Hidden Assassin

Vol 8 Chapter 455: Shou

Near noon, the scorching weather became shady, and dark clouds covered the sky over Jianghai City, and it looked like it was going to rain.

"Lingjing is right. Sister Yahan has waited for you for so many years. She is carrying a child, and she is suffering. Not many people know that you should see her first, see Taotao ... when you are away I just wanted to see you again. I felt so much trouble when I saw it. I do n’t know how to solve it in the future. What do you do in the future ... Do n’t run away with Sister Yahan because of a headache ... ”

From the Dongfangjia Villa, separated from the rustle on the street corner, walked along the road, and when there was no one around, I took something out of my pocket and threw it down the iron fence next to the drain. The small bottle containing the fine sand tumbling in the air. At the moment when it was about to land, Jia Ming pressed his hand and suddenly hovered in the air. He stood there and thought for a moment, then brushed it, and the bottle of dust from the air again flew. Back in his hands, he tucked it into his pants pocket.

After the resolution of yesterday's matter, Natalie and others came to Yan Huang Awakening as a guest, which may also symbolize that the relationship between the two parties that began to cool after Yu Shoucang died four years ago has started to heat up. For Jia Ming, today Naturally, I met with everyone who should see it, and talked about the past four years. A few old classmates who came here to send invitations, regardless, in fact, the chat with other people is not long, met with Xiaomeng, said thank you, asked about future plans, and by the way, make an appointment to go to dinner at home in the future, Say hello to Dongfang Road, Fang Zhitian, and others. The sound is safe. Even if Natalie is interested in the power of Jia Ming, naturally it is impossible to discuss with him here as a normal friend. In the last few words, what really caused Jiaming to spend some time was actually Dongfangruo's condition.

Feeling helpless, some things are mixed, Yan Huang awakened in the past few years in an effort to find the whereabouts of the dust of empty sight, which originated from the information about the dust of empty sight once given by Jia Ming. In fact, the dust of sight is certainly helpful for the research of abilities. However, Jia Ming didn't know much, and it was even more perfunctory as to whether Dongfang Ruo could be treated. To this extent, he naturally could not run out and confess to others. If Dongfang had fallen asleep again after waking up one night last night, Yan Huang Awakening was still completely confused after getting the dust of sight. It took Jia Ming more than an hour to do her proper treatment.

There is no way to treat people in the dust of empty sight, but if Dongfang ’s state at this time is very similar to the state he has experienced, it is also a huge mental force that has caused a huge load on the body. It was fatal, and the sea was wide and the sky passed. If the East was equal to chronic disease, years of torture had also pushed her body to the brink of collapse. For Jia Ming who has a huge power today. Although it is impossible to be competent as a doctor, I really know the condition well and pretend to be. After deceiving the dust of empty sight, he also consumed the power of the girl's body 7878, which made her body stabilize. After waking up, it is estimated that her vision will also recover a part. Wheelchairs will be needed again.

The whole treatment process will not be so simple, it will take several years or even ten years, after all, Jia Ming has spent enough four years to solve his own problems. The problem with young girls is due to people's errors in autonomous exploration, which lasted so long. Of course, it is not a matter of two days to solve. According to Jia Ming's estimation, it takes about one month each year to stabilize and observe. After being cured, the ability to see the future clearly will also be limited, and there can only be a vague premonition. But at least the girl was able to survive and get better. Should be able to experience life like ordinary people, get married and have children.

This is not the manipulation and limitation of the house, after all, similar to him, similar to Natalie, similar to Victoria, can also have a fuzzy sense of things of interest, which is why he can be sure that Victoria and others have left Jiang Hai's reason. But to deduce the future clearly, it really belongs to the realm of God. After clarifying the matter with Fang Zhitian and others, although he was a bit sorry, he finally was glad that his niece's life could be saved, not to mention. Can have a vague judgment on the future. It can already be of considerable help to policymakers like him and can be content.

For the dust of empty sight. Jia Ming hasn't figured out how to deal with it now. This kind of thing wants to achieve results. Various human experiments are indispensable. He naturally has no compassion. At that time, I am afraid he will be dragged in again. It doesn't matter if it is thrown away, but considering that the blood races are still alive and well, he left this thing behind and has the right to be insured. Killing one of them by yourself will inevitably lead to future conflicts, and this problem will have to be resolved sooner or later, even if you do not want to cause trouble at all.

