The next day, the new semester begins.

At six o'clock in the morning, Liu Chuhe's senior high school class, with more than 800 students from sixteen classes, had gathered at the entrance of the school warehouse, and all the students asked the same question after seeing Liu Chuhe.

"Who are you?"

Liu Chuhe suddenly became happy and took out his mobile phone with a sly smile on his face. Do you want to know who I am? Make money.

I had just arrived at school and there were leeks coming to give me money, which was a good sign.

But before his beautiful plan was implemented, Jia Taiping's voice had already sounded.

"This is Liu Chuhe. He has been eating it for two months and has become like this."

Liu Chuhe was angry in his heart. You deserve to be poor. You have no economic sense at all. You don't know. I have made money. It would be great to give you some dividends.

Jia Taiping's hair was combed even more meticulously than before. He stood at the front of Class 3, Grade 3, looking at the students and said: "You are going to take part in the trial today. What should you pay attention to most about the trial? "

All the students spoke at the same time and replied in unison: "Act within your ability, safety first."

Liu Chuhe stared at Jia Taiping's mouth that kept opening and closing, and really wanted to stop him with his own slap.

Is that all you can do? I have even thought about the news. At the beginning of the new school year, a classmate defrauded many classmates of money. Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?

When the time comes, once the report is out, we can spread the hype again. This is the follow-up to the homeless boy, and the impact will be even greater. In that way, various relatives will have a greater chance of seeing me, and I will be able to live a comfortable life from now on. It’s enough time to eat soft rice.

It's all you, Jia Kongque, who ruined my hype plan!

Jia Taiping nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, safe, safe, safe! The Huangsang Mountain training ground you are going to is specially opened by our Huangsang City for students to use for testing. There is a separate base station inside , you will also all carry cameras on your body. Once you are in danger, you will be discovered immediately.

But who knows if someone might be negligent? Is it possible that the person responsible for surveillance happens to be in a hurry to go to the toilet, and he is responsible for the camera you are on? And what should you do if you happen to be in danger again at this time?

Therefore, you must protect your annunciator and activate it immediately if something goes wrong.

I don’t expect you to be in the top ten in all school points. I just hope that you can all come back safely. Remember the ten safety measures I mentioned, ten don’ts..."

Why didn't Liu Chu listen to Jia Taiping's words and compete for the top ten? Are you worthy of my hidden chain skill?

This top ten is not the top ten of No. 2 Middle School, nor the top ten of this five-school joint trial, but the top ten of all the schools in their Huangsang City.

You can go directly to the government's gene chain library to select gene chains.

He didn't believe there were countless gene chains. Could it be that he still couldn't choose a gene chain with hidden chain skills?

This is all secondary. The main thing is that as a top ten student in Huangsang City, you deserve an award, right? You need to make the award ceremony more formal, report it, and make news.

All the students in Class 3 listened with despairing expressions as Jia Taiping repeated the safety and escape methods that had been taught a hundred and eighty times.

Listen to what the teachers in other classes are talking about?

"Remember, you must cooperate. Individual power is limited."

"Have you remembered the most efficient way to kill alien creatures that I analyzed for you?"

"This time it's not just our No. 2 Middle School that will be tested by ourselves, but also No. 3 Middle School, No. 7 Middle School, No. 11 Middle School, and No. 17 Middle School. This time, five schools will be tested together. If we lose to those four schools, it will be you who are embarrassed. …”

Other teachers either give students blood and let them fight bravely, or they emphasize how to fight, and then look at their teachers, who keep teaching them how to put safety first.

They went to a trial site specially prepared for students, and they went to the outermost areas. They faced the most docile beasts that generally would not attack on their own initiative. Every year, students from various high schools in Huangsang City go to Huangsang Mountain to try out, batch after batch, and no accident is seen.

"Be sure to remember that although the strange black sheep are also docile alien creatures, once you anger the other party, they will pester you and follow you. If there are too many, they will besiege you. So, if you can, It's best not to provoke the strange black sheep..."

Jia Taiping was teaching his sixteen life-saving methods when a heavy cough came from behind him.

"Jia Taiping, take your students to choose weapons."

Principal Ding directly interrupted Jia Taiping's speech, "You've had enough. Every year in the trials and assessments, the grades of your class are all last. Didn't you count?"

Not the last one in the whole school, but the last one among all the schools in the joint trial that day!

