Qi Jun returned to his room and played with his favorite plane model as a child. The cell phone ring broke the silence of the night.

Qi Jun didn't look at it, so he picked it up impatiently.

"Qi Shao, the driver has news." Qi Jun was overjoyed when he heard the news, and finally had a pleasant thing.

After hearing the incident of song dyed, Qi Jun arranged the manpower to investigate secretly. In order to avoid the Mozi's punishment, he could only catch the cicada after the mantis.

"Very good, where are people now?" Qi Jun asked nervously.

"Lin Yurou helped the driver arrange a fake death. The driver also knew that this matter was causing a lot of trouble. He avoided Lin Yurou and prepared to escape by himself. Our people were ready to help him, but master Qi's people took him away." the voice over the phone also revealed a trace of surprise.

This is really hot news!

Qi Jun didn't expect that qiliansong was also involved in this matter. He just didn't know what role qiliansong played in this matter!

What's more, he didn't know that he hated his father since he was a child, and he hated his father since he was a child. Is he an enemy or a friend?

"Don't scare the snake. Just find out if the driver is in danger. If necessary, you can conflict with Qi Liansong to protect the driver's safety!"

Qi Jun decided not to attract qiliansong's attention. This time, he also wanted to see if qiliansong was on his side.

Qi Jun, who hung up the phone, thought about all the things he and qiliansong had done over the years. The more he thought about it, the less he felt. He must have taken care of song ran. He was tired all day and fell asleep slowly.

Mo Qianxing is very tired, but he doesn't want to rest. The great Mohist school has no song ran and Wang Ma, which makes people uneasy.

Mo Qianxing watched eleven run to his leg and rubbed him all the time. He didn't know whether eleven had eaten or not. Like him, no one cared about him.

He rarely gave himself a bowl of noodles. In fact, he can cook, but he doesn't like to cook and eat by himself. Since his parents except for car accidents, he always easily feels lonely. He was not like this before.

Taking advantage of the gap before his face was ripe, Mo Qianxing fed 11 some dog food. Looking at 11 eating dog food while wagging his tail, Mo Qianxing finally relaxed his tight string for a day, and a smile slowly appeared on his face.

Time always flies. Song ran recovers quickly under the care of Wang ma. That day, song Ran is finally leaving the hospital.

Song Ran has had a very leisurely life these days. Mo Qianxing came to annoy her when he was not free. Qi Jun didn't come to see her again. Maybe Qi Liansong was locked in his house again.

It's also good to talk to Wang Ma every day. Wang Ma takes care of her and passes quickly day by day.

In fact, Mrs. Wang knows that Mo Qianxing doesn't come to see song ran until song ran falls asleep every day.

He won't stay long either. He just came to see her, told Wang Ma a few words and left. Sometimes he would ask Wang Ma to go out, hold song Ran's hand and say a few words. Maybe it's something he can't say at ordinary times.

As past people, Wang Ma knows very well that they all love each other, but there may be too many misunderstandings.

Mo Qianxing didn't come to pick up song ran from the hospital in person, not because he didn't have time, but he felt that song ran, who was sleeping, was particularly charming these days.

Song ran, who was asleep, would not talk hard to him as usual, would not mention other men to make him angry, and would not deliberately do something that made him unhappy to make him unhappy!

Forget it, song Ran has finally recovered, so she won't be unhappy anymore!

Mo Qianxing thinks that song ran probably doesn't want to see him. Song ran who returns to the Mohist school this time is like a thorny rose, which can be seen from a distance and can't be contacted from a close distance.

Song ran sees that Mo Qian Xing calls Si Mu and thinks that Mo Qian Xing is coming too. Unexpectedly, Mo Qian Xing really didn't come!

Song ran doesn't do what he wants, and the key is that song ran doesn't want to think any more.

Si Mu looks at Song ran and is disappointed. He wants to record this scene and let Mo Qianxing regret it!

Song ran went back to the Mohist School unimpeded. When she was well, she was in a good mood. Finally, she didn't have to lie in the hospital bed. It's really good!

As soon as song ran enters the door, Xi rushes on Song Ran's leg. Song ran knows that Xi hasn't had fun with her for a long time, and she won't see her for a few days. Usually Xi is very obedient and really a sticky dog.

Song ran sees that the Mohist school looks like the same as before. In fact, this house gives people a more depressing feeling, luxurious atmosphere, but it is not warm at all, less human!

Just like the guy Mo Qian punished!

She doesn't want to stay in bed on her first day back. It's a waste of time!

Song ran seems to suddenly remember something. She tells Wang Ma to get herself some lunch and hurried upstairs!

Returning to the bedroom, song ran quickly locked the door, rushed to the bedside and began to look for her hidden mobile phone.

Song ran felt for a long time and finally found it. She was relieved. She quickly turned on the machine to see if there was any important news.

Song ran thinks something's wrong with herself. Lin Yurou can't be a fox without revealing his tail!

Sure enough, the driver is now in qiliansong's hand! That's great. Now one more person certificate and one more chance of winning.

Song Ran is very excited now. Now Lin Yurou has more and more handles in her hands. I believe she can return to her mother soon and never pay attention to these right and wrong again.

Mo Qianxing knows that song Ran has reached Ping'an's home and begins to do his own things safely.

Mo Qianxing and Si Mu went to the restaurant mentioned by Si mu last time. There was nothing special, but it was impossible to do business in terms of their previous family situation!

It's not his style that doesn't hurt. Now let's see how the family feels.

Mo Qianxing is now playing a game of chess. He doesn't want him to win this game soon. He hopes that his opponent can at least respect him and be equal to him.

Mo Qian Xing called Si mu, "did you bring the person you brought?"

Si Mu saw Mo Qian's punishment like this and respectfully said to Mo Qian's punishment, "the man has brought it. Do you want him to come in now or not?"

Mo Qianxing suddenly asked, "how's Wang Liang? Can he stand it?"

"Wang Liang is dying, and the Wang family has been looking for him. It is said that Master Wang loves this son most." Si Mu replied.

Mo Qian's punishment raised the corners of his lips, which was very interesting. After a pause, he continued to say to Si mu, "you say, who does Wang Liang like best?"

Si Mu didn't know what Mo Qian's punishment meant, and didn't tangle with Mo Qian's punishment anymore. He stood aside and made a black question mark face.

Mo Qianxing was amused by mousse's appearance, "well, let someone come in."

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