Hidden Assassin

Vol 9 Chapter 7: tryst

Chapter 2 Chapter 7

Back in the room, Jia Mingzheng fell asleep on chuáng, Dongfang smiled gently, dropped his handbag and climbed up, riding on Jia Ming's back, his fingers gently pinching his shoulders. ~~ ~~

"Well, try harder, too light ..." [Search for the latest updates in m]

Jia Ming muttered in the pillow, Dongfang Wan smiled, stretched out his hand and hit him on the shoulder, and then he strengthened the strength of the massage.

"Hey, when did you get into the habit of sleeping on your stomach ..."

Jia Ming looked up slightly, squinting and thinking, "Is it time for school?"

"Yeah, at that time you always liked to lie on the table to sleep, and I was so angry."


"At that time, you always liked to copy Xun Xun's homework, and I was so angry."

"You died twice ..."

"Hum" she snorted softly and bit down on Mingming's ear at home. "You don't copy me, you're furious."

Jia Ming looked up again: "At that time, I asked you to copy the homework, and you may have to agree to it."

Dongfang Wan massaged his shoulders for a while, thinking with a smile: "Actually, it shouldn't be possible in the second grade, maybe I will give it in the third grade ..."

Jia Ming pouted his lips and muttered, "Non-sense, your principle is more valuable than Zhenc, then you are willing to give me Zhenc ..."

"I've given it to you anyway, and also said such things. From the beginning, my principles haven't worked for you, okay." Dongfang paused for a massage and then lay on his face at home, "I am now Think about it, maybe ... maybe if you confess to me in the third grade, I would really give it to you at that time, but you have to talk so hard to make me faint. OK, but at that time you didn't have any good words to me, and this boy raised him and that boy raised ... "

Jia Ming pulled back, pulling her off her body. Xiaowan laughed and wanted to struggle, but her hands were pressed against her head and she couldn't move. Then she put two faces together. After a short while, she was flushed and panting. Jiaming lay on her body.

"It's too late for introspection at this time, and I have already arrived, what else do you think?"

"I didn't want to reflect ... I just like your unreasonable look ..."

"Well, you have no resistance to me at all ..."

Jia Ming calmly let go of her hand, Xiaowan smiled, and embraced him with both hands.

"Actually, to be honest, I really envy your relationship with Lingjing Shasha ..." She was quiet for a while, thinking about it, "as it is on TV, what happened in other people ’s homes, I want to fight over what I like. But I do n’t dare. I have seen many people over the years. Jiaming you are too decisive. If I fight, you will definitely get rid of me. Once you have a psychological preparation that can't be fulfilled, your heart will be as hard as iron, and it must be me who is abandoned ... "

What she said was a little bit sour. Jia Ming thought about it and didn't know what to say, but Xiao Wan just smiled.

"In fact, do n’t be sorry, I do n’t understand what happened between you, and you may not be worthy of them when you are with me now. But I also occasionally send jail sāo, me, dongfangwan Ah, it ’s not that no one wants it. Sometimes, I ’m alone at night, I ’m tired from work, and I ’m under a lot of pressure. You ’re not by my side, and you ’re with the quiet and rustling, then you feel wronged and you are not responsible for me ... want to dump you then ... "

She gently kissed Weng Jiaming's mouth and laughed, "Afraid? But you know why I don't?"

"You are an ultra-traditional fool nv from start to finish."

"Well, my sister doesn't know how open and modern it is. I can accept any idea, and it's almost beyond the times." She raised her chin with a smile, and then paused. "Because I didn't find anyone better than you."

Jia Ming swaggered: "In fact, it's not all the same. It's better than me. You just can't see it."

