Hidden Assassin

Vol 3 Chapter 2: Enthusiastic youth

Ming, why didn't you submit the form to join the community! ? "

At this time, it was still too early, and there were not many people in the classroom. Most of them were attracted by the words of Eastern euphemism. Jia Ming said with a doubt: "What form?"

"It was the application form for joining the community that I sent out yesterday. I sent it to you personally."

"Oh." Jia Ming smiled. "But I have joined other clubs."

"Others ... why don't you have such a sense of collective honor? What's wrong with our travel agency? Everyone in a class, you have to go to someone else's club ... Uh? What's this?"

Holding the club application form handed over by Jiaming, after a moment, Dongfang Wan's face darkened: "Society you built? The future of cutting-edge technology and sustainable development of earth resources ... Gu Jiaming, do you think this joke? Interesting? Huh, I don't believe the school will pass such a ridiculous society! "

Looking at Dongwan Wan, who slammed the application form on the desk, then turned his face and turned away, Jia Ming shrugged helplessly: "The name is pretty good, both avant-garde and stylish, no humor It feels really troublesome ... "

Regardless of Dongfang Wan's opinion, two days later, the school announced the list of new communities in this semester. The future of ultra-high-tech and earth resources sustainable development prospects crisis forecast worries The powerful and explosive name of the rescue group appeared suddenly In the corner of the list, the name idiot, a small society with a mentally disabled purpose, has become one of the funny topics in the school for a while, but soon after, it was forgotten by people ...

Of course, there are always people who can't forget ...

At the end of October, the red leaves drifted.

Unlock the bicycle in the parking lot, and launch a family of three small family bicycles from a large number of expensive sports cars and motorcycles. It does look a bit shabby. This is already the last class in the afternoon, and the atmosphere is very nearby. Is quiet. Sacred Heart College is very large. It takes a few minutes to get out of the parking lot by bicycle and pass through the gate of the small square to the teaching area. Along the slow **** all the way to the school gate, a few basketball courts on the side of the road are very lively.

The Sacred Heart College basketball game originally scheduled to be held after the National Day has not been delayed because of the Star Dream cruise ship. Today, the game between more than 30 teams in the third grade of high school has entered the tense semifinal. The sixth grade of high school-that is, the team in the Jiaming class is led by Huang Haobing. It is said that the record is very good. It has been done all the way. Although the school championship may not be obtained because of the relationship between age and height, the first grade of the grade is estimated to be stable.

Today, Huang Haobing and others are doing training on one of the basketball courts. This section is a self-study course, but in order to practice the players can come out naturally, Dongfang Wan and a few beautiful girls as cheerleaders in the class are also on the court. As the monitor of class one and six, Dongfang Wan is passionate about anything that is conducive to increasing class honor. At this time, not only is the cheerleader of the basketball team, but also the manager of the team, responsible for arranging everything about team training and welfare. Kind of thing.

Seeing Jiaming riding slowly on a bicycle, Dongfang Wan, dressed in a beautiful cheerleading uniform, ran over the court in two steps and made a sharp one-handed overturning movement at the edge of the railing, then opened his hands and stopped at Up the front of the bike.

"Gu Jiaming! You missed school again!"

The reason why I use this word is because it is not the first time for similar things. The last class of every week is one to three, as if it is the legal absentee time of Jiaming classmates. Although it is not an important class, it is like It's too arrogant to be too arrogant in this way. In the past, I found that Jia Ming was too late when he was not in the classroom. This time I caught a current situation. Dongfang Wan couldn't help but be proud: "You are always absent from school. Beware of me Report the teacher to deduct your conduct points.

At this time, Dongfang Wan just had a fierce exercise. Her cheeks were red, there were sweat beads on her forehead, and she wore a green headband. The whole body was full of vitality, as if the heroine of a **** comic. It's not the kind of miniskirt that shows people underwear when they lift their legs. At the moment, he smiled and said, "I took a vacation from the teacher."

"Well, you say headaches every time, every time is the last class of 135, how can it be so coincident! Everyone knows that you are deliberately absent from class. I don't know what you have to do with in school, teacher Opening one eye and closing one eye is one thing, but if you dare to do this, I must deduct your points! "

Jiaming reluctantly spread his hands: "Please, class leader, I didn't seem to mess with you ... I saved you on the island ..."

