Hidden Assassin

Vol 4 Chapter 174: Crossfire

With a "bang", Fang Zhitian broke the window and jumped out of the second floor while holding the East. The shards of glass in the sky stopped only slightly in the air, and then rolled back like a swirl, then, the ear-piercing gun The sound of a siren and the sound of an alarm bell cut through the tranquility of the night sky.

"It's Pei Luojia's killer, everyone beware! If you run away!"

As the highest-level member of Yanhuang Awakening, Fang Zhitian has always arranged a large number of security personnel around him. At this time, he just landed. When the two nearby people pulled out their guns and aimed at the window on the second floor, they were patrolling far and near Dozens of people have also moved quickly. At this time, the entire villa lost power in an instant, and immediately followed by an explosion that occurred in the northwest corner of the villa, which was the independent electric room of this mansion. Cutting off the power and launching an assault through the darkness has always been Yuan Lai Chaochuang's best technique. Perhaps only he can dare to really take such a crazy action with a few assaults.

In the darkness, fierce gunfire and chaos were heard in the room on the second floor. James did not leave, and Ye Lian outside the room must have responded immediately and joined the battle. Fang Zhitian put Dongfang down and immediately took her to leave, but only ran two steps. If Dongfang suddenly stopped and reached out, he pulled Fang Zhitian and jumped into the dead corner of the villa: "Uncle Fang Be careful! "After a tingling sensation of death, the bullet shot into the ground where Fang Zhitian was, and the turf and dirt slammed.


After this utterance. The two downstairs immediately dispersed, and some of them quickly turned around and scrambled away towards the hilltop outside the villa. As one of the sniping points, Yan Huang Awakening had arranged to have another hand there, but now it seems , Still hiding in the past.

The next moment, someone jumped out of the window on the second floor. Tumbling on the ground, the man stood up covering his shoulder that had been shot, and it was James Cook, who stood firm. He shouted at the same time as Fang Zhitian: "Upstairs is the Inner Governor ! "

"Beware of snipers!"

Hearing Fang Zhitian's shout, James didn't stop. He jumped again, slammed the window of the room on the first floor, and jumped in again. Fang Zhitian felt scalp tingling while hiding in the corner with the east side. Dainai Governor and Yuan Lai Chaochuang are one of Pei Luojia's highest-level killers. The two have always been invincible partners. They want to come from the Yu Yu on the Xingmeng this time. Here comes the strongest lineup.

Yuan Lai Chaochuang is best at marksmanship. In the ranking of the dark world, he has the most terrifying firepower. When two pistols are around, you can suppress the firepower of a group of people at the same time with the most accurate gunning and the most keen grasp. Even this group of people is holding the sharpest assault rifle, as long as anyone comes forward within the reach of ammunition. The bullet will arrive in an instant. In this way, the ghost-like gun skills are the "suppressive firepower" of his famous dark world. The thought that Fang Zhitian had escaped the sniper attack of Yuan Lai Chao, Fang Zhitian secretly said that he was lucky, if he had a keen sense of Dongfang Ruo, he would be dead today.

As for the governor on the second floor, he is different from Yuan Lai Chaochuang. He is best at Yi Rong, deception, and extremely superb ninjutsu and martial arts. This time, if there is no advance warning from the East, let the other party Difficulties broke out within two meters, and Fang Zhitian didn't even have the chance to escape. Perhaps some people think that martial arts cultivation is of little significance in the world of bullets. But it turns out that this flexible martial arts master can be met in a small range. Modern weapons will lose any meaning unless you prepare a grenade to die with the enemy.

The other party came by surprise with its elite strength. In the case of your own crowd, the most important thing in front of you is not to run away. If you bring the East from the window to the villa and return to the villa, the people outside will finally Started a firefight with Yuan Lai Dynasty. As for the interior, the second floor is in chaos. The structure of this large villa is a bit complicated. Now that the real elite of Yanhuang Awakening has not arrived, it is just a large inner governor, and no one can catch it. he.

"The enemy is in Room No. 7 on the second floor, and is staring at Mr. Dongfang. Miss Dongfangwan and Mr. Lei Qing are also inside. We can't shoot ..."

"Ye Lian was injured ..."

"The people below are on alert to prevent the enemy from escaping from the window ..."

