I know how to pick up girls! "

There aren't many suspense at all. After this sentence, Lei Qing's face first appeared, after a moment's stun, an anger like "you play with me", but he hasn't waited for him to speak, Jia Ming He has patted him on the shoulder.

"I understand your mood, you think I'm lying, I'm playing with you, when you are two. But let's face it, these things are clearly in front of you, aren't there, I have no money at home, Your status is not high enough, and you are not handsome, but people are birds, I am not a bird, Dongfang Wanhao, Dongfang Wanhao, and Mr. Xu Mo ’s favorite teacher Zhang. Why do they all have a good relationship with me, I If you meet with Dongfang Cai, you can invite her to go shopping. These facts are in front of you. "

"Huh, you thought you came over, Uncle Fang would give Ruoruo to you?"

"Uh, I have the chance to prove it." Jia Ming spread his hands. "But you understand? I really have this talent. Maybe you think you have money, and many women will post it. You do n’t care about women who do n’t put your family in your eyes at all, but I ’m different, it ’s hard for me to understand, but ... even if I do n’t do anything, they are better than me, this is born Ability ... "

Before finishing the words, Dongfang Wan, carrying a schoolbag, lowered her head and entered the door. When she looked up and saw Jia Ming standing with Lei Qing, in surprise, she quickly put on a smile and said hello: "Ah, Jia Ming Why did you come to my house? "

Lei Qing looked at Dongfang Wan. With a dull expression, Jia Ming said sincerely, "Now, one of the reality is right in front of you."

Looking at the two people's weird expressions, Dongfang Wan frowned. "What are you talking about?"

Jia Ming ignored her and spread his hands: "This is life."

Lei Qing was not a fool, but at this time his face changed, and his heart was clearly shaken. Dongfang Road appeared in the opposite corridor. Seeing her sister returning, she smiled and said, "Hi. What did the three of you say ... By the way, Jiaming, Uncle Fang said, if Ruoyou is yours today, but in the evening When I was there, remember to take her to a meeting point in Blue Ocean Park and prepare to go camping. "

The expression on Lei Qing's face began to collapse.

"Take Ruo Ruo out?" Dongfang Wan frowned. "Gu Jiaming, why are you taking Ruo Ruo out! She has a terrible headache these days."

"She has a headache? It happened to be me too. Let's share the experience of the headache." Jia Ming turned his head to the side and whispered in Lei Qing's ear: "Look. She's jealous."

"No!" Dongfang Wan resolutely opposed, "I'm not joking with you, if you are sick. What if you take her out and something happens! Do you know how to take care of her?"

"Mr. Fang promised me, wouldn't it mean he believed me?"

"No, anyway." Dongfang Wan stared at him for a long while, then shook his head. "Anyway, if she goes out, I will go out. Hum, see what the **** do you want to do!" She was too lazy to say any more, and turned around, Go up the stairs by the corridor.

Jia Ming frowned, Dongfang Road looked at his sister, and then looked at the two of them: "Is that just saying this?"

Jiaming replied casually: "Oh, no, I recently heard from Teacher Zhang that Lei Qing has an older sister, called Lei Tingdi. I really want to know ..."

Dongfang Road nodded and smiled: "Oh. Sister Tingting. I've seen it, if I have a chance next time ..."

It's not over yet. Lei Qing yelled abruptly at the side: "Gu Jiaming, if you dare to touch my sister, I want your life!" After saying this, his face turned tangled and left, and Dongfang Road was frightened a lot. Jump, looked at the back of the mouth and smoked helplessly: "You play him again?"

"Just everyone to study ..." Jia Ming smiled innocently.



"... If her condition was more unstable some time ago, it is said that she could faint several times in a day, but these days when she came to Jianghai, she didn't know what the reason was, but she had suddenly stabilized a lot. She used to get sick because she came Jiang Hai, who came to Jiang Hai this time, suddenly got better. Several psychiatrists said that she might have any special feelings for Jiang Hai. Oh, we think this is pure blindness.

But even if it ’s slightly better, there are a lot of things to pay attention to. Some medicine needs to be carried with her. She has to take the medicine every three hours, but it is only the most basic thing to keep. Once she is in a state of confusion, she needs an injection. Xiao Wan, the sedative for her, is also good to follow. She gave Ruo Ruo an intravenous injection. Of course, this kind of thing should not be difficult for you ... "

He swiftly pointed out the precautions to Jiaming. Dongfang Road led Jiaming through the hallway of the front hall. In the continuous sound, the pain surged up from the deepest part of his mind, a strange feeling.

