Hidden Assassin

Vol 5 Chapter 182: Gangster

In the afternoon, Lei Qing's prank didn't leave much memory in his heart at home. The sea heat in August was amazing, and it was even more sultry in the evening. Sitting on the balcony of the hotel room, Jia Ming looked at today. Dongfang Road gave him the information, the door was pushed open behind him, and walked in quietly.

Walking to the balcony, Lingjing smiled and held Jiaming's neck from behind. The girl who had just taken a bath was soothing and refreshing, her body was next to each other intimately, but she didn't look hot: "I'm ready to go."

"Well, after reading this page, Shasha is still taking a bath?"

"Why, Shasha washed with me just now. She's gone, and then I'll come to you."

"It's too irritating, don't call me ..." Jia Ming looked at the data and smiled. "Lily girl with no sense ..."

"Hum." Ling Jing hummed twice like a kitten in his ear. "What is this? Why can't I understand it, alas, like a medical report ..." she said, from the paper bag on the side He took out another thing and turned it over twice, and Zhu Mingjia shook his head: "I still can't understand ..." He threw it back to the paper bag.

"Well, I don't know too much, but ... this is the highest secret in the country." Jia Ming replied casually, and shook his head with a smile: "Find a suitable buyer, this thing should be sold for several hundred million yuan. Still no problem. "

"How many ... billions?" Lingjing's eyes widened.

"Oh, idiot, fool." Seeing Ling Jing's surprised expression, Jia Ming smirked, and gently touched the tender cherry lips, then grabbed the paper bag and threw it back to the big bed in the room. "Anyway It's useless to us, just ignore it and go eat. "

Jia Ming hugged his shoulders, gave him a quiet smile and hammered him, taking a few steps. She pointed to the paper bag on the bed and said, "Is it OK to leave it like that? In case someone ..."

"It's okay, don't worry, it won't be a pity to burn that kind of thing directly."

"But ..." Ling Jing bit her lower lip and walked to the door before struggling out of Jia Ming's arms and ran to the bed. "Confidential documents, are you careful about whether you want to throw things casually?" I do n’t know when I ca n’t find it. ”She did n’t ask about it, but she carefully arranged the documents inside, then opened the wardrobe on the side of the room, pressed the paper bag under a quilt, and took two photos. Next, let the inside return to its original state: "Okay, so you shouldn't lose it, let's go, Sassa must be waiting for us below."

As a birthday feast of the big brothers. In fact, it is a gathering of underworld people. In the past, Liu Zheng's birthday has always been low-key. I chose a large hotel this time and set up dozens of tables for banquets. Most of them are due to the current situation. Three months ago, Yongsheng Gang was destroyed by Yan Huang Awakening. Li Yongsheng's father and son evaporated. Although the police have vigorously maintained these months, the situation is still not peaceful. By now, the police's pressure has been slightly weakened, and the entire underworld has reached the highest point of chaos.

Resentment, revenge, fighting, negotiation, land grab ... When one-third of Jianghai's territory entered the vacuum period of the underworld forces, the remaining gangs saw this opportunity and began vigorous development. The little gangs hoped to get more places and started an intrigue. Some of the Yongsheng gangs that had been disbanded organized again in twos and threes, established new gangs, selected new bosses, and began to fight the original with ambition. Site reception. After the subtle situation of the three-legged standing ended, the struggle between the two remaining gangs in Jianghai City: Shazhu Gang and Sanqing Gang also became apparent. Although everyone is currently struggling to swallow the power vacuum that originally belonged to the Yongsheng Gang, but the situation in the rivers and lakes after that, no one can be optimistic. Without the buffer, waiting for the two sides will inevitably be more fierce fighting and contention.

It is also for these reasons that this birthday party will not look simple. If it is according to Liu Zheng's ideas, Jiaming, Shasha, and Lingjing are better not to come here. Although Liu Zheng's father-daughter relationship is not considered confidential, it is always better for fewer people to know. However, after knowing these conditions, Shasha naturally has her own plan. She knows Jia Ming's ability. Although no homicide will appear at this banquet, Jia Ming will always feel relieved here.

