Ding Zizi's heart suddenly skipped a beat when she heard what the soldier said.

Isn't it? They are only on the blacklist of Huangsang City, not Feizheng City. You won't let them in, right? I've been waiting for so many days, so I won't go in vain.

As he spoke, the soldier glanced at Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi again, and continued: "You two triple the entrance fee. After entering, be more honest. If you cause trouble again, you will also be blacklisted in Feizheng City. ."

"Don't cause trouble, we are just students, how can we cause trouble." Ding Zizi quickly handed over the money and let her in. Isn't it just a small extra payment? Is that a problem?

Liu Chuhe suddenly thought of Qi Zhisi. It turns out that you have to pay more to enter the overlapping space here.

Shen Zhaodi came here a while ago to practice. With her hard-earned character, she would definitely not be happy paying more money. Qi Zhisi bumped into him and deserved to be beaten.

It was summer at this time, and Feizheng City, like Huangsang City, was located in the temperate zone. Although it was hot, it was not so hot that it was scary. However, as soon as they entered Luoshan Mountain, they felt extremely hot.

Not just hot, but dry.

Lush trees can be seen everywhere outside Luoshan Mountain, but what you see when you enter Luoshan Mountain is desolation. The earth is bare and there is almost no vegetation.

If it were just an ordinary person entering here, he would probably faint from heat stroke within a short time of walking.

Fortunately, everyone is a geneticist, and the weakest are at the fourth level of gathering sources, so they can withstand this harsh environment.

Especially Ding Zizi, she was extremely excited. She had never experienced entering overlapping spaces before.

But every time in the past, there were people arranged by her father to protect her and come in to practice. She had no experience at all. Seriously speaking, this was her first time, so she was particularly excited.

"There are so many people in Luoshan. I have been to all three overlapping spaces in Huangsang City, and there are not as many people as here. We have just walked for a while, and we saw two teams first."

Ding Zizi was like a curious baby, looking left and right as soon as she entered the overlapping space of Mount Luo.

"Most people come here for the silent shield camel."

Sun Shengnan had obviously done research for a long time, and she opened her mouth and said: "The original Luoshan Mountain was named because there were two peaks that looked like camel humps. In fact, there are no camels in Luoshan Mountain.

Later, after this place became an overlapping space, for some unknown reason, camels, five-star alien beasts, and silent shield camels actually appeared.

Silent Shield Camel has three chain skills.

Among them, the gold-quality camel double shield chain skill can be used with the help of a shield. After being released, it will instantly increase the extremely terrifying defense power.

People have done many experiments, and after using the hump double shield, it can even perfectly resist the attacks of some platinum quality chain skills.

It also has a gold-quality chain skill called Stepping Hoof, which instantly hits the ground hard, causing the earth to resonate. It can cause short-term dizziness to people within two meters in front of it. This is a range-type control chain skill.

Its only silver-quality chain skill is Silence, which is even more rare. Not to mention silver-quality chain skills, among gold-quality chain skills, there are very few silent chain skills.

No matter which of the three chain skills of the Silent Shield Camel is extremely suitable for tanks, as long as you are a tank profession, it will not be a loss if you absorb any of the chain skills. There are even many tanks that directly absorb the three chain skills of the Silent Shield Camel. .

Although it is only a five-star alien beast, the price of its gene chain is as high as around 8 million, which is higher than the price of many six-star alien beasts.

In addition, Silent Shield Camel is not difficult to kill. Although their hump double shield chain skill has strong defense, it only lasts for about three seconds, and it only has strong frontal defense.

Therefore, many people will choose to hunt the Silent Shield Camel.

In the overlapping space of our Huangsang City, the most common strange beasts are probably little lunatics, but in Luoshan, the most common ones are the silent shield camels, which account for more than half of the population.

Even so, Luoshan City chose to close down because too many Silent Shield Camels were hunted. It is closed for more than half of the year, and every time it is opened, countless people come to hunt the Silent Shield Camel. "

Ding Zizi heard the sound and turned to look at Shen Zhaodi and asked: "So, our goal is not to hunt the Silent Shield Camel?"

She knew very well that with Shen Zhaodi's style, it must be some kind of strange beast worth killing.

"That's right." Shen Zhaodi nodded.

"Five-star alien beast! Do we want to be so cruel?"

Ding Zizi looked at Shen Zhaodi with worry, that was a five-star alien beast. You are at the Galaxy level, but we are only at the Juyuan level. It would be too exciting for the Juyuan level to kill the five-star alien beast.

Han Xinnian and Sun Shengnan didn't speak, but they also looked at Shen Zhaodi with worried faces.

Liu Chuhe waved his hands with a disapproving look on his face and said: "It's just five-star alien beasts, it's not like we haven't killed them before, so we just killed them.

Don't worry. When the time comes, I will stand in front and you will hide behind. You will be treated where you need to be treated, and you should be attacked when you attack. It will be very safe. "

I, Liu Chuhe, a man with two hidden big meat chain skills, can't I protect you?

The three women didn't believe Liu Chuhe at all, but looked back at Shen Zhaodi.

"It's okay. If you think it's dangerous, you can run away. Anyway, he is in front, and the beasts will chase him first." Shen Zhaodi turned around and left after saying that.

The three women nodded, what they said made sense.

The main thing is, if those two people are going to be killed, what will happen to the three of them? Turn around and leave?

Think about the speed of Liu Chuhe's breakthrough, and then think about Shen Zhaodi's breakthrough to the Galaxy level. The reason why the two of them broke through so fast is because of such crazy experience.

Since they were determined to keep up with the two of them, they also had to adapt to their extremely wild style.

Shen Zhaodi led everyone all the way to the depths.

She had been hunting strange beasts here for the past few days, and even tried to hunt the Silent Shield Camel. Although she failed because the Silent Shield Camel was a gregarious beast, she still figured out where the Silent Shield Camel was.

Ding Zizi was excited at first, but along the way, she felt more and more bored.

Along the way, they walked.

There was Shen Zhaodi in front of them to explore the way. Occasionally they encountered a few strange beasts, and Shen Zhaodi dealt with them easily. When they followed them, all they saw were the bodies of the strange beasts.

A large number of strange beasts?

Shen Zhaodi thought it was troublesome, so she took a detour. How much did it cost to kill these strange beasts?

In the end, after walking for a long time, they didn't even have a chance to take action. They really had no experience at all.

The surrounding environment was still so bad. She felt that her whole body was soaked, and her clothes were sticky and clinging to her skin, making her extremely uncomfortable.

The next time you go out hunting, you must not wear clothes under it, but put it directly against the armor. It is so cold and comfortable.

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