Liu Chuhe gave Shen Zhaodi a thumbs up in his heart and followed calmly.

In front, Jia Taiping was walking and seemed to notice something was wrong: "Where did you hide your things? Why did you walk for so long? Shouldn't you hide your things nearby?"

"We found a very secluded cave, and we all hid our things in it. Teacher, we are almost there, we will be there soon, about five minutes."

Shen Zhaodi insisted on leading the way. As a student of Jia Taiping, he must be a master of time management.

Five minutes later, Shen Zhaodi pointed to the cave in front and shouted: "Teacher, we have hidden things inside. I will go in and get it now."

With that said, she rushed towards the cave.

"Wait a minute, don't think about taking it all by yourself, teacher, I have to supervise her."

Liu Chuhe also shouted and rushed towards the cave. Just kidding, what if Teacher Jia comes into contact with the Golden Duck-billed Monster first, and instead of killing it, he wants to run away?

They have to rush in first!

Liu Chuhe just ran out a few steps, and roars came from the nest. Soon, golden duck-billed monsters crawled out.

"Golden duck-billed monster?" Jia Taiping looked confused, "Isn't this where you hide your gene chain? Why is there still a golden duck-billed monster?"

"I don't know, maybe they are lost."

"Kill them first. Teacher, don't use too much force. We still have to keep the absorption gene chain, so be careful."

Shen Zhaodi and Liu Chuhe shouted and rushed forward.

"You two, wait and go back to do your homework." Jia Taiping shouted helplessly and could only rush forward.

Between the mountains, forests and streams, a rescue team composed of four teachers from different schools and a soldier was advancing rapidly.

In the team, the elegant female teacher sighed and said: "Today is already the sixth day since the overlapping space was opened. It is so deep that no one can be saved..."

Suddenly, a roar of strange beasts came from not far away.

"Go over and have a look."

Under another rather beautiful female teacher, a cyan pattern like wings appeared.

She raised her hand and waved, and small whirlwinds appeared under everyone's feet. The five people were almost floating and quickly chased in the direction of the sound.

But a moment later, three figures fighting six golden duck-billed monsters appeared in their sights.

"I can still meet people!"

"That person? Platinum-quality chain skills. Judging from the way he is able to do it with ease, it is obvious that it is not just as simple as the early stage of Xinghai!"

After Juyuan, there is the Galaxy level, and after the Galaxy level, there is the Xinghai level.

In fact, it is difficult to tell at a glance what level each person has reached, unless there is a huge gap between the two parties.

If it is deliberately hidden, the other party can only judge the level of the strength displayed by the other party based on experience.

"That girl!"

"What an exquisite move!"

"What a beautiful Mirror Image Raid! Even if you obtain the Mirror Image Raid chain skill, it is not that simple to make the mirror image behave without any mechanical or stiff feeling when you use it.

This girl is only on the fifth level of Juyuan. The mirror image she cast is almost impossible for me to judge whether it is true or false! "

"You look at her as if she has eyes on her back. This is not something you can hone through constant fighting. It requires the talent to fight! This is a true genius!"

A team of five people saw the battle in front of them. Except for the soldier, the other four people looked at the slender figure with fiery eyes.

In order to be able to extract the gene chain to a greater extent later, Jia Taiping did not use the strongest attack.

Even so, with the strength that he could pass through this terrifying overlapping space alone, he had killed the six golden duck-billed monsters one by one in just a moment.

As the last golden duck-billed monster fell, he immediately turned his head and looked warily in the direction of the five people. After seeing the soldier in military uniform, the wariness in his eyes immediately dissipated. Quite a few.

There are soldiers here, it's the rescue team that's coming.

Liu Chuhe lowered his head and began to examine the six golden duck-billed monsters in front of him. This is a six-star alien beast. How much does it cost?

As for those people? Who cares about them, there is Teacher Jia anyway, so what are you afraid of!

Shen Zhaodi didn't care about the few people and rushed directly towards the lair.

nest? Rain liquid!

Liu Chuhe suddenly slapped his head. He was careless. Teacher Jia helped kill the golden duck-billed monster before and did not soak it in the rainwater. It was a waste!

The four teachers looked at me and I looked at you. They were a little dazed for a moment. What is going on with you? There are five of us standing here, and you don't even have any reaction?

Do you know that we are now representing the government, and you are the ones who violated the regulations and entered the overlapping space?

How do you feel, you treat us as passers-by?

Jia Taiping looked at his two students speechlessly. I feel that compared with you, I became a good student back then.

There was no way, the two students were worried, so he, the teacher, had to step in.

He took a step forward, with a friendly smile on his face and cupped his hands and said: "Finally, we've waited for a few people. It's not easy."

As he spoke, he paused slightly, sighed helplessly and said: "These are two troublesome students, why do you think they are in love at such a young age?

What's even more outrageous is that they also engage in life-and-death separation.

There was no other way. As their teacher, I could only enlighten them. Who knew that the overlapping space would happen and we would be trapped here directly.

Fortunately, we finally waited for you to arrive. "

"This teacher." The only soldier in the five-person team stepped forward and said, "The newly added overlapping space is prohibited from entering, so please come with us."

He didn't care about the reasons given by the other party, and he wouldn't care about it either.

Whether what the other party said is true or false will naturally be investigated by a dedicated person. If what the other party says is true, there will naturally be no punishment, but if it is false, then they will also be punished accordingly.

Among the five-person team, the elegant female teacher kept staring at Jia Taiping.

After looking at it for a long time, her eyes fell on the long black stick in Jia Taiping's hand, and she asked in a low voice with some uncertainty: "Senior Jia?"

"Senior?" The eyes of the people around him immediately fell on the teacher. Even Liu Chuhe, who had been extracting the gene chain, also raised his head and looked at his teacher with a surprised look on his face. Did he meet an acquaintance?

The female teacher was really not sure at first, and she was afraid that she had recognized the wrong person. But after seeing the fat man's actions, she was instantly sure that she had not recognized the wrong person.

"Senior Jia, it's really you!"

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