Hidden Assassin

Vol 9 Chapter 484: Natural evolution

It was, of course, the feeling of being drawn into a whirlpool of conspiracy.

Jiaming has experienced this kind of feeling many times. In the last life, every time there was such a feeling, it meant that even if he could live next, he would have to pay a great price. Instantly, he had imagined countless contingency measures in his heart, but no matter which one, he was not sure.

"My name is Jian Suyan."

This seemingly modest introduction already has enough power. Jiaming now recalls that he has seen two shots of Jane ’s true words. Even if he now has a huge amount of power, it is difficult to say that he cannot carry it. She could bear the kind of destructive power she saw at the time, but the self-introduction of Jian Suyan also seemed a little ambiguous. After she finished, she pouted and smiled, as if the name was not originally her own.

Maybe I imitated her identity, she also used someone else's fake name? Jia Ming thought so.

In any case, he once shaped an image of "Jane Suyan" according to his imagination and convenience. This Jane Yuyan is strong, violent, has great power, and goes straight. It tends to be an aesthetic extreme. Not easy to get along with. But the real Jane Suyan is obviously not like this. Her attitude is mild, but she is also generous. From a simple contact point of view, it is like the honest woman who likes to travel everywhere in Xie Baoshu's mouth. Jia Ming is naturally not good at asking too much.

Jian Suyan had stayed in the hotel the day before. Jiaming and Xie Baoshu went to open two rooms. The dinner was eaten together. The three talked like friends who had met a few times and could get along well. All kinds of things, Jane Suyan probably said something about Europe, where there are delicious things, where I encountered funny things, and where the scenery is good to play.

Xie Baoshu seems to be a otaku, as he said before, he is not interested in travel at all.

There was actually no pastime in the town. After dinner, they went to the only tavern in the town, played cards in the hotel for a while, and then went back to bed to sleep at 10 o'clock. Of course, you ca n’t sleep, and Jiaming can choose to go out and investigate outside the town, but at this moment, it is obvious that Xie Baoshu and Jian Suyan are more shocking. He was listening to the movement of the nearby room on the bed, and there was nothing abnormal. Sleeping with Jane Suyan separated from the room, knocked on the wall and said two boring words, then fell asleep, and Jiaming closed her eyes and began to rest around 1am.

It was about three o'clock in the morning, and a faint sound from a distance awakened him. The sound came from the mountains outside the town. Most people don't think it can be felt. The air is impetuous like the pressure of an army. Just minutes later, A scream screamed through the quietness of the night, and then such sounds rang one after another.

"What's the matter ..." Noise continued in the town 6, with the occasional scream, the hotel owner also woke up from downstairs, and Jia Ming pushed open the door and walked into the corridor, which suddenly appeared. In the next room, there was no sound, not even breathing. He knocked on the door, and then opened the door with the master key. Then it was determined that Xie Baoshu and Jian Suyan, who had been sleeping in the room, actually avoided his surveillance and disappeared.

Get out of the hotel. There are already people on the street. Several people rushed out of the house. There are also several other figures. Rushing up like crazy. Jia Ming frowned. A figure rushed towards him across the street. Jia Ming picked up a wooden stick beside him and waved it up. A bang. The man's entire head exploded. The body flew out four or five meters. Rolled to the ground. Red and green mixed pus flowed all over the body. It looks like a picture from a horror movie. Terrible exception.

"Mum ..."

Know that Misuki is a lunatic. Tianyu Zheng also left speculation. But by this time. He was finally sure. That guy really did. The problem of fusion of undead genes with ordinary people was solved. But even after solving the fusion does not die. What will it look like. But no one understands. Vampire cells are inherently tenacious. Self-replication and self-proliferation. Assimilate other cells. On people. Rejection occurs first. Most people will die as a result. Even if it doesn't die. It must be crazy. These organizations, Gao Tianyuan and Dark Tianqin, studied the undead to be able to arm the army after perfection. Or give someone a fit. For medical use. But Misuki is this guy. The pursuit of grounds is the result of this imperfect experiment.

If able to cooperate highly contagious. The end result. Maybe it's as conceptual as a biochemical crisis.

In the once world. Jia Ming watched that guy do a lot of things in a mess. Do destruction in the world. Do something that others seem unbelievably detrimental to. I find it difficult to understand. Even those of them are wandering killers on the brink of death. It is simply that he has a strong tendency to self-destruct.

The tendency to self-destruct. It does not mean that you have to commit suicide. Do something detrimental to yourself. Maybe it can also be seen as a kind of hysteria. But by this time. Jia Ming was finally able to determine. This is called Mori Mori man. The tireless pursuit of life. It is trying to destroy the world or human beings. Not only that. He really worked so hard. Once there is this opportunity. Become more fanatical than anyone else.

