Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 124 There Are Also Hidden Chain Skills

After Liu Chuhe quickly paid Yang Xiuzhu 18 million, he immediately paid 18 million to the 4S store. He could not help but smile as well.

Do you think I'm on the first floor?

Sorry, I am actually standing in the atmosphere looking down at you. I am not at any loss. This is a gene chain with hidden chain skills!

He should also have a chain skill that increases agility.

In the battle with Duan Yanchao, if he hadn't suppressed Duan Yanchao from the beginning, if the fight continued, he might not have been able to defeat Duan Yanchao. He could only rely on the poison of countless setbacks to slowly wear down Duan Yanchao.

Look at Shen Zhaodi again, dancing among the strange beasts, how cool and unrestrained she is.

If you move too slowly, you won't be able to hit anyone.

The more agile you are, the faster you are naturally. This speed is not only the running speed, but also includes the shooting speed, dodge speed, etc...

He aspires to be a powerful warrior and must need agility chain skills.

Not far away, a man who also looked young witnessed all this with his own eyes, and an idea quickly came to his mind.

He followed Liu Chuhe, and after Liu Chuhe left the 4S store, he immediately greeted him.

"Classmate, do you want to buy a gene chain?

Actually, the gene chains sold in these 4S stores are very expensive, which is very expensive. If you want to buy gene chains, you should go to the black market, where they are cheaper. "

Liu Chuhe looked at this stranger who suddenly appeared with vigilance and said nothing. I just spent so much money to buy a gene chain in a 4S store. As soon as I went out, someone told me that there must be something wrong with me going to the black market. .

Who knows if the black market you are talking about is a place dedicated to black people.

What if I ask you to drag me to a place where no one is around and hack me?

The other party seemed to know what Liu Chuhe was afraid of, and said quickly: "Friend, I think you should be from Huangsang City."

Liu Chuhe looked at each other more and more strangely. Do you know this?

The other party explained: "Actually, it's easy to guess. The cities close to our Feizheng City include Donglai City, Shucheng, Daocheng and Huangsang City. Not to mention the island cities, they don't go to our Feizheng City very much.

And the accent you just spoke in is obviously not from Donglai and Shucheng. The accents in those two places are very special and you can tell at a glance that you are obviously from Huangsang City.

I know there is no black market in Huangsang City. You may have some misunderstandings when you hear the name black market. In fact, the black market is not black, it is just a place where everyone spontaneously sells things together.

And the price is definitely cheaper, at least cheaper than 4S stores.

More importantly, the location of the black market is obvious. You can search it with your mobile phone and I can't lie to you.

Besides, as a student, I wouldn’t lie to you, right? "

"Then why did you take me to the black market? Are you kind?" Liu Chuhe said and already took out his mobile phone to search the black market for flying kites.

Sure enough, as this person said, the location of the black market is indeed fixed, and it is only open on Saturdays and Sundays.

He was a little surprised. Is this black market so blatant? Why don't the authorities crack down?

The other party chuckled and said, "Isn't it because you want to buy gene chains? I happen to have a few friends who are also selling gene chains on the black market. Let's go over and take a look. Maybe there is a gene chain that is destined for you."

Depend on!

After making trouble for a long time, they still regarded me as a fat sheep.

However, you are here, so there is no harm in going to see it.

Liu Chuhe raised his hand and said, "Lead the way."

"Okay, when we get to the place, you can bring this with you."

The other party said as he took out a grimace mask and handed it to Liu Chuhe and explained: "In the black market, there are still many people selling shady things.

There are also some people who don't want others to know what they are buying. For example, there are some enhancement masters who are afraid that others will know the gene chains used in their enhancement chain skills, so they will secretly buy gene chains on the black market.

They don't want others to know their identity, so they choose to wear masks. Although they have clairvoyance skills, they are only in the minority after all.

Over time, the black market developed a rule: wear a mask when going to the black market. This is not only the case in our Fei Zheng Market, but also in black markets across the country. By the way, my name is Zhou Xiangrong, a student from Feizheng No. 5 Middle School. What do you call my classmate? "

"Du Haowei." I won't change my surname even if I don't change my name! As Liu Chuhe followed Zhou Xiangrong towards the black market, he asked curiously, "Is that Yang Xiuzhu just now really the number one high school student in your Feizheng City?"

"It's true that he is number one in the trial, but the title of number one high school student...just listen to it." Zhou Xiangrong didn't seem to be too interested in Yang Xiuzhu, "Yang Xiuzhu is a mage. In the trial, all the mage scores are biased." high."

Liu Chuhe didn't say anything. You have the right to say this in front of all the mages. If you don't get beat up for a second, I will take your last name.

The so-called black market is actually on an ordinary-looking street in Feizheng City.

The black market was not as mysterious as he thought. It looked no different from an ordinary night market.

The only special thing is that almost all the people on this street wear masks, and the night market sells various snacks, clothes, toys and other things, while what is sold here are all kinds of gene chains and various metal materials. .

After Zhou Xiangrong took Liu Chuhe into the night market, he quickly led Liu Chuhe away, but Liu Chuhe walked slowly all the way.

Are you kidding me? I came here just to see if there are gene chains with hidden chain skills on the black market. How can I see you walking so fast?

Zhou Xiangrong had no choice but to take out his mobile phone and quickly edit the information while walking slowly with Liu Chuhe.

Finally, after walking for more than ten minutes, the two came to a stall.

Behind the stall, there are three people wearing masks, a pig head mask, a bull head mask, and a squirrel mask. They should be two men and one woman, or maybe one man and two women?

Anyway, there is at least one male and one female.

The stall was really just a stall, with an ordinary-looking table placed on the ground, and about thirty bottles of gene chain placed on the table.

Liu Chuhe habitually looked at the gene chain on the table.

Bloodthirsty evil worm gene chain... As expected, there are many little lunatics everywhere. There are also the Blazing Bird gene chain and the Red-horned Mountain Cattle gene chain...

These more than thirty bottles of gene chains are mainly those of four-star alien beasts, and there are also some gene chains of three-star alien beasts.

Red-horned mountain cattle gene chain!

Suddenly, Liu Chuhe's eyes suddenly stopped on a gene chain.

Red horned mountain ox (three stars)

Chain skill:

Vigorous (Silver Quality): As we all know, the vitality of the Ox family is extremely strong, increase the vitality (+).

Horn Charge (Bronze Quality): Charge and hit hard, causing very little (+) damage.

Although the Red Horned Mountain Ox is a three-star alien beast, it only has two chain skills, and it is also the weakest among the three-star alien beasts.

But the bottle of gene chain he saw had a third chain skill.

Hidden chain skills!

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