Think about it, think about Yahan, Lingjing, and rustle. When he got on the bus and went to the address where Yahan's company was located, the rainstorm fell quickly.

In the summer, when the sudden rain and the thunderous thunder came to the city, Yahan was sitting in the room on the 23rd floor of the building, drinking a cup of green tea, relaxing the spirit that had been tense all morning.

Today is a busy day. The reason is that two executives of the company were injured and hospitalized because of some accident in the city last night. Coincidentally, a cooperation case in which they were responsible was officially negotiating for a contract today. When things are coming, they can only make up in a hurry. This temporary exchange of land. In the morning, the two sides talked fairly well. Now look at the progress in the afternoon. But after thinking about it, I have been able to finalize it all.

Originally, I had thought that she would never let her work life affect her and Taotao life. But this time it was too sudden. The cooperation case is also significant for the company. Finally made time. Tell Taotao that the plan to go shopping today is therefore postponed. This is the few times she has spoken before Taotao. Fortunately, Taotao is young. But very sensible. I just asked my mother to come to the company to play. Mother is negotiating below. She was watching the cartoon with an assistant in the office above. At noon, the mother and daughter finished dinner in the company cafeteria. Taotao took a nap in the lounge beside the office. After Yahan coaxed her daughter to fall asleep. Only came out with this little free time to clear thoughts.

She hasn't had her roots in the past few years. It's just more than three years since Jia Ming left. With Taotao around. She maintained her body more deliberately than before. Do some gentle exercise from time to time. The condition did not recur. The only thing I can feel is that on weekdays it is slightly more tiring than the average person. of course. Just don't stay up late like a workaholic. The problem is not great.

More than a minute. Quietly in the office. She is sitting by the window. It looked dark outside. Storms raged through the streets. Take a bite of tea occasionally. The central air conditioner works well. Keep cool and constant temperature in summer. It also separates nature. It is impossible to feel the real breath of thunderstorms raging under the scorching heat. She sat for a while. Get up and go to the top floor. But after glancing at the clock on the desk. So did it.

Half past one. It's time to revisit the things to talk about in the afternoon.

"Jiaming. I'm a bit tired recently ..." Things are not easy at the moment. Mainly because the father still had the idea of ​​cultivating himself as a successor. In fact, his father must be more tired than himself. He has also taken care of his situation as much as possible. Sick body. Plus there is a Taotao. If you are a healthy man. It is estimated that they have already been trained like cattle. There are also some contradictions on my side. You don't have to be a strong woman. But his father accepted Taotao. He had to fulfill his wish. Be regarded as the tacit understanding of the father and daughter. After complaining a little bit about the image that exists in the imagination. She turned on the computer. Wear glasses with low power. Start to review the information. moment. Pressed the phone on the desk.

"Alan, help me get the data I said in the morning and the annual report for last year in East China. I want to see it now."


After releasing the talk button, after hearing the assistant ’s answer, she was once again immersed in the world of thinking, picked up the ball-point pen and wrote on the draft paper for a while, then subconsciously clamped the pen over the left ear. The action gives her figure an unspeakable intellectual beauty. The man who walked in after knocking on the door just saw the scene. He stood by the door for a while. Only then came over, and Yahan reached out to get the information. A moment later he looked up in surprise, reached out his hand, and froze a bit when he was alone: ​​"Oh, Jun, come here?"

"Alan said you need information, and I know you probably have enough rest, so help bring it in and talk about the afternoon incident."

The man at the desk smiled and put down the information. He was one of the company's deputy managers, named Fu Jiajun, a very capable man. This time, the incident was sudden and more difficult. In the morning, he was partnering with Yahan. , Next thing, seeing him come in, Ya Han nodded: "Sit."

"Taotao Siesta?"

"Well. Let ’s talk about it ... Actually, this cooperation case, Director Wu, they have done a good job, and most of them were negotiated in the morning, but the key thing is that I still need to talk about the points in the afternoon. It seems that 35 percent of them will not be satisfied from the morning. I compared the sales in East China in the past few years, and the share of various companies in the same field, this is likely to be a breakthrough ... "

Unwilling to talk about unnecessary things, Ya Han took a pen to draw a contrast curve on the draft paper, and began to discuss the focus of the afternoon with the other party. Fu Jiajun nodded and took out a few pieces of paper from his pocket. His homework was also correct. This is what Yahan is saying: "In fact, our ideas are really coincident ..."

