Hidden Assassin

Vol 6 Chapter 294: Evaluation

Crossing one leg and swinging both fists flat, this posture seems simple, but it can become the mystery of ninjutsu. As its name suggests, dead fist is close to one hit. The power of this trick is born from the ground. In the end, the strength of the whole body will condense on the double fists, hit the enemy's chest, and directly affect the internal organs such as the heart and lungs. Only in terms of mechanics, its lethality is closer than that of Muay Thai. Knee bump is even more fierce.

However, the mystery of this kind of great destruction is extremely harsh on various factors such as the environment, time, and mastery of the target. At this time, the human body is like a collector of strength, and the strength of the whole body is flowing into both fists at the same time. , And then exploded above the target, the effect of the morning and the evening will be far different, and sometimes even hurt the body. Tianyu Zhengzheng has seen some people. This method is truly amazing for the target. However, if you want to use it in combat, the opponent is injured. However, the recruiter also uses it slightly when he is fully absorbed. The wrong force caused the hands to break or the internal organs to be damaged, as if a person descending the stairs in the dark, who originally thought that the front was already flat. Who knew there was still a first step, and a small step on the air, the taste was uncomfortable.

Therefore, as a mystery of ninjutsu, death boxing is more about letting people learn the method of exerting force during exercise. Most of the tricks that are really used in combat are some slightly compromised force techniques. However, at this time in Tianyu's regular mind, it was by no means a perfunctory death punch.

Turning around, straddling, and punching, the entire movement was completed in less than a second. That foot straddled, and even the tiles on the floor had been cracked. The strength of one move condensed to the extreme, in the impression of Tianyu's regularity. At that moment, it seemed as if the tide was slamming, and the power of the entire space was torn to a point in an instant, and it broke out. This blow is definitely the most complete and standard type of dead punch, and it is enough to be included in the textbook of Ninjutsu as the best example.

At that time, the brown-haired Dahan's body was also lashing down. He just turned back and grasped the position of Dahan's chest perfectly in less than a second. Such keenness has almost reached the point of inhumanity. Because of this, under the dead fist, he was two meters tall and had a huge body of more than one hundred kilograms. He just changed his direction and even smashed the rear wall. Later, he did a check by himself. The big man ’s sternum was almost broken into powder, and the internal organs were completely disorganized and broken. Although he left a breath by relying on the undead ability, even if most of his limbs were frozen, Didn't make him live a dozen more seconds. After asking a few questions, there was no result, and it died like that, without even cutting the head.

Tian Yuzheng has not officially practiced dead boxing, but has conducted in-depth research on the way the dead boxer works. The more you break down the action step by step, the more powerful your shock will be. It is used in actual combat, the perfect death punch, or even in the state of one enemy dichotomy, the grasp of the body and the control of the surrounding conditions. It's unimaginable. And the most terrible thing is that after this move, he didn't pause at all, followed by the death punch and exerted his strength again.

Turn around and throw your fists backwards!

It was less than two seconds to kick the tall and thin man, and he even maintained the state of facing the big brown-haired man, simply punched his back backwards, and pulled out a semicircle from obliquely upward. Back spine.

The spine was misaligned and the man was hit by a fly.

At this time, the blood of the big brown-haired man spewed forward, and at that time was facing the back of Jia Ming.

The body did not stop rotating, turned back again, jumped up, hit another knee on the temple of the brown-haired man, and at the same time, escaped the spurt of blood.

In just three seconds and two simple laps, Tianyu is constantly decomposing in a dark room, firstly slowly decomposing each action, and then recomposing again and again, trying to reproduce the time at the fastest speed. I do n’t know when the blue air mass in the sky appeared, and the blue light was flowing from the wall.

With one hand on the wall, Tian Yu was standing there with her head down. There was a violent gasp in the air. With the center of his palm, the ice spread out on the wall, and the temperature in the room dropped suddenly. Like the advent of winter.

"Huh ... it's impossible ... impossible ..."

