He probably believed what moqian Xing had told him about love, which may be what it looks like now. No matter what the other party says or does, seeing his movements is a kind of enjoyment. He wants to stay with him for 24 hours. This feeling really makes Sima full of strength all day.

Even when he was very tired at work, as long as he thought of you, he would exist forever. It was like being beaten by chicken blood. He also made more clear his goal of life, that is to work hard for Zheng Yuwei and give him everything he wants. This is what he wants to do most at this stage.

Although this goal is somewhat ambitious and somewhat impractical compared with him in the past, he is really eager to prove himself and make him feel a responsible man in front of Zheng Yuwei. He is not a kind of playboy who is as idle as rumors outside. Before meeting Zheng Yuwei, he really didn't work hard and always hooked up with some beautiful women, But after meeting him, he really wanted to take heart, really wanted to take good care of the girl.

At the thought of this, Si Mu felt that his life was full of hope again. He held Zheng Yuwei's hand tightly and said: "Yuwei, thank you for telling me this, but you really don't have to accompany me. You know I love you so much. How can I be willing to let you stay up with me? I'll take you home first, settle you down, and then I'll be busy with the company. What do you think?"

Zheng Yuwei was moved by Si Mu's considerate words. She didn't expect him to be like this and think of herself like this. It's also because these words made Zheng Yuwei feel that she is really hypocritical and is not as honest as her boss mu, but he can't help it. After all, she has come to this step and has no way back.

He took Si Mu's hand and said, "then don't stay up too late. Your body is the most important. You must go to bed early, you know?"

This was the first time simu had heard that someone wanted him to go to bed early. From that moment on, simu felt that he was finally managed by someone.

It's not a single dog that no one cares about anymore. That feeling is really great.

After sending Zheng Yuwei home, Si Mu hurried back to the company and began the final plan. The contract was finally prepared in perfect form. He was finally relieved. Then he could really start the dating mode with Zheng Yuwei.

However, all this is just the beginning for Zheng Yuwei, which means that he will soon start a new war and start a new battle. He must be full of strength to meet the dispute that belongs to him, otherwise he will only end in failure.

Zheng Yuwei, who came home, didn't feel better. She couldn't sleep all night and was always in a state of guilt. She had no way to let herself live in the care of private placement. He had realized the seriousness, that is, he had slowly accepted the existence of private placement and slowly regarded him as his real boyfriend, which was his feeling The most unacceptable point.

He has always felt that he controls very well, and he has always thought that his feelings for Si Mu are actually feelings, but what he doesn't even know, he has already turned his deep love for him into love.

From these contacts, he also liked Si mu more, understood more, and liked to tell him his inner thoughts. He had no friends. After seeing Si mu, he could easily open his heart. This was an act he had never done before. However, this time, he bravely took this step and said his thoughts Even he was surprised when he gave it to him. Is this the so-called love?

Every time he thought of this, he felt very humble, because once it was true, it would be difficult for him to do it with Si mu, so how could the plan between him and Mo Qian Xing be implemented.

So he can't let himself fall in love with simu. He must refuse to like him in more ways. First of all, he must think about simu's shortcomings, that is, he is so perfect that he will feel like a loser. In fact, he doesn't want to be the passive one in a relationship. In fact, he also wants to take the initiative to like someone, He really wants to experience this feeling when chasing someone by himself, but he doesn't know what this feeling is because private placement loves him so much.

So Zheng Yuwei told herself again and again that she must be sober and recognize her own position. She can't be taken down by the other party so easily. He must have his own principles.

On the second day, Zheng Yuwei took the initiative to ask his teacher's mother out for coffee. At the same time, he also had another important purpose, that is, to go to Mo Qianxing's house again, he must see Mo Qianxing and say a few heartfelt words to him, because only in this way can he really achieve his goal with Lin Yurou, which is the only thing he wants to do now.

Seeing Si Mu's first glance, Zheng Yuwei was happy and said, "I didn't expect to see your changes all night. So many people have learned to send me flowers. I can't accept this gift. It's too expensive."

When she saw a table with a lot of jewelry on it, Zheng Yuwei felt that he had spoiled her too much, because as long as he was better for herself, Zheng Yuwei's psychological guilt would be stronger, and this was the last result he wanted to see.

He has always been a dignified person. In his education, he has never accepted gifts from others without reason. His parents also told him to have his own principles and not accept other people's things easily.

Therefore, he will always follow this principle in parallel and immediately say: "Take these gifts back. I really can't take them. I've always been like this. We're just boyfriend and girlfriend now. If I take your gifts, I'll really feel guilty. I'll feel that our relationship is unequal, and I'll think about what kind of gifts to give you. In this way, I'll be very tired. I hope you can understand my present situation Mood, I really don't want to live so tired. I want a simple life, can I? "

Zheng Yuwei told him what she really thought.

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