Hidden Assassin

Vol 6 Chapter 332: Buy homicide

To kill him. he thinks.

In the decades of life in the world, there may not be many times when you really want to kill, and as a family with over 100 million yuan, Tan Junrong may obviously achieve much more than ordinary people if he wants to do this. The property is worth billions of dollars—this value may depreciate significantly after a few years, but only in 1999, in many places, only a million can be said to be rich. The name of billionaire can still be scared. Many people.

To kill him! Gritting his teeth around the tent, he repeated the thought in his heart once and one thousand times.

Recalling the DV video I watched a few minutes ago, threatened, his heart was tossing over and over again, blood surged up, and he was restless. As a result, the planting of the stolen goods in the morning also fell, and I could n’t think of it. One such person. mean! Shameless! Indecent! Cheap! Gu Jiaming must die!

In the past 20 years of his life, he can be regarded as respected, and sometimes he is arrogant and arrogant, often to chase MM to find gangs and beat people, but how to say .: Life is coming, of course, the main thing The reason is that it's too much trouble to make a life-saving aftertreatment, but this time, he has decided that even the most trouble will have to kill the guy. The most important thing is that there is no sense of guilt in his heart, and he is simply doing the work for heaven.

Sitting and sitting in the tent, it took about half an hour to do psychological construction. The "killing" incident has been engraved in his mind as a life goal such as a five-year plan. Regardless of all relationships and money, he will Be sure to kill this guy. So, after taking a deep breath, he started calling.

"Hey, Uncle Gu, I have something to do with you ... I know you have a lot of doors in Jianghai. You can help introduce someone ... I'm going to kill ... not a joke, money is not a problem, I will pay for any amount of money ... The important thing is Reliable ... You can rest assured. The guy I want to kill has no background ... OK, I'll tell him directly, this matter has nothing to do with Uncle Gu. Rest assured ... It doesn't matter later ... Um. Brother Banana? ... "

In the past, I used money to find someone to help fight. I've never been so nervous. Buying murders is the first thing in the world, but I can't tell my dad, otherwise he must have many ways. Uncle Gu is a worthy person, but ... Brother Banana? I know that people in the underworld have all kinds of nicknames, but it's strange to call such a name. After waiting for about ten minutes, the phone rang.


"Hey. I'm a banana." There was an indistinguishable voice over the phone. There was a husky in the slowness, and it sounded fairly reliable, "Is that what you pay for?"

"Well, I am ..."

"Idiot! From now on, do n’t talk about personal information and do n’t ask more. One thing is very important. The price is 300,000 yuan. After we have read the information and decided to accept it, we pay 150,000 in advance. After the success, we pay 150,000 , To ensure safety and reliability, is there a problem? "

"No, no."

"Okay, let's talk about the background of the target first. After detailed information, I will ask you to put it in a place. We will check it. The phone call will probably do."

"Okay. He ... is a male land, probably 17 or 8 years old. He should have no background. He is a member of the Huang Group, but you also know that the Huang family has collapsed, and he didn't receive much family love Like, there is basically no status, and of course even more now ... "

"Say the name."


Probably could not stand his slowness, and the banana on the phone roared, "Name, why is there no name in the background!"

"Oh, his name is Gu Jiaming."

"..." The microphone was silent for a long time. "I mean ... your name."

"I ... you said you didn't ask for your profile ..."

"It's different now, your name," Banana said word by word.

Tan Junrong is not a fool. Suddenly a sudden turn of events occurred. He sank in his heart and repeated with a guilty conscience: "You said you didn't ask for personal information ..."



"Don't say it, you can find it without saying it!" After listening to Tan Junrong's silence, members of the Banana Triad yelled angrily, "Kill Gu Jiaming! Let me tell you! Your whole family is dead now It's set! You * have a kind of mixed in China, otherwise Shazhubang will find you sooner or later! Do your grandmother, whoever dares to move, do not know if the sky is high, kill Gu Jiaming, you eat bananas ... "

The angry banana roared continuously over the microphone. Tan Junrong opened his mouth wide and didn't know what to say. In the end, he could only hang up the phone. I couldn't figure out. Does this Gu Jiaming have a gangster background ... … After a few seconds, the phone rang again. He pressed the call button, and the angry scolding continued to be heard there.

