When Liu Chuhe heard Shen Zhaodi fooling around, he couldn't help but give a thumbs up. This girl is really good at fooling!

However, why does it feel like she is afraid of her sister?

While he was thinking about it, he picked up the call he made.

"President Fang, I'm back, hello, hello..."

Liu Chuhe said something, but the other end of the phone fell silent, making him wonder if his phone was broken. The next moment, President Fang's scolding came over the phone.

"You still know how to come back!

Do you know how many days you have been missing?

Seven days, a whole week!

Did you know that you have to take the intensifier assessment?

All the gene chains I applied for were delivered, but you are gone!

How do you want me to explain to my superiors? You asked us to strengthen the Master's Guild. How can we explain to the people who provided us with the gene chain?

Do you know how important the intensifier assessment is? What have you been doing these past seven days? you……"

Liu Chuhe didn't dare to speak, and could only wait for President Fang to finish venting, and then cautiously said: "We were accidentally trapped in the Zhulong River space. We had no choice but to be rescued today.

That what? Can you still continue after so many days? "

"You're lucky. No one has to pass the Doom Chain Skill test for the time being. You can come to the Strengthening Master Guild later to strengthen it."

"President, I have to go to class. If I skip school again, the head teacher will kill me."

It is impossible to skip classes again. I am still begging Teacher Jia to teach me the stick method. If I skip classes again, the stick method will definitely be useless.

"Then come after school!" President Fang hung up the phone harshly.

Liu Chuhe put away the phone, patted Shen Zhaodi on the shoulder and said, "Okay, there are no outsiders. You can tell me what you got."

Shen Zhaodi did not answer Liu Chuhe immediately, but rode her motorcycle further and further away.

After turning to a deserted place, she stopped, then took off her backpack, opened her schoolbag, took out the gene bottles one by one, and finally took out a crystal clear hexagonal jade stone. .

The jade stone seemed to be about the size of a lighter, and the thin one looked like it was not much thicker than a potato chip. However, its whole body was always emitting a faint light, and it was obviously not a mortal thing.

Liu Chuhe really didn't know this thing, so he didn't say anything. He just looked at the jade blankly with a look of surprise.

The main reason is that he is afraid that once he opens his mouth, it will be revealed that he does not know this thing, and Shen Zhaodi will fool him again.

Finally, Shen Zhaodi spoke. Even though it had been a long time since she got the jade, her voice was still full of excitement.

"This is a key to space!

The space key obtained from the Zhulong River space can only be the space key of the Zhulong River space.

Therefore, we can enter and exit the Zhulong River space at will in the future, and the place we enter will also be the place where we get the key to space! "

Liu Chuhe didn't know what the key to space was, but he had a mobile phone.

After Shen Zhaodi finished speaking, she quickly put away the key to space, then guarded the gene bottle and drove away quickly.

She was driving in front, and Liu Chuhe was in the back seat and left a message in the group first, 'We'll see you at the hotel when we get back.' ’ Then I turned on my phone and started checking.

The key to space comes from the overlapping space and can directly enter the overlapping space.

However, not every overlapping space has it. The probability of its appearance is about one percent. Among a hundred overlapping spaces, there will be a space key appearing in one of the overlapping spaces.

The key to space seems to have only one function. You can enter the overlapping space it corresponds to without going through the entrance.

But I don’t know why, but the Space Key is extremely precious, and its price cannot be measured in money!


Liu Chuhe was puzzled and whispered: "What do you think this key to space can do? It can be priceless!"

"Who knows. However, it must have a great effect. Unfortunately, its specific effect cannot be found online, so we can only rely on ourselves to explore."

Shen Zhaodi directly switched to the automatic driving mode and lay down on the motorcycle. During the past seven days, before meeting Teacher Jia Taiping, she had almost always maintained a highly nervous fighting state.

She is so tired!

"I'm surprised. You said there is such a treasure in the overlapping space. Why didn't we check it when we came out?" Liu Chuhe said and put a sticker on the front. The main reason was that the motorcycle was too small and he was afraid of falling.

“Because we are serious people.

Whatever we get, no matter what we get, it is our opportunity, and the country will not care about it.

Shen Zhaodi seemed to feel a little uncomfortable, so she lay down forward again, and naturally her buttocks were moved further back.

After the adjusted position became more comfortable, she continued: "Actually, it used to be searched, but it was reformed later.

You are a fortifier. You should know about the fortifier reform. It is the master who completed the fortifier reform, and his mentor pushed for the completion of the reform.

In the words of that adult, everything obtained in the overlapping space is other people's luck, and luck is also part of strength.

They have obtained a treasure, which may be useful to the country, but it is more useful to them. Perhaps they will soar to the sky through what they obtain from the newly added overlapping space.

The more strong people there are, the stronger the country will naturally be.

Therefore, the state will not inspect law-abiding citizens. If there are tainted citizens, it will not be so easy to come out. They will definitely search you thoroughly.

Besides, I suspect that the real function of the Space Key will have something to do with the government.

Even when we use it, we can't get around the official website no matter what. This thing can be regarded as the most valuable treasure in it.

So the official feels that it doesn’t matter if it’s checked or not, you have to come to me when you use it anyway. "

"That makes sense."

As Liu Chuhe said this, he suddenly thought of a question: "Aren't we on the blacklist? Are we considered law-abiding citizens?"

Shen Zhaodi didn't look worried at all, and said with ease: "Naturally.

We are still students, and we only disturbed the order. The blacklist is also temporary and will probably be released after a while. "

"That's good. No, what am I worried about!

We have the key and can enter the Zhulong River space at any time. Why are we worried about whether it is blacklisted or not? "Liu Chuhe also leaned forward as he spoke. He was also tired.

"You, get up!" Shen Zhaodi's furious voice came.

Liu Chuhe suddenly became upset: "Don't be so stingy. You are tired, you are sleepy, and I am tired and I am sleepy. You can lie down, but I can't lie down?"

"You hit my hair!"

"Oh, sorry."

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