Hidden Assassin

Vol 7 Chapter 378: Nothing like you

A residential building somewhere in Paris in the early morning of January 27.

"Get up and get up!" Natali's cry came out in the bedroom. Jia Ming looked into the room while holding a congee pot. Natali, wearing a dressing gown, was curled up into a ball on the bed. Kelly stomped on her body and waited until she smelled the smell of breakfast before turning around, ready to stop slacking on the bed: "Ah, breakfast."

At the same time she stepped out, Kelly sat up from the bed with a cry, her eyes were hazy, and she wore a red triangular night hat like Santa: "I am up!"

Soon after, it's your breakfast scene in your own words.

"Fifteen fighter jets were sold yesterday in Africa ..." Kelly said with a gruel.

"A few days ago, a group of terrorists were talking about hitting the American Pentagon by an airplane ... it's stupid." Natali frowned and picked out the yolk from the poached egg, muttering disdainfully.

"I think it's a good idea ... It will definitely kill many people and shock the world ..."

"Nah, just go and see."

"I found several love letters in my bedroom last night. Would you like to read them?"

"Look at it later, but I think the host here has a mistress, which can be seen in many ways ..."

"I think it would be perfect for us to cook together and follow us together, but unfortunately you will go back tomorrow ..."

Probably had breakfast, while the day was just dawning, the three sorted out the traces of passive passage in the room. Trivial, by the way take out the housekeeper's love letter and share it gossip-in fact, this is not their room, it is just a game that Natalie likes to play recently, and I don't know where she got it from Recently, she and Kelly posted flyers all over the place. When they went to see them in a day or two, if the flyers on the door lock were not torn off, it means that the host was not at home, and they went in to experience it that night. Feeling like living in someone else's home. The only regret is that neither of the two women can cook or cook, and now Jiaming's skills have impressed them, and Natalie also has plans to expand the criminal gang.

In the past few days, apart from occasionally contacting Dongfang Wan, Jiaming followed them to a stranger's house and restored the room to its original state during the day. Then Kelly took Jiaming to the laboratory for inspection here. Head, this should be regarded as the strongest three-person criminal gang in the world occasionally makes mistakes. For example, the room owner returned home temporarily the night before, and the three had to jump off the building and escape. Although he was embarrassed, M was quite fun.

As far as Natalie's character is concerned, Jia Ming actually knew it well, and at this time it was familiar. Of course, if it wasn't for him to be able to draw a tie with Natalie while pretending to be Jane, the other party might not have given him the opportunity to join. Natalie has a lively personality, and often likes to experience life in a mess, of course, she also has her own pride. Regarding what Jia Ming and Kelly were doing in the laboratory, she never asked anything after acquiesce. Jia Ming was even sure that even behind her back, she was probably too lazy to explore it. The second awakening Later Natalie will become more and more powerful. For ordinary people, they are like aliens or gods. If they did not have such a personality, I am afraid that they would not be besieged or even escape in the last life. Eventually died in my arms.

Therefore, looking at this figure many times, Jia Ming always remembers the woman who died in his arms in his last life. She was a powerful and unoffended dark lyre at the helm, and Rothschild's half body, even in response Landi was proud, and she could only respect her respectfully. Behind people is the ordinary girl with a lot of curiosity. Sometimes it's nasty, lively and cheerful and has the ability to put all weird ideas into practice. But in general he is a normal person-at least he is much more normal and better than before. He was thinking that in this life, she might not die because of such things, and he could only look forward to that.

Three people often separate in the morning and meet in the evening. It is certainly colorful to run for bad things. It ’s a little boring with Kelly in the laboratory. The world ’s top medical team is on the go 24 hours a day. Analyzing the scans of Jia Ming's brain, for some reason, Kelly has no leisure or joking mood in the laboratory these days. She always calculates and counts with a face, and because of Jia Ming The cause of the headache is relatively simple. Basically, the cause has been identified on the first day.

"Human heads are divided into many areas, you know?"

After the scan data came out that day, Kelly was embarrassed and beating the scans hanging on the wall. There was even a 3D projection in the middle of the lab that was constantly rotating, which made Jia Ming's mood a little upset: "I know. "

"Each region is in charge of different functions of the human body. As far as the current research results are concerned, the development utilization rate of the human brain is less than 10%. Because of this, we do n’t know the functions of many regions. Come out, but this position is located on the upper left of the pituitary gland, the medulla and cortex between be and b ... "She manipulated the computer and highlighted a part." In the past few years we have a separate distinguishing noun called ... ... "

"Albert," Jia Ming said.

Kelly glanced at him in amazement: "Yes, you are not ignorant. The guy was sure. He named it in private. If there are no mistakes, this area is in charge of human and land powers. In fact, Speaking of it, it is the increase, transmission and reception of mental power. This area is very magical. We have studied tens of thousands of brain diseases. Unless there is damage from external forces, there has never been any natural brain in this area. This disease phenomenon, why did I say that it was rare when I just got your scan? You are the only person I've ever had a problem here, do you understand? "" Oh, so I can be immune to abilities ... "

"In terms of experimentation, you are the most precious material. Now the outside experts want to slice you for research, maybe according to your model. They can create a large number of people who are also immune to abilities. Of course, aren't they? This has to be further studied. Immune to the power is really ... "Back to Jia Ming, Kelly hit the computer keyboard and spoke bluntly, the atmosphere was awkward, and Jia Ming shrugged.

