Fortunately, the hotel rooms are soundproof, otherwise Jiang Pingan's shouting may be heard by people outside. If people outside hear it, they don't know what Jiang Pingan will be said.

The more Jiang Pingan thought about it, the more he felt ashamed, especially in front of Liang Qingbai. Jiang Ping'an felt that she would have no face to see Liang Qingbai in the future. She would be embarrassed when she met him.

If someone sees what Jiang Ping'an looks like now, someone will be surprised that she can't even close her chin. Now Jiang Ping'an is not alone. Because of her identity, she is a standard girl in the eyes of outsiders.

And even when she doesn't attend the banquet at ordinary times, she is also a high cold, not approachable, and doesn't eat fireworks.

If someone can take a picture of Jiang Pingan now, it will occupy the front page of the entertainment industry.

Speaking of the front page headlines in the entertainment industry, she really made headlines today.

Because Jiang Pingan has been in the chagrin of being drunk yesterday, he didn't look at his mobile phone for the first time after waking up.

After a long time, Jiang Ping'an calmed down and smelled the smell of wine all over her. She was disgusted with herself. She got up and went to the bathroom to take a bath. After she took a bath, she went outside to find her mobile phone in the living room.

When she opened her mobile phone, 99 + text messages and 99 + didn't answer the store, she was in a panic.

I didn't know what had happened, so I quickly opened it and found that it was all messages and calls sent by her own agent. Her agent asked her to call her back when she saw the news. Jiang Pingan looked at a recent message. A missed call was five minutes ago.

She jumped because she didn't know what had happened, so she quickly called her agent back.

Jiang Ping'an just rang for a second, and her agent picked it up. The speed of answering the phone made Jiang Ping'an smack. The speed made Jiang Pingan think that her agent was holding her mobile phone waiting for her call.

"Good morning, sister Ya Nan, do you think so of me? You called me so many early in the morning." Jiang Ping made a frivolous joke on her agent Tian Ya Nan.

Jiang Pingan is in the mood to joke. The lack of urgency on the phone is the same as the ants on the hot pot.

"Up to now, you are still in the mood to joke. Today you went on a hot search again, you know?"

Jiang Pingan couldn't help laughing when she heard what Tian Yanan said. She thought her agent was a little too fussy.

"Ya Nan, it's not that I didn't go to the overheating search. Why are you making such a fuss this time." Jiang Ping'an said carelessly.

On the phone, Jiang Pingan was unmoved and careless. He couldn't help worrying.

"It's different this time. This time you even spread an affair. Haven't you seen your mobile phone yet? Check your microblog. Where are you now?"

Jiang Pingan was stunned after listening to her agent.

"I'm in the hotel rented by the crew."

"OK, wait there first. We'll go to the hotel to find you. When we meet, we'll discuss how to deal with this matter."

I quickly finished talking on the phone and hung up. Tian Yanan, Jiang Pingan's agent, is the same as her name. Although he is not a boy, his ability to do things is a means to deal with things, which is no less than a man.

After hanging up, Jiang Pingan quickly boarded her microblog account. Quickly brushed the microblog.

I saw ten hot searches, and six of them were hers.

What are "Liang Qingbai's love with Jiang Ping'an", "Liang Qingbai's love with Jiang Ping'an is exposed", "Liang Qingbai and Jiang Ping'an go in and out of the hotel together", "encounter Liang Qingbai and Jiang Ping'an roadside stall for barbecue", "Jiang Ping'an and Liang Qingbai KTV"

Jiang Pingan was stunned when she saw it. This is what they did yesterday. They were secretly photographed by others. She couldn't help being angry.

Jiang Ping'an brushed down the microblog and found an disclosure claiming to be an insider.

The man who claimed to be an insider said: "My colleagues had a dinner last night. After dinner, I went to KTV to sing together. I left in advance because of something. When I first went to the underground garage to prepare for driving, I saw a man holding a woman's wrist and came to the underground garage. At that time, I thought the two people, the man was very handsome and the woman was also very good-looking. I looked at the woman more It seems that I'm still a little drunk. I didn't recognize them at that time. They are big stars Liang Qingbai and Jiang Pingan. I didn't know until I saw hot search today. It turned out that they were the two I saw yesterday. "

Jiang Ping'an opened it and found that many people had commented on him. He also met Liang Qingbai and Jiang Ping'an.

Jiang Ping'an felt a little above when he saw it. Jiang Ping'an found that a comment had been pushed to the first one.

The comment said: "I'm a student of a Cheng Conservatory of music. There was a snack street next to our school. Yesterday, my roommate and I went out for a barbecue. I happened to sit next to Liang Qingbai and Jiang Pingan. Because I didn't pay much attention to the people next to them, I didn't find them. But later, the woman might drink a little too much. She suddenly shouted and surprised me and me Several of my classmates looked at them. They didn't know. They were shocked at the sight. Because Liang Qingbai also graduated from a city Conservatory of music, the teacher often told us about elder martial brother Liang Qingbai as a positive success case.

So I saw him and recognized him as senior brother Liang Qingbai. We were going to ask for a autograph and a photo for senior brother, but when we saw that senior brother Liang Qingbai had been taking care of senior Jiang Pingan, and senior Jiang Pingan didn't know what he was talking about, we kept talking to senior brother Liang Qingbai. Senior Jiang Pingan talked for a long time, senior brother Liang Qingbai didn't see that he was a little impatient, very serious and spoiled. My classmates and I didn't bother them. We just kept watching the interaction between them. It was really sweet. We were really fed a handful of dog food. "

There are many people who replied, "What immortal love is this!"

"I've dried this bowl of dog food. You can do whatever you want!"

"I knocked the couple!"

"I really like Liang Qingbai's little brother and Jiang Pingan's little sister. I hope they can always be together."


Jiang Ping'an continued to look down and found that all the comments were comments such as "blessing", "together", "very sweet" and "talented women", which made Jiang Ping'an feel cold.

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