Hidden Assassin

Vol 4 Chapter 176: Headache mystery

The difference between ordinary people and ordinary people is actually very small. This is very clear.

Small range of displacement, close flight, momentary obscuration, condensation of water into ice, flame manipulation ... This series of abilities is magical to say, and suddenly appearing in front of people is indeed very shocking, but for Jia Ming For such a specially trained person, the impact that can be caused is basically negligible. Even if the opponent has an ability, you can consider it as if he has a more powerful weapon on his body. In this way, it is still not difficult to deal with.

Therefore, apart from the legendary natural evolutionaries who are really close to Superman, Jia Ming is not afraid of powers. General powers have more useful skills than ordinary people after training, but they have better skills than them. More experience, more rigorous training, no less inferior.

After knowing the news of Dongfang Ruo, he has conducted many analyses in his mind. Natural evolutionists have not seen one in hundreds of years. Then this speculation can be ignored. Since Yan Huang awakening will let her evaluate herself, then she must have some This kind of power is enough to judge her power level. Most likely, she is able to determine whether someone has a power because of James. Cook came to trace the natural evolutionary, and Yan Huang Awakening will certainly make this calculation.

He knows his family and his family. Jia Ming knows his condition very well. Since there is no power, he is not afraid of other people's investigation. However, if he comes in contact with Dongfang, a certain discovery still arouses his vigilance. In the course of a series of conversations, his head was stabbed three times. It can be speculated that if the East is using powers on itself, this is an unreasonable phenomenon.

Read someone ’s memory directly, or see his thinking clearly, and infer the cause and effect lines, past and future of someone. Such powerful abilities can only appear in the novel. The power of the spiritual system in the real world is very vague. For example, to detect a person's general thoughts, to determine the abnormal mental strength of a human body, or to intuitively detect the strength level of the other person when facing a person ... These are the possible powers that are determined, although it is impossible to know If Dongfang masters that kind, but if it makes a person have a headache when using it, this ability is a bit ridiculous. It is better to fall into the attacking system than to be included in the detection system, but if the East is not to come to kill He, because he was more concerned about these headaches, Jiaming would come to monitor again and test her reaction.

If it is the force used for the attack, the sudden mental headache is indeed very effective, and it is enough to reverse the fighting form at a critical moment. According to the report just now, she didn't find anything from me, but why it was headache, and ... … This is not the first time, last year on the Star Dream cruise ship…

On the cruise ship Xingmeng, there was a power killer, code-named Zihe, partnering with Yuan Lai Chao, whose power was to cover everyone's eyes with a purple mist in an instant, that time his own mind There was also an instant headache in China, but the effect of a little pain was to make people more awake and not to hinder the state of battle. The painful memory of the last time was kept in his mind, and until today, a similar situation suddenly appeared.

In my last life, I had faced the power maker, and there was no similar situation. This shows that I just reacted to the abilities of others. Why? Spiritual powers are always more acute. The muzzle is pointed at Dongfang Ruo's eyebrows. He waits for the other party to counterattack with the power to confirm the phenomenon again. However, when the time passes, Dongfang is oppressively depressed. Breathing, I dare not make extra movements, and the vision in my brain has never appeared from beginning to end.

Although he has magical powers, is he a rookie without professional training ... The situation froze for more than ten minutes, Jia Ming frowned, and slowly retracted his muzzle. At that moment, if the East was full of fear, Suddenly released, although she could still feel the fear from her expression, she had been greatly relieved.

In the darkness, she was still sitting there quietly. It was not until a few minutes later that she felt that the horrible figure was gone before she tentatively opened her mouth, exhaled, and then, covering her chest, began Breathe quickly.

"嗬 ... 嗬 ... 嗬 ......"

She fell on the bed, groped in the dark and reached out her hand, and finally patted on an emergency button.



A few minutes later, including a doctor, Lei Xiaoyuan, Dongfang Linghai and a large number of people gathered in this room. Dongfang Wan, who heard the news, also wanted to come in, but was driven away by his father. After all, she was not Yan Huang Awakening member.