If you are cowardly, don't lead my students to do the same! You are shameless, but I still want face!

Jia Taiping was confused: "Shall we go directly to our class? Aren't Class 1 and Class 2 not selected yet? Principal, I haven't finished explaining to the students yet. Let Class 1 and Class 2 select first."

"If you are asked to go, go quickly." Principal Ding's face turned completely dark, and he asked you to continue talking. If it weren't for Shen Zhaodi in your class, I think your class would be the last one again this year.

When Jia Taiping saw that the principal seemed a little angry, he nodded repeatedly, turned around and called to the students: "If you need weapons, follow me to the warehouse."

Liu Chuhe followed up consciously. The students were tested. Although the school did not provide armor, it did provide weapons. Of course, they were just ordinary weapons. In fact, most students brought their own weapons.

As for the weapons or armors that come with them, are they too strong? Is that unfair?

That is because people have money, money and resources. When they practice cultivation in the future, their families can continue to provide resources, which is even more unfair.

Since you want to choose the path of geneticist, don't think about fairness or unfairness.

There were fifty-two people in the class, including Liu Chuhe, and twenty-two people went to choose weapons.

Jia Taiping was very enthusiastic in helping each student choose weapons.

"Fang Sinan, you are very powerful. This two-handed shield is tailor-made for you!"

"Zhang Xiaoyu, you have the Swift Wind Chain Skill, which is characterized by dexterity. These two small shields are the best for you. You can block them left and right."

"Xu Deqi, I remember that you are good with guns... No, I think you are a genius with shields. Come on, I'll give you this shield."

"You want to use a gun? What's the point of using a gun? Don't look at the length of the gun. It's hard to take back after it's thrust out. If you don't hit it right, you'll be in trouble. Come on, look at this buckler, it's big and round... "

Jia Taiping recommended weapons one by one, and without exception, all the twenty-one classmates he recommended were shields. Even if they didn't want the shield, he ended up tricking others into taking the shield away.

The last one was finally Liu Chuhe's turn.

Jia Taiping looked at Liu Chuhe's figure, took out two huge kite-shaped shields seriously and said, "These shields are a perfect match for you."

"No, I don't deserve it." Liu Chuhe shook his head firmly. Do you think I didn't hear it? Several classmates in front of you gave each of you a shield and said it was a perfect match.

"No, you are only worthy of this, take it quickly." Jia Taiping forced two shields into Liu Chuhe's hands.

"No, I really don't deserve it. Or teacher, can you pair me with a horse? This shield is only used by cavalry." Liu Chuhe looked at Jia Taiping with contempt. Who was he looking down on? Do you think I am uneducated? Besides cavalry, who uses a kite shield?

Jia Taiping was stunned for a moment. Young man, you know a lot.

"I don't have a horse, so I gave you a pair of shields. Everyone else uses one shield. You see how good I am to you. I will give you a pair! Hurry up and put it away. The teacher in charge of the weapons depot will see it."

Let me tell you, this shield is extraordinary. You can use it as a sledgehammer when you turn it sideways, and it can be used as an ax when you turn it sideways. The sharp corners can also be used as a spear. "

"I don't want it." Liu Chuhe shook his head crazily. Wouldn't it be better for me to just use a hammer, axe, or spear?

With two shields, how the hell can I kill monsters?

Jia Taiping was a little annoyed, why are you so difficult to take care of? Others were deceived after just a few words. No, they were convinced. Why are you so stubborn?

He said angrily: "If you keep doing this, how about I give you a nine-tooth rake? It will be a perfect match for you. Anyway, the weirder the weapon, the faster you will die. If you ignore safety like this, are you not going to die?"

"Teacher, you are insulting my character!" Liu Chuhe suddenly felt angry. Do you know how handsome I used to be? He turned his eyes and saw a long black stick. He raised his hand and pointed, "I firmly believe that I can lose weight. I want this long stick. This is a perfect match for me."

"You...hey, did Teacher Huang bring his students to pick weapons? My students have already picked out weapons. You pick them up. You pick them up." Jia Taiping shouted to a teacher in the distance and dragged Liu Chuhe Then walked out. Boy, I'm your teacher, I can't cure you yet.

"No, I haven't chosen the teacher yet." Liu Chuhe was still making his final struggle.

"Didn't you already pick your weapon? Just this shield. Put it away quickly, don't let others snatch it."

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