Song ran looks very gentle. Liang Qingbai is a very gentle person. In this way, he becomes more and more gentle. He smiles.


Only when Mo Qianxing on the other side heard this sentence, the atmosphere around him suddenly dropped to zero. Jiang Ping'an looked at the three of them and shrunk his pupils slightly. His eyes were full of speculation.

A meal finally ended with the ulterior motives of several people.

Jiang Pingan grabbed Mo Qianxing's arm and smiled: "brother Mo, it's getting late. You can take me back."

Mo Qianxing's eyes are straight at Song ran, as if he wants to know what she thinks.

But in Song Ran's eyes, it seemed that there was only Liang Qingbai. She smiled gently and said, "senior brother, the school has changed a lot. The teacher often mentioned you."

"Really? Did you say behind my back that I don't know? Go back and scold me for having no conscience?"

Song ran was successfully amused, but her smile fell into Mo Qianxing's eyes, but it was all kinds of dissatisfaction.

Jiang Pingan looks at Mo Qianxing, frowns, and then pulls his arm, as if to attract his attention. However, Mo Qianxing strides directly to song Ran's face, and then pulls song Ran's arm, completely ignoring Jiang Pingan's meaning.

Jiang Pingan's face was ugly for a moment.

Song ran looks at Mo Qianxing, who is holding her arm in front of her, and frowns. Liang Qingbai, who is standing on one side, also frowns. He walks up to song ran and presents a protective posture to her.

"Mr. Mo, I'm afraid it's inappropriate for you to be in public?"

Mo Qianxing heard Liang Qingbai's words and smiled for a moment.

He's not fit? Who is suitable? Is he Liang Qingbai?

When Mo Qianxing thought of this, he was very angry. Then he pulled song ran hard, but he reached out to hold her when she was about to fall.

"Whether it fits or not has nothing to do with you."

After Mo Qianxing finished speaking, he directly pulled song ran away, leaving Liang Qingbai behind to look at the two of them leaving. The look in his eyes was unclear.

Jiang Pingan stepped over. She was still very arrogant. She touched her fingernails and looked a little careless.

"Why don't you catch up?"

Liang Qingbai took his mind back and took a look at Jiang Ping'an.

"Why don't you go after your brother Mo?"

Jiang Ping'an gave a light snort.

"I've always been chasing men. I don't need to chase men."

Liang Qingbai smiled. At this time, he was rare and not so gentle.

"In country B, people who were dying every day didn't know who they were."

After Liang Qingbai finished speaking, he turned and left like an innocent man, leaving behind Jiang Ping'an almost unharmed.

"I said what are you talking about? Tell me again..."

There was a lot of noise here. On the other side, song ran was dragged away by Mo Qianxing. She really felt again that if Mo Qianxing was there in the future, she would not wear high-heeled shoes, just like now. Mo Qianxing said to send her back. In fact, she was forced to walk by her. She took a big step without taking into account her meaning.

"Mo Qian punishment, Mo Qian punishment..."

"You stop, stop..."

Just after Song Ran's words, Mo Qianxing suddenly stopped. Song ran didn't react. The whole person suddenly bumped into Mo Qianxing's back.

"Oh, I..."

Mo Qianxing looks back at Song ran. Song ran purses her lips and swallows her wailing back to her stomach.

Mo Qianxing looked at the red numbers shining on the elevator in front of him. He was annoyed for a while. Finally, he couldn't help but say, "you know Liang Qingbai very well?"

Mo Qian's question is nonsense. Song ran and Liang Qingbai are alumni. Moreover, when Liang Qingbai appeared almost for the first time, Mo Qian's punishment has turned Liang Qingbai's almost old background out, and now he's still pretending to be confused here.

Song ran just nodded and didn't feel Mo Qian's dissatisfaction.

"He is my senior brother. We have a good relationship."

God knows, this is not the answer Mo Qianxing wants at all. His eyebrows wrinkle deeper and deeper. Song ran doesn't feel that he is emotionally wrong at all. She just wants Mo Qianxing to loosen his hand and hold her hand. Who knows, how can Mo Qianxing have so much strength.

Mo Qianxing heard song Ran's answer. He was really more and more upset. He twisted his forehead.

At this time, the elevator just opened, and Mo Qianxing took song ran in.

After Song ran goes in, she feels more and more uncomfortable. She wants Mo Qian Xing to relax herself, not to mention that the two of them look very strange. What's more, song Ran is now half a public figure anyway. What should she do if she is seen by others?

Finally, the elevator stops on the floor where song ran lives. Song ran purses her lips, and then wants to get rid of Mo Qianxing's hand and go out. Unfortunately, Mo Qianxing holds it too tightly.

Song ran pursed her lips.

"Mo Qianxing, I'm going out."

Mo Qian tortured the whole person as if he had smoked the wind, and then pushed song ran against the elevator, with obvious anger in his voice.

"I say I'm not sure."

Song Ran is also angry.

"Mo Qian, what's wrong with you?"

The voice of Mo Qian's punishment became more and more low, and he held song Ran's hand harder and harder.

"Song ran, I said I was not allowed."

No, no what? He doesn't allow so many things all day. Where does song ran know what he said? Song ran only feels that Mo Qian's punishment is becoming more and more unreasonable.

At this time, the elevator door was opened again. Song Ran's face changed for a moment. She was afraid that she would be seen.

Mo Qian Xing could see that he was still rational. He blocked song ran with his body for the first time, and then said, "get out."

I opened the door with a confused face. What's all this?

Mo Qianxing listened to the elevator door without closing. He pursed his lips and said again, "get out."

The man at the door suddenly reacted. When he pushed it out, he just reflected how stupid he looked. Who is this man? He let him out, he will go out? Is that too shameful?

People outside the elevator are reading, and the atmosphere inside the elevator is not much better.

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