Hidden Assassin

Vol 4 Chapter 149: untitled

White lights hit the stage, rendering a scene of old-fashioned, nostalgic, with the long prelude mixed with slang-like monologues began to echo, "in the name of the father" this song with the most three-dimensional picture, After several years, appeared in this world.

In the bar, in the drizzle, as the melody of the song fell into silence, the neon flashes in the distance, and the vehicles shuttled, the quantity and this kind of thing can sometimes really explain the problem. When everyone gathered here keeps With silence, listening intently, standing in it, you will feel that the melody sound almost drowned the entire city, the entire world under the sky.

Speaking of them, this group of people standing in the rain may be more fortunate than those entering the bar. Although the stage was blurred by the lights into black and white, in a gray tone, occasionally they looked up to see clearly Those ridiculous fruit masks will still dilute the atmosphere that can be felt. In the crowd, Joseph's perception of lyrics was left alone, but he was obviously infected by the song's melody. The reason why Marilyn and Heidi would be intoxicated, or the elements of love and blackness was more. Sitting on the side, Fang Yusi's mood can only be described by shock.

Just like Huang Lao and Zheng Zepei heard "Dongfeng Po" for the first time, it is different from ordinary people who simply evaluate "good or bad" and "like it" when listening to songs. As relatively professional musicians, when they feel the song, they will also Evaluate the weight of this song in your heart to determine whether it will be popular and popular. In fact, most of the songs have to rely on the eyes of musicians, packaging and publicity can be high, but there are also a small number of songs that can be deeply remembered upon hearing, will undoubtedly lead the trend. Almost all the songs produced by the concept band belong to this type.

When the concept band was established for a few months, more than ten songs issued by the band were sold for less than half of the singing rights. However, after each song came out, the tapes that were asked by various performing arts companies to be recorded at the scene would start with The fastest form was sent to some singers. Fang Yusi also listened to several songs repeatedly, and couldn't help but fantasize: If this song is sung to me, what kind of huge impact will it have ...

But there is no doubt that compared to those tapes that are accompanied by noise and appear unreal, the singing I heard at the scene at the moment can be more shocking, as if the jade pickers found the hair embryo of He Shizhang In her eyes, she can even clearly see how powerful these songs will be once they have been professionally processed, sung, and packaged.

Each song has a different style, and each song has a shocking power, and each song can be guaranteed to become popular ... No, no matter who he is, it must be made clear, even if there are some commitments and costs, it does not matter. As long as he can write songs for me ...

Her mind was erratic due to fantasies. Looking at the slightly stupid performance on the stage and the gap between songs, a strange feeling suddenly passed in her mind: the member wearing a cucumber mask in the concept band seemed to dance a little. Familiar ... The idea disappeared in my mind, because the girl did not perform more actions and gestures-she was playing the electric piano, and her hands were busy at this time.

It was also during this time that a waiter at the bar brought two marshmallows and gave them to the mother and daughter of Fang Yusi. There seemed to be something to say, but Fang Yusi had no mood to pay attention at this time.

The black-and-white melody continues to advance, and gradually comes to the end. After the final mixed rap, the silence around them lasts for a while, and it still seems to be immersed in the compact sense of the picture. The lead singer on stage knocked on the microphone, coughed twice, and then said, "Uh ... it's over."

"It's like this for the time being, of course, I can't sing well. There is still room for improvement on this song ... Saturday, everyone is busy resting, and I'm the same. I'm here today, goodbye." It seems to be the consistent style of the concept band No excessive modification, no steady speech, and no care for the audience ’s feelings. After a brief speech, holding the microphone stand is ready to flash people, and there is a noise as usual below, some begging, some protesting, and some People have heard of the concept name for a long time, but this is the first time, so they made a big noise in the front row and wanted to rush up. This kind of scene is almost every time, but the Blue Bird Bar has already been prepared. More than ten strong men surrounded the small stage so tightly that no one could rush through.

Seeing that the concept band exited neatly, Sister Lan not far away made a quick gesture to this side, and said sorry to Joseph and Marilyn, Fang Yusi walked towards the entrance of the channel going to the background. After a while, Heidi, after eating the marshmallow, contently jumped off the sofa and looked around: "Mum, where is the bathroom."

"The bathroom ... I'll take you there."

Laughing and saying hello to Joseph, holding Heidi's hand, the mother and daughter walked towards the bathroom on the other side of the hall, and disappeared into Joseph's vision for a moment.

After the concept band exited, the restrictions on entry were not of much significance. The security at the door was removed, and the music became slightly soothing. Many people came in from outside and asked others about the situation on the stage before the new song. Communicate with each other. Although a lot of fans have been lost because of the concept maverick style, when this style becomes a habit, there are still a lot of **** fans, and they have talked about if the concept band enters the music scene, they can absolutely swept the army, and The so-called pop stars were swept away.

