Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 80 A Global Sensation! A Denunciation Of The Beautiful Country! The Beautiful Country Is Goi

Chapter 80 A global sensation! A denunciation of Beautiful Country! Will Beautiful Country decide to destroy the city?

After the incident of Su Yan killing the beautiful country super soldier passed.

The turmoil caused by this incident did not dissipate.

At this moment.

On the Internet, and even around the world.

Almost all the people were frightened by the scene they saw during the live broadcast!

Not only did they see various advanced mechas in the beautiful country's military base.

I also saw the terrifying super soldier who was different from ordinary people and could withstand bullets with his body!

You know, before this, they had never heard that there was such a thing in the beautiful country!

And these things can all be used as weapons of war!

That is to say.

If they all over the world allow these secret weapons of the beautiful country to develop without knowing it.

So one can imagine how terrifying the beautiful country of the future will be!

If that day comes, the entire army of the beautiful country will be armed with super mechas.

And if the entire army is trained into super soldiers.

Then why are these small countries resisting the beautiful country?

If you attack with a cannon or something, all the mechas will fight you.

You wear a helmet on your head to block bullets, but others can resist the bullets you fire just by relying on your body!

Under such circumstances, how can they defeat the beautiful country in the world?

At that time, there is only one result waiting for them, and that is death!

Therefore, when all the activities that the beautiful country did in private were made public.

People all over the world have once again realized that this beautiful country is despicable and extremely abominable!

Their country is not a beacon to the world at all!

For this reason, nowadays, netizens from almost every country are angrily criticizing the beautiful country on the Internet!

"You are so shameless in the beautiful country! You actually hid it from the whole world and were researching that kind of mecha and super warrior 05. You shall not be punished!"

"Harming innocent people, right? Conducting human experiments, right? Why don't you die quickly and do your own experiments to kill yourself?!"

"Damn you beautiful country, luckily we used to regard you as a lighthouse, but now I see clearly that you are a lighthouse, the soul lighthouse of hell!"

"Fortunately, Su Yan from Daxia helped us expose the truth. If it weren't for Su Yan's exposure, I'm afraid your conspiracy would have been accomplished!"

"Ugly country! It's so disgusting, go to hell with the labor and management, you must die as soon as possible!!"

Anger, contempt, hatred, at this moment, people all over the world have great hatred for the beautiful country!

And under their hatred.

Major news media around the world are also indignant and have published many news articles criticizing this beautiful country!

"Light of hope? Beacon of humanity? Disgusting! This is the real truth about the beautiful country!"

"Using countless innocent people for human experimentation, a super soldier like this was created?! This super soldier cannot represent the justice of your beautiful country. He is a demon who has swallowed countless lives!"

"Humankind's unprecedented hero, Su Yan! He comes from Daxia, thank him for helping us get rid of the first super soldier of the beautiful country! Thank him for exposing us to the crimes that the beautiful country has committed in secret!"

"It's meaningless if people don't think, but I hope the beautiful country will never think again, because they are not human!"

The voices of major media outlets around the world have once again pushed the situation of fishing boats in the beautiful country to a new climax.

For a time, the whole world began to report that the beautiful country was pointing the finger at the beautiful country, hoping that the beautiful country could give an explanation!

At the same time, even the people in the beautiful country are extremely angry at this behavior of their beautiful country!

The reason is not that they are angry because of the way Beautiful Country behaves.

It's because, as the impact of this incident spreads, their economy has been severely affected!

It was almost just half a day.

Due to the global boycott of Nifty Capital, many of them have lost a lot of money in the stock market!

The stock market crashed and various capital flows were disrupted, making the current beautiful country very uncomfortable!

And this is also the most fundamental reason for the anger of the people in the beautiful country!

For this reason, they have also appealed on the Internet, hoping that their officials can give an explanation!

"No matter what you do, you are the first to poke a hornet's nest! Look at the good things you have done. You don't do this kind of thing lightly. Now the whole world knows about our things, right? Our economy has also been seriously affected. Bar?!"

"Super soldiers? Your super soldiers did not bring us safety, but instead made us fall into a global isolation situation!"

"I'm already bankrupt. This is all a good thing caused to us by the secret deeds of the officials in our beautiful country! I can't wait to go out and commit crimes, FREEDOM!!"

"Please let the officials immediately give an explanation to the world about the super soldiers. Even if they threaten to use force, please be sure to solve the current predicament we are facing!!"

Because the super soldier plan was completely leaked.

Now everyone knows about the scandal in the beautiful country.

under the influence of this huge event.

The global economy, especially the economy of beautiful countries, has naturally been greatly affected.

It is precisely because of this influence.

As a result, the beautiful country at this time was also in a mess!

Many people are angrily speaking to the officials, demanding that they quickly resolve this sudden economic crisis!


In the face of many voices from the domestic people.

The top management of Beautiful Country did not take any action.

Because they all realize that it is useless for them to apologize or say anything else now.

In the final analysis, it is because their super soldiers are so powerful that the whole world is afraid of them.

This sense of fear cannot be erased from the minds of others.

Therefore, at this moment, the senior officials of Beautiful Country were very clear in their hearts.

At present, their beautiful country has lost its international fishing boat system high ground.

Only the following practical actions can resolve the crisis!

As for what action?

That would naturally be to kill Su Yan and let the whole world be impressed by their power again!

When the time comes, they will make the whole world suffer unspeakably!

At this time, all the senior officials of their beautiful country firmly believed in this belief and decided to act for this belief!

Of course, although they have faith in their hearts.

But the anger in their hearts was ignited again.

Before, they all thought that they should stay calm. Only calm can solve the problem. Anger is useless.

but now?

Sorry, they just can't calm down!

If it was a short period of calm, they might still be able to do it.