"It looks like a good thing. I have the unique ability in the world, or it ..."

"Okay you! Or you! You don't understand. Is there any consciousness! What about immune abilities! What about uniqueness!" Kelly suddenly turned her head and yelled, "I never I have n’t seen anyone with such a big tumor in their head. It ’s okay. You ’ve had a headache since two years ago. Why not say it earlier! Why not check it out earlier and you ca n’t get it out? Do you know! When you hit you, you were running nosebleeds, thought you couldn't see me? You ... you're dead! "

"Ah ..." Awkward for a long time, Jia Mingdao said, "Be optimistic ..."

"Go to your **** optimism ..."

After separating from Natalie, she came to the laboratory, and Kelly was buried in some messy calculations and deductions. Jia Ming occasionally sits in the back to help or just sits and listens to her as she scolds. He looked at the brain scan above for a long time, and said, "As far as I know, even 20 years of medical development. It should not be able to come up with such a powerful ..."

"H" Kelly said without looking back.

"O, I was wrong." Jia Ming raised his hand, shut up, and said after a while, "In fact, this is the second time we have met ..."

"Can you stop?" Slaps the ballpoint pen on the table with a snap. Kelly glanced back with a frown, bloodshot movements in her eyes, "You will die without talking!"

"You stop, too." Reaching out to turn off the computer screen, Jia Ming laughed. "Of course, my taboos and doctors also have problems, but the result is ... there is no way, no need to count again, I will leave tomorrow morning. One afternoon. Just a waste of time. "

"I'm happy!" Kelly glared at him for a while and turned his head. "I'm prescribing painkillers for you."

"No, pain can make me feel the world more clearly ... I'm a killer."

"You will die in the end!"

Jia Ming spread his hands, Kelly glared at him, and continued to write: "Whether you want it or not. I will drive it for you."

"... Actually there is a real Jane in this world."

"I know." Kelly said without looking back.


"You're my fool. Isn't I curious if the count was stunned? Later Yan Huang awakened and checked so many things, how did I feel awkward. Guess already there ... Of course, you still confirmed me To be sure, but it feels like that ... "

"She's the perfect woman ..."

"So what!" Kelly turned around with a piece of paper, looking at Jiaming with an angry look, her chest swelled up and down with breathing, "Two and a half years ago you had nothing to do with billions of dollars for me Somehow, I originally wanted to kill you, but I haven't found you yet. It's been two and a half years for a woman to chat on the Internet ... "

"Uh, I didn't pretend to be a woman ..."

"I thought so willingly, but you didn't deny it! Like Natalie, I honestly hated the feeling of being understood, and you were only then ..." A very short gesture, "I ’m fifteen years old. I did n’t think about it for a few months after I knew about it, but after all this talk for so many years, what are you telling me here before we meet for the second time? Go to your family for the second time! It popped up and I saw you twice and said I was going to die. It was n’t saved. You really want me to be a nanny for those little girls in your family after you die. what!"

She yelled at it all in one go, her lips clenched, her eyes staring at Jia Ming, her teeth trembling, Jia Ming stunned for a long time, and saw the girl finally breathed a sigh of relief, sitting back on the chair: "I was right You have thought about a lot of messy reasons, and you want to test your origins and how, but now it's all right, you tell me I'm too lazy to listen to it, what's wrong with you ... "

"Uh, something like online dating ... actually ..."

Kelly was not in the mood to listen to him nonsense ~ www.readwn.com ~ bowed his head for a while, and said, "Tonight, simplify the makeup of the plain words, make it more beautiful, let's find a bigger roof, it is best to see the whole Paris ... "


"... I'll give you the first time. Although the film is gone, it's the first time for real. Although I also want to find a more romantic time and place, I have no choice. I also thought about it and always dreamed about it. What ’s wrong with homosexuality, you have to find a man to try, you ’re the best, and then ... I ’ll push Natalie out and live a happy life ... Just decide so, you do n’t suffer, just do it, Anyway, you can do whatever you want, just to make you comfortable ... "

After she said this, she turned around and wrote a few more papers. Jia Ming Nana couldn't speak, and I didn't know if it was because she had been in a stable life for too long, which led to a reduction in the degree of abnormality or Kelly Tiffany. Ordinary people attributes are so high. Time passed quietly in this main office. Jia Ming was lying on a chair and looking at the ceiling, his thoughts flying around. I don't know when, Kelly returned to that cold disgust expression, and said rudely, "What do you want?"

"Ah, this ... I was thinking I should find some time to go to Japan ..." He looked at the white ceiling, paused, and seemed to be talking about having afternoon tea, "Kill Yu Shou Cang. "

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