"No, it's not a lover in the eyes of a lover ..." She looked at Jia Ming. "Although sometimes I feel very tired and feel aggrieved, but every time I see you, I let go of my heart, It ’s really ... all the pressure is relieved. I also know a lot of nv strongmen, but they face each other in the face of their husbands, and some of them raise men outside, and they look happy and enjoy, but that They also feel anxious in their hearts. It seems that many people are the same. Once people grow up and go out of society, they can't be quiet. Some pressure can be relieved. But when people grow up, they know what responsibility is. After that, I can't get rid of it anytime, anywhere ... "

"In the four years you were missing, Yiting and I were actually feeling this in college, and that was the actual pressure. People have to rely on themselves, and there will not be an absolute safe haven like they did when they were young. It ’s like our family. When I started, what company was the same as playing, but what if my dad went bankrupt? Politically ca n’t stand it? No one can really protect me forever and grow up. Then, I suddenly realized that the people around me are actually mortals. When I was young, I could think that Dad ’s status would never change. When I was younger, I did n’t think about these things at all.

"Look at the people in the society who are getting married for money, nv college students who are bundled for money ... or more ... they may be aware of this pressure, feel these things, there is no safe haven, always You have to think about what will happen tomorrow, but even those people, even if they find a rich man who has been contracted *, or married a rich and rich man, they have to worry about it. In this way, people marry you for your beauty, but the relationship is really not enough, what will happen to the elderly. Those who entertain people will be abandoned one day, so they are also stressed, as long as they think about things, There will be no pressure ... "

"But no matter how much pressure I usually have, no matter how many prisoners I'm in, I think I'll lose my temper with you when I see you-I've really lost my temper with you. But every time I see you, Seriously, the stress is gone, just like when I was studying. Over the years, I just watched others have so much stress. I knew in my heart, but I did--because Jiaming your reasons--no. I feel too much. I deal with Li Huibin's affairs this time. I feel that he is too greedy and ca n’t understand it at all, but if he really wants to understand him, I think maybe he really has no sense of security, too much stress and anxiety. This kind of person is afraid that it won't sleep well at night ... "

"But I now run the company as a family. To be honest, my mentality is no different from that in high school. I went through it step by step, which is tens of billions or tens of billions. I know if one day is true, Messed up, Jiaming, you will catch me. \\ When the time comes ... it will be a small nv person, do something you like every day, and then wait for you to come to the village ... "

Jia Ming sighed: "You don't have to be so miserable ..."

"Distressed you." Xiaowan smiled softly. "So, I think I've seen so many people in so many years. I can't feel like Jia Ming you can. It's easy and nothing. There are concerns, as long as I don't fight with Lingjing and make it too busy, you will always be responsible to me ... "

"Everything like love advocates equality between men and women, but in fact equality does not exist. Love, happiness, happiness, happiness, these are actually coming from inequality, and some people have no conditions for I give, I am happy, and then I happily cook for him and have children, nv people, let ’s take a step, be soft and gentle, the man will experience the masculine confidence, and then he will protect Nv man, you make a step today, she feels happy, tomorrow she makes a step, you feel happy, you know what inequality is, then you know what love is, equality comes out of inequality ... "

"I know Jiaming, you always feel guilty, but you gave me a lot of things, and you make me feel at ease, even if we don't have much time together, I always know that someone behind me will care about me catching me. So I am now I ca n’t live without you. I ’ve got something. Here ’s one step. Everything in the world is equivalent, so I do n’t care. It ’s okay to be secretly together. Sometimes I feel wronged. I still like it. With you. I know you are also under a lot of pressure and have paid a lot of things, but since you have gotten so much, you have to take care of this. "

"As a result, you have become a philosopher for so many years ..." Jia Ming mumbled softly, and said a moment later, "Actually, there has been less pressure these years ..."