Listening to the praise and worship of the surrounding crowd, Joseph was drinking red wine and thinking about some things he wanted to explore during his trip to China.

Yes, of course, who was the one who saved Marilyn's mother and daughter three years ago?

After Marilyn's incident three years ago, the relationship between Sallie and the two Mafia families in Gambino has been a period of relaxation, but peace has continued to the present, and many of the original contradictions have reached the edge of intensification. Seeing that the family war was about to break out, the Salier family who was at a disadvantage in power naturally wanted to find more help. Among them, the mysterious force that once saved Marilyn's mother and daughter naturally became one of the focus of the connection.

Regarding the experience of being rescued for more than a month, after returning to the United States, Marilyn and Heidi are very tight-lipped about their mother and daughter. Speaking, in order to keep this secret, both mother and daughter have spent a lot of money. Energy, once someone talks about this aspect intentionally or unintentionally, the atmosphere of chatting with them will be immediately indifferent, Marilyn will still have some rounded wrists, Heidi's rejection is even more direct, originally lively and naive , Her child no longer likes to deal with strangers. Even if her relatives in the family make a side attack on the matter, she will make a direct U-turn and walk away. When she first returned to New York, This embarrassment happened dozens of times.

Many people in the family say that the mother and daughter are too sensible, but as the father of Marilyn, she seems to have always felt guilty about her daughter in Tang Jingyao's affairs, and has since put down this matter. However, when the family felt the coming of the crisis again, of course, some guilt also disappeared before the family's interests, so there was Joseph's trip to China.

Recalling the performance of Marilyn Mother and Daughter in the past two days, Joseph was almost sure that the lead singer of the concept band, the boy named Gu Jiaming, was definitely one of the important people. Heidi must be in the period three years ago. I met this teenager in time and became friends. Now as long as I have investigated the background of the teenager, many things should be taken out of the way. Thinking in my heart, when the time passed minute by minute, a kind of uneasiness gradually rose up.

For ten minutes, they didn't come over.

He walked through the crowd and came to the door of the bathroom. He waited quietly, then took a breath, knocked and knocked on the door of the women's toilet: "Marilyn, Heidi!"

The music was loud, the crowd was loud, and there was no response in the bathroom.

Frowning, he kicked open the wooden door. A fat woman washing her hands in front of the mirror was stunned and a foreign man kicked in openly one by one, and the lower body of several women was completely exposed. Under this man's hawk-like sharp eyes. Because the murderous demeanour that can be felt in person is too great, no one dares to speak for a while. It wasn't until the man seemed to have looked at all the places with dissatisfaction, and turned his eyes fiercely on the fat woman, and finally a sharp eighth-degree cry for help sounded.


Turning around suddenly, Joseph ignored her and rushed towards the door. The first security guard who came in waved his baton at his head and was kicked off by him. The second security guard just took a note. The fierce straight punch was cut in the back of the neck by a hand knife, passed out, and stunned, and Joseph rushed into the small passage outside the toilet like a chariot.

Either security, rogues, or justices, a large number of people came from both sides.

Kicking, fisting, and violent over-the-shoulder fall, the first four people who rushed to the ground had fallen to the ground, and the people in the rear still wanted to continue to rush up, but then stopped because the man in front of him had directly Two pistols were pulled out of the clothes and aimed at both ends of the tunnel.

As the members who blocked the passage at this time were all members of the Shazhu Gang, no one screamed for a while, and the riots did not spread to the hall. After a while, a middle-aged man who appeared to be wearing a suit walked away from the crowd. After coming over, looking at the pistol, he could not help frowning: "This friend, why are you making trouble in my place?"

After he said it, a man next to him translated it in English. Joseph lowered his muzzle slightly and said in Chinese, "My two friends, I'm missing here."

"Two friends?" The middle-aged man looked at the men next to him. A security guard behind him squeezed in and said something in his ear. Then the middle-aged man asked: "Your friend is a woman? Blond? Her daughter? "


"My people saw them go to the parking lot below from there. No one threatened them. The little girl seemed quite happy. Why didn't they say hello to you beforehand?"

For a moment, Joseph's fierce expression remained unchanged. For a moment, he put the pistol back, took out a check and wrote a number, and then tore off the first one and passed it: "Thank you, these are my compensation . "After separating the crowd, ran towards the stairs down the parking lot.

The parking lot on the ground floor was brightly lit. From the first realization that Marilyn's mother and daughter had disappeared, he probably understood what was going on, so he didn't doubt the middle-aged man's statement and ran to the car he rented. , There is a piece of paper on the wiper, and it really is Marilyn's handwriting:

Don't worry, time is up and we will return.

Then, the sound of the engine sounded in the parking lot. Turning around, a black car went from a short distance to the exit. On the back seat, Marilyn and Heidi waved and smiled. "Don't worry!" It was Marilyn's sweet laugh, with a touch of regret in the charming smile.