If the room is lit at this time, you may be able to clearly see the tangled blood vessels on Tianyu's regular forehead and around the temple. He has always been modest, but as a natural power, an important member of Gao Tianyuan, from an early age The effort will definitely not be less than that of people, and they will go smoothly, and they will have their own conceit. Many times he compares himself with those outstanding peers in his heart: Yu Shouxi, the gods have no thoughts, Liming Daoxu ... he doesn't think he will be inferior.

Of course, Misuki is still a bit difficult to say. Although this man is Yu Shoucang's son, he always ignores Pei Luojia's affairs. In addition to being more perverted in Loli Control, the other aspects are very low-key. There are very few enemies, and even Gao Tianyuan did not consider him formal enemy. Everyone only knows that he has abilities, but he has never seen him use it, and only dimly obtained information when investigating his childhood data. That power seems to be called infinite bright fire, the true and false is unknown, of course, Yu Shoucang himself is a super power of fire abilities, Yu Shouxi still has the possibility to use fire after all.

It is also because of such self-confidence. When I first saw Jia Ming, a little boy, although he was amazed that such a small child could do those great things, he did not regard Jia Ming as a real opponent or collaborator. Look at it. Later, Yuechi Kaoru got engaged to himself, and he sent Kaoru to China by hand, but for less trouble. Until a little bit closer, the original child twice forced Lai Chaochuang to retreat from the source, and even killed the chief governor and the gods without thoughts, and he was really scared.

If he hadn't known Jia Ming before, and Jia Ming hadn't been more concealed and confirmed by Kaoru himself, combined with a lot of information, he would even think that the powerful and elegant woman really exists, curiosity Accumulate day by day, so there is his temptation today.

Either Yuan Lai Chaochuang, or the governor of the inner court, Pei Luojia's special killer in Gao Tianyuan is also horrible to say, but if you want to compare with each other, Tianyu Zheng will never be indifferent. Even if everyone has a gap, it may not be How much worse, but in just three seconds, it told him an amazing fact: he couldn't keep up!

People who practice abilities, because the exercise of abilities will spend most of their energy, there is definitely a gap between physical skills and pure killers. However, Tianyu's regular use of abilities has reached a supernatural state. However, with this three-second perfect deconstruction, he continued to imitate the fighting between the two sides in his mind. Even if his abilities are fully opened, he uses all the fighting techniques, and uses the opponent's powerful power and acute reaction ability. died. What's more, Gu Jiaming, when he was a plain man, more than once showed the perfect firepower suppression level of Yuan Lai Chaochuang.

He has evaluated the combat data of Yuan Lai Chaochuang, the combat data of the Governor of the Great Inner Warrior, and even the gods who have no thoughts and stand up to the ascendant ... No one can make him feel powerless. This may indicate that the other party's true strength is actually one level higher than him ... how is that possible. Such a person, he just heard the old people in Gao Tianyuan said, perhaps after the dark lyre's Natalie Anise's ability is fully awakened, it can perfectly suppress the peak of ordinary people. But as an ordinary person, is it really possible to exercise this body ...

What's more, he was only 17 years old ...

These thoughts echoed in his mind, and he shivered, covering his mouth, and a ray of blood spilled from his fingers. After standing by the wall for a long time like this, he slowly closed his eyes, took a sigh of relief, closed the hand that issued the power, and the blood on his forehead gradually calmed down.


I took out a handkerchief from my jacket pocket to wipe off the blood from the corner of my mouth, then took a few steps back, took out a paper towel on the side of the coffee table, and wiped my hands. The calm rain had returned to the nearby toilet and turned on the light.

Rinse mouth, wash your face, put the power on your hand slightly, and freeze a basin of water close to the freezing point. He tilted his head down, and soaked his entire face in ice water for half a minute before raising his head and looking at the mirror. In yourself.

"Well ... there will be errors in this kind of evaluation, and it is not objective ... maybe I think it is too exaggerated, but basically ... Tianyu regular, you have to be lucky that you don't have such an enemy ..."

After talking to the mirror for a while, he wiped off the water stains on his head, walked back to the bedroom in the back, lay down on the bed, and started to call. Before long, he said, "Well, please find Long Tang Wei ..."

Time passed in silence for more than ten seconds, and there was a voice of a very energetic Japanese girl: "Hey? I'm Wei, may I ask you ..."