"I know you saved me, but I wasn't against you. I'm the monitor. I have to manage these things. Don't think you saved me once. I'll open up the web to you, one by one ..." She The voice paused, "Well, now that you have come down, I'll treat you as a basketball team to practice with. If you don't like self-study, then you can practice playing basketball in the past. It's okay. Basketball is the best way to train people's collective honor sense……"

Looking at Dongfangwan's words, Jia Ming suddenly laughed interestingly: "I

basketball. "Thanks, Dongfang Wan's gaze turned around. Dong f" You lie, where are there boys who can't play basketball, well, since you don't want to play, you can go back to study for yourself, tell you, if we When you went back, you were out of class. I still have to deduct your points ... Hey, what are you doing ... "

Seeing that Jiaming had turned around and turned around, Dongfang Wan's pride didn't last for ten seconds. I saw Jiaming's bicycle turned a large circle and drove from the other side of the road to the school gate. He stared at this scene for a while. Dongfang Wancai stomped her feet sharply. Yelled.

"Gu Jiaming--"

Her face turned red and she looked around, and then picked up a clod of soil from the roadside tree to throw it away, but after all, this move was too far from the tutor she received from childhood. In the end, she just hated the soil. The block was thrown to the ground, and he waved his hand unwillingly: "I'm not finished with you!"

The bicycle went farther and farther in the cry of Dongfang Wan. After a moment, Huang Haobing walked to Dongfang Wan: "Eh, don't be angry, he is such a person, he is stranger than others ..."

"You still say this, Huang Haobing, he and you are a family, you don't care about anything."

"Uh ..." Seeing the anger of the young lady hitting herself, Huang Haobing felt quite innocent. "Although it is a family, I haven't had much contact since childhood. Well, it was true when I was very young. Playing together, he always cried, then he and Ye Lingjing became strange after they met Liu Huaisha ... "

"Liu Huaisha ... I have heard that the girl's family is a triad, and she always fights."

"Yeah, she's in shift seven now."

"It's no wonder that there is such a girlfriend ..." Something the brother Dongfang Wan remembered told her, she thought for a while, and said after a moment, "I don't care, I can't let such a classless student in the class, Huang Haobing. You are his relative, right, how can you see the people in your family like this. "

Looking at the East ’s euphemism, Huang Haobing frowned. When he was young, he was afraid of Liu Huaisha ’s little bully. Now at his age, naturally he wo n’t be afraid anymore. It ’s just a habit to not have a relationship with Jiaming, but now I ’m trying to A big lady ... "Okay, okay, next time I see him absent from class, I'll just call him to play basketball."

Dongfangjia and Huangjia are two big families. In Jianghai City, except for some business relationships, there was basically no good personal relationship. However, this time Huang Haobing and Dongfangwan actually belonged to the same class, no doubt they became In order to open up this situation, Huang Haobing is one of the most respected young masters in the Huang family. Dongfangwan also has the same status as the little princess in the family. Therefore, from the beginning of school, the Huang family intentionally brought the two people closer. In Huang Haobing's view, Dongfang Wan is not only beautiful, but also full of seductive vitality. She is very good at planning her wrists, and is always bright and attractive like the sun, especially in the process of organizing some things after the school starts. As the deputy, he acted as a deputy. The tone of the actions of the two was surprisingly coincident. Unconsciously, Huang Haobing had a certain favor for Dongfang Wan.

For this reason, that afternoon, two days later, he rode a bicycle past the court. When Dongfangwan ran over, he was about to speed up, and there was a sudden voice from Huang Haobing: "Jiaming, you have to come Exactly, wait, wait. "

Dongfang Wan can ignore it, but now it is not the age of a child. Although he has nothing to do with Huang Haobing on weekdays, he always looks up and sees the family. He stops the bicycle and sees Dongfang Wan standing proudly with his hands on his hips. In front of him, Huang Haobing also came over.

"Jiaming, you came just right. We are playing a friendly match with people in class seven. Hu Wei was just injured and couldn't find a suitable substitute. It's been too long to go to the classroom and call for help."

"But ... I still have something ..."

"Don't make trouble, UU reading www.uukanshu.com what will happen to you, come here ..."

"Then ... I can't play basketball ..."

"Rest assured, our teammates are much better than them, you just need to pass the ball casually, haha, see if we can settle all this easily ..."

Compared to sheer size, Huang Haobing is very big, not only strong, but half taller than Jia Ming at this time, pulling Jia Ming and walking toward the stadium intimately. For Jiaming, it is of course very easy to break free, but it is not easy to come up with a good reason. For a time, he can only helplessly push the bicycle to walk past.

All of this is naturally the plan that Huang Haobing and Dongfang Wan came up with. They want to change the situation of Jiaming without collective honour. First, they want to let Jiaming participate in the collective affairs. Anyone will be ashamed. So many people watch, if he plays too badly, of course, he will be ridiculed, and then he may feel pained, and if his class wins, he can also feel that he is in this class. Come in honor. After a while, Huang Haobing and Dongfang Wan sang black faces and red faces, and finally successfully pushed Jia Ming to the side of the pitch ... "Uh, then ... I still have something to do, just play for ten minutes ..."

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