"Actually, Xiao Wan's temper is a little bit hard, but she has never been bad-hearted. Sometimes she speaks more aggressively, in fact, she only cares about people. If you come to Jiang Hai, Xiao Wan will become a friend with her. And you Don't look at her usually not dealing with you very much, but she

I admire you, and what she admires most is Jian Suyan. Oh, when she said, Jian Suyan is a little boy pretending to be ... Now, this is the place. "

I took out the key and opened the door. This is a spacious bedroom, but there are not many things. Comfortable large bed, bedside table, simple table and chairs. It is about considering that if the eyes of the East are blind, the extra furniture is already there. Cleaned out. When the door opened, the curtains across the room were open, and the window was so large that the golden sunlight poured in. There was a sense of grandeur in this empty room. The wheelchair was parked in the sunlight, and the girl in plain white clothes sat quietly on it, closed her eyes, and felt the warmth. The sunlight dazzled a golden halo on her face.

"If Ruo, how are you feeling today?"

Leading Jiaming in, Dongfang Ruo has also turned the wheelchair and faced the doorway. She is thin and trim her hair only to her ears. If she only looks at her face, she looks like she is a bit scared. Little boy, with a bright smile on his face. Although his eyes are out of focus, the direction of the two is surprisingly accurate: "Cousin Lu ... and cousin Jiaming, are you here?"

Without being introduced at all, they were able to accurately determine the identity of the two. Dongfang Road looked back at Jia Ming and saw that he was not surprised at all. He couldn't help but make a mistake, and then smiled and relieved, although he didn't know that Jia Ming had experienced What, but people who can be so powerful, can be scared by a little supernatural phenomenon. He squatted next to the wheelchair: "Well, Jia Ming is going to invite you out to play today. Uncle Fang said he would ask your opinion. If you nod, you will return home today."

Without much thought, Dong Fang nodded gently, "Okay."

"That's good, you guys talk, I'll go out first. By the way, Jiaming, Ruoruo's medicine is in this box, there is a simple explanation, of course, if Xiaowan follows, she will know." He pointed Pointing to a small iron box hanging by the wheelchair, he patted Jia Ming's shoulder and walked out of the room. Jia Ming looked at the **** the wheelchair from afar, and the girl also looked up, but this time, she seemed somewhat uncertain about Jia Ming's position. After a long time, she whispered a little uncertainly: "Home My cousin? "

"You can't see me, how do you know I'm here?"

Jia Ming smiled and went to the wheelchair and squatted down, looking at the frail young girl, and her body seemed extremely thin in the sun: "Last time I saw you, your legs are fine, what happened?"

"After going back, I slept in bed for more than two months, and then I didn't feel it." With a bitter smile on his face, Dongfang Ruo's voice was soft and timid, like a quiet floating dust in the sun.

Looking at her eyes, Jia Ming frowned. There were some strange things that he hadn't noticed before. However, from entering the room until now, he suddenly floated up from his heart. After thinking for a moment, he said quietly: "Also Didn't answer my question, can't you see me? "

Dongfang smiled: "Cousin Jiaming, I'm blind."

"But you know it's us who came in."

"The blind man's feeling is always sharper than ordinary people, but ... if you see it, it's almost the same, but when your cousin Jiaming converges, not only can't I see my mental strength, I can't even listen to it Arrived ... "When she said this, she smiled a little timidly. Jia Ming nodded: "Spiritual power ..."

"I have super powers ~ www.readwn.com ~ Jiaming cousin, you know."

"Oh." Jia Ming nodded. "You just can't see me ..."

"Aunt Huiqing said, you are not in the cause and effect line, I am afraid that you are not a person in this world ..." When she said this, she obviously felt something, and she was extremely afraid, but in any case, she continued to say, But I do n’t know why. After seeing you last time, I've been having headaches, but this time I came over and met you there, suddenly it didn't hurt so much, just like the headache was sucked by you ... … Do n’t be angry. I did n’t tell my uncles about these things. Everyone has a secret. You do n’t want to let people know. There must be your reasons. Trouble people ... "

Jia Mingleng was there, feeling a bit speechless.

"Because ... because your cousin is not a bad person, the last time you were very angry ... well, it was night, you came to me, I dare not look at you, because you are like fire, then I I thought it was going to die, but you didn't kill me ... but the bomb almost blew up Xiaowan's previous house. If the house blew up, there would be no place to live, can you ... Just a moment ... "

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