Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 85 Successfully Entered The Biological Center! The Top Management Suddenly Asked For The Ser

Chapter 85 Successfully entered the biological center! The senior management suddenly asked for serum? Su Yan’s little plan!

The next morning, after waking up.

Moen, now Su Yan's bodyguards had come to the door of his room and knocked on the door.

Boom, boom, boom!

"Boss, you can leave now. We will escort you to have breakfast and then go to the biological center."

The bodyguards outside the door didn't look like bodyguards at all. Instead, they all looked like little brothers.

They stood outside the door, just standing there dryly, without any defense against the surroundings.

In the room, Su Yan was already dressed at this time.

And disguised as Morn.

Because the disguise technique rewarded by the system is very powerful, now even his voice can be exactly the same as Morn's.


At this moment, facing the shouts of many bodyguards outside the door, Su Yan coughed dryly and said in Moen's usual tone: "Okay, I understand, you all shut up.

After saying that, Su Yan turned his head and glanced at the blond young woman sleeping next to him.

After just one glance, he didn't look any further.

After all, this woman had nothing to do with him.

He didn't have to save her, because she didn't need to.

And he also knew that according to the data obtained from the medicine developed by Moen and the others, this woman would wake up by this afternoon.

By then, when the woman wakes up, she will indeed find that there is something wrong, but it has nothing to do with him.

The owner of this hotel is very familiar with Moen and others, and is also secretly making some unknown transactions with Moen.

At that time, the hotel owner can naturally handle the various problems here as usual.

For this reason, after taking these into consideration.

Su Yan walked to the mirror and straightened her clothes again.

Then he walked out of the room as Moen.

"Hello, boss!"

"Hello, boss!"

As Su Yan walked out of the room, the bodyguards outside the door immediately bowed respectfully.

It's almost like a real younger brother, not a bodyguard.

Seeing the attitudes of her bodyguards, Su Yan couldn't help but secretly thought in her heart that Moen's death was not a loss at all.

In his opinion, it is probably a miracle that Moen can live for so long.

Of course, Su Yan didn't want to think too much about this. After all, his plan had been successful, and it would just depend on his follow-up operations.

At this moment, 05 faced the greetings of many younger brothers. Su Yan also behaved in the same manner as Moen. He waved his hands in a high mood and said:

"It goes without saying that we are respectful. We are all brothers. After all, I can research drugs in the biological center, and you can help me find useful products. We are all brothers!"

"Hahaha, what the boss said makes sense!"

Hearing this, many of Moen's bodyguards also laughed.

They are all very familiar with each other and have become one with each other, just like a group of brothers.

Afterwards, they exchanged a few simple greetings with each other.

Then Su Yan said no more.

Accompanied by bodyguards, they went to have breakfast in an outside restaurant.

finish breakfast.

The many bodyguards are still the same as usual.

He drove Su Yan to the experimental base of the National Biological Center in a bulletproof vehicle.

This is one of the important military areas of the beautiful country.

After arriving here, the bodyguards could no longer move forward.

Because when Moen, that is, Su Yan entered here.

Su Yan and everyone in the biological center will be protected by the beautiful country's military and are very safe.

In order to prevent the secret information in the biological center from being leaked, irrelevant personnel are generally not allowed to enter.

"Goodbye, boss!"

"Goodbye, boss!"

At this moment, when they arrived at the gate of the biological center, the bodyguards around Su Yan also said respectfully and enthusiastically.

In response, Su Yan simply said yes, then said goodbye to the bodyguards and walked into the door of the biological center alone.

As the secret research center of the beautiful country, it is also the place where the super soldier serum was developed.

All the confidentiality measures here are naturally very good.

At this time, because of Su Yan's disguise technique, Yin Yan's voice and fingerprints can be exactly the same.

In addition, there was also a hacker "god" who helped him retrieve and modify some data.

Therefore, Su Yan's process of entering the biological center was very smooth.

It was just a very ordinary and normal process. He passed the identity verification and successfully entered the central base.

All the facilities and layout of this place have been mastered by Su Yan in advance.

So after walking in here.

Su Yan also pretended to be normal, without any disturbance in her heart.

The interior of the BioCenter base is very large.

Regardless of its name, it is the Biological Center Experimental Base.

In fact, every room and hall here is the same as the beautiful country's military base, full of silver metallic texture.

