay in Mecha experiments are being conducted here.”

After hearing Dad's exact reply, Su Yan couldn't help but feel relieved and said, "That's good. Tell those who protect me that they have worked hard. Dad, you have to say hello to them for me."

After saying that, Su Yan didn't waste any more time and quickly hung up the phone with her father.

Now the super soldier has arrived, leaving him only half an hour!

He doesn't want people outside to protect him all the time and fight against super soldiers.

For this reason, he must seize the time to develop and upgrade his Nuwa mecha and let the mecha take shape!!

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