Tian Mu analyzed his teammates: "Although this team seems unreliable, think about their combination carefully.

They have two mages, but Xiao Gong's long-legged sister is a control mage, which perfectly makes up for Liu Chuhe's lack of chain control skills.

And that Liu Chuhe, have you ever thought about it, he has all kinds of chain skills to increase vitality, but he has no chain skills to increase defense, and no chain skills to control, why would Shen Zhaodi still team with him? Are you greedy for his body?

I think this is their tactic and they do it on purpose.

You think, he has no defensive chain skills, so if anyone attacks him, he will be injured, and the injury will be severe.

When someone else releases the healing chain skill, all the treatment will fall on him. This is equivalent to nullifying the other party's treatment. This is their tactic! "

"It makes sense. If he has a chain skill that increases his defense, and someone hits him, the damage will be limited. Maybe a few treatments, and all his injuries will be restored.

But he doesn't have chain skills that increase his defense. He only has chain skills that increase his vitality. How long will it take for others to heal him? "

"The treatment on the other side is useless, Shen Zhaodi is really killing randomly!"

"These guys are insidious enough. Let's go back and think about how to fight them if we encounter them."

On the other side, Sun Shengnan saw that the atmosphere was somewhat silent, so he took the initiative to break it and said: "I think the four of us have to work hard. This time when we met Feizheng City's team, I realized that we are really bad.

They are both mages, but the opponent's mage reacts faster and releases chain skills more accurately. There is also Zhou Xiangrong. I always feel that he has a low sense of presence and is a very ordinary person.

In the end, he killed Qi Zhisi alone.

In our school, except Shen Zhaodi, who dares to say that Qi Zhisi can maintain stable pressure? Each of them is so strong, we can't hold them back. "

"Did you forget someone?"

Liu Chuhe had been worried that the other party was really a cult and was coming for him, so he kept silent. When he heard Sun Shengnan's words, he suddenly became dissatisfied: "I also defeated Qi Zhisi head-on.

So, you three really have to work hard. "

"You have the nerve to say that." Ding Zizi said with a look of dissatisfaction, "Look at other people's tanks, their controls, that's a real tank. Look at you, you don't have any control chain skills."

"Because I am a warrior, not a tank." Liu Chuhe said seriously, "On the other hand, I think our team does not lack output. As the captain, I think you can be replaced by a tank."

"It's just you." Ding Zizi retorted directly. She was not afraid. She was Shen Zhaodi's creditor now, and no one could replace her.

Everyone returned all the way, and after dawn, they walked for a while before arriving at the exit.


As a tank, Yuan Junyi captured two corpses by himself. He threw the corpses directly at the exit and said to the guard on the side: "We encountered four assassins."

As soon as he finished speaking, except for the two soldiers who were still guarding the exit, several other soldiers immediately surrounded them.

One of the soldiers pointed to a house built nearby and said: "Please tell us clearly what happened to you. You are not allowed to leave the overlapping space until we have investigated clearly."

Liu Chuhe was cautious along the way, fearing that someone would show up to assassinate them again. Now he was eager for someone to protect him, so he was the first to run into the nearby house when he heard the sound.

Fortunately, it's not a dark room.

In the room, they quickly finished recounting their previous encounters, including their conflicts with Qi Zhisi, Duan Yanchao and others at school.

Outside the room they were in, in another house, several stereoscopic projections had appeared.

"Qi Mao: Male, 45 years old, late Galaxy, assassin.

Duan Gaohan: Male, 43 years old, late Galaxy, assassin.

All the records of the two people entering the overlapping space were the same. According to the data, when they entered the overlapping space three times, someone was killed in the overlapping space.

They were in overlapping spaces when the vice president of Quancheng Sishui Auxiliary Pharmacy Group was killed in Helian Lake, Huangsang City.

When Wang Zepeng, the son of the chairman of Zhoubin Lightspeed Weapons Group, was killed in Huangsang Mountain, they were in the same area where the crime occurred.

Before Meng Ruicheng, a three-star reinforced engineer from Feizheng City, was killed in Helian Lake in Huangsang City, two people had entered.

This time is the fourth time. "

Everyone in the Huaxia Kingdom who enters the overlapping space will be recorded. If someone dies in the overlapping space, there will be big data recording all the people in the overlapping space at that time.

If someone enters the overlapping space and murders always occur in the overlapping space, then they need to be investigated.

It's just Qi Mao and Duan Gaohan. They have only been in this situation three times before, which is actually not a particularly large number.

What's more, those overlapping spaces are very common overlapping spaces, and a large number of geneticists practice in them all year round.

Moreover, they all died in the overlapping space of Huangsang City these three times. They were from Huangsang City, so it was normal for them to enter the overlapping space of Huangsang City.

At the same time, the number of geneticists who have been in the overlapping space for these three times is quite large. Even the authorities cannot investigate gradually. The investigation will also first investigate those who have been assassinated more times, and it is not their turn yet.

Including this time, although they are not in Huangsang City, there are also many people from Huangsang City who come to the overlapping space of Luoshan. Once they succeed in the assassination, they will not attract much attention.


Outside, a soldier knocked on the door and reported: "The Huangsang City Government has sent people into their residence, and it has been determined that they are members of a cult organization, the Symbiosis Sect."

"The Symbiotic Cult, their hands are really long, and they have reached out to our Qilu Province!" A middle-aged man with a majestic face snorted and asked, "Do you know who their target is this time?"

"Shen Zhaodi, this is her information."

The man looked at the information, with a look of surprise on his face: "No family background? You and your sister depend on each other, and your sister is just an assistant to the reinforcement teacher.

She is only seventeen years old now, but she has already broken through to the Galaxy level, and can kill late-stage Galaxy levels at the early stage of the Galaxy level! There are such geniuses in Huangsang City! "

This is an early-stage Galaxy level killing a late-stage Galaxy level. It’s really terrifying!

He was once a genius, but later joined the army.

In his opinion, nowadays, people are often called geniuses. None of those so-called geniuses are qualified to be called geniuses, but this Shen Zhaodi...

"For many years, Huangsang City has never produced any genius. This time, a real genius will finally appear."

The man let out a long sigh, closed the document, raised his hand slightly, and the door of the room where Liu Chuhe and others were sitting opened automatically.

He stepped into the room.

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