Hidden Assassin

Vol 7 Chapter 373: I will come to you

"I know what you are doing in Paris!"

A thump rushed across Jiaming's dining table, and Dongfang smiled brightly. After a well-dressed face, she was full of vitality and energy.

The time is early in the morning. Jia Ming sits on the second floor of the restaurant and eats breakfast. The sky is a bit gloomy. It can be seen that the cold atmosphere still envelopes the streets. Of course, the hotel is as warm as spring, and the central air-conditioning has created two worlds that are completely different even though they are separated by a wall. Dongfang Wan exerted a lot of force. He stopped the knife and fork in his hand and looked up at her: "What?"

"I know what you're doing in Paris," Dongfang repeated quietly, "I saw Su Yan last night."

"Oh." Listening to what she said, Jia Ming nodded and continued to eat.

"You came to Paris just to find her, didn't you?" Dongfang Wan lay on the table and moved closer.

"Related to you?"

"Uh ... no, but ... can you take me to meet her?"

"You know her well?"

"She saved me before." Dongfang Wan laughed. "Let me meet her, say a few words, and thank you?"

"No." Jia Ming shook his head and refused.


"No why, she doesn't know you."

"How do you know she doesn't know me! We've all had two chats, and each time I introduced her to me!"

"She's my son-in-law. I know her better than you and talked about it twice. Have you done anything to impress her?" Seeing Dongfang Wan anxiously, Jia Ming said without looking up.

"Maybe she remembers me!"

"Oh, I told her that we were here last night, and she asked me, Dongfang Wan? Is your classmate? Obviously she doesn't remember you anymore."

"Huh, you really saw her." Dongfang Wan's lips fluttered, after all, he didn't make any actions like hitting someone. "So since you told her, she always knows me now, I think Just talk to her. "

"Say what?"

"Uh ... I haven't thought about it yet, but I admire her very much. Please ..." She folded her hands, "I never asked you anything? Please. Let me see her without delay ... ... or just a few glances from a distance ... "





"... you're endless, classmates!"

"It doesn't matter if you know your classmates are doing it!"

They stared for a moment. Dongfang Wan lowered her head: "I was wrong, I shouldn't have spoken to you so loudly, Jia Ming, we have known each other for so many years. Although we often quarrel, we always have a friend, and we haven't made any major differences. You see, every time I travel I call you so enthusiastically, you should be a little help ... "

"No way. There is nothing wrong with the other busy things. It's just not working ... No way ..." Jia Ming regretfully spread his hand. After eating, he got up and left the seat. When he looked back, Dongfang relentlessly followed, and walked out of the restaurant all the way through the corridor: "Don't follow me, OK?"

"No, unless you promise me, I will follow you today, where I am going." Dongfang Wan raised her face and looked at Jia Ming, frankly and resolutely.

The family watched her for a while: "Then I'll go to the bathroom."

"I followed."


The morning sky was a bit gloomy. As Dongfang Wan followed Jiaming to the men's restroom, let us turn our attention to a street in the 17th district of Paris.

The gray-black street echoes the gloomy sky. In such cold weather, there are not many pedestrians on the street. Most of the roads are densely populated with residential buildings. On one side of the long corridor, there are some shop signs hanging, mostly It is a small clinic, private assembly hall or gym in the building. The other wall is painted with colorful paintings full of street hip-hop style murals. You can also see the cursing words sprayed by the paint. There are two open garages at the end of the street. The small door of the residential building looks like the entrance to a cave. It is dark and deep, and some lights are flashing, but they keep flashing.

Enter through such a doorway, go up to the second floor, and pass through the dim passage. In one of the rooms, there are several beds, and there are more than ten foreign men with poor faces around a bed in that room. On the bed was a man with bandages all over his body, and now he was talking hard. The big man sitting next to the hospital bed seemed to be the leader of these people. He was tall and sturdy. He looked over two meters tall. He had a scar on his face that struck the bridge of his nose with his left ear. ferocious.

"... So, just like this, six of you were easily given away by a woman?"

The man with the scar frowned and repeated this sentence softly. The patient on the bed seemed a little afraid and didn't dare to answer. For a moment, someone behind him hesitated, "Boss, they are not so weak ..."

"I know that when we were mercenaries together, although the White Bear was not the best, it was definitely not weak. He once hit three Soviet soldiers in a bar at the border, and the first punch directly interrupted one person. Ribs ... "The Scar Man looked at the man on the bed with considerable prudence in his eyes." And Aso, according to you, the white bear punched in the face, the woman didn't even hide, and went straight. He slashed his arm with a knife. You know, the reason White Bear had this nickname was because he had actually killed a bear, so I asked him to lead you. Now, all five of them are dead. Only you a new person survived, do you know how we always deal with traitors? "

"But ... Boss, I really ..." The man in the bed was shaking, "I didn't really lie ..."