When daylight fell to the end of the street, when Jiaming and Lingjing came downstairs to the banquet hall, Shasha had been waiting for their father for a long time. After saying happy birthday, the three went to a table at the corner of the banquet hall. Well, the people of He Shou came one after another. By eight o'clock, the whole banquet hall was full. There are little bosses on Jiaming's side who don't have much territory and influence. They all look young, but they are obviously arrogant. Of course, they did not dare to mess around on Liu Zheng's birthday, but the two beautiful women It has characteristics, rustling health, vitality, and innocence. It is used by these people who are usually used to showing their personality. They think that pick-ups are very good at seeing them, and naturally they are also indispensable.

On the middle seat, Liu was bragging with a group of big brother-level characters, spitting and flying, sometimes walking around toasting, and seeing him coming, everyone was respectful, really a bit of the style of the big brothers, rustling When I was young, the Shazhu Gang had not been so prosperous. I have seen similar scenes a few times, but it was not so lively. Later, I mixed with the Lingjing family tomorrow, night and day. Before it happened, they always nested together. Liu Zheng intentionally kept her away from these things, but she was a lot lighter to Liu Zheng's underworld image. This time, she really saw her father's style. Hundreds of people in the entire hall turned around her father alone. I can't help feeling a little envious.

"Wow, I don't know if Dad will pass the position of the boss to me in the future ..." At nearly nine o'clock, there was a hot atmosphere in the hall. These underworld people talked loudly, bragged, and showed each other amazing. The amount of alcohol, and some people took off their shirts to show others the scars on their bodies, talking about the past glory. After a few glasses of wine, Shasha's cheeks flushed redly, and she spoke softly to the two people around her, and couldn't help but smile at the home she was looking at quietly.

"You want to be beautiful. Your dad wants you to take Peking University Tsinghua University. Go to a cram school. You tell him that you want to mix things up. Be careful he breaks your legs."

The spirit in the middle smiled quietly and warmly, his voice lowered: "If you break Shasha's legs, Jiaming will definitely come forward. Isn't your favorite thing usually is Shasha's thigh?"

Jia Ming nodded shamelessly, but Shasha gave a frivolous sound, and his face was even more blushing. She is better than Ling Jing in sports. Her thighs after exercise are more slender, and occasionally in bed, Ling Jing can't help but be a little disappointed, and then a giggling joke is inevitable. Some pink scenes occur naturally, which is naturally insufficient. For outsiders.

The sweltering outside of the hotel has not faded, and the atmosphere in the lobby is warmly rising again. This hotel is not equipped with central air-conditioning. The cooling capacity of more than a dozen air-conditioners still cannot control the situation well. Of the three, the always well-behaved spirit is naturally unable to find any common language with these underworld characters, but in the eyes of the home, these guys who still hold machete to proclaim how fierce they are, but just like a family of children Shasha itself is somewhat anti-bone, but has been with the two for a long time, and there is not much interest in being with these people. At 9:30, with a thunderous thunder, it finally rained outside the hotel. The three took some fruits on their bodies and prepared to go outside to breathe in the fresh air. They were walking to the door. Several people bumped together. Sorry to flash away, the banana in my hand is missing one. Several heads of Liu Zheng's men in the banquet hall also greeted them.

There are nine people in the team who have just arrived at the banquet. Jiaming, the middle-aged man headed by him, also knows this. When studying the underworld situation in Jianghai City before, he had already seen this person's information. That is the boss of the Jianghai Sanqing Gang. In the current situation, the strength of the Sanqing Gang is stronger than the Shazhu Gang. This Huawei can also be said to be the first person in the underworld of Jianghai City. This time, Liu Zheng ’s birthday feast. It is not strange to come to the demonstration, but ...

