Hidden Assassin

Vol 6 Chapter 292: count

The previous moment was calm, but the next moment, the amazing murderousness suddenly appeared. Everyone-even the regular neck of Tian Yu couldn't help shrinking and tightening, and a faint sigh was issued behind the brown-haired man. The next moment, just listening to the brown-haired big man yelling, he bent down, and punched backwards, but his legs left the ground in a flash, and someone bumped him out.

If according to most training, when someone is behind, the best way to deal with it is to pounce your body forward, instead of attacking in a hurry. However, perhaps relying on the strength of his body, at this moment, he directly chose to turn around and punch, and the two companions in front of him also attacked Tianyu's regular attack at the same time. However, the first move was just made, and the brown-haired man's body had flew directly past them.

Just like the way he only came in, he relied on his huge body, and hit the door opener directly on the wall like a chariot. It seemed like a reenactment at the time, but this time, the legs of the brown-haired man volleyed. At an alarming speed, he hit the wall against the far end. The figure holding him up and holding him in front of him was too fast to be seen clearly.

It was clean and neat. I ignored the fist that the brown-haired man emptied and swiped it. He crossed the side of Tianyu's regular body and was about to hit the rear wall. The brown-haired man also grasped a little balance at this moment, kicking his legs backwards, slipping across the ground, and then slammed against the corner of the wall, his elbows in his hands, and he had been moving towards the man in front of him. The small enemy smashed.

In the rear, the tall and thin man seemed to be scared by the sudden change. A violent side kick was not aimed at the Tianyu regularity, but kicked in the subconsciously according to the figure in front of Han. At the same time, Tianyu was blocking a punch from the black suit man, and the blue light bloomed.

In front is the elbow of the brown-haired man who slammed his hands violently, and the whistling leg hitting from the back is sandwiched between the two, and the relatively small figure suddenly retreats. He just pushed the brown-haired man up to two meters of burly body shells and rushed towards the wall. His strength and inertia were too great to measure. However, at this time, he suddenly jumped out and swung backwards. He walked sideways and swung his legs in the same way.

With a click, the tallest and most fragile calf was kicked, and the whole body spun and flew up. The brown-haired man fell into the elbows. His original legs were in a backward posture, and the whole body looked towards the floor. Smash it down. In his eyes, the figure that had already turned and jumped out of the field suddenly zoomed in the field of vision. With the inertia of swinging his leg, he stepped to the side, the tiles on the floor smashed, and his fists were in a parallel posture. And smashed it over his chest.


The entire wall was sunken in. The brown-haired man's body was originally smashed down to the floor in front, but he was swung by the seemingly weak two fists. At this time, he was almost embedded in the bathroom wall, and a blood spurted out. The figure in front of him turned away again, and he swung his left fist and hit the thin back spine that was out of balance before landing. Then, he jumped forward and let off the sprayed blood column, right leg knee , Severely hit the head of the brown-haired man from the side.

The thin body flew out, smashed into a pile of white porcelain fragments on the sink, the limbs twitched, and the big brown-haired man was full of blood, and that one knee hit his head from the side and for a while, but It was the whole body that lost its strength, slowly slumped to the ground, his limbs trembling slightly. With the rain over there, the regular hands danced a few times like a conductor, the blue light disappeared, and the bathroom also calmed down.

The time is very short, but in just two or three seconds, the teenager sandwiched between the two looks like a pinball—or, like a huge vortex, with only a few body rotations, waving his legs , Punch out, throwing the two of them out with great strength, smooth and unspeakable. Tianyu was looking at the two people who were convulsing on the ground, and looked at the young man who had stopped. He opened his mouth, but seemed to have no idea what to say, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. Behind him, the man in the black suit was still standing at this time. Many places on his body had formed ice cubes, exuding an indescribable cold, which was also his best ability: freezing gas.

"The first-level undead ability can greatly speed up the healing of his own injuries, can endure pain, and minimize the mechanical damage such as firearms. The most suitable application method is to shoot at people ..." Ignored Tianyu's rules With that slightly surprised look, Jia Ming just squatted down and wiped the man with brown hair. "They wouldn't even take a gun and play melee. These people ... are really novices of novices ..."

"Wow ..." After two seconds, Tian Yuzheng seemed to react, "You are so fast ..."