In the past few years, it was not the first time that the two men had partnered together, and they already had a certain understanding. Fu Jiajun's ability was enough to make him a brilliant achievement anywhere. It is one thing to have such a great companion in work. Very good thing, and in this matter, Fu Jiajun used the homework done last night to be obviously deeper than her, and drew more detailed and convincing curves while explaining on the draft paper, then came over to do it on the computer Adjusting, his expression seemed meticulous, but after a while, Ya Han frowned slightly and moved his body aside, because it seemed unintentional, Fu Jiajun had already stood by her with one hand Sitting at her desk with one hand resting on the back of her work chair seemed to be quite intimate.

If there is nothing, Fu Jiajun's movements actually have a very cautious tentative meaning.

"Oh ... you have been so sensitive ..."

When she noticed Yahan's evasive action, Fu Jiajun laughed, and Yahan shook his head lightly: "Sorry, if my misunderstanding disturbs you. I apologize."

"Not a misunderstanding." Taking a step back, Fu Jiajun smiled sincerely. "You know, it is not a misunderstanding. I did fail ... a little setback ..."

Although a three-year-old daughter has been born, Yahan's conditions have never been short of seekers. Hundreds of millions of family history, good face, long-term exercise to maintain physical figure, intellectual and elegant temperament, maturity after motherhood, the fragility brought by illness and the strong inner heart, coupled with these years of Any of the strong woman-like courage shown in the mall can constitute a huge attraction, combined. It is even more fatal.

There are many people who have ideas for her, and there are many who dare to pursue them. Among them, some are the most promising in the eyes of outsiders. Xu Mo, who has always been infatuated, is naturally one of them, as is Fu Jiajun. Compared to the gentle and elegant Xu Mo, Fu Jiajun, who has gradually climbed to a high level with his own ability, actually has more potential strength, and in the company, although he has no longer expressed any opinions in front of Yahan, Zhang Jingan also seems to intend to give this pair To create opportunities, Fu Jiajun is his left and right hand, and his origin is not high. Ya Han is his only daughter. In his view, maybe the combination of this pair can make everything better. He has the hope of holding his grandson, Taotao has a father, Yahan can get out of the shadow of the past, and the company has a future.

In the past two years, this default attitude has been manifested in some extremely subtle and seemingly logical places. For example, just before Fu Jiajun came in with a file, Assistant Alan didn't give any reminders. Ya Han was not easy-going in this regard. Tao Tao. Jia Ming wasn't around, and she paid special attention to her private space. If it wasn't for Zhang Jingan, she would have never happened to Alan who had been with her for a few years. For example, this time she and Fu Jiajun would be arranged together. It seems to be the result of coordination among various departments, but most of them also have Zhang Jingan's arrangements.

Able to react immediately after the incident last night, and then arrange opportunities for the two. His father's ability is really admirable.

For these things. Yahan probably understood, but it was never possible to react too drastically. On the one hand, these things really come from the need for work. On the other hand, since he showed his intentions about two years ago and was explicitly rejected by Yahan, although Fu Jiajun didn't give up, he still kept a very decent temptation. Yahan's position is high. On weekdays, it is very rare to arrange things that the two parties need to contact. If there are really things that must be done like today, everything is also official business. After all, they are capable people, as long as they do n’t do it. Too much, if Ya Han's character is closed again, it is impossible for all people who have a good opinion of himself to get rid of them. Besides, it is father's power to make arrangements for Fu Jiajun at this stage. If he has to do anything, he is really immature. If you can't cope with such things, how can you master your work and cope with all kinds of people in the future?

Of course, even with restraint, every time after that, Fu Jiajun would make such temptations or show that he would be like a reminder, because he behaved very gentlemanly, and even if the average woman did not accept it, maybe he was only happy in his heart. Ya Han closed her eyes, raised her eyebrows, and then opened her breath. Her eyes were a little impatient: "I think I have made myself clear, Manager Fu, if you do this again, I can only ask you to go out."

Fu Jiajun nodded back to the other side of the desk: "I didn't mean to offend, did Taotao's father really make you so deep? Even after so long, can you be sensitive to other men to such an extent? Naturally Rejection ... I believe you just looked at the data and were very engaged. "

"This is my personal business, and I don't want to discuss it with unrelated people."

Fu Jiajun sat down and looked at her, after a while: "Even if he has been dead for several years?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean ... the Gu Jiaming in the cemetery? Your former student? He is Taotao's father?"