"Wei, I was hit ..."

"Ah! Tian Yujun, are you in China now? How are you? Have you found that tulip?"

"Well, Mr. Jiujiro, one night, found it. Compared to him, I'm far worse, so I'm very frustrated now ..."

"Yeah? Why, what?"

"Because he can really do it nine times a night, but we have never done so much, have we?"

"..." The phone was silent, and I didn't know what it was like.

"I feel very inferior right now, but I really want to do ... Prove that I still have hope and can still surpass him, that ..."

"You, don't talk nonsense." It was about shyness, and the voice there was much lowered. After a while, when Tianyu Zhengzheng showed her inferiority atmosphere accurately, the woman said softly, "That, and ... it's all night now. Do you want me to go to China right away, mine? I didn't take my passport with me ... "

"Uh ... airplane ... that's too slow, but, so, you do it over the phone, and then tell me while you do it, and then I tell you here ..."

"Pervert, pervert ... Tianyu is a pervert!" Shouted angrily over the phone. Probably this was expected long ago. The man on the bed smiled and removed the phone from his ear. After a while, the woman over there was still reluctant to hang up. "Also, this is the living room of a shared villa. Although It's late, but they haven't slept yet. If I were to do this here ... I would be kicked out as a woman, and I would be absolutely secure ... "

"Well ..." Tianyu was silent for a while, "Wei, do you know? I have studied a lot of Chinese materials, or an authentic Chinese, in some ways I may not be familiar with China ..."

"I know, why say this again."

"So I know that only our girls in Japan will explain this kind of thing to me in a serious way. If it is in China, it is absolutely impossible ... ha ha ha ha ... Wei, I am so touched, you make me feel How happy it is to be a Japanese, I love Japan, and I really love it ... But, let ’s make an appointment. When you have completed this internship and there is a phone in a single room, let ’s do it once. ... "

"..." The terrible silence, Tian Yu just smiled in bed, holding the microphone far away. For a moment, the woman's angry screams still came from inside.

"Tianyu regular! You die—"

After teasing my girlfriend, my mood was relaxed. That night, he fell asleep comfortably.

According to the scheduled itinerary, Kelly Fonim will arrive in Jianghai four days later, but at more than three o'clock this morning, the phone ringing in the room rented by Mingming, Lingjing, and Shasha at this time stand up. When Jia Ming opened his eyes and got up, Ling Jing also rubbed his eyes and got down from the bed: "Well ... let's go ..."

Reaching out and touching Jiaming's chest, he motioned for him to fall asleep again, because the rustling in the slumber hugged him like an octopus, and if he got up, it would be another setback. The girl in white cotton shorts put on a dress ~ www.readwn.com ~ rubbed her eyes and went into the living room: "Hey ... oh, mom, is there something wrong?"

"Jiaming? Let's sleep in the room ..." After hearing his name, Jiaming straightened up from the bed again, and the girl waved her hand to signal that he should continue to sleep, but then the tone of voice was involuntarily tense, "What? Three? Grandpa's brain hemorrhage? I immediately wake him up ... Ah? Well ... Well, we'll take time off tomorrow, um ... well ... "

She hung up the phone gently, trotting back to the bed, Jia Ming lifted the quilt and covered her body: "What's wrong? Grandpa three has a brain hemorrhage?" The grandpa three in their mouths are the only two generations of direct successes in the Huang family. One of several elderly people. Lingjing leaned on Jiaming's body, looked at him, and said softly, "Mom said that Grandpa III heard the end of the second track of Erbo and was about to be sent to the court. He was so anxious that he was hemorrhaged and sent to the hospital ... he couldn't be rescued. ... "

The Huang family has many family members, but Lingjing's family is not directly related. It is only those relatives who could not be reached in eight lives. She has only met with these three grandpas. However, she always respects her elders. At this moment, she feels sad and does not speak for a while. Jia Ming sighed and sighed: "What did Ye mother say ..."

"We will take a leave tomorrow and prepare to start the funeral. Mom said, you are a direct line, I am afraid to invite more days, preferably a week, I am not limited, but I want to accompany you ..."

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