In the study.

Mo Qianxing stared at the surveillance video on the computer, clenched his fist and squeezed his fingers into the meat. The surveillance video on his computer clearly saw that song ran stuffed the paper money into the man's hand at the gate. Although the man disguised as a beggar, with the mole on his ear, Mo Qianxing recognized that it was Qi Liansong's driver, that is, Qi Jun's father's driver.

Mo Qianxing clenched his teeth and said, "Song ran, you are really good."

He thought that their relationship was getting closer and closer recently. He thought that song ran would not betray him even if she hated her. It turned out that it was his Mo Qian's punishment that was wrong. Thinking of trying to put down his hatred, Mo Qian's punishment gradually burst into laughter.

"Song ran..." Mo Qianxing kept reading song Ran's name in his mouth, and his eyes became fierce and terrible.

Mo Qian kicks song Ran's door open, which makes song ran jump up. Feeling the terrible anger emanating from Mo Qian's punishment, song ran stepped back slightly.

Mo Qianxing strode to song ran, suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed song Ran's collar, lifted her up, and asked word by word: "Song ran, where am I sorry for Mo Qianxing? Your father killed my family, and now you betray me?"

"Betrayal? I didn't," Song ran was out of breath by Mo Qian's punishment. She didn't understand what happened and why Mo Qian's punishment was suddenly so angry. Obviously, she sat together and had a happy meal a few hours ago.

"No?" Mo Qianxing repeated song Ran's words, and his anger was even worse. "I didn't expect you had loved Qi Jun so much that you lurked around me for him."

"Are you crazy? What are you talking about?" Song ran was stunned.

"I'm crazy. I'm crazy to keep my daughter who killed my father and enemy," Mo Qianxing suddenly sneered.

"Nonsense, my father, he never..."

"Shut up!"

Song ran looked at Mo Qian Xing Yang's hand in disbelief, but did not escape.

But his palm did not fall.

Mo Qianxing clenched his hand. Damn it, even if song ran betrayed him, he found that he still couldn't do it to her.

Song ran looked at him disheartened. For whatever reason, he didn't hit her, but he didn't believe her. It's a fact.

Don't ask why, never believe her.

Compared with being misunderstood, song ran feels as if her heart has been torn.

Mo Qianxing squatted down slowly and said, "Song ran, you have to pay the price for your betrayal."

Song ran raised her eyes in shock and looked at Mo Qianxing: "what are you going to do? Don't touch my mother!"

Mo Qian pinched song Ran's chin: "you can't help it!"

Drag song ran to the study and watch the surveillance video. Mo Qianxing spits out a smoke ring: "Song ran, do you have anything to say?"

Song ran shook her head madly: "I don't know anything. I don't know this man at all."

"Don't know?" Mo Qianxing opens his cell phone again and hands a picture to song ran to enlarge it.

Song ran was stunned. The enlarged picture was a banknote. With a move of ultraviolet light, it was full of graphics and words, which were the product design scheme stolen from Mo Qian's mouth.

Song ran bit her lips tightly and felt that no amount of explanation was so weak. She could only shake her head wildly and repeat, "I really don't know him, I really don't know him..."

Mo Qian put out the cigarette end, pinched song Ran's jaw and closed his lips: "you don't know him, you only know Qi Jun, and you only have Qi Jun in your eyes."

"I didn't!" Song ran said pale.

"Get ready to accept your punishment, song ran," Mo Qian threw the door heavily and walked out of the study.

"Mother..." Song ran mumbled her mother and stood up with difficulty on the table.

She can't cry. The most important thing now is to stop Mo Qian from hurting her mother, and then find out who framed her. In fact, there's no need to think. Song ran knows that no one can get the design so easily and plant it for her except Lin Yurou.

Besides Lin Yurou, no one needs to target song ran like this.

Song ran bites her lower lip tightly and stumbles out of the study.

Song Ran is crazy at home looking for Mo Qianxing. She wants to pray that Mo Qianxing won't hurt her mother, but she has searched all over the corner. Without him, Mo Qianxing must have gone out. Song Ran's pupils suddenly enlarge and suddenly think of something.

She rushed to the gate again and wanted to go out to find him, but a line of bodyguards stood at the gate at some time. No matter how song ran begged, she couldn't get out.

Song ran sits on the ground in despair, dials Mo Qianxing's cell phone again and again, and listens to the busy tone from the phone. Song ran panics!

She knew Mo Qian's punishment too well. Betrayal was his bottom line. At the beginning, he felt betrayed and left song ran and disappeared for five years. Now being planted to steal the product design scheme is tantamount to betraying him. She can't imagine what Mo Qian's punishment would do.

Song ran slowly lies on the floor. Tears flow down her cheeks and through her hair, wetting half of her hair.

The next morning.

When song ran wakes up, she finds herself still lying on the floor. Eleven is clever and low beside her. Song ran gets up and finds that the huge house is empty except for her and eleven.

Mrs. Wang, the driver, were gone and replaced with a row of vicious bodyguards at the door.

Song ran was imprisoned.

Mo Qianxing never appeared again after that night. There was only song ran and a dog left in the whole Mohist family. People brought meals to the table on time every day. Song Ran's activity area was limited to the Mohist house, not even the garden. It was like prison life.

Song ran didn't eat or drink at first two days ago. Later, she thought that her mother was still alive and dead, and went downstairs to eat on time every day. She had to wait until Mo Qianxing appeared and had a chance to escape the Mohist School and find out the truth.

"Mo Qianxing, you're so cruel!" Song ran forcibly sends rice to her mouth and looks blankly at the front. However, in three days, the original beautiful and smart person has become pale and bleak.

Mo Qianxing in the office looked at Song ran in the monitor. The eyes seemed to flash a trace of unbearable, but the Obsidian eyes suddenly recovered their just cold.

Things have become more and more difficult. Qi group has released product design drawings first. There are only three days left before the new product release time of Mexican group. If the design scheme is not submitted in three days, the investors are bound to withdraw their capital, and the shares of Mexican group are bound to fall sharply.

As a company of the same type, under the leadership of Mo Qianxing, Mohist group became a new star and overtook Qi group. Unexpectedly, qiliansong used such despicable means to restore the market value of the company.

Three days, only three days. Even if the design scheme comes out, the new products can't catch up. Qiliansong calculated the time, and Mo Qian threw the document in his hand on the table.

"Song ran, that's really nice!" Mo Qianxing's eyes were dark and his face was even colder.

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