Various computer machinery and equipment are also filled in every corner, and they look extremely advanced.

Of course, in addition to various computer equipment.

There are also various chemical rooms and biological laboratories here.

There are a large number of disinfection facilities in all rooms.

"Hello, Professor Moen."

"Hello, Professor Moen."

At this moment, Su Yan walked into the biological center base.

The researchers working here also greeted Su Yan one after another.

Professor Moen is their leader here, so greetings are still required.

"Continue to do your experiments. My research is currently at a deadlock. There should be no new arrangements today.

Facing the greetings from many staff, Su Yan said calmly.

"Yes, Professor Moen, we will definitely experiment seriously!"

What Su Yan said naturally did not arouse anyone's suspicion.

Everyone nodded one after another, showing a responsible attitude towards serious work.

In response, Su Yan just chuckled and left the working place here.

Moen also has his own independent office in this biological center.

It's not so much an office as it is his workplace.

Although Moen is shameless in his personal life, his research at work is not weak at all.

Today, one-third of the entire biological center research base is his independent office space.

There are various chemicals and biological components inside for him to conduct experimental research.

It also contains biochemistry books on various experimental studies, which can be convenient for him to check information, record data, and obtain the first-hand information he wants at any time.

All kinds of instruments and equipment are also available.

To sum it up in one sentence, Moen can enjoy the best experimental office environment in the country here.

Normally, after arriving at the biological base, Moen would sit alone in his huge research office, constantly doing new research.

If he needs help or develops something new, he will share his research results with other staff here.

Let his staff conduct further research and verification based on what he said, so as to develop better things.

Therefore, when Su Yan came to the biological center.

Su Yan also went to his own independent office after greeting his researchers as Moen usually did.

And this is what Su Yan hopes to do most.

After all, he came here to study the super serum and develop a stronger super serum!

After a while.

As Su Yan arrives at her private office space.

He was still shocked by everything in the office.

Because he found that his office space was not too big!

The entire huge room belonged to him alone.

And the large room is also divided into multiple small rooms, which contain various rooms!

It can be said that even calling his office a normal-sized laboratory is not an exaggeration!

For this reason, Su Yan also remembered that his own office space was only one-third of the entire biological center.

It seems that one-third of the size is integrated into one huge room.

It is equivalent to opening a biological experiment base for him alone within the base.

Realizing this, Su Yan couldn't help but feel the arrogance of the beautiful country.

Immediately after entering here, Su Yan did not hesitate.

He immediately asked the artificial intelligence: "How is the network intrusion trying to invade here? Can the invasion be successful?"

Faced with the inquiry, the artificial intelligence said with some regret: "Reporting to the master, the encryption method here is completely different from that in the previous military base. I cannot invade the network here."

After hearing this, Su Yan couldn't help but feel a little regretful, but he was not surprised.

Then, he said to the artificial intelligence: "Then you should contact the hacker 'God' now. Cooperate with him and see if you can let him safely invade the network here. Only if you completely invade this place, what will I do next?" Only then can we be more efficient.”

"Good master."

After receiving the order, the artificial intelligence immediately tried to talk to the hacker "god", hoping to find a solution.

After all, the networks here are all local area networks.

If only the hacker "god" is outside, network intrusion cannot be achieved.

And in the process of contact between artificial intelligence and hacker "god".

Su Yan did not stand in a daze in the experimental site.

Instead, I kept wandering around here to read all the research materials and all related professional books here.

In the process of reading, he was also studying the knowledge unscrupulously.

Today, his biological and chemical levels have reached LV8.

So with the help and blessing of his powerful skill level.

He quickly learned and digested everything in the entire biology laboratory.

Mastering so many things at once made his brain feel slightly uncomfortable.

However, Su Yan didn't care too much about this.

After all, his brain has been uncomfortable countless times since he was bound to the system.

Now, he has gradually become accustomed to this uncomfortable feeling.

And as Su Yan learned all the knowledge in it.

Su Yan also felt an inexplicable sense of refreshment.

He guessed that maybe it was learning that made him happy.

That's when.

Suddenly, the voice of artificial intelligence sounded again from the precision instrument hidden in his ear.

"Reporting to the master, the hacker 'god' has successfully cracked and invaded the local area network here. Now it has been handed over to me and I will protect you at all times!"

