Song ran wondered why Mo Qianxing wanted her to go to the hospital, but she hung up there before she asked why.

Song ran thinks about it and decides to go to the hospital. Anyway, she will say goodbye soon. Before she leaves, it's better for them to get along well and make a good impression on Mo Qianxing.

Just at the thought of leaving this topic, song Ran's heart is like being lingchi, bleeding.

The ward where Mo Qian lived was very quiet. There was no one on the whole floor.

Song ran goes in and sees Si Mu reporting the company's work to Mo Qianxing.

The afterglow of the sunset just hit the hospital bed and gave Mo Qianxing a layer of golden light. If you look carefully, you can even see the furry face of Mo Qianxing.

When Mo Qianxing worked hard, he put away his usual hostility and devoted himself seriously. Compared with five years ago, he lost his green astringency and had a little more charm of a mature man. He was so quiet that he could really be called zhilanyushu.

Maybe song Ran's eyes were burning when he saw Mo Qianxing. After a while, Mo Qianxing turned his head and looked at Song ran, "is calling you here to make you stunned?"

Song Ran's reaction was as slow as half a beat. It took him a long time to reply, "huh?"

But song Ran's stupidity was surprisingly lovely in Mo Qianxing's eyes.

Mo Qianxing always feels that song Ran is teasing him intentionally or unintentionally.

"Come in! What are you doing standing at the door?" Mo Qian shouted. Then he turned to Si Mu and said, "have you finished reporting? You can go back."

Si Mu looked black and said, "I haven't reported half yet!" of course, he didn't dare to say it directly. Just with a meaningful smile on his face, he got up and left.

Song Ran's head is a little dizzy. The wound caused by the operation is not small, and she doesn't take medicine well. She runs around and has no time to rest. She may have a fever at this time.

The feeling of lethargy came up quickly. Song ran only felt dizzy and disgusted, and the cold sweat came straight out. Mingming was still fine on the road.

Mo Qianxing saw something wrong with song Ran's face, so he didn't even realize his nervousness. When he was worried, the sentence "what's the matter with you?" blurted out.

Song ran shook his head. "I'm fine. I'm just a little tired."

Mo Qianxing thinks of song Ran's unwillingness to donate skin to him and the fact that song ran can't be seen out of the operating room. He is angry. In addition, he had no reason to worry about song ran. Mo Qianxing was even more angry. He sarcastically said, "are you tired? I'm afraid you're not busy trying to persuade Qi Jun how to escape?"

"Mr. Mo, I was originally Qi Jun's fiancee. Do you think the word escape is suitable for us? And your fiancee Lin Yurou is pregnant. Are you sure you want to do this kind of thing that your fiancee is pregnant and supports her lover and children? You are willing, and the shareholders of the mo group will not agree?" Song ran didn't mean that. You can hear the sarcasm of Mo Qianxing, I can't help getting angry.

"A fire made you lose your temper a lot? Hmm? It seems that women really need to clean up." after that, the slender finger grabbed song Ran's wrist and took it to the hospital bed.

Song Ran is caught off guard by Mo Qian's punishment and falls into Mo Qian's arms.

Mo Qian Xing was still wrapped in gauze. He covered himself and pressed song ran, so he was about to kiss him.

"What are you doing?"

"What do you think I'm going to do?"

Song ran thought that the man wanted to do this kind of thing before he recovered from his injury, and he was still in the hospital, a hooligan, a hooligan! But there was no strength to push the man away.

Mo Qian gnaws at the tip of song Ran's nose, lips to chin and neck.

Song ran was in pain. "Mo Qian's punishment, you bastard!"

Mo Qian's punishment lifted up the corners of his lips and looked like a beautiful picture, "that's an asshole? I haven't done anything more asshole!"

Then he reached out to unbutton song Ran's coat, and his big hand moved down slowly. When song ran reached her lower abdomen, song ran felt a lot of sweat.

The wound began to scab. He couldn't stand being touched so much.

Song ran uses all her strength to push Mo Qianxing away and runs out of the ward, leaving Mo Qianxing alone in the ward.

Song ran doesn't want Mo Qianxing to know that she donated skin to him. She just wants to see him go abroad with his mother for better treatment after he recovers. From then on, she has nothing to do with Mo Qianxing.

When she returned to the Mohist school, song ran was tired. She took the bag and swallowed it mixed with cold water. She fell asleep, or fainted.

But this night, song ran didn't sleep well and had nightmares.

She dreamed that song's father was lying on the ground covered with blood and stretched out his arm to ask song ran to save him, but song ran couldn't move and had to cry.

And Mo Qianxing dug out her heart with his bloody hands. There was no emotion in his eyes, not even pity.

When she woke up in the morning, song Ran's pillow towels were wet.

Song ran looks at herself in the mirror. Her swollen eyelids, dry corners of her eyes and cracked lips make her listless.

"Can't you live without him? Song ran, he doesn't love you anymore. The previous Mo Qian punishment can't come back. You have nothing to do with it. So, summon up your strength and live hard!" Song ran said to herself in the mirror.

Song Ran is always self disciplined, stubborn and will not allow himself to degenerate. This is a great trait of song ran.

After Song ran washed carefully, he carefully put on a light make-up. The whole person suddenly became much more energetic and his mood was bright.

Just after cleaning up, Mrs. Wang knocked at the door, "Miss Song, those three children have come to learn the piano. Now they are waiting in the piano room."

Song ran just thought that the children's piano class had not yet started. Now she was dizzy by a lot of troubles. He replied, "I know, Mrs. Wang! I'll be right away!"

When song ran walked into the piano room, the three children had already started practicing luvletter. The three children played the tunes smoothly, there was no Caton on the whole, and they mastered the rhythm very well, especially the only little boy, who was really talented.

After the children finished playing, song ran said, "children, I want to tell you one thing. This class may be the last class I'll give you. Because of many changes, I'm sorry I can't teach you any more."

The beautiful girl named Ning took song Ran's hand and said, "teacher, we like you very much. We will miss you in the future."

Although song ran Cai spent only a few hours with these children, song ran was deeply moved by her common love for the piano and the innocence of the children. So it's no exaggeration that song Ran is reluctant to give up these three children.

Song ran rubbed Ning Ning's hair. "The teacher will miss you too. In the future, you should practice the piano well and study hard in school. Do you remember it?"

The three children answered in unison, "remember!"

Song ran smiled happily and thought about luvletter. The children had almost practiced it, so she wanted to teach them a new track.

"You've almost finished practicing the last song. Do you have anything else you want to learn? The teacher will teach you."

"Teacher, I want to play the city of the sky!"

"Teacher, I want to play stay with me!"

The boy and Ning Ning said it at the same time. They looked at each other. The boy took the lead in saying, "teacher, listen to Ning Ning, let's learn stay with me!" then he smiled at Ning Ning, and another girl who didn't often talk looked at them with a smile.

"OK!" Song ran answered.

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