I really have your ... at this moment, he suddenly admired this guy ...

Only a few infected people appeared in the town, rushing on the street, most people came out of the room, looked at it all at a loss, screaming, bitten people were on the ground Screaming, some people tried to stop them, but the sense of oppression in the air was getting closer. There were hundreds or even thousands of people who are now coming here.

According to some kind of intuition in his mind, he walked in one direction and pulled out a half-meter-long saber from the back. He shook slightly, and the shrinking blade brush doubled. The figure slammed in from the side of the town.

The riots suddenly expanded, and screams rose from all over the town. Along with screams, rumbling sounds, and various noises, some figures rushed at him in an attempt to swallow him. Two human heads flew up into the sky, a figure in the rear was cut into two pieces as a chest, and another figure was suddenly grabbed by the reserve. After spinning around in the air, it rushed to a nearby house. The collapsed smoke and loud noise were almost torn apart.

They rushed out more than ten meters in a row, and the seven or eight heads that were cut off soared into the night sky like fireworks.

The town has fallen into a hell-like riot, and the sound of gunfire has also sounded. These monsters are not very contagious, and obviously are not completely successful works. They have no consciousness and are simply relying on the desire for blood to attack. The organization is undisciplined, it is unrealistic to want to siege the family or let him be softened. After leaving the heads and corpses in a place, it is getting farther and farther from the town, and these transformed corpses have become fewer. , The vampire had not appeared yet, Jia Ming felt a little confused.

It seems that some kind of power wave has been born somewhere, it seems that someone is fighting, but the hunch in his head points to him not in that direction, and continues to move forward, a living corpse suddenly rushes from behind the tree

He split it with his hand, and then he finally saw the one in front.

The forest was far away, and the sound of the riots in the town began to dim. There was another singing voice. He walked out dozens of meters, and the singing voice gradually became clear. It was located on an open space on the mountainside. It was burning, with crooked little tents next to it, and a travel bag by the bonfire. Xie Baoshu was sitting there, roasting things on the fire: "roasted chicken wings, my favorite ..."

Jia Ming, holding the **** sword, stood by the woods and looked at him like that. After a while, Xie Baoshu also showed his presence and beckoned with a smile: "Are you going to eat together? If you can't sleep at night, you will run out and roast chicken wings to eat. There is a clear look at Jiaming's knife. His face paled immediately, as if becoming a bit sick.

Jia Ming walked to the side and sat down silently, staring at him tightly. Jian Suyan wasn't around, and he didn't have any unusual breath. He couldn't see his eyesight, and couldn't feel the power. But It was an illusion. After a while, the other side was a little embarrassed by him.

"Don't look at me like this ... you came here to find someone and solve things, and I also came to find someone and solve things, anyway, if this kind of thing is really born, it is not good for anyone, I finish eating, we Just ... uh, still not eating ... "

He said, taking out the scorched chicken wings and taking a look at the knife next to Jia Ming, he immediately frowned, shook his head helplessly and stood up.

The two walked back together, and the sound in the town seemed to fade away. When he saw the first split corpse in the woods, Xie Baoshu's face began to become heavy, but that was not a sympathetic emotion. He As pale as indigestion, the pale face, the person with low mental capacity to enter the battlefield for the first time or see the dead scene may be this reaction, Jia Ming can not understand.

When he came to the edge of the town like this, he suddenly grasped Jia Ming's hand, and then wow he started to spit out what he had eaten at night. They missed a corner of the town and walked towards the direction where Jiaming had previously sensed the battle. There were corpses on the way, and Xie Baoshu walked along the way, vomiting everything at night, and retching several times. It looked like The psychological endurance to this scene of corpse fragmentation, internal organs, pus and blood flowing is really not high.

"I can't stand this ... I'm afraid I'll spit out my liver, haha ​​..." His strong smile was obviously a little embarrassing, because Jia Ming didn't want to make more nonsense before he knew nothing about the other party, and there were living corpses in the distance. Wandering, but as if I haven't seen the two of them, they didn't come at all.

The battle along the way was extremely fierce. In the corpse pile, Jia Ming finally saw Milia's body, her head was completely gone, and she walked not far away. There was a corpse under a tree. That was The name of the golden man who used the long sword was Victor. At this time, the skull and body had been torn, which was better than Milia, at least the head was still ...

In the woods not far away, fierce fighting still seems to be going on, and the nearby corpses have become more numerous. It seems that many living corpses are attacking one target in succession, and this attack is still impressive Contains Victoria's ability fluctuations.