For a moment, Joseph sank.

I still remember that when I first met Marilyn, she was already

After leaving Heidi, the Chinese man went back to his hometown. At that time, Marilyn was not involved in any social activities at home, and did not have many friends. Under the deliberate arrangement of Marilyn's father, when she went to that mansion herself, she occasionally had the opportunity to get close to her. After becoming a friend, Marilyn occasionally talked about Tang Jingyao who was far away in China, and a bright smile would bloom on her face. He used to think that he might be conquered by this smile, and one day, he would make her smile so brightly and charmingly when she thought of herself.

Marilyn came to China three years ago with Tang Jingyao, and what happened later caught everyone by surprise, but anyway, Tang Jingyao died and took Marilyn back to New York. She began to actively contact the things in the family and began He continued to politely and appropriately smile and laugh. He knew that the death of the Chinese man had dealt a heavy blow to her, but at least he had had the opportunity. In the past three years, he tried his best to move her, and it seemed that progress had been made. But occasionally when no one is there, Marilyn suddenly remembers something, and smiles brightly and charmingly. He has seen it twice inadvertently-when someone is there, such a smile often converges-that smile makes He felt a little flustered.

And now, looking at Marilyn's smile, some kind of enlightenment suddenly rose up in her heart. She wanted to get rid of herself and meet someone, so she smiled so charmingly. No matter how hard I tried, I was still one step behind. After the death of Tang Jingyao, the American woman who loved China from an early age still chose a Chinese as her sustenance.

In this matter, I may never have had a chance.

Standing in place, he quietly looked at Marilyn in the back row. After a few seconds, the vehicle drove into the rain curtain outside and left his vision.

It was probably during the time that Joseph's classmate dared to break into the bathroom and tried to lower the brim as much as possible. Fang Yusi, like a spy, found the lounge of the concept band.

When passing the front passage, it seemed that money had played a huge role. The security guards in charge did not stop her, but when watching the staff around him, Fang Yusi's heart still had a kind of tension and The combined sense of excitement is like the kind of feeling performed on television-in fact, Fang Yusi's big dream is to act in movies and television. Unfortunately, her acting skills are a mess, and then idols were not very popular in 1998 , So this dream has never been realized.

The channel on this side is silent, and it seems that the concept band has a great style, and no one dares to come to bother. Standing at the door, Fang Yusi hesitated what the first sentence after knocking on the door should say, listening to a loud conversation from inside.

"... What kind of friend did you see last night, but, you are not at home, and I have a good time with ..."

"What foreign girl and her mother don't remember ..."

"That time when I hit someone, I went to Shasha's house? Did I give everything to the little girl? I remember ... Shasha, the next day we want to get money for them, but they are no longer there ... Wow, then we didn't accidentally saved the rich man, and then the good guys got a reward? This is something that only happens in the novel ... "

"They are foreigners, but they are not necessarily rich ..."

"Anyway, anyway, anyway, we don't want other people's money, I remember that little girl is very beautiful, so cute as a doll ..."

The voices of young men and women were heard intermittently in the door. It seemed to be saying that they had helped a foreigner who had been in trouble since they were young. Now the foreigner has found it, and unexpectedly encountered something strange again. Fang Yusi was about to knock on the door, and suddenly his arm hurt, and then his entire body was knocked to the ground.

"Who are you? What do you want to do!"

I couldn't help but let out a sore cry. This time, I was caught off guard. My arm was almost twisted, and my chest was smashed to the ground. There was no cushion at all, and then the hat was taken off by the man, exposing his head. hair. Seeing a woman, the person holding her seemed a little puzzled. UU read the book www.uukanshu.com but didn't relax at all.

The thief-like behavior was caught, and Fang Yusi didn't know how to explain for a while, but he hummed on the ground. After a while, the door around him opened, and a girl in a long skirt came out. Ning Xin's voice was pleasant: "Uncle Gu, what's wrong?"

"There was a troubled foreigner in front of me. I happened to come and take a look, and I saw this woman secretly overhearing at your door ... Oh, will it be your star chaser or the like ..." The man behind him Speaking, he also slightly relaxed his hand strength, and Fang Yusi struggled to raise his head during the beard spreading, and saw the girl's expression that gradually became shocked. After a mess, Fang Yusi also gradually remembered the girl in front of her, and suddenly opened her mouth, and couldn't close it for a while.

"Ah, ah ... Uncle Gu, you caught the wrong person, you caught the wrong recognition ... She, she is a friend we brought, sorry, sorry, did you hurt you, sister Yusi, oh ... no , Miss Fang, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, you ... uh, I'm sorry ... "

Helping her up in a hurry, the young girl named Lingjing slaps the dust on her body with sincerity and apology. Fang Yusi's eyes were shocked, slightly dull.

It was a terrible mistake that suddenly rose in my heart ...

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