"Oh, then you can buy it."

Liu Chuhe raised the gene chain in his hand and said to the man in the pig-head mask: "I like the beauty of adults the most. Since he wants that bottle, I'll change it to another one. Four hundred thousand, right?"

Zhou Xiangrong was dumbfounded, what happened? Shouldn't you continue to increase prices? Why are you so easy to talk to?

The man in the pig head mask was also stunned.

Liu Chuhe held the bottle of gene chain with hidden chain skills in his hand and urged: "Boss, are you still in business? Give me the payment code quickly."

The man in the pig-head mask looked at Zhou Xiangrong, should I give it or not?

The man in the clown mask also looked at Zhou Xiangrong, "Should I change the bottle and increase the price, but you won't say anything?" If you don’t say anything, I will change.

"Huh? Now I feel that this bottle of gene chain in your hand is more destined to me. I want this bottle." The man in the clown mask spoke again.

Liu Chuhe suddenly looked back at the other party and said, "I say, this is your own business. Which bottle of gene chain you want, take it yourself and don't take it out again."

The clown man was stunned for a moment. He had been discovered?

Testing, he must be testing me, I can't admit it.

He deliberately pretended to be confused and said: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"What did I say? Aren't you classmates?" Liu Chuhe pointed at Clown Man's pants and said, "You can tell at a glance that you are a good student. It's Saturday and you are still wearing school uniform pants."

He had just seen Clown Man as soon as he arrived here, and it was impossible not to pay attention. The main thing was that Zhou Xiangrong was also wearing an identical pair of school uniform pants.

Taking a closer look at the financial resources he showed before, he was obviously regarded as a fat sheep, so what he took at the beginning was not a gene chain with hidden chain skills.

The pigs, cows, and squirrels instantly looked at Zhou Xiangrong and the clown man. If there were no outsiders, they would have cursed you two. You two are still acting here. You have already become a gang. Why are you acting!

The clown man stopped talking for a moment, the clown was actually me!

Zhou Xiangrong looked at his own pants and then at the pants of Clown's teammates, with a look of embarrassment on his face. Fortunately, he was covered by a mask, but he was really sloppy this time.

Remember, remember, never wear school uniform pants next time.

"What, I really don't know him, maybe it's a coincidence."

“No, no, we don’t know him.

Handsome guy, this is the payment code, 400,000, this gene chain is yours. "The pig-headed mask quickly showed his payment code. I don't care. Anyway, if I don't admit it, he is not my classmate.

Liu Chuhe quickly paid and left. As he left, the pig, cow, and squirrel immediately started a meeting.

"Zhou Xiangrong, you still said this is a fat sheep, is this a fat sheep?"

"You two are really talented!"

"Fortunately, this time we are increasing the price directly to the merchant, that is, ourselves. If we increase the price and buy from him, wouldn't we still be paying for it?"

Zhou Xiangrong said with an aggrieved face: "If it were you, if you met such a guy and spent 32 million to buy an 8 million chain skill, wouldn't you want to pull him over?

Everyone is cheating on him anyway, so why don’t we cheat him a little easier? Who would have thought that he would buy a six-star alien beast chain skill for the front leg and a three-star chain skill for the back leg. "

"Simple, the six-star chain skills are given to others, and the three-star chain skills can be used by yourself. Didn't you say that he is from Huangsang City? There are no Galaxy-level high school students in Huangsang City."

"Okay, if you don't kill it, you won't kill it. We are not specialized in killing people in the first place. We are selling gene chains today. If we can't sell them, we will sell them to 4S stores. We can't delay our training tomorrow."

Liu Chuhe was in a good mood after buying the gene chain.

Who said there are few hidden chain skills? I only saw two this time.

I am currently at the third level of Juyuan. The fourth level absorbs a drop in the bucket. I continue to flesh out. At the fifth level, I absorb the sky-shattering strike. Then I wait until the galaxy-level gene chain is ready, and then absorb the dancing black crow.

It’s just this money that makes me feel a bit uncomfortable.

Originally I had 180 million, but I strengthened my chain skills and bought a gene chain. Now I only have 30 million in my hand. This amount of money is not enough to strengthen my chain skills, so I have to find a way to make money quickly.

Liu Chuhe was just thinking when his cell phone rang, and as soon as it was connected, Shen Zhaodi's voice came: "In twenty minutes, we will gather at the school gate to prepare for hunting."

"Twenty minutes? Not available." Liu Chuhe silently turned on location sharing.

"Fei Zheng City? What are you doing over there? You are wasting my time. You... take the car as fast as you can, and I will pick you up at the station." Shen Zhaodi hung up the phone after saying that.

"Obviously I'm about to break through, why do I feel like you are more anxious than me?"

Liu Chuhe complained, but he did not return immediately. Instead, he walked around the black market and found that there were really no hidden chain skills. Then he got up, left the black market and took the car back to Huangsang City.

As soon as they left this station, Shen Zhaodi came on a motorcycle, and the two of them entered the Zhulong River space again.

Liu Chuhe discovered that it seemed that every time he entered various overlapping spaces, it was night.

They left at noon today. In the afternoon, they first walked around the 4S stores in Huangsang City, then went to Feizheng City for a wave, and then returned to Huangsang City and entered the Zhulong River space. It was already getting dark. .

As soon as he entered the overlapping space, he suddenly realized a problem. He quickly grabbed Shen Zhaodi, took out the two bottles of gene chain he had just bought and said, "Put the gene chain in first."

Shen Zhaodi brought him here directly from the station, and he had no time to put back the gene chain.

Although the gene bottles are considered strong, it has to be compared. The weakest ones here are the five-star alien beasts. Their gene bottles are all ordinary gene bottles. They were smashed after a few hits. He didn't even cry when the time came. A place to cry.

These are two gene chains with hidden chain skills.

It was better to put it in Shen Zhaodi's schoolbag and rest assured. After working with Shen Zhaodi for so many days, he had never seen Shen Zhaodi hit in the back.

Shen Zhaodi's eyes instantly fell on Liu Chuhe's left hand. In the gene bottle, the gene chain exuded a dazzling golden light.

Completely golden, without any silvery light, this is the genetic chain of a six-star alien beast.

"What are you doing with the six-star alien beast gene chain? You are only on the third level of Juyuan now, and you can't use it." Shen Zhaodi took out her mobile phone in a strange way and swiped at this gene chain.

"The genetic chain of the dancing black crow? This is not suitable for you either."

"What do you care about the gene chain I picked up? Hurry up and put it away." Liu Chuhe urged Shen Zhaodi while reaching out to unzip Shen Zhaodi's schoolbag.

Shen Zhaodi raised her hand and swept towards another gene chain.

"Red-horned mountain cow gene chain? It is full of vitality with chain skills that can increase vitality. You are already meaty enough. What you need in the future is to control the chain skills, rather than continue to be meaty.

What's more, if you want to be able to carry it better, you don't have to start with vitality. Wouldn't it be better if you look for chain skills that increase defense?

Which tank are you looking at? No, which meat shield doesn’t have chain skills that increase its defense?

Also, is your brain not working well?

This gene chain also has a chain skill called Giant Horn Charge. What should you do if you absorb the Giant Horn Charge?

Didn’t you just get the money? Why don't you go buy some better chain skills? You buy this chain-breaking skill. "

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