Xie Baoshu spit out his legs from beginning to end, walking barely, crooked, and the two were about to move forward. A red figure rushed out of the woods. It was Victoria. She saw the two here. First, Suddenly, he continued to rush forward, and Jia Mingzheng was ready. Another figure rushed out from the other side. It was Jane Suyan, still a daytime dress. However, in the battle, she suddenly became home. Ming ’s “Jane Suyan” overlapped, focused, and shot like the wind. The black silk and robes danced in the night breeze, with a firm and calm power in the shot, the two sides only fought three times. She had already brushed her hands, holding Victoria's neck with one hand, and holding her in the air, it seemed like she was going to break her neck with one hand.

Brushing it off, Victoria waved a huge wind blade, and she let it go in simple words. The wind blade swept past her head and cut off a large tree behind her. In the sound, a bunker more than ten meters away enough to resist the bomb was smashed into ruins.

Without any hesitation, Jane went straight up and punched Victoria again and again in the ruins. Victoria seemed to want to resist, and she was attacked by the homeopath. Three consecutive punches were as quick as electricity, and her whole The upper body smashed into the ground, and then Victoria screamed in the air.

The queen in red seemed to want to make a final rebellion. The amazing light suddenly lighted up. In the light, Jian Suyan just stretched out one hand and held her quietly.

The air stream swept in all directions, and the explosion that brought Victoria's last resistance was like a huge fire meteor. The surrounding canopy was stained with flames, the leaves fell with spots of fire, and small patches of grass were burned. The light stood up straight, her whole body had not even seen the blood, and the expressionless plain white cheek looked at Jiaming's side. After a while, she smiled slightly: "I'll help him."

Xie Baoshu was still uncomfortably covering his chest, but at this time, he touched Jiaming's shoulder and stretched his fingers to the side of the wood: "The person you are looking for is over there ..."

Jia Ming looked over. There were already two people over there. The first one was Tian Yuzheng, who seemed to have a bandage on half of his body. He came towards this side, looked at Jia Ming a few times, and then laughed in front of him. , It still looks weak: "I'm not dead ..."

"Entrusted by your wife to pick you up."

"I know ... to Frankfurt ..." he said weakly, then repeated, "Misuki is in Frankfurt ..."

Jia Ming looked into the dark woods, and another person carried a travelling bag, which seemed to be more professional than Xie Baoshu.

Three days later, Frankfurt, Germany.

The weather was gloomy, as if it was going to rain again. It had been raining in Frankfurt these days, and everything seemed a little humid. Jia Ming stood on top of a skyscraper and shot towards another skyscraper hundreds of meters away. After a few photos, someone pushed the door open at the back of the staircase, walked up, and looked back. It turned out that it was Xie Baoshu, who had been separated in the town of Laka three days ago.

"Hi, meet again." He greeted with a smile.

There wasn't much conversation in Laka town. I thought it would probably not be seen again after this incident. Who knew he would come here, Jia Ming was silent for a while, and then laughed: "Meet again."

Exhaling gently, Xie Baoshu went to Jiaming, looked down from the top of the skyscraper, and then looked at the building in the distance. After a moment, he frowned: "Is it on the eighth and ninth floors?"

"should be."

"Actually, I always have a question I want to ask." Xie Baoshu suddenly turned his head and changed the topic. "Last time I was in a bad state, I did n’t ask for an exit, and I only met for the second time, but now it ’s the third time, everyone. You're so familiar, wouldn't you mind? "

Jia Ming thought for a moment: "Let's exchange?"

"Okay." Xie Baoshu laughed. "I'm the natural evolutionist you said. Would you like to ask this?" He said as if he was afraid of Jia Ming's remorse.

"It's not just this ..." Jia Ming laughed, "I can guess this too, but if you are so sincere, let me say hello first."

"Okay, but this problem will be secret to you, don't be surprised." Xie Baoshu thought for a while, "You ... you don't belong to this world, I mean ... it should not belong to the cause and effect line of this world I always think so, I thought about it for a long time, that ... that ... "

He seemed to want to take out the question in his head and show it to Jia Ming, who was taken aback by this question, and asked after a while: "How do you know?"

"Is this really the case?" Xie Baoshu blinked. "On November 2, 1991, I later realized that this day, I always felt something went wrong. The world was divided, as if I were divided into The two are the same. Although I was not interested in things like quantum mechanics, parallel universes, etc., I also read some conjectures in this regard, but this segmentation was done too seriously. It turned out that a person was inserted ... "

He whispered these words, as if talking to himself. After he finished, Jia Ming smiled and talked about his past: "I was a killer ..." At this time, he was the first in the world. When he said these things to another person, when he was finished, Xie Baoshu was suddenly realized, and then asked what Jia Ming wanted to know, and Jia Ming talked about the information previously obtained by Kelly, a child holding a cardboard box. And Jane Suyan's relationship.

