Hidden Assassin

Vol 4 Chapter 125: hurt

Don't ... don't want to continue living ...

Hugging the body with both hands, trembling shivering, the surrounding air was extremely cold, and even if she had been in an extremely cold environment, she had never felt as cold as she is now.

The mother had left when she was very young. Her father was very gambling, drug addict, and his behavior was not very praiseworthy. However, in any case, it has been the only loved one who has depended on her for a long time. Family relatives, but in fact no one can look down upon her father. Although she can also get a little help from there, for example, let the Huang family help pay for school fees, and borrow some living expenses here, but the remaining money can't fill the father. That bottomless pit.

I have been despised and glared since I was a child, and I have even suffered from freezing and starving. After reading many books, I have tried to struggle or strengthen myself. However, how much can a child's innocent thoughts play in life? In the end, it only made her lonely, inferior, and gradually, she also learned to be snobbish, learn to disguise, learn to deceive, learn to hide in a dark corner and look at those who live well and mock and curse in her heart.

She once stole ballpoint pens and erasers from her classmates, but of course they weren't found. She once cheated pocket money from some relatives with a poor face. She had thought about tying up Jiaming, but later found that Jiaming was The Huang family did n’t have any status, so she stopped. After Dongfangwan helped her pay back more than 100,000 yuan, she began to contact each other intentionally or unintentionally. Although she only met occasionally for a few moments, she knew the benefits were definitely there. As her heart sank, she learned to take drugs.

After trying it secretly once, I can't stop it anymore ...

She knew that it was a bottomless abyss that was difficult to extricate after being trapped. She had tried to quit drug addiction again and again, but the feeling during the attack was really uncomfortable. The father who was trapped in drug addiction was not good. It's still bad. Every time I see Xu Yiting struggling with a drug addiction, in the end, I can't bear to see her daughter feel uncomfortable and divide her drugs a little to give her. In this way, every time she tried to struggle, one hour, two hours, three hours ... but every time to the end, she would always take the drug.

At least I've tried it, and I've endured it every time, and gradually endured it for a longer time. At least ... My drug addiction is not very deep. I haven't experienced it in front of my classmates. Can endure the past completely, maybe next time ... But now, nothing matters.

After such a father died, she was the only one left in the world. No matter how she struggled, she could only fall into a more desolate situation.

so cold……

Trembling to find the key, opened the door. The furnishings of the hotel room are still warm and gorgeous. If she and her father ca n’t afford such a room anyway, the people in the Huang family are so rich. They are obviously relatives, so why ca n’t you help us? Below, when they talk about their dead father one by one, they are just indifferently thinking about how to not ruin the reputation of the Huang family. Why is this like this ... Take out a match from your pocket and then take out that packet of drugs, Fang Cai's manager fell to the ground when she was frightened and ran away. She picked it up again later. In fact, there was a small bag left by her in the room. Adding up, it was a large dose she had never tried before. I am very happy, so that I can feel no pain.

Starting to put hot water in the bathtub, she went back to the room to find the fruit knife and the needle tube used by her father-which is said to be happier, and it is better to let her die suddenly-standing in front of a tall mirror. She put down two ugly twisted braids, and then took off her big glasses. The girl in the mirror was slightly blurred, and then became clear. Although she looked too stunned, she could still see that she was very beautiful, and now she had a kind of Poor and weak feeling.

That was the only thing she could be proud of, and even if she encountered more difficulties, she never thought about using her body to make money. The 15- or 6-year-old girl watched too much, occasionally fantasizing about the future, and fantasizing that she would have a vigorous love, so she dressed herself up, in order not to arouse the envy of other girls. Because her appearance fell in love with her, it was no different from her being a mistress of others.

That was the only hope in her heart.

Standing in front of the mirror, taking off my clothes little by little, the whole body gradually became up and down, the developing body was tender and green, there was no devil-like curve, but it contained a strange vitality like a burst of hair, Pigeon milk is small, but strong and seductive. Due to emotional tension, the skin of the whole body shows a light pink, and there are already black hairs between her legs ... she wants to be the most attractive image Die, tell those who are cold-eyed or laughed at her peers, Xu Yiting is not staying at all, not ugly at all, she wants to engrave her image in everyone's mind-follow her father to visit Huang at the most difficult time At home, she even imagined that any cousin would notice her beauty and help herself, even if it was [*], it would n’t matter, but no matter what kind of prince of the white horse in the fantasy of the mind, never appeared ... will never show up ... the emotions in her head became trembling because of the fact that she was about to die. She prepared everything and sat in the hot water. The drugs poured into a small bowl, then suction needle. Someone was knocking on the door outside, looking for her father's affairs, but she was unwilling to speak and not answer. She'll be leaving soon, she thought, why should you bother me at this time, and come over to laugh at me?