After hearing this, Su Yan suddenly became happy.

This is really nice!

He is not only here

The identity of the most powerful man has crept in here.

And now they have cracked and invaded the network here.

At this moment, everything here will be under his control!

"Master, do you need me to collect and transfer the relevant data here for you?"

At this time, the artificial intelligence asked Su Yan a question.

In response, Yin Zi naturally nodded immediately.

But he still added a sentence and said: "It's not just about collecting relevant data, I want all the data in it!"

"Good master!"

After receiving the order, the artificial intelligence didn't waste any time and immediately started taking action.

And Su Yan didn't waste any more time.

The next moment, he started heading to the laboratory here to start research on the super soldier serum!

Regarding the production of the super soldier serum, Su Yan had seen part of it in the military base of Cyberpunk City before.

Combining the knowledge he originally mastered with the knowledge he just mastered.

Now, even if he starts research and development alone, he can still develop a super soldier serum similar to Wright's.

Of course, Su Yan is not interested in super soldiers like Wright.

One is because Su Yan feels that the strength is still a bit weak.

The second reason is because Su Yan knew that the super soldier serum Wright used was not the best and could even cause serious harm to the human body.

The super serum that Beautiful Country can produce now is exactly the kind of super serum that Wright uses.

Previously, when Wright used it, he lost the ability to have children, and even the way his heartbeat and spleen functioned were different from ordinary people.

Completely separated from the category of human beings and became a non-human being!

Because of this, Su Yan naturally would not develop the super soldier serum used by Laishi.

The super soldier serum he wants to develop is a serum that can make him stronger than Wright, but can still be a human.

Become 747 a true super human warrior!

Thinking of this, Su Yan began to have greater expectations for his next experiment.

Therefore, at this moment, Su Yan walked into the laboratory.

He first changed into a light protective suit for experiments.

Then I quickly became familiar with the placement of various instruments in the laboratory and the storage locations of medicines.

After you are familiar with these.

Su Yan took a long breath and then prepared to take action.

But that's about it.

Suddenly, he received a call from the senior management of Beautiful Country!

Su Yan couldn't help but be shocked when she saw the call from the senior management of Beautiful Country.

What's going on? Why did the superior call suddenly?

Could it be that he was exposed?

Today, the mobile phone he uses belongs to Moen himself.

However, it has been rewritten by hacker "God", so there is no need to worry about security.

In this regard, Su Yan couldn't help but become a little curious. Why are the senior executives calling now?

While being curious, Su Yan did not dare to waste any more time to prevent senior officials from becoming suspicious.

Immediately, he answered the phone immediately.

In the tone that Moen usually talks to his superiors, he said: "Boss, what do you want from me?"

On the other side of the phone, I didn't notice anything strange about him.

He just said very normally: "How is the new development of the super soldier serum that you mentioned a few days ago going?"

"Now we have found a new military soldier who can use the serum, and we hope to arrange for him to receive the super soldier serum as soon as possible."

After the senior management finished speaking.

Su Yan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, his identity was not exposed.

Su Yan remembered that according to the information he obtained before coming here, Moen did report to the senior management that the super soldier serum had made a breakthrough.

Nowadays, the top management of the beautiful country is asking for the serum, probably because of Wright's death, so they are eager to create another super soldier to support the scene.

After all, it is now in the development and testing stage, and it is very rare for people with a suitable physique for the super soldier serum, so the beautiful country only plans to produce one super soldier, which is enough.

In case there is no suitable physique to use the serum after the Super Soldier Serum is completely developed.

At this moment, when faced with the inquiry from the senior management of Meimei Country, Su Yan did not immediately agree.

Instead, he pretended to be concerned and asked: "Boss, are you sure that person's physique is perfect for taking the serum? The side effects of this thing are very serious, don't do it just because it's not perfect.

Not enough, thereby wasting a person who is suitable for the finished serum in the future. "

Hearing this, the senior management of the beautiful country still responded in a very normal way: "It has been determined that the physique is perfect. How is the progress on your side?"

"Reporting to boss, we have encountered some difficulties in progress, but the progress reported to you last week is still very smooth. I can develop the serum today. If you need

If so, come pick it up this evening. "

Su Yan replied very sincerely.

But I also secretly made my own little calculation in my heart. .

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