As Gong Botao was talking, he noticed that the expressions of the women were a bit strange, and he couldn't help but raise his voice and said: "What expressions are you looking at? You don't believe it? Why did I lie to you?"

The review of Luoshan’s overlapping space is really strict, but since we are all students, there will be no problem with the review. "

Sun Shengnan leaned towards Ding Zizi's position on the side, and the student had no problem? I'm afraid you don't know that students can also be blacklisted.

However, Liu Chuhe thought that before entering the mountain, the soldiers at the entrance once mentioned the word "high school student".

Maybe what Gong Botao said is true. The review here is indeed strict, but because they are high school students, generally speaking, there should be no harm, so they are allowed in.

On the other side, after the flames were lit, Zhou Xiangrong took out a backpack, opened it, and took out transparent bottles and jars, not gene chains, but various condiments.

"Salt, pepper, chili powder, thirteen spices..."

Ding Zizi stared at the bottles of condiments with wide eyes, pointed at the silent shield hunchback beside her and said, "Are you going to roast it and eat it?

Why don't you deal with it first? For example, if you peel off the skin and bake them together, the meat will be burnt. "

“Miss, with our conditions, it’s good to have cooked food.

Besides, if you take the fur off, won’t it be burned? Although this fur is very soft, it is covered with blood. Do you still want to keep it and spread it on the ground to use as a blanket? "

Zhou Xiangrong couldn't help but tease as he spoke: "If you can bear the smell of blood, I can cut off its fur for you."

"Cut it."

Ding Zizi pointed at the unlit body of a silent shield camel, then pulled Sun Shengnan aside and said: "Sheng Nan, you can use the chain skill later to wash away the blood on his cut fur. Let's lay the bed tonight." Sleep with a blanket.”

In an instant, the four students from Feizheng No. 5 Middle School turned their heads at the same time, looking at the mage Gong Botao in the team with resentment and resentment.

Gong Botao spread his hands and said helplessly: "I don't have water chain skills, so I can't wash it."


"What's the use of you?"

"Hurry up and get skinned!"

Everyone divided their work, those who grilled meat and those who cut skins. They were busy and chatting at the same time.

Gong Botao came to Sun Shengnan's side again when nothing happened. He asked, "By the way, how many of the top 1,000 places in the provincial college entrance examination do you have in Huangsang City?"

Qilu Province has a total of 1,024 teams in the provincial entrance competition, which is called the Top Thousand Competition. The participating teams are determined by the sixteen cities in Qilu Province.

As for the number of places in each city, it is comprehensively evaluated based on the results of the previous year and the results of the past five years. Each of the sixteen cities has a different number of places.

"We have forty-four places in Huangsang City." Sun Shengnan asked curiously: "How many places do you have in Feizheng City?"

Gong Botao suddenly laughed: "We, our Feizheng City's results are among the top five in the province all year round. We have slightly more places, accounting for 96 of the 1,024 places."

Sun Shengnan turned around and ignored him.

Liu Chuhe heard the conversation between the two and said curiously: "It feels like our results in Huangsang City are a bit poor.

There are 1024 names in 16 cities, with an average of 64 names per city. As a result, we did not even reach the average. "

"It can't be calculated that way."

Sun Shengnan analyzed it in a low voice to Liu Chuhe: "Because the number of students in each city is different and the achievement gap is also large, the distribution is very uneven.

Basically every year, the top five cities can take over 500 places, and the remaining 500 places are divided among 11 cities.

Last year was even more extreme, with exactly 6600 places allocated to the top five cities.

The remaining 424 places are divided among 11 cities, with an average of 38 places per city. Our Huangsang City's results are considered good among them, and there are other cities that don't even have 30 places.

Therefore, it is not easy to participate in the provincial college entrance examination. For example, we have almost 50,000 students in Huangsang City. After the first round of trials and subsequent trials, several batches of students will be eliminated.

Let’s assume there are 40,000 students in the end. With so many people, only 220 can participate in the provincial competition. It’s really too difficult. "

"It seems very honorable."

Liu Chuhe was speechless. The strength of Huangsang City was really poor, so his Justice Division team was strong in Huangsang City, but not necessarily the whole province.

You still have to continue to practice crazily and improve your strength, so that you can be a blockbuster in the college entrance examination, make big news, and have a chance to go home.

There is usually wind in the desert, and the wind is strong, and it can last for several days.

I don't know if they were lucky or if the desert in this overlapping space was different. They didn't encounter strong winds today.

I don’t know where the moon came from in the desert, but it was also very bright. Through the moonlight and flames, I could even see the movement of the sand clearly.

The sand is flowing!

There are four more footprints!

There are assassins, or four assassins!

Lian Junxi's expression suddenly changed: "Everyone, be careful, the mages and healers have all returned to the cave!"

"Back off!" Shen Zhaodi also shouted loudly.

As soon as she finished speaking, her body began to retreat violently.

In front of her, a sharp dagger appeared almost at the same time, shining with a soul-stirring cold light in the moonlight.

The knife slipped, and the armor on Shen Zhaodi's body that had never been damaged suddenly shattered, and bright red blood splashed out.

Shen Zhaodi is injured!

Liu Chuhe's eyes suddenly widened. This was the first time he saw Shen Zhaodi injured since he met Shen Zhaodi!

Since he met Shen Zhaodi, whether it was the first time he faced countless bloodthirsty creeps or later when they hunted the golden platypus together, no matter how bad the situation was, he had never seen Shen Zhaodi injured.

Now, Shen Zhaodi was injured the first time the opponent made a move.

As the dagger appeared, a masked man appeared. He looked at Shen Zhaodi who quickly retreated and distanced herself from him. An obvious look of surprise flashed through her exposed eyes.

What a fast response!

His knife was aimed at Shen Zhaodi's neck, but this girl was able to dodge at the last moment and only let himself stab her arm. It was simply too terrifying.

He has been out killing people all year round, and he has also attacked and killed many masters, including many masters from the later stages of Galaxy. This was the first time that he had been almost perfectly dodged by someone during a sneak attack.

Even his most trusted partner, Duan Gaohan, couldn't react so quickly when he was attacked by him!

She is so terrifying in the early stage of Galaxy. What happens when she reaches the later stage of Galaxy?

This woman is stronger and more talented than expected!

Being more talented also means that her value is higher and the rewards given by the organization will be higher!

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