Even the most powerful abilities use the brain to control the whole body. Even if the recovery is more powerful, before the damage to the head and spine is restored, basically they can only be slaughtered. Jia Ming kicks on the head of the brown-haired man Kicked, walked to the side of Tianyu regular, waved a punch on the standing black suit, a slam, the ice broke, a human head hit the wall like that, and then murmured and fell to the ground : "Awesome freezing air ..."

"When summer arrives, you can open a cold drink shop." Tian Yu smiled regularly, waving her left hand with five fingers, and saw the blue light flash, and the blood suddenly ejected from the fracture of the skull formed a **** ice in the air. The small ice beads formed by blood dropped to the ground, crystal clear.

Since the person was dead, although the corpse was frozen in many places, the corpse was about to fall. Tianyu was right in front of him, letting this headless corpse lean against the wall. Jia Ming folded the blood ice cream next: "Cold drink shop, can you sell this?"

"If my girlfriend likes it, there is nothing wrong with it." Tianyu Zheng spread his hands with a smile, but then his face twitched slightly, because Jia Ming put the blood ice directly into his mouth, like fries. After eating the same thing, he frowned, and asked, "Are you wearing a knife?"

Tian Yu shook her right hand and slid a small knife about thirty centimeters long from her sleeve. Then she took out a medical rubber glove from her clothes pocket and threw it to Jia Ming: "Be careful, Don't destroy important parts of the specimen. "

"Specimen ... Can you take it back to your brain? It's a selective slice at most?" Put on the gloves skillfully, Jia Ming pulled out the knife and asked back. At this time, the whole bathroom fell to the ground, blood rushed, and listening to the conversation between the two, it seemed like an operating room. Taking their repairs as an example, if anyone comes outside, they can basically be heard. Moreover, these people have long established a maintenance brand. I believe that no one will come to bother in a while.

Tianyu just reached out and pointed at the frozen head on the ground: "I'll find a box, this one has been brought back to Japan frozen, and the rest will be awakened by Yan Huang."

"I don't want to stay alive."

"I understand. I'll freeze everything later and cut it down with a knife."

It's hard to imagine, in such a place, what kind of emotions are being discussed about which part of the body should be sliced. It was only that when Ming Ming took the knife and walked to the tall and tall man, the spine was misplaced with a punch, but because of the power, the man who had not passed out showed a terrible look and his limbs were fierce. Convulsions, and seemed to want to shout. However, he couldn't wait for him to make any sound. Jia Ming had just removed his chin, and then did not do too much abnormal things. He just picked up his arm and slashed hard with the blood, from time to time. Use the tip of the knife to flick the muscles of the wound. After half a minute, he reached out to fit the man's chin before standing up.

"The speed of recovery that can be seen by the naked eye is not fast enough. Although it has succeeded to some extent, it is only the lowest-level reformer ..."

Tianyu regular nodded his head: "But what we are most concerned about is whether this technology can produce energy. You know, if it is equipped in the army, it will be terrible to have a dozen soldiers who don't die in a dozen ... "

"I'm worried that it's impossible to escape from the dark Lyra's laboratory at their level, which only proves that there may be one or two very powerful among them ..."

"Ask them." Tianyu smiled with a blue light on his finger and pressed a few times in the ear of the brown-haired man. Jia Ming squatted beside the tall and tall man: "So, the bad news is ... we still need someone to take a slice for experiments. The good news is that we need some information. You see, the brain function of that big man has been Temporarily stopped, we decided to give you this opportunity to betray your companions, what do you say? "

About to be sliced ​​and tested, this kind of thing has left a huge shadow in their hearts. Under the absolute strength, this thin and tall man answered quite simply: "He, he, he ... he is called ... Earl ... "


"The pug I raised in my family is also called Earl ~ www.readwn.com ~ Tianyu Zhengzheng said.

"We ... don't know ... his ... origin, one day ... they suddenly appeared ... the lab ... take us out, and then ... take us here ..."

"What about everyone else? Where are you now?"

"No ... don't know, we ... argued, separated ... Earl, he ... left here from here ... we don't know where he is ..."

The pain of the spine dislocation caused the tall and thin complexion in front of him, the muscles were tangled, saliva was flowing in his mouth, and his voice was shaking. Jia Ming frowned. "What does the count look like?"

"We ... didn't see ... he was wearing a mask ... wearing a black cape." The tall man gasped, "We only know that he is short ..."

Suddenly, a piece of white porcelain was crushed into powder in Ming's hands, and he suddenly choked.


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