Scar Man looked at him for a while: "It is indeed impossible to prove that you have lied, but this thing is really outrageous. The white bear plus six of you in total. Even the gray wolf and even the mountain lion together, it is impossible. Kill it all at once. You say the other party is just an Oriental woman. I have never seen such a powerful woman. "

"But ... Boss ..."

"It goes without saying, Sam, he said that this woman came for you and asked us to surrender you directly. Who do you think it will be?"

The Scar Man turned his head and looked at an Oriental man in the crowd. I saw that this middle-aged man was wearing a rusty military coat and looked quite savage. Apparently, he killed Liu Zheng and fled to Europe. Liu Shijie. He smiled calmly: "If it is from China, then it should have a relationship with Jiang Hai. If we want to check, we can start here."

"Okay, inform the people at the customs. I will have information about Jianghai in China within one month immediately. No matter who she is, I will find her out and then kill her. Sam, it's yours, you handle it. "

"Aso ..." He looked back. "Whoever she is, she really said that. Will he come to visit us at night?"

"Really really ... really ..."

"And she didn't ask you where is our address?"

"No, no, no ... no ... she just said let me convey this ... if we don't surrender Sam, she will come to us ..."

"Ok. No matter what, tonight, the truth of this matter will always be revealed. Aso, what you say is true or false will have a conclusion. As for what we have to do ..." He paused, "we Find her out before night and bring her in front of me. If she really is as beautiful as you say, I do n’t mind letting Sam communicate with her. Of course, from me, there are more than two hundred people here. There will be a chance ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ... "

The laughter of the crowd sounded. Soon, there were hundreds of people in the whole building. For this matter, they started to act ...

More than two hours later, a thick piece of information was delivered to Liu Shijie's hands, without much effort, he had turned to a relatively familiar name-although not a pretty woman.

Looking at this Mingyu, he took the exam in a separate room for a few minutes, and then took out the information. Someone greeted him from time to time in the corridor. This group is quite strong, most of them are Russians. They completely It defeated several big gangs composed of Arabs and Africans in the 17th district. It has now become one of the best triad organizations in Paris. It currently mainly deals in drug trafficking and human snakes, and is planning a big sale initiated by him. Although this idea is a little crazy, it is still feasible. If everything goes well, maybe they can do it in half a month, and then everyone can get a lot of money, and they can even dissolve the gang directly, so that they can spend the rest of their lives. There is no need to do these things anymore, who knows that the matter has come to his eyes, and such a fault has actually occurred.

"Hey, Sam, I heard that your pretty girl killed the white bear!" As he walked past a gym door, one of the big men who was punching a sandbag stopped him. This man was the most fierce one in the gang. The nickname Mountain Lion is a mercenary. He has also played underground boxing for a period of time. It is extremely powerful and extremely brutal. When fighting in the street, he can even kill a small gang of dozens by himself. "Find out who she is? I can't wait to taste the beauty of such a powerful oriental beauty, haha ​​..."

"Come on, that's my girl. If you want to taste it, I'll come first!" He knows that the mountain lion has a good relationship with the white bear, but in such a gang, he can't show weakness at any time.

"It's okay, whoever catches it!" The mountain lion opened his hands and grinned, a flash of ferociousness flashed in his eyes. The next moment, he turned and hit the sandbag ahead.

There was a loud bang, and the entire sandbag exploded under this punch. Countless fine sands flew. Someone in the room began to protest: "Hey, mountain lion, you are here again ..."

"Sorry, sorry ~ www.readwn.com ~ I will pay attention next time ..." Mountain Lion opened his mouth and smiled.

Taking advantage of this time, Liu Shijie took the documents and walked away. It ’s really ... Now it ’s not enough to fight. Of course, the law and order in Paris are relatively strict. Of course, it is impossible to fight with people with an assault rifle in many cases. The most important thing is his brain ... Thinking of this, he went into the boss's face.

"Check it out?"

"The woman wasn't identified, but there was one person who must be related to this matter."

"Oh, let me see ..."

"But he is coming with a tour group now. As far as I know, this Sacred Heart College is very influential in Jianghai. If their people have an accident in Paris, I am afraid it will cause some ..."

"Gu Jiaming ... Are you sure he has something to do with this? I'm sure it's fine, I'm not killing everyone, Paris is not a paradise on earth, even American tourists will die every year ..." Since you are sure Because of his relationship, ask a few people to kill him directly in the past, and the woman will slowly find it, huh ... Maybe you come out like this ... "Scarred face closed the information and handed it back to Mei Shijie," You matter, you decide. "

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