Behind the desk, Ya Han raised his head sternly, his eyes became stern, Fu Jiajun waved his hands: "Oh oh oh oh oh ... don't misunderstand, I didn't follow you, don't misunderstand don't misunderstand ..." He paused, "Following you is useless. I know that the chairman has sent someone to follow you ... In the past two years, you have a rule that often disappears for an afternoon or a few hours every few days, and you can't hide people in the company. Many Time ... What amusing things have come out, or have something delicious, on meaningful days, you will always disappear for a few hours, tracking is useless, I guess you should be a very good person Beside. The chairman also knows this, but ... you know, although tracking is useless, everyone is in the same city after all. Last month, a friend of mine saw you in the cemetery, saying that you were at the tombstone. I squatted forward all afternoon, and then I confirmed it before I was sure of it ... "

"That Gu Jiaming is your former student. Some people who are familiar with you know her. You are closer to him than your siblings, but to others. His word of mouth doesn't seem to be very good ... although it is hard to believe However, in your current state of mind, I don't think it is possible to go to an unrelated person often. He should be the father of Tao Tao. He was jailed in zero years. Honestly, the time when you were pregnant. Yes, but there's some vagueness over the prison. I think you probably did something ... I just don't understand why he is so good, let's be careful between men ... "

These remarks are brilliant. Fu Jiajun smiled, and then added a sentence: "Rest assured, I won't tell the chairman, this thing ... I only know it."

Yahan looked at him calmly, and after a long time, she just said, "You are taller than him. Handsome than him. If you like, I can also say that you work harder than him. More capable. More responsible. These Evaluation he never cared about, he is good, only one point is enough. He is my only man. He is Taotao's father ... "

"……I love him."

"But he is dead."

"I keep the festival for him," Ya Han said without frowning. "Now invite you out."

Fu Jiajun looked at the woman in front of her for a long while, and finally nodded, stood up, walked to the door, and turned around when he approached the door: "You are really a good woman, I will spend more time ... I will do my best in the afternoon. I don't want to affect our work because of our private affairs. I'll see you later. "

The office door is closed. Ya Han frowned. Began to continue processing the information on the computer, summarizing in my head what I want to say this afternoon. After more than ten minutes, she looked at the time and walked into the lounge inside. The little girl sleeping in the bed just woke up. At the same time, on the stormy street below the building, a bus stopped at the side of the road. The people who got in and out of the car put an umbrella on the street to form a beautiful landscape. I ran down, ran to the eaves on the side of the road, slapped the water stains on my head, and then looked up at the company building not far away.

The sky was dim and the rain was clamoring. Many shops on the road were lit. He walked along the eaves towards the other side, and the lightning suddenly turned on, followed by the sound of roaring mines. Jia Ming stopped by the side of the road, walked into a gift shop, came out a few minutes later, and held a nearly white bear puppet in his hand.

For a moment, one person and one bear walked into the Zhang's Heavy Industry Building while he was at work. Due to the announcement on the outside bulletin board, the interview for the interview was posted. At this time, the lobby on the first floor seemed quite crowded, and the ground was covered with water stains. Jia Ming with the white bear glanced around in the lobby ~ www.readwn.com ~ Then walked towards the lively reception desk ...

Speaking about the latest update, I remember a professional writer told me a while ago that, by writing, I always write at home and write in the Internet. So sooner or later, I will write down the wasteland. I already had this. In terms of the clues, I wanted to finish the hidden kill and rest for a month or two, but I didn't expect it would be so fast.

To put it simply, there is no problem with feelings. I have ideas in my mind, and the hidden killing is at the final stage. The clues in all aspects are basically well thought out, but I often know what to write, but I do n’t feel it, I ca n’t do it all in one go. Baba's, these recent ones are divided into two parts in my drafts: "original" and "affiliated". "Affiliated" is a lot of incomplete paragraphs. Unlike previous scraps, or a few thousand words are scrapped together, this It was a piece of scrap, and it was written at that time. Later, I felt it was unnecessary, or I felt it shouldn't appear so early, and I was reluctant to delete it directly, so I moved it out. This is the current state.

So ... Probably, at present, it is really at a low tide, and I have been reluctant to write. It feels very painful to find. I basically sit in front of the computer every day and ca n’t write anything. It ’s boring. I feel like the task is not completed. The cycle has stuck me to death, I ca n’t write anything, I ca n’t relax, I ca n’t relax, and even more ... I ’ll probably continue for a while, I hope it ’s not too long, anyway, I really want to write more One point, that's it ...

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