"Oh ... So, in fact, I really envied Ling Jingsha, and sometimes I thought, if I were them, it would be fine. But then I thought, Jia Ming, if the two of us have been together since childhood, How about? When we were young, we got it right and became happy friends, then elementary school, junior high school, high school ... For so many years, maybe the process like high school will last a long time, but it ’s too long, then we did n’t understand love If you do, it will turn your face in the end. So the two of us are together. Maybe it ’s really like three years in high school to meet you slowly, and then you come back for a few years after missing. I just found that the mode of falling in love with you is the best. I think I really have the same life as Sister Yahan ... "

"That's fine." She said with pleasure, "I hope I can have the same nv as Taotao, or like your family Yunting, Yunting is a little genius, so quiet and smart Guy, it was born from the rustle of your family, I can't understand it ... "

Jia Ming poked his lips: "Ah, if Yun Ting's face looks like me and when I'm in a daze, she's taken it out of her mother's belly by myself. I really wonder if it was dropped by someone ... Well, but it's probably because I have a genius in my genes. "He snatched the genes into one's own head, then nodded," Well, it's really my fault. "

"Smelly." Dongfang Wan laughed, holding his face wěn a big mouthful. She had spoken so much before, and she was a bit shy at this time, her face was crimson and crimson, and she got up and put down chuáng, "Hurry up and get ready to go to dinner."

Jiaming was lying there lazily: "Isn't it more convenient to call the food to the room, you don't feel tired ..."

"I finally had a date with you. I don't want to lie on the chuáng all day, and go out if I get tired. The rooftop scenery is good."

Dongfang Wan stood in front of the dressing table, picked up black stockings and put on her feet, and then found the earrings in her handbag and put them on, and glanced back at Jia Ming: "Hurry up"

"You nv, you have no awareness ..."

Jia Ming moved his muscles and got up from chuáng and was getting ready to get dressed. But the cell phone beside chuáng rang. He looked at the number and then picked up while sitting next to chuáng, speaking English.

For a moment, Dongfang Wan simply finished dressing up in front of the dresser, put together a long hair, put on a simple white hair accessory, turned around and waved at Jia Ming, and spoke a few sets of sign language: then I went up first You come back after you call.

Jia Ming nodded, Dongfang Wan stood there and looked at Jia Ming for a few seconds, then laughed again.

Walking out of the room with a handbag, she was restored to the nv strongman Dongfang Wan's temperament in the eyes of others.

Not long after, beside the restaurant huā garden on the rooftop, Tang Wenpeng saw Deputy Director Ji of the Immigration Bureau, and accompanied him was a man who could be regarded as their mutual friend. This man was a director of the municipality mén named Xue east.

They are all about the same age. I really want to talk about contacts, relationships, status and the like. Although Tang Wenpeng is a business person, the difference between people is not very large. I have met before. At this time, greetings such as greetings are also exceptional. Kind and natural, noticing what they were talking about when they came over, Tang Wenpeng laughed: "What did you just say? It looks funny."

"Oh, right." Deputy Commissioner Ji waved his finger with a smile. "We just came up to meet someone and said hello. She should be ... it should be Wen Peng, your boss, it ’s a coincidence. You must not guess who ... "

Tang Wenpeng froze slightly, then laughed: "Oriental wan?"

Xue Dong froze and laughed later: "I thought you didn't know that you've seen it?"

"I talked a few times when I came here."

In fact, this sentence is somewhat suspected of borrowing money or fox fake tiger power, but fox fake tiger power is also a technical job, in theory, he did not lie, but then the words came out, and then the other two people had to raise him in his heart several times. After all, although Dongfang Wan now has the authority of her father Dongfang Linghai and even Fang Zhitian, but an industrialist who has mastered such a large number of financial groups, where she really wants to go now, it must be personally received by the governor level of. Deputy Director Ji laughed: "Great." Xue Dong beside him also patted his shoulder: "I said this guy has a future. He used to study, and he has always been the best ..."

Then the three went to the position that Tang Wenpeng had set before. The hotel occupies a very wide area, and there is also a huge space above the rooftop. The outer walls on all sides, including the huge ceiling, are fully transparent glass windows, various huā plants and ornamental potted plants are distributed on this area. Various tables and chairs are distributed in between. The guests who eat here seem to be eating in the park or between nature. Due to the designer's ng design, the huā plant plants are placed reasonably and often can naturally obscure the sight of everywhere. This place is not only a lutian place, but also a private room.

