In the room, several principals looked at the shadow that appeared under Liu Chuhe's feet with confusion.

"What kind of chain skill is this?"

"It seems to be the chain skill of the rhinoceros beast."

"This student is so weak that he was knocked back by the scarecrow."

"Not only is he weak in strength, but he also doesn't understand the application of Origin Qi. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been knocked back so much, and he wouldn't be able to break through the scarecrow's defense. He should have just become a geneticist."

"Every time the scarecrow attacks him, a shadow will appear under his feet. Should it be a defensive chain skill? Either a chain skill that increases defense power or a chain skill that increases vitality."

"It's a chain skill that increases vitality. It should be the chain skill of the herbivorous giant rhinoceros."

"The strong life of the herbivorous giant rhinoceros is a good chain skill for these students, enough to become a qualified tank. However, how can he be alone?

A tank should be teamed up with others. If he is proficient in mastering Origin Qi, how long will it take to kill a scarecrow if he is not proficient in it? "

Principals and senior leaders of several major schools were talking about it.

Principal Ding scolded Jia Taiping in his heart, "If you don't arrange a team for such a good tank, why don't you let him wander outside alone?" Are you still a human being?

As expected, I don’t have any skills, and I really can’t be ranked last in the class every year!

Don't ask him how he knew this was Jia Taiping's student. No one could do such a thing except Jia Taiping, a student with two shields.

Liu Chuhe took the shield and kept smashing it. At first, he paid attention to using the shield to defend. Later, he found that even if he didn't use the shield to resist, just the scarecrow's thin arm would hit him, which would only cause a slight pain at most, just like the little one. It was like a child's fist hitting his body, with no effect at all. He simply stopped defending himself and kept pounding down the two shields as if they were two hammers.

In the blink of an eye, five minutes passed, and the scarecrow dropped a few straws, seemingly without any damage.

Ten minutes passed, and more straw fell from the scarecrow.

Fifteen minutes passed. Liu Chuhe was so tired that he put the two shields on the ground and leaned against the steel birch tree behind him. He let the scarecrow keep smashing down, but he was still breathing heavily.

"Jia Kongque, are you from the Association for the Protection of Alien Creatures? How do you break the shields for us? If you use a 40-meter sword, I would have chopped this scarecrow into dry wood. I really believe your evil."

Liu Chuhe had just complained when the scarecrow in front of him hit him with another blow, causing his body to hit the steel birch tree behind him heavily.

The huge steel birch tree swayed slightly, and there was a rustling sound on the thick branches.

With a soft sound, leaves like steel sheets suddenly flew down, like sharp flying knives, shooting towards Liu Chuhe.

Liu Chuhe wanted to dodge, but the flying speed of the steel leaves was too fast. In the blink of an eye, they had already landed in front of him. The flying leaves hit him one by one, making bursts of metal collision sounds, as if they were falling from the sky. It was like pebbles hitting him.

"Didn't I say that the steel birch tree can't attack easily? No matter how you chop it, you can't break its defense. Why did it suddenly attack? The one who hit you is a scarecrow. Why are you attacking me? And, just hit me. Why did you hit my clothes?"

Liu Chuhe raised his head and looked at the school uniform top that was hung on the branch and was instantly transformed into a beggar's uniform. He pointed his two middle fingers at the steel birch tree, turned around and ran away.

This thing is much stronger than the scarecrow. He couldn't even kill the scarecrow, so he hit the steel birch tree because he was crazy.

The scarecrow was still following Liu Chuhe, constantly attacking Liu Chuhe with its tiny arms.

Liu Chuhe didn't bother to pay attention to the scarecrow. He grabbed his helmet and started thinking as he walked.

It was too hot today. Wearing a helmet, he would be overheated to death before those monsters could blow his head off.

He is a geneticist anyway. If he keeps grinding, this scarecrow will be killed sooner or later. The problem is that it takes too long to kill a scarecrow. By then, he will be able to pass the test, but he will only pass the test.

He wants to make big news.

Only by making big news can he become famous, receive interviews, and be seen by his family.

Killing a one-star alien beast only costs ten points. If you want to kill one, you have to kill a two-star alien beast, which is worth fifty points each.

We must go deep into the depths to find those crunchy alien beasts to kill.

Because Huangsang Mountain was specially cleaned for students to use for trials, the one-star alien beasts in Huangsang Mountain have a special characteristic and generally do not actively attack people.

But the two-star alien beasts are different. They are not necessarily much more powerful than the one-star alien beasts, but they will actively attack people.

Entering the two-star alien beast area is truly entering the dangerous area.

Others are afraid of the high attack power of those alien beasts, but he has a hidden chain skill that increases his vitality, and he also has this full-body armor. What should he be afraid of?

Two-star alien beast area...

The giant needle wasp is the most typical alien beast with high attack power and low health. The book said that this thing is brittle than a scarecrow.

Liu Chuhe had a plan and quickly walked towards the two-star alien beast area. He encountered alien beasts one after another on the road, but he didn't even pay attention to them. Only the scarecrow followed him perseveringly, and kept following him. Pound him.

Although Huangsang Mountain is large, there are more than 3,000 students entering it. You can encounter students along the way.

Soon, many people discovered the magical scene.

A fat man wearing silver armor and holding two shields was walking in front, followed by a scarecrow, hitting him again and again. A few hits could knock the fat man to the ground.

Then the fat man stood up and continued walking forward as if nothing had happened.

"This is a tank, he got lost with his teammates."


"This guy is quite resistant."

"Which school's unlucky guy?"

"I don't know. Anyway, he's not from our school."

Liu Chuhe looked at a three-person team watching from a distance, and shouted to everyone from a distance: "Brother, don't just watch, record them all, leave your contact information, and send the video to me when you get back. ."

After we get out, this video will be posted online and it will become a hot topic if it is hyped up a bit.

No, one scarecrow is too few. You can find a group of scarecrows and chase them all together without paying attention. The scene would be spectacular if you think about it.


"This guy must be crazy."

"Ignore him, let's go."

The three-person team left quickly.

"Forget it, no one is recording, I will record it myself."

As Liu Chuhe walked towards the two-star alien beast area, he continued to provoke all the alien beasts he could see.

Not long after, a group of scarecrows and strange black sheep followed behind him.

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