Looking at the back of these people. Jia Ming reluctantly poked his mouth, took a banana and followed behind Ling Jing, rustling, walked to the edge of the bucket, and threw the banana peel and some pistol parts into it. Hearing the sound of metal collision, Shasha turned back in doubt, and saw Jiaming's cheeks bulging high because of food, and couldn't help smiling: "Eating so much in one bite, I'm not afraid to choke you."

Jiaming chewed twice and said with a smile, "That's half for you." Blocked by food. The sound is really weird. There was no one in this corner of the hotel lobby, and when Jia Ming was about to pounce on her to feed her, a red face rushed away with a smile, and pulled up and stood in front of him.

"It's disgusting. You gave Lingjing food, I don't want to."

The three walked out of the hall with a smile, the raindrops were pouring down, the street lights were blurred and hazy in the rain curtain, and the vehicle drove across the long street. Lightning is not a white light to the sky. The breeze came, and the three of them breathed fresh air under the eaves in front of the hotel. Sasa was opening her hands and expressing "good comfort". A young girl who ran out of the hotel with an umbrella walked past the three of them, her eyes looked puzzled. It seemed to know them, and it wasn't until they passed that they turned back.

"Uh, that ... we've seen it, what's your name ... what's that family name, you seem to be called ... what's wrong, right?"

The woman looked like she was ten years old. Although she was older than a few people, she still had a childish look on her face. Jia Ming smiled faintly: "Oh, my name is Gu Jiaming." What Sha was a little puzzled: "Have we ... ever seen?"

"Of course I've seen it, Gu Jiaming! That's the name!" The woman showed an excited look from her hometown, "You forgot me? My name is Mu Zhenzhen, my sister's name is Mu Qingqing, that time ... um, nine At that time in five years, something happened to you. I faked the police and ran to give you an confession. Remember it? Remember it? Later, you helped me catch the thief! "

With Jiaming's memory, the face of the woman in front of her didn't change much. Naturally, he remembered that when speaking of false confession, Shasha also had some impressions. The woman laughed excitedly: "Oh, that's the first time I gave a person I made a confession, so I was too impressed. Although I was later exposed by my sister ... I just saw you feel a bit like that. At the time, the three of you were together. Now you have grown a lot. Uh, do n’t you have an umbrella? "

She said, turned around and glanced at the banquet hall on the other side of the hall, and smiled, "I'm going to buy some umbrellas for you. Well, I'm afraid it's not flat here ..."

"Not quite? What's wrong?" Shasha asked with eyes widened.

Then Mu Zhenzhen hesitated for a moment, mysteriously lowered her voice: "I tell you, did you see the lively banquet in it? It was the birthday of the underworld boss. Recently I heard that the law and order in the society is not good. It is possible today Rush will happen. The three of you are children, or it is better to leave early ... see the van over there? My sister is there, I just came back from the police school on vacation, so follow along to see ~ www.readwn.com ~ Speaking of the police academy, Mu Zhenzhen showed a proud look on his face, as if to say that I am also a policeman now, oh oh ... I can't believe there will be such a straw policewoman in the world , Jia Ming scolded the idiot in his heart, you are really the gospel of the killers all over the world ...

"Okay, now you understand, you guys wait, I'll go in and help you get some umbrellas out. Wait."

"But ... will it really be hot?" Shasha asked anxiously, Ling Jing said at the same time, "Thank you, but we just came out of it to relax ..."

"Uh, it should be hot, that ... ah? You ... is ... from there ..." After speaking for a while, Mu Zhenzhen's expression froze, and her expression was as awkward as the legendary Abu.

"Well, that ... Liu Zheng is my dad. Today is his birthday." Shasha said embarrassedly. For a while, that embarrassing expression escalated again. Mu Zhenzhen suddenly saw the daughter of the devil, but Shasha did not. Paying too much attention, he asked anxiously: "There is a police case watching, they will not fight, oh?"

"Uh, huh ... hehehehe ..."

The thunder and lightning passed, and in the wind and rain, intermittent silly laughter came out ...

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