The glass around the restaurant and the roof can be controlled, and the light transmittance can be adjusted freely. If it is hot summer, it can be adjusted like an indoor room. It is raining today, but it looks like the roof is clear and amber. . The three sat down at the table and asked the waiter to have some drinks. They laughed and talked about gossip. Most of them were about Dongfang Wan.

"I've heard that Miss Oriental hasn't directly made Wan Ting Electronics in recent years?"

"When I went in, it was gone. She and President Xu only occasionally held a high-level meeting, but President Xu did not usually sit here. Now the company's senior managers are basically making decisions with the other directors."

"In this case, there is still a relationship with Miss Dongfang. That's great."

"Oh, in fact, the company has developed well in recent years, otherwise we all have to worry about whether Miss Dongfang will give up Wanting."

"No, it won't." Deputy Commissioner Ji shook his head. "This Dongfang Wan is actually a very strong person. You know that such people want to prove their abilities independently. Although she now deals with the rest of the Dongfang family's industry, That's because the industry is too large, and ah ... part of it is still related to the military industry, she is still young, and can't fully handle it for the time being, but take it slowly. But no matter what, Wan Ting, you think Think, Dongfang Wan, Xu Yiting, this is what the two sisters really did, and she can't throw it away. "

"This is also true." Xue Dong said, looking through the crevices of the plants. Although these furnishings are reasonable in design, after all, they cannot completely cover their eyes. From their side, you can actually see Dongfang Wan sitting there. A distant table with hands on the table seemed to be waiting for someone. "When I met just now, I didn't expect to meet her in Jianghai. This time there was a big problem in Jingshu trade. She should have dealt with it in another place. The main team of Jingshu Trade is still in Beijing. "

Tang Wenpeng nodded: "I've heard about this, and I'm also paying attention recently. The chief executive of Jingshu Trade, Li Huibin, has a problem. Some people say he fled, and I basically confirmed it on the Internet. Last month, Beijing Shu's stock price has plummeted. Fortunately, it has stabilized recently. It is estimated that the problem has been temporarily resolved. Dongfangwan's ability is actually strong. "

"It is indeed ng strong, most men can't match it." Deputy Commissioner Ji nodded with a smile, "I have seen it a few times, but it is not easy to see on the outside. Although it is a bit strong, the most admirable thing is Her style has always been non-arrogant, impatient and steady, and occasionally it seems that the sword moves away from the front, but the foundation is solid, and other people can't stop it. But she is almost thirty-three years old now, and there is nothing to scandalize. I don't know who I will marry in the future. "

"You ca n’t even tell that you are in your thirties. But in the future, it will probably be a political marriage. If anyone can chase her, it will be hundreds of billions. All of them are counted, I am afraid it is more than that. . "

"Even if it's not about political marriage, I don't think any man can chase her ..."

"I heard that she has a fixed secret boyfriend for many years, but she hasn't made it public ..."

"Where can that rumor be believed?"

"This kind of person is going to get married. It ’s not just her own business. The relationship is big, and the country nods. In fact, it ’s hard to think about such nv people. Qingchun, love, etc. must be dedicated to the country. , Career or something ... "

"Can't get married, it's okay to be secret."

"That's true too."

Ordinary people gossip about gossip and the like, to a certain level, talk about gossip in the political circles, similar to the beautiful and talented nv "second generation" of Dongfangwan, after all, there are not many. The three talked about this, and discussed why Dongfang Wan came here to wait for someone. If someone like her meets someone, it should be a place to compare people. Even if it is more casual, you should find a box or something. Yes, after all, if there is some gossip, no one knows what it will be, but maybe not many people dare to preach it. This is also a problem.

After a while, Deputy Commissioner Ji lowered his voice: "It looks beautiful and young, and it would be ridiculous to think that she is simple. The general complexity is beyond description. It is impossible to lie to her and trick him ... You do n’t know, this time Li Huibin, it ’s definitely a flight. "

"I'll know, otherwise there will be such a big thing in the Beijing Shu trade, basically determined, Lao Ji, this is not news." Xue Dong laughed.