"He jumped out of the window ... we failed to hit him, he ... he went in through the window of the sixth room on the second floor, and he looked like a bat ..."

"Stop him ..."

"Beware of the grenade, spread out ..."

The sound of machine gun fire, the destruction of doors and windows, and the explosion of sounds continued for a while. The entire large villa covering an area of ​​1,000 square meters seemed to be screaming and about to be destroyed. The Governor of Dainai was best at martial arts, but Does not mean that his marksmanship and fighting skills will be inferior to Yuan Lai Chao Chuang. Fang Zhitian, who was protected by several people in the room on the first floor, smiled bitterly as he listened to the continuous report of the situation in the headset: "What a terrible scene, we have so many people held back by the two of them and have fun . "

"Please don't be foolish, Mr. Fang, because we may be facing the two strongest killers in the world." The family doctor in the villa bandaged a gunshot wound on his shoulder, James said optimistically. "Such an assault If you pay attention to a blow, the governor of Dainai will launch an assassination inside. Yuan Lai Chao Chuang ambushes. Now that they have failed, they are preparing to evacuate. In any case, they only have two people ... "

If he misses a blow, he immediately finds a way to evacuate. This is the normal style of an ordinary killer, but Fang Zhitian shook his head at this time: "No, I don't think it's that simple. The gunfire outside is getting closer and closer, which indicates the source. Lai Chaochuang is charging towards this side. With a rush of strength, two decline, and three exhaustion, the average killer can only hit the spirit in the first blow, but if you carefully study Pei Luojia, you will understand that these two lunatics ... … Within ten minutes of launching the attack, they were able to maintain a high degree of initiative and excitement. Without the elite strength of the same level, we can only do our best to suppress them ... ”

During the speech, with the report of "Mr. Dongfang was injured", several people quickly helped Dongfang Linghai to come downstairs, followed by Dongfang Wan and Lei Qing. Among Fang Zhitian and others, Dongfang Linghai's martial arts practice is considered to be the best, and it is perhaps because of this, that he can support it hard under the attack of Governor Taichi, but now it seems that blood was spit out from his mouth. Her chest placket had been dyed red, and Dongfang Wan, who was next to her, shivered, almost crying for a while.

"Cough ... cough ... it's not good for years, and my bones haven't been active for a long time. I almost ate all his deadly punches. Fortunately, I avoided it quickly ... cough, cough ... it's okay, no big problems ... "

Looking at the appearance of Dongfang Linghai's continuous vomiting blood at this time, these words are not very convincing, while Lei Qing asked anxiously: "Uncle Fang, where is my dad? Where is he? Has he been injured ..." I want to come Dongfang Linghai had just fought with the Governor of the Great Nei in order to protect the two, and the scene that caused serious injuries really stimulated him.

"Mr. Lei has been on the third floor, because of the fighting on the second floor, he could not come down for a while, but ..." As he spoke, a loud voice came from the headset: "Be careful, the enemy has gone to the third floor. The goal seems to be Mr. Lei's room, protecting Mr. Lei's evacuation ... "

Fang Zhitian hesitated for a moment, and then spoke another time: "We protect Mr. Lei who has come downstairs and the other party's position ..."

"He emptied it. Everyone blocked him between Room No. 14 and 15. No, he wanted to ..."

Fang Zhitian suddenly stood up, suddenly picked up a pistol, pointed at the window, and shouted, "Let's go, he wants to come down from above ..."

The fourteenth and fifteenth rooms in the third floor of the villa are just above the room where they are now. The chief governor is good at ninjutsu. With tools, he can go directly from the third floor to the first floor. , Still for the sake of adventure, even the Eastern Linghai, who was throwing blood on the spit, was struggling to stand up at this time, rushing towards the door, and in the sound of gunfire outside, the black shadow swept across the night sky like a spider man. With a bang, something smashed the window and threw it into the room where everyone was, and the figure broke the window and entered the next room.


In the shout, several people rushed out and rushed towards the center of the living room, where the air waves and tongues of fire spit out from the door. The entire doorboard flew over the large living room and slammed it into the bar at the other end. Dongfang Linghai pressed her daughter under her body, while Fang Zhitian protected Dongfangruo. This change made the defense of the people blank for a moment. The wolf-ridden governor had rushed out of another room. Although his body was bleeding because of some minor injuries, it could not affect him. Ghostly speed of action.

