Hidden Assassin

: Adventure authors [Hoon] canteen salesman: Shu Huofu

Fairy ... Weaver ...

When the girl student came to the store for the first time, these two words poured into his forehead in an uneasy manner, as if to burst out, and slipped to his lips, he stunned God, but still didn't say it.

At that time he was sitting on a dark bench behind a glass counter, and the TV set next to the gray powder wall was performing "Tianxian Match". It was not a Kunqu opera or a Peking opera. It was a popular local drama in Shili and Baxiang. It ’s almost the 21st century. Even in the countryside, the TV is not unusual, but the program is monotonous and the antenna is not very reliable. Fengji rushing to the theater is still the biggest entertainment, so for him Now I can go to the theater without going out, which is already quite satisfactory. If it is a few years later, the local small stations are gradually marginalized, and local dramas are shrinking until they are about to die out. The repertoires occasionally broadcasted by the provincial Taiwan are also reserved for the Kunqu Opera and Huangmei Opera. The special drama channel is a national television Only have the strength to luxury. Of course, this is something.

I'm almost 20 years old, and more and more playmates who grew up together are becoming more and more married. Parents who haven't met for a long time have called him from his hometown. Naturally, this also means that they have rooted in the city. It's just that I don't know if it is inherently slow or for some other reason. This young man still stubbornly retains his peculiar values ​​of life. To him, "finding an object" is no more attractive than the story of the talented woman in the play.

This is really rotten wood, and his son is so confused. But parents can't say anything for a while. He has grown up. Although his blood is there, he hasn't seen him since he was a child for more than ten years. It is also natural for him to be weak, and there are some politeness or estrangements that should not exist.

He lowered his head and stood up. I do n’t know if he has been sitting on a bench for a long time. His hands and feet are a bit unnatural, but the business still has to be done. Open the glass cabinet door, pick up a plastic packaging bag, and place it on the counter.

"Brush-", the sound of the wallet zipper being opened ... One dollar coin, face up ... The bag containing the bread was taken away.

After a short pause, about a few seconds, she looked up and walked out of the counter to look around. She had already gone invisible. Looking back, the TV was still singing and singing, he suddenly felt very boring.

There is no fairy in this world ... no, there is no fairy. The television is not a fairy, and the colorful posters on the walls are not printed either. This is common sense, and a fool would not know.

If one word is used to describe his current mood, "disillusionment" will be more appropriate-there are really fairies. Of course, it is not right to say that she is a fairy. She is just an ordinary girl. He put himself back on the bench, trying to remember what she looked like.

Wearing white sportswear, it wasn't very tall, the others couldn't remember.

Tomorrow, maybe she will come tomorrow, he thought.

She can walk on the way of tofu, he thought again, and then felt that he was inexplicable.

Uh ...

After a while, the canteen added a new variety, sprinkled with shredded coconut, and a thin layer of cream inside. The price doubled and was very popular. It's just that this kind of bread hasn't been wrapped in advance, and it must be put in a plastic bag and handed over one by one, which is really annoying. And when he first handed it to her in a plastic bag, his hand in the air every step forward was a new experience, and his troubles became completely opposite emotions.

Bian Mingming raised his hand, stretched his hand, and returned his hand normally, but he only felt that he had finished the brushing. In the next few days, he was at the same position and the same height. He repeatedly passed it by himself many times and couldn't find the same feeling. Why is this so?

Sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the evening when the street lights are on. It's almost a year, and I will come here every day. I buy a bread every time, and she is alone every time. This is really strange. Regardless of the gender, teenage high school students are at a lively age. In contrast, she is more likely to attract the attention of others. He has witnessed many encounters with her as his target. The so-called conversation is more like a stand-up comic with a high school boy self-directed and self-acting, and there is no audience, because from the beginning to the fortunate end, there is no response at all.

Although women have the natural right to refuse, but to this extent, there are many people who love and hate, plus three or five loyal partners who come out to help, it is really uncomfortable to say it in person . However, there was no response. In short, it was completely ignored.

You kids do n’t understand anything. She is a fairy who does n’t eat fireworks on earth ..... except for my bread ...

She took the initiative to say exactly the same sentence to him every day, "a bread, thank you", with a gesture of reaching out to indicate the type of bread you want.

Anyway, he is also an adult man, and some things are self-explanatory. Yes, he knew it was unreasonable to be complacent about it. She would say "thank you", but it would make people feel no gratitude. It was more like saying two thank you words together without any emotion. Sometimes he even felt like he was talking with a foreign country. People speak, although he has never met foreigners, and never foreigners have spoken to him.

But as long as I think of seeing her every day, joy and longing occupy a completely overwhelming advantage. The previous self-deprecation became useless on the beach.

He has the lessons of those brave young men first, and he wakes himself up: do n’t do extra moves, do n’t say extra words, do n’t have extra eyes, do n’t be smart yourself. After all, this school is very large, and the canteen is not only his family, but it is located on the nearest road from the playground to the dormitory area. If the words are abrupt and the other party thinks that you have any bad intentions and you don't come here, it will be too much.

Uh .........

I have eaten dinner, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com she has not come today. During the day, the school was extremely lively for a while, and I heard that some people were fighting.

At more than eight o'clock, the wind and rain continued, and in the light of the canteen, the soaked girl dragged her tired body into it. The young man watching TV sitting behind the counter stood up immediately: "Uh, you ... ... "

"A piece of bread, thank you."

"Oh." The young man nodded, and quickly packed the big noodles following the girl's instructions, hesitating for a moment, and said, "Do you want an umbrella?"

"..... No." Looking at the label on the umbrella bar, the girl shook her head and pulled out her purse from the wet pocket. She used her fingers to pull out a few semi-wet small denomination coins to put on the counter. And then took over the bread. A moment when he opened his wallet, the young man saw that there seemed to be no extra paper money in it.

He was hesitant in his heart. When he looked up again, the girl had held the bread in front of the chest and walked out of the door. The young man sat down and looked at the picture on the TV, then looked back at the rain screen outside the shop. Gritted his teeth, took an umbrella and rushed out.

The figure of the puppet girl appeared under the street light not far ahead, and he chased after him.

"Uh, that ... it's raining ... although your body is soaked, uh ... rest assured, it's my gift to you, that ... goodbye ..... "

The girl's dull eyes seemed to give people a sense of oppression, so that he couldn't speak smoothly. After passing the umbrella, he smiled, turned and ran to the store. In the distance it seemed to see a hidden in the dark. In the figure, he didn't think much, ran under the eaves, and the girl had taken the umbrella silently across the road and gradually left the field of vision.

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