"Miss Ruo Ruo opened the balcony half an hour ago

Door, the people below are always on alert and no one is found coming in ... "

"The image of CCTV has been tampered with ..."

"Where did she come from and how did she get there, no one knows ..."

"Who deserves to be driven back by the killer king ... Oh, it's hard to imagine her as a woman ..."

"You are sexist ..."

"She's warning us ..."

Among the whispers, a piece of paper with a picture of tulips was passed in the hands of everyone, and when the first person entered the room, the piece of paper was placed on the sofa beside the bed. At this time, if Dongfang leaned on the bedside, she drank the black medicine while repeating the feelings to others.

"... I only know that it is a terrible person ... It sits in front of me, and I just feel that it may be killed at any time ... It is terrible, like a vortex, I was scared to move, and Dare to speak, I can be sure that it is not scary, if it is needed, it will start at any time ... wait, I feel like ... it left something terrible in this room ... "

This sentence was hesitant to say. For a moment, the entire room fell into silence. Several bodyguards had brushed out their guns. After a few seconds, someone hesitantly raised the paper in Yang's hand: " Uh ... terrible thing, is this it? This is the only thing she left ... "

"Not that note ..." Even if she couldn't see it, Dongfang Ruo could accurately point out the other party's behavior at the moment and shook her head. She slowly raised her hand and pointed to a closet in the room: "It seems ... Is there ... "

The two bodyguards glanced at each other. After a moment, they carefully opened the door. It looked like an ordinary closet. The two took off their neat clothes one by one. For a moment, the same object appeared in front of everyone. The beating is the bright red electronic timer.

"It's a time bomb, and ... two minutes ... Everyone hurry ..."

"I've never seen a model before, I can't be sure ..."

Suddenly, there was a lot of mess in the whole villa. During the shouting, evacuation and bomb demolition were carried out at the same time. However, before the person had finished walking, someone had carried the bomb out and drove out in a sports car. Go up to the back of no one.

Two minutes later, looking out from the courtyard here, a huge explosion of flames appeared in the mountains and forests. A large group of people were stunned. It is conceivable that if the bomb really exploded in the villa, these people now may not have 30% Live.

"Gosh, does she really want to declare war on us?"

"If she really wanted to kill, she could set the time a few minutes ago. It had been too long since she left until we found the bomb ..." Frowning, Lei Xiaoyuan denied the speculation, " Remember the bomb incident on the plane last time? She was warning that we were already on the line. But this was the first time she had publicly admitted that she had a deep connection with the child named Gu Jiaming. , Tong Yangyu ... "

Dongfang Linghai on the side nodded with a smile: "In this way, tulips and the mysterious Miss Jane Soyan can basically be equalized. Since only demonstrations and warnings have been given, they should still be considered goodwill The investigation on the surface, let ’s stop in the future. We need such an ally. Since she is smart enough, she should contact us in due course. "

"Of course ~ www.readwn.com ~ maybe we can contact her already?"

"Um ... haha, or can you really try?"

Among the conversations of several big brothers, the entire Dongfang family house is still in some chaotic situations at this moment. Walking through the crowd, Dongfang Wan was looking for the figure she was looking forward to. According to the elder brother's statement, Miss Jian Suyan had only been here before, leaving a bomb like that, and then disappeared silently ...

Great, surrounded by so many people, you can come in and come out, you can leave a bomb ... squatting by a flower bed, looking for the tired Dongfang Wan with his hands on his chin, as usual, revealing the expression of worship .

Although she has always been educated by her collective power, if the individual's ability can reach such a level, then it doesn't matter what the collective is. Relatively speaking, Gu Jiaming's rookie is far from qualified! Tong Yangyu ... Gu Jiaming is so shameless!

After worshiping, her grievances rose as usual, and she stomped the grass under her feet. Dongfang Wan packed up and walked towards the gradually calming villa. The model has just been disassembled. To prove that she is better than him, she has a lot to do To do it.

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