But if you want them to stay calm for a long time?

Sorry, they just can't do it!

It can be said that as soon as they hear Su Yan's name or mention Su Yan, they will get angry on the spot and their blood pressure will rise on the spot.

That Mr. Su, that is, Su Yan, has formed a conditioned reflex to get angry in their brains!

Talking about Su Yan, their fire will surely burn!

Especially now, it's not just Su Yan's matter that they haven't solved.

Both at home and abroad, it has become a mess.

How could they not be anxious, how could they not be angry?!

Therefore, at this time, the beautiful country is in the strategic center.

The senior officials of the beautiful country were all furious, with faces full of grief and anger!

"Let me see, that damn person named Su Yan must be killed, as soon as possible, the sooner the better!"

"That's right! Now I have zero tolerance for Su Yan. If I don't kill him, I don't want to live anymore!"

"Now we are almost at the point of internal and external troubles. If we don't kill Su Yan, we don't know what trouble Su Yan will cause us in the future!"

"You're right! I think we don't need to think calmly now. We can just kill him and that's it. Kill him with all the methods we can think of!"

"Boss, what do you think we should do now? We really can't wait! And it's not a matter of waiting. How confident are we that we can kill Su Yan if we don't kill him now? What about killing?"

At this moment, all the senior officials of Beautiful Country were discussing with sad faces.

In addition to anger, the expressions on their faces were tortured pain!

They are now tired of being fiddled with by Su Yan!

For this reason, for a while, all the senior executives in the conference room looked at their top leader with uncomfortable expressions.

I hope the top leadership can make a satisfactory decision for them.

At this time, facing the gazes of many senior executives, the top leader was still thinking calmly.

To say whether he is angry or not, he is definitely angry.

But he also knows that anger can't solve any problems.

Only by letting go and calmly thinking about countermeasures can we ensure that there will not be too many mistakes when the plan is implemented.

At this time, with the thinking of the most selling leader.

Gradually, he discovered that there seemed to be no good solution at present.

Su Yan has now mastered an extremely technologically advanced mecha.

This is a very big resistance for them!

Su Yan began to use mechas to compete with them.

And don’t they need to calm down now?

I'm afraid, being calm now won't solve any problems at all!

Only by acting decisively and making the most ruthless decision can they achieve the final victory!

After thinking about this.

The top leader took a deep breath, then looked at the other senior executives present and asked: "What do you think is the best way to kill Su Yan at the moment?"

Facing the question, a senior executive immediately said: "Report to the boss! I think the best way at the moment is to launch the river weapon directly at the Cyberpunk City and use the river weapon to kill the damn Liyan!"

As the senior executive spoke.

Soon, other senior executives present also nodded and agreed with this.

"Yes, boss, I also think that the best way at the moment is to use river eggs on Su Yan! In this way, no matter how powerful he is, he will definitely die!"

"Judging from Su Yan's current mecha, it is probably only a semi-finished product and has not yet reached the point where it can resist the attack of Hedan!"

"It must be irresistible. When the river egg explodes, the temperature in the center is hundreds of millions of degrees. What can Su Yan do to resist the high temperature?"

"So I also think this plan is very feasible. Isn't it just a cyberpunk city? It's not something from our beautiful country anymore anyway!"

"That's right. All the forces in Cyberpunk City are already owned by Su Yan, and our military base has also been occupied by Su Yan. There is no need to keep that city, anyway.

We no longer care about the economic development that city brings to our country!"

"Boss, please give the order to use the Hedan 797 to attack Cyberpunk City! I think it's worth it to trade Cyberpunk City for Su Yan's life!"

At this moment, the senior executives all unanimously expressed their thoughts to the top leader.

That is to use the power of the river egg to destroy the entire cyberpunk city!

After all, you know, Su Yan's people are still there now.

At least they are not in a state where they cannot find Su Yan!

In this case, all they need to do is press a button to launch a river egg.

Their cyberpunk city is finished!

Until then, how can Su Yan survive?

At this time, after hearing these opinions from many senior executives.

The top leader couldn't help but fell into deep thought again.

To be honest, the answer he wanted to wait for them to answer just now was this answer.

But when everyone suggested this, he still hesitated.

After all, there are still many ordinary beautiful people outside the Cyberpunk City.

And nearby, there is a river that runs through the beautiful country.

When the time comes they beat the river eggs over.

Cyberpunk City may indeed be destroyed.

But what about everyone else around?

What about the river polluted by river eggs?

Moreover, there are many explosives in the cyberpunk city.

Once it is ignited, various chain explosion and radiation reactions will occur at the same time!

I'm afraid many innocent people will be affected by the river egg attack!

This is also the impact that the top leaders are most worried about now.

No matter how I think about it, I feel that firing river eggs at Cyberpunk City is a way to kill eight thousand enemies and damage yourself ten thousand!

But this time, the top leader did not hesitate for too long!

After some short thinking.

In the end, the top leader decided that his attitude must be decisive!

This time, no matter how high the cost, even if it means blowing up their capital, Holy Shield City, it must be done!

No matter how important other things are, is it as important as eliminating Su Yan?!

Absolutely not!

Right now, in order to eliminate Su Yan, they will not hesitate to harm some people in the surrounding cities!!

And besides, now, in the entire Cyberpunk city, apart from the land being theirs, what else is theirs?

To put it unreasonably, they are fighting in the Cyberpunk City, not outside the Cyberpunk City!

As for the radiation effects on those outside the city, you can’t blame them. If you want to blame it, blame it on the physical properties of the river eggs!

So, finally, after some careful consideration.

The top leader made a cruel decision.

That is, no matter what the cost of loss, we must launch river weapons at Cyberpunk City no matter what!

They want Su Yan to use his life to pay tribute to the entire cyberpunk city!!

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