"* I haven't finished scolding, hang up the phone ... is this phone, right? Try it out sooner or later, you will kill the killer when the time comes, demo, you do n’t have to hang up ,old

The Bureau is also relevant ... "

"Fuck, I actually met a lunatic ..." Hang up the phone again, Tan Junrong sat there for a long time without returning to God. For the first time in his life, the idea of ​​killing was scolded into an extremely chaotic thought. The person you are looking for is not reliable, what is going on? He was taken care of by his dad, and he deliberately found a lunatic to persuade me.

On the other hand, Jianghai, Shazhu Gang headquarters, nearly eleven o'clock, a group of people sitting in the living room rubbing Mahjong. Liu Zheng seemed lucky today. He won several games in a row and was very happy. He was also listening to Hu in this game. He touched the card badly, his face looked strange and changed rapidly. Several people at the same table were sand bamboo. The leader of the gang knows that Liu Zhengping's temperament is fairly easy-going. Anyway, he doesn't pay special attention to winning or losing, so he talks about some common things about parents who are short and help outside. It is probably that the wife of Ahai family gave birth to the child and Xiao Su was again Cut it, saw Jiaming shopping with Shasha and the like last week. In this atmosphere, a helper took the phone and gave it to Liu Zheng: "Boss, brother Jiao's phone."

"Well." One took the call, and the other was still touching Mahjong. His technique was not very good. This one was difficult to touch, it seemed to be awkward, and it seemed not, so he was extra nervous. "Hey, Acao, what's the matter? "

"What is it? Someone wants to buy a murderer ..."

"Buy murderers, every day, you don't have another business, good thing ..." Ah, it seems to be coming out soon, here is one ...

"Good thing? Is it good for someone to buy and kill your son-in-law?"

"It's great!" He felt it, turned his right hand, smashed it down on the table, and only smashed it in half. The expression of joy immediately froze, and a loud bang echoed in the living room, and the whole table was seen. It ’s as if they are going to be smashed. Mahjong is jumping around the table. The three big brothers who are chatting are also startled. They are there, no, the boss is so imposing for the first time today. Finally hit a grand slam?

"That's great?" Banana called on the phone. "Boss Liu, are you humane? I'm in a hurry for you. You guy is so unethical. Everyone who comes out should talk about conscience. Okay, you can't be right Your daughter-in-law is so fierce ... Oh, are you dissatisfied with your son-in-law, I think the kid is very good, his character is a little softer, but we come out and mix, you do n’t want to want your daughter Son-in-law is your successor. It ’s almost the 21st century. When the underworld has no future ... Take a step back, even if you are not satisfied, but you do n’t want him to die. ... I didn't say you, hello, don't hang up ... "

Ignoring the endless cymbals in the microphone, Liu Zheng's face turned blue, and he slammed the big brother on the table, sternly glanced at several people in front of him. A younger brother who thought Hu Slam had come to see Someone said naruto, "Boss, this is ... scam huh ..." He ignored it and took a deep breath: "Are you talking about Jiaming?"

"Uh, yeah." A big brother next nodded. "Last week I saw him shopping with Shasha. That ... looked like a lot of things, huh ..."

"Do you all know Jiaming?"

"Of course ..." Something may have happened, a few people looked at each other with some doubts in their hearts.

Liu Zheng stretched out his hand: "Yes, my son-in-law, Shasha's boyfriend, everyone knows what a good child, no fight, no scolding, gentle personality, polite to anyone, and never took us sand The relationship of the bamboo gang has bullied anyone, eating, drinking, gambling, and not taking up. Look at the outside gang of rabbits who only know how to see the young and confused as a hooligan.

He can stand up to him! "

"Yes, yes ..."

He took two shots on the table: "Such a good child, you say that Shasha is my daughter, but I have to admit that she has a bad temper and is rude. I beat people with a bat every day and I ca n’t cook. You know them When living outside the school, I eat white food ~ www.readwn.com ~ Sometimes I think that her spouse has mistreated him. Whose personality can offend anyone. Even if we look at us when we are young, I just want to get angry, I can't lose my temper against a child like Jiaming ... "

"Huh ..." everyone nodded in agreement.

"But now someone actually wants to buy and kill him." Liu Zhengnu nodded. "Ajia called just now. Someone actually wanted to move Jiaming. Can anyone tell me what it is?"

"No, it won't ..."

"* Boss, who do you want to kill ..."

"Let his whole family die ..."

"It actually moved over us ..."

"Jiaming's business is our own business ..."

For a time, the mood of hooligans, baddies, young and confused, and underworld men in the house was agitated. Liu Zheng overthrew the entire table of mahjong who lied to himself: "Fuck, there are no good people in this world ... we are going to walk for the sky today!"

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