The needle tube trembled in her hand, looking at the needle in her hand, and the fruit knife on the side. After the injection, she opened her wrist, which must be done immediately, otherwise she would forget to cut it, and remember.

At this time, the door opened with a click, and the sound of the pleasant female voice that just attracted everyone at the casino was: "Look, what kind of knock, you can come in casually."

"Okay, let's do your best, Yi Ting, Xu Yi Ting, are you there?"

"It seems to be inside."

During the talk, a fashionable woman with a colorful bead chain had appeared at the door of the bathroom. She looked at the needle in her hand and the knife next to her. She raised her eyebrows and whistled nicely. Then, Yahan came in.

"You go out!" Xu Yiting shouted in a crying voice. Yahan seemed to realize something, and quickly pushed the woman around her: "She isn't wearing clothes, you go out! Go out! Yiting, what are you going to do, don't be stupid. what."

"You are going to commit suicide. She has a knife in her hand. It will hurt you. Let me ..."

"You can't hurt me, you go out for me." Kicked Jiaming out, Ya Han nervously approached Xu Yiting in the bathtub, "Yi Ting, don't be afraid, there will be a solution to everything, we will help you……"

"You don't come over!" Xu Yiting screamed and picked up the fruit knife next to him, but Yahan took a deep breath and slowly reached out: "It's okay, we will help you, it's really okay, outside You saw that elder sister. How powerful she is. With her there, no one will dare to blame you, even those in the Huang family ... "

She also learned the skill of empty-handedly, so she was not very afraid that Xu Yiting would carry a knife, but only heard the word Huang Jia, and saw that she was crying again, and suddenly turned the knife edge towards herself. His chest stabbed in the past.

"Don't!" Yahan yelled and swooped up.

During the **** storm, the blade tip penetrated about one centimeter, but Yahan's right hand had already held the blade of the fruit knife severely, and there was a sudden flow of blood. Holding back the severe pain, Yahan screamed and gave a strong force, the fruit knife was thrown to the rear, and she fell to the bathroom floor.

"I'm sorry ..." As he cried, Xu Yiting's eyes flashed a responsible look. He picked up the needle injecting the drug and wanted to pierce his chest again, but at the next moment, he only heard "click" The sound came from severe pain, and her hands had been pulled out of the dislocation by the woman who came next. Then, the comer had directly pinched Xu Yiting's long hair and pulled her out of the bathtub. The girl's body was struggling in the air, and the water droplets splashed, looking like a dolphin forced out of the water.

"Sorry, it disturbed your great ideal of suicide."

Still a pleasant female voice, it sounded at this moment, but the tone was absolutely cold. She grabbed Xu Yiting and pulled the naked [*] girl directly into the room. Ya Han was frightened and quickly got up from the ground , Follow up: "You you you ... what are you doing ..."

"What do you want me to do! Now find a gauze to stop bleeding and bandaging your palms. I don't need to teach you. You idiot, said I'm here!"

"But, but ..."

Seeing Jia Ming's look even more fierce than in the casino, Ya Han held his fleshy right hand just behind him, threw Xu Yiting to the foot of the wall, and did not wear her down. The woman had held her by one hand Pressing her throat against the wall and lifted it directly.

Pain and suffocation, Xu Yiting opened her mouth and made a "er, er ..." voice, her body struggled desperately in the air, Bai Nen's legs bounced wildly, and Ya Han was so frightened that she wanted to open Jiaming's arm. But where can it make a little difference.

"You you you ... you will kill her, you will kill her ... let go, let go ..."

"I'm helping her."

"Open and open ..."

Gradually, the pressure on UU reading www.uukanshu.com's neck was getting heavier. Xu Yiting opened her mouth wide and spit out her tongue desperately. As if you could hear the sound of broken bones in your ears, when your lower body was finally incontinent, In the hazy field of vision, the elder sister was still pretty and almost perfect. The whole body seemed to cover this attractive halo. It was the image of herself that she had imagined before. However, in front of her eyes, But it was cold for almost ten thousand years.

Is about to ... be killed by her ...


My mom and dad are not at home. My brother just thought he was free just after the final exam. He did n’t come back to the Internet cafe at ten in the evening. He was beaten once in the last two days. He came again today, causing me to run out. Find. It was so cold outside, and my hands and feet were sore. I asked him to have a barbecue on the way back, and then flattened it severely. Well, I am a model brother. It would be nice to be a younger sister. There is so much heart ... Um, but it's hard to say, who said that the younger sister's half of the brother's butt, if it was touched by someone ... Anyway, resentment ing.

(To be continued)

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