"Of course this is not news. It has been determined on the Internet. It is estimated that it will be announced in a few days, but there is another thing you do not know. I only heard it yesterday. It is estimated that it has not been decided yet. It's not announced, I tell you, don't spread it. "

"Understanding" Xue Dong raised his hand.

"If it is confidential ..." Tang Wenpeng also spoke.

"It's okay, the problem is not big, just don't pass it." Deputy Commissioner Ji smiled, and then lowered his voice even lower. "Li Huibin's escape did not succeed at first. He failed to leave the country smoothly. He hid for a while. They have been looking for it in the country, and then about a week ago, they left from Nepal and were killed by ... local militants. "

Tang Wenpeng and Xue Dong glanced at each other, Deputy Commissioner Ji waited for a while: "Of course it is false, everyone knows that if the news comes out, this may be the official rhetoric. In fact, Li Huibin's family, including the one responsible for **** them away The team's secret agents, about 30 in total, were all killed and there were no survivors. "

Tang Wenpeng silently looked at the nv person waiting at the table over there through the plants: "So, it is Miss Oriental ..."

"It may not be her first order, but it must pass by her hand." Deputy Commissioner Ji said meaningfully, "what can be a guy who is very good at picking up her directly, or just cheating, just kidding, Who can deceive her, how many lives ... But then again, Li Huibin should also be killed, killing is very happy. Miss Dongfang was honest in the mall, although she said it was because of her deep roots in the family, But there are too few to do that ... "

The killing of the whole family is the same as for the country and the people. They are all men ’s làng. For a while, Tang Wenpeng and Xue Dongchao looked at each other with almost a sense of reverence. Of course, the nv people over there were still bored and waiting At someone's arrival. In fact, what can achieve her status is also related to the military industry and so on. It is purely naive to say that she has nothing to say about her. Several people have passed the age of innocence. However, at this time when I heard people talk about this kind of thing, it felt naturally different. In any case, it was difficult to say that this kind of thing had something to do with the seemingly real nv people over there.

After talking about these gossips, the three of them started to enter the topic. Tang Wenpeng probably talked about Xun's situation, but Xue Dong was the first person who laughed and laughed: "In fact, it's really for picking up girls, I really want to know that. How beautiful the nv kid is, Lao Ji, you do n’t know. Nothing can hit him. I never saw him sad when he divorced before ... ”

Tang Wenpeng waved his hand slightly: "I admit it's okay, I admit that there are elements in this area, but most of all, I'm still ... still doing my duty as a citizen, right, good. "

"Yes, yes, when reporting crimes, the citizen award should be issued." Deputy Commissioner Ji also joked, "This matter is bright, but it's actually simple. You can send someone tomorrow or even this afternoon, just have an address, but A Japanese nv child sneaked into China without a passport and used it as a free labor after being taken in. Would this be a little ... uh, a bit bizarre, huh, huh. "

"I don't think it's very reliable, either." Tang Wenpeng nodded. "But if it doesn't, it doesn't matter. If it does, it can help, right?"

"In fact, he must be expecting this to be true, so that he can save the hero with heroes." Xue Dong pointed at his deputy director of the discipline and laughed.

"That's for sure, what a chance. No problem, it's all about me. If that's the case, I'll tell you the hero to save the United States, huh ... It's okay without a passport, so check it out no matter what she used to do. What kind of distress and what kind of status is there in Japan? She will not be sent back. Of course, the next step is Wen Peng. You must persuade her. "

"Brother's happiness, Lao Ji, you have to do it as soon as possible." An old friend, Xue Dong said politely.

"Go to soup and fire, boss. I'll call when I go back, or should I call now?"

The three laughed, and Tang Wenpeng said, "Eat first, eat first, uh ..." He stunned suddenly, looking at a man who was walking towards him with a mobile phone.

"what happened?"

"Uh, he ... he's the Gu Jiaming ..." Tang Wenpeng blinked. "Doctor in the clinic ... How clever ..."