"I've always wanted to know, is that the child holding the box really you or Hiroki Mumura? Who are you, the natural evolutionaries ..."

After hearing this from him, Xie Baoshu's face seemed to be a little embarrassed. He was a pure innocent character. He seemed to be incomprehensible to these emotions. It seemed that there was something inexplicable. Jia Ming was about to say that he couldn't answer. Scratching my head ...

"This ... after telling you, don't spread it out. The problem is not big, but ... she doesn't like to tell this to others. Of course, you can know that if you meet her later, don't talk to her. This is just fine ... "

He paused, the housekeeper nodded, and then thought for a while before he said, "I made the plain words."

"Make ... made?"

"Yes, it was made. I was relatively inferior when I was young. I felt different from ordinary people. Those children did n’t play with me. I did n’t dare to fight back when I was bullied. I always felt that it was easy to beat them apart with a shot. So I wanted to make a person, so the original word was created. When it was first created, it looked like a paste, and then it became frozen. It was something like the Japanese animation "Tuanzi Big Family". She couldn't change the human form, so I Pack her in a box and look for ways to transform it. The one you said is relatively early, and you hit that guy into the wall. By the time of 1998, the original expression was really deformed. You look like that. "

Jia Ming froze, "What am I?"

"Yeah." Bao Shu nodded for granted. "In 1998, we went to Jianghai once. I had planned to take her around the country with a car because a special event had passed and I saw you change. The pretend Jian Suyan fights with someone in a villa. To be honest, I did n’t see that one. That time she ran out to see you alone. She deformed when she came back. She said that she liked the image very much. We were looking for a relative perfection. It looks pretty, I also like it when I see it, I have n’t seen the best yet ... Are you a bit embarrassed when you did not introduce yourself to you? Because she used your image, although You also dress up, but you are original. So I said it shouldn't matter if I told you. "

"Me, am I original?"

Jia Ming thought for a while, and couldn't help laughing, Bao Shu was a little wrong: "No, don't you imitate others?"

"Oh, I'm imitating Jane Suyan ..." Jia Ming will say what Jane Suyan saw in the last life, and Baoshu was stunned, and it took him a long time to respond.

"No wonder ... I always think this image is really good, sometimes I even think that the original words should be like this, it turns out ... I really made such simple words in your original world, and then You saw it, ran back and dressed like that, because it was too early, we took you as a prototype ... haha ​​... haha ​​... "

He thought for a while, and couldn't help laughing, then Jia Ming also laughed. The wind blew across the rooftops of skyscrapers, and the laughter of the two continued in the wind for a long time.

After the laughter finally stopped, Bao Shu nodded his head: "Actually, Mu village Hiroki is also a natural evolutionary. When I was in elementary school, I studied in the Nanjing Massacre and wanted to destroy Japan. I went to the United States and grabbed an atomic bomb. He flew to Japan to throw it, and then he ran out. We had a fight on the Pacific Ocean. No matter what, he was persuaded at the time ... We are all ordinary children, because something has become a natural evolution, and power can It ’s misappropriated, but we ca n’t be responsible for the consequences, so we should be more low-key than the average person. So from then on, we are completely independent of these major events, it is difficult to be alone, how can we point at others ... ”

He looked at the building where Yu Shouxi was in the distance: "But this time is different. To be honest, the biochemical crisis is also very interesting, but once it becomes that, it will not return. We are not tired of the world now ~ www .readwn.com ~ So I ca n’t let that person make the world look like that. I also talked to Mu Cun Hiroki, and he went to talk to that person once, but if it ’s too difficult, then I ’ll do it. Now. "

He turned back and smiled: "It's relatively simple, so let me do it." Then, Jia Ming saw him jump down.

The figure continued to fall, staying in the air for a moment at a position parallel to the eighth floor of the opposite building, and then rushing straight ahead.

He rushed into the building, and water-like ripples swept across the two floors of the skyscraper. Then, the flames surged between the two floors, shattering the glass, sweeping the sky above the nearby street like a magnificent firework, huge. The quake shook almost the entire city in an instant, and the rooftop of the building where Jia Ming was trembling constantly.

Soot, flames, and debris began to fall, and the power and scale of the explosion that swept over the city was amazing. It was almost another 9/11 incident. It was only after this explosion that the building did not collapse, but the numerous exterior glass walls, At this point they have begun to peel off from high altitude. Jia Ming stood on the top of the building, faintly saw the huge power fluctuation of the figure passing through the other side, and then across the sky of Frankfurt, straight up to the sky, almost splitting the low and thick cloud layer in half .

That is natural evolution.

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