Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 121 Looking For Hidden Chain Skills

Liu Chuhe experienced that special feeling of dizziness again, and then he found that he was no longer standing outside the Zhulong River space, but in a strange cave.

The cave of the Golden Duck-billed Monster is where Shen Zhaodi obtained the key to space.

He just entered the Zhulong River space. How did he achieve the key to space?

He was still wondering when Shen Zhaodi's voice came from the side: "This is not the Space Blade, the Space Blade is something else."

After saying that, she paused slightly and asked, "Aren't you curious how Teacher Jia entered? When he came, the overlapping space had been completely blocked."

Liu Chuhe nodded lightly: "I did think that the overlapping space is sealed, and there are only two ways for him to enter.

One was to force his way in, but judging from the attitude of the official staff when he left, it was obvious that he didn't force his way in. It was probably another way, sneaking in secretly.

Teacher Jia is so strong, maybe he has powerful invisibility skills? "


Shen Zhaodi said as she walked out: "Invisibility is just invisibility, it does not mean that it has disappeared completely. With today's technological means, there are many ways to detect the invisibility.

Especially places like the entrance to the overlapping space must have all kinds of intricate connections.

Ordinary stealth chain skills cannot hide from various detection methods. Otherwise, all assassins would not have to pay tickets and would just go in invisible. No one would know if they were causing trouble and killing people inside. Do you think it is possible?

Of course, if it is a star-quality stealth chain technique, it may be able to hide from these detection instruments in Huangsang City. "

A level higher than diamond quality is star quality.

When Liu Chuhe heard the words "Star Quality", he felt his head hurt. Just by classifying the quality of various chain skills, he didn't even think about it. The guy who specified the wording must be a loyal player of a certain mobile game. user.

You’ve copied everything before, and you’re still missing this one? You can just call her Xingyao, but you have to change her name to Xingchen.

Shen Zhaodi's voice continued: "Teacher Jia is indeed powerful, but if we say he has reached the level of star-quality chain skills...

Whether you believe it or not, I don’t believe it.

Besides, Teacher Jia is obviously not an assassin. Therefore, the most likely reason why he can enter the overlapping space is that he possesses the Space Blade!

The space blade can cut through most overlapping spaces.

Of course, you have to get close to the overlapping space. After cutting it off, no one knows where in the overlapping space you will enter. "

Liu Chuhe was stunned: "The Space Blade, and such a good thing, sounds much more powerful than our Space Key.

Our thing can only enter this one overlapping space, but the space blade can enter most overlapping spaces. "

"Who knows, both are priceless."

As Shen Zhaodi spoke, she had already walked to the entrance of the nest, then pointed to the left and said, "Let's go this way. We've almost killed the golden platypus on the other side."

The two of them had been here for several days and were very familiar with this area.

They moved forward under the cover of night, and soon found a group of golden platypuses, just like before. Liu Chuhe went up to cause trouble, and Shen Zhaodi was responsible for killing them.

They had killed the Golden Platypus this way before, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary, until...

Silver quality?

Shen Zhaodi looked at the silver light emitted by the shadow under Liu Chuhe, and a look of surprise flashed in her eyes. Liu Chuhe's special chain skill that absorbs healing has always been of bronze quality.

Will it become silver quality once you go back?

Looking for someone else to strengthen it? Is this a chain skill from Bangzi Country? Is there anyone in Huangsang City who can strengthen it?

Also, after this chain skill became silver quality, why did it feel like it was the same as before? What a strange chain skill.

I don’t know if it’s just luck, or if the officials have cleared out all the idle people in the Zhulong River space, and now they are only developing the outermost part of the Zhulong River space.

They fought until noon the next day, but did not see any rescue team.

Shen Zhaodi looked at the time and suddenly said: "It's almost time, let's go back."

"Go back?" Liu Chuhe asked in confusion, "Why are you going back so well?"

"I want to have lunch with my sister." Shen Zhaodi just said one sentence and took out the key to space.

"Okay, you have the key to space and you have the final say. Come back after dinner." Liu Chuhe followed Shen Zhaodi into the space door she had drawn. The next moment, the two of them appeared outside the Zhulong River space again. .

An hour later, Liu Chuhe looked at Shen Zhaodi's leaving back and sighed softly: "Hey, it's a pity. I have a day off today, so there is no reason to find Ding Zizi for dinner. I don't know if I can brush my face myself." hard to use?

Forget it, what if you ask me to collect money? It’s been a long time since I had free meals at a 4S store, and I really miss it. Let’s go and have a look. I feel like I'm about to make a breakthrough, and I'm just looking for a gene chain. "

Liu Chuhe used to be the public enemy of 4S stores across Huangsang City, but now, as he often goes to 4S stores to buy gene chains for strengthening, he has become one of the most popular people in major 4S stores.

The problem now is that the 4S store welcomes him, but he doesn't want to stay any longer.

"Poor, so poor. Each one is poorer than the other. There are so many 4S stores and none of them have hidden chaining skills!"

Liu Chuhe walked out of the last 4S store with a disappointed look on his face.

What's the point of this without hidden chain skills?

You can't get another ordinary chain skill, right?

Absorbing the hundred-fold poison is a real match. In addition to triggering a sky-shattering strike, it is also suitable for you. If you are strong enough, you can just consume it with others.

I can obviously absorb hidden chain skills, so why should I absorb ordinary chain skills? No matter how I think about it, I feel like I’m at a huge loss.

Just as he was thinking about it, a car stopped next to him with an unknown logo and a license plate not from Huangsang City but from Feizheng City next door.

"Fei Zheng City? I'm so stupid, Huang Sang City doesn't have it. I can go to Fei Zheng City next door and go to Quancheng to look for it. Go to Fei Zheng City first."

Liu Chuhe quickly got on the light rail train heading to Feizheng City.

Feizheng City and Huangsang City are both ordinary prefecture-level cities, but Feizheng City's area is 2.6 times that of Huangsang City, its population is more than twice that of Huangsang City, and its economy is more developed than Huangsang City, so 4S stores Also more.

"Poor ghost, a poor family."

"Another poor family."

"The third family is poor."

"They are all poor after all."

Liu Chuhe walked into the last 4S store in Feizheng City and walked around, but still didn't see a gene chain with hidden chain skills.

"My mentality is broken!"

Liu Chuhe looked feebly towards the last row of gene chains.

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