He whispered this way, the man in a white shirt and casual ku was walking by, as if he noticed the gaze here, he tilted his head, recognized Tang Wenpeng, nodded with a slight smile, and showed no steps. stop. The other two laughed and said, "This is really a coincidence." Not far away, the man sat down at Dongfangwan's table.

For a while, the three of them felt a little stuck.

I saw Dongfang Wan sitting there waiting for someone. At this time, it seems that she is waiting for the man named Gu Jiaming. She seemed to be sitting indifferent when she was sitting there, but at this time she laughed. It seemed that the couple was losing their temper, and for a while it completely faded away the strong nv of the previous one. At this time, he was probably complaining that the other party came too slowly, and even waved and hit a punch on the upper arm.

By this time, the three people almost all associate the rumor that Dongfang Wan had a secret boyfriend, which Xue Dong said just now.

Later, without knowing what the two had talked over there, Dongfang Wan stood up and tilted her head to look at it curiously. I also wanted to know that she must have seen Gu Jiaming nodded and said hello, and asked curiously, and then wanted to see who his friend was. For a while, the eyes of the four people gathered in the air, and the hearts of the three of them suddenly became arrogant and anxious to dig a place and drill down. The nv child over there was also stunned, and then recovered nv The strong man's expression, a smile toward Lu, nodded his head to say hello, and sat back to the side seat.

"Donald, now, I'm afraid this will be a bit difficult ..."

Not only is it difficult to do, there is no need to do it. The most important thing is that Tang Wenpeng pursues Yuechi Kaoru for half a year. Once the three of them are contacted, the fool can know that they are probably discussing something when they meet here. It is the most important thing to choose Dongfang Wan to clarify your innocence so that the other party will not feel any impulsive actions made by your "hostility".

Over there, Dongfang Wan drank the fruit juice and nodded her head slightly. She was a bit helpless and smiled, and then she was relieved. She dated Jiaming, and she cares about the atmosphere and the lack of attention, but she did not consider being discovered at this time, but she was really discovered at that time, and she did not feel good, but think about it, these three people may not pass What should be no problem: "How clever, you even know him. I just remember his last name is Tang. A technical director of Wan Ting just said hello below. Are you friends with him? Then I Promote him. "

"Oh, he's been pursuing Kaoru for the past six months."

"Uh ..." Dongfang Wan stunned, and then pouted and laughed, "then I won't be promoted, I won't interfere with these ... No, I still have to be promoted in my position. What a difficult decision ... "

Jia Ming laughed and brought the juice to his mouth: "It's all up to you. If he is good, he should rise, then he should rise. It's not a big deal, it just feels a bit coincidental."

"Maybe he also has something to do. The two are civil servants. The positions are not low. I just said hello just now, but it is difficult to say. Maybe it is just a simple gathering of friends. Otherwise, he would not choose such a place. One of them is the deputy director of the immigration bureau, the official ng ... "

“噗 ——” Dongfang Wan ’s words did n’t finish, and Jiaming's mouth poured orange juice next to huā. Dongfang Wan took a sip for a while and couldn't help laughing: “What are you doing ~ www.readwn.com ~ So exaggerated again ... "

Jiaming was already smiling with a clenched stomach: "I ... I know what they are doing today ..."

"Why is that?"

Soon after, the master Ming told Yunjie what he had done the night before, and both laughed at the table for a while.

"You, your family Yun Jie are so bad, why are you telling me ... haha, a mold poured out with you ... hahahaha ..."

"I only know that the three of them are estimated to be scared by you now, ha ha ha ha ... this is your fault, why are you so bad ..."

"Bad guys ... hit me down ... I'll bring you bad ones ..." Dongfang Wan panted. "I'm sure they will come to me soon to hint that they are harmless to humans and animals. By that time ... I did n’t even know if I should comfort them or scare them ... ha ha ha ha ... "

At noon on May 19, 2013, in the genius restaurant of the Homeland Hotel, a young nv billionaire sat at the table with her little doctor and waited for food, laughing extremely badly. ...

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