Song Ran has come back in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and Si mu can't think of anything more important than song Ran's return. However, listening to Mo Qian Xing's tone, he has guessed the seriousness of the situation and hurried to the hospital.

At this time, song Ran has just come out of the operating room. After settling him down, song Ran's anesthetic strength has not subsided. Mo Qian Xing took him to the next room.

"What's the matter, Qian Xing? Why is song ran in the hospital again? Why is he still in the operating room." seeing song Ran's pale face with liquid, Si Mu felt that something big had happened.

"Ranran's stomach is pregnant with a stillbirth. I suspect it has something to do with Qi Jun. during this time, you can check for me to see if you can find any clues. The doctor said there are many reasons for the stillbirth this time, but he is not sure what it is, so we must find out by ourselves."

"God, this Qi Jun is so wicked that he won't let go of a child. If I catch him, I will make him pay for it."

Si Mu also grew up with song ran. He is the same good friend as Mo Qian Xing.

Seeing such a thing happen to song ran, he couldn't bear it.

"It's definitely not that simple. Look at Lin Yurou. I'm afraid she'll make some more demon moths."

"OK, I see. Just take care of song ran and leave the rest to me."

Si Mu said sympathetically.

The couple had been on and off for so long that it was not easy to have a child. Si Mu felt sorry for such a big event.

"That's hard for you." Mo Qianxing's tone became extremely gentle and no longer as irritable as before. Even Si Mu felt that he was different from before. He hurriedly asked, "Qianxing, do you feel that you have become a little milder than before?"

Mo Qian Xing smiled bitterly and said, "after you've been a father, you'll know why."

After that, Mo Qianxing goes to song Ran's room. Although he is also suffering from losing his children, he is more sad than losing his children.

Children can regenerate when they are gone, but if adults are gone, they really are gone.

Looking at that pale and powerless face, Mo Qianxing only hated that he didn't spend much time with song ran. If he had chosen to believe her and stopped adhering to his so-called male chauvinism, maybe the result would be really different.

After waiting for more than an hour, song ran Cai slowly woke up. When he saw Mo Qianxing, the whole person was not well. He said, "Qianxing, I had a dream. I dreamed that our children were gone. Is it true?"

Seeing that the giveaway was about to collapse, Mo Qianxing couldn't bear to tell him the fact, but it had happened. Even if he could hide it, when could he hide it.

"Ranran, we will have another child. Don't be too sad." Mo Qianxing said this sentence feebly.

When he opened his mouth, although he felt that his whole head was ignorant, it was clear that the child was still in his stomach yesterday, and today he suddenly said no or no.

God seems to have played a great joke on him and let him linger in this loss and gain.

Song ran admits that she really didn't want to have the child at first, but when the child grew up in his stomach day by day, she also slowly had feelings. Now she says no, it's gone. It's like taking a piece of meat from her.

"How? I always eat very carefully. I haven't even knocked or fell when I walk. How can I say it and fall off? Did you ask the doctor what the reason is?"

Song ran can't wait to know why the child fell. She doesn't believe it's gone. Looking at Mo Qian Xing's eyes, she is also extremely frightened.

"Ranran, don't get excited. I've asked the doctor. He said that there are many reasons. It has something to do with your physical quality and mood. I've sent someone to check what's specific. You take good care of your body first, and we'll have children in the future."

Mo Qianxing lied because he didn't want song ran to know that his fertility rate was very low so soon.

He knows that losing her child is a great blow to song ran. If she knows that she is likely not to be pregnant in the future, it will be really cruel to song ran.

However, song ran didn't believe what Mo Qian Xing said at this time. She immediately sat up from the bed and said, "why don't they know the reason? What do their doctors do? They can't even find out why my child died in the stomach. Did they take my child off on purpose, right?"

Seeing that song ran had no way to control his emotions, Mo Qianxing also saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart. He slowly explained, "the doctor really can't find it now. I've sent someone to check it. Don't get excited about Ranran. Be careful to hurt your body."

Song ran, crying bitterly, touched her stomach and said, "I don't want my body. I want my child. I expect him to grow up and I can be a mother every day. But this day is coming. Why should I leave me like this? What have I done to be sorry for others and do this to me."

The nurse next to me couldn't see it anymore and comforted: "Miss, you're still young. There are many opportunities in the future. I can only say that this child has no fate with you and will be fine next time."

The nurse's comfort was of no use to song ran. If the child was gone, it was gone. There was no way to make up for the joy brought by the first child.

"Thank you, nurse, but I really can't recover from my grief right now."

Song ran said these words feebly. Mo Qianxing looked distressed and said, "Ranran, you know, whether you have children or not, I love you most. I really can't bear to see you so sad now. What you have to do now is really to take care of your body and cheer up. Our future life will be better and better."

Mo Qianxing tries his best to comfort song ran and try to minimize the damage, but the more sensational he says, the more serious song Ran's cry becomes.

"But I can't see hope. I want to survive so hard, but everyone wants to harm me and my children. It's my life. I shouldn't live in this world."

Seeing song Ran's self pity, the nurse immediately whispered to Mo Qian Xing, "Mr. Mo, Miss Song is likely to have postpartum depression."

Mo Qian Xing said in surprise, "this disease is not only for those who have children."

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