Fang Zhitian, who reacted first, fired two shots there, and James waved. Three scalpels reflected the light of flames under the manipulation of power, tearing the air. However, with such an attack, the opponent has just approached with a rapid tumbling. With the rotation of his body, a short katana cut off James' calf leg and shin, and his body was out of balance. Before he fell, he turned around without stopping, and the sharp edge of the katana pierced his temple.

Due to the sensitivity of the power to the metal, the moment when the rush came was extraordinarily long and clear, but in any case, he could not make any evasive action. Seeing the knife light getting closer and closer The closer ...

"Bang--ping--brush-- ''

The complicated voice sounded almost at the same time, the bullet passed through James' ear, the sharp edge opened his forehead skin, and then the katana flew out. Until it fell to the ground. He can confirm that he is still alive.

The moment before the sword light stabbed, someone made Daei Changdu's action full. So Daoguang only scratched his forehead, instead of piercing straight into the temple ...

The katana in the hand was struck by the fly. The governor of Taichi has leapt forward, lands in front of Dongfang Wan who is climbing from the ground, pulls out a pistol, and rushes into the middle of a bunch of enemies. The advantage is that others often dare not shoot at random in order to avoid accidental injury. And you can shoot anyone at will.

However, this person seems a little different.

The pistol was pulled out. Another bullet struck Dongfang Wan under his ribs, and then hit the gun in his hand. The Governor's body fluttered to the side again. The figure glided across the living room like a ghost, approaching the man who shot at the door, and the bullets continuously hit the carpet, table, and chair beside him ... Silhouettes are staggered.

The sharp edge of the short knife reflected the fire of the explosion, and straight toward the man, as if to prove a fact in the dark world: no one can defeat the governor of Taichi within a short distance.

The crisp metal clashes suddenly sounded. In the room where only the explosive flame was used as illumination, the sparks from the short knife and dagger formed a long light path in the dimness, and it was extremely bright and charming for a time.

In just a few seconds, the sparks of metal were continuously drawn in the air, intense and rapid. Although the light was not enough to see the appearance, it was enough for Fang Zhitian and others to recognize it. The battle turned out to be a woman dressed in black casual clothes. The two figures were constantly intertwined and killed, and the crisp metal sound was endless. For a time, it was dazzling.

Offensive, defensive, offensive, offensive, offensive ... In just ten seconds, the Chief Governor has found that the woman in front of him has almost the same speed and strength as him, and he has been from the beginning to the present. Consumed a lot of physical energy, but the other party is just waiting for work.

However, in the battle that can decide life and death in such a short time, the long-term combat experience is still a great advantage, almost a subconscious fake action, and the Great Chief Governor opened the dagger in the hands of the woman in front of him, punching in the direction of The opponent's chest blasted straight away. This is one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body. Once bombarded by a strong force, it may immediately lose its combat ability.

The next moment, the dagger was blown out with a short knife, and there was no feeling of force on the blade. The chief governor of Dainai suddenly found himself in a jerk. The woman in front of him was almost ready for his reaction. The middle door opened wide to the chest. The winner has been divided.

The governor of Taichi was slammed and flew out, and his body was not yet on the ground. He saw that the woman in front of her had reached into the opened jacket ~ www.readwn.com ~ and pulled out an assault rifle.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang-

Taichi Governor's body fell into the bar that was smashed by the door panel. The next moment, a bullet came down like a heavy rain, and the drunk liquor ignited a flame among the wood chips. Fang Zhitian and others looked at the woman in front of them, from the appearance of her only, fighting with the Taichi Chief Governor, to the Taichi Chief Governor who was famous for melee, and then directly flew out, and then directly took the assault rifle to fire. In less than forty seconds, everything she did was as if she had rehearsed the dance once, appearing, fighting, and reversing, just like a dream.

The machine gun spit out the tongue of fire. After ten seconds, all the bullets were finally fired. The whole bar ignited a flame, a mess, but there was no corpse of the Governor, but the woman did not seem to be surprised. , She casually put another row of cartridges into the submachine gun, her cold but pretty face made her look like a queen in the dark.

In a sense, this is also the first time that Fang Zhitian and others met with Tulips. Of course, it was the second time for the stunned Oriental Wan.

A few seconds later, she pursued an aisle on the side of the bar with a submachine gun and drowned in the darkness, disappearing.

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