Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 158 Absorbing The Sky-Shattering Blow

When the third year of high school just started, there were more than 800 students in Liu Chuhe's class. After the first trial, there were still about 700 students left.

After the second trial, only 500 people and 100 teams remained.

Because of the trial, the school reassigned the classes. Wang Zhenbo and the three of them had good grades, so they stayed in the first class and found two classmates to form a new team.

The trial is over and winter vacation is coming.

The biggest advantage of not having to go to class is that he and Shen Zhaodi can completely let themselves go and practice like crazy.

The overlapping space of the Zhulong River has long been opened, and the strange beasts inside it are unique to the Oriya Kingdom. With its opening, a large number of geneticists from other cities poured into Huangsang City.

Fortunately, the area where the Golden Platypus is located is deep. If others want to get here, they must first pass through the dangerous area in the middle. Very few people will get here.

Unfortunately, the two of them are so good at killing that the golden platypus here are almost extinct. In recent days, they have spent more time looking for monsters than fighting.

"I finally broke through. It took me so long to break through from the fourth level of Juyuan to the fifth level of Juyuan. Those two girls, Ding Zizi and Sun Shengnan, both broke through earlier than me."

The moment Liu Chuhe broke through, he took out a bottle of gene chain.

Abyss Giant Ape Gene Chain (Four Stars)

Chain skill:

Breakthrough (Silver Quality): Within a range of thirty meters, you can instantly sprint to the enemy, and use the power of sprint to hit the opponent hard, causing reduced damage. 【Absorbable】

Berserk (Silver quality): Entering a violent state, all abilities will be reduced and improved for three seconds (-). 【Absorbable】

Agility (Silver Quality): Your own agility is reduced and improved (-). 【Absorbable】

Hidden chain skills:

Sky-breaking Blow (Silver Quality): After continuously causing damage to the opponent for 300 times, within 100 meters, you can instantly sprint in front of the opponent and perform a Sky-breaking Blow, causing small damage (+).

The sky-shattering strike ignores defense (if the opponent's defense chain skill exceeds the two qualities of the sky-shattering strike, the effect will be weakened). 【Absorbable】

Today is already New Year's Eve, and it has been more than a hundred days since the double list was opened.

Without Shen Zhaodi challenging him, no one could threaten his number one position, and he successfully obtained the gene chain of the Abyssal Giant Ape.

He had hesitated before, whether to absorb the sky-shattering blow or the disorder.

In the end, he decided to strike with a decisive blow.

He definitely didn't choose the Sky-breaking Strike because it was an active attack chain skill. He was not that kind of person. He just felt that if he didn't learn the Sky-breaking Strike, the hundred-fold poison would be wasted.

"Hey... Of the two hidden chain skills, none are of bronze quality, and they can't be perfectly enhanced. Isn't this a trap?

It has been so long since I broke through from the fourth level of Juyuan to the fifth level of Juyuan. I don’t know when I will be able to break through to the galaxy level. "

Liu Chuhe stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the deserted streets outside. He had clearly made a breakthrough, but he didn't feel happy at all.

It’s New Year’s Eve and everyone else has gone home.

And I don’t know where my home is yet.

You said you were fine, why did you run away from home?

Is this the legendary emptiness, loneliness and coldness?

And my family members, I’m so poor, why don’t you send me a red envelope during the Chinese New Year? I'm really short of money.

Regardless of this period of time, I have made a lot of money from killing strange beasts. The problem is that I will have to spend a lot of money if I make a breakthrough again.

The perfect upgrade of a bronze quality chain skill to a silver chain skill would cost over 100 million.

But for a silver-quality chain skill to be perfectly enhanced to a gold-quality one, an ordinary chain skill like Bai Zhe Poison would cost less than a billion.

Each of those hidden chain skills costs more than 2 billion.

Three billion more.

When I break through to the Galaxy level, I have to strengthen six chain skills, which adds up to 15 billion!

Where can I steal so much money?

Robbing a bank is not enough!

It takes more than 100 days to make 100 million a day! Why don't you find me quickly and sponsor me with some money!

Liu Chuhe sighed, and suddenly his cell phone rang.

Shen Zhaodi?

He answered the phone, and Shen Zhaodi's voice came from the phone: "Come over to celebrate the New Year."

Liu Chuhe burst into tears instantly. I was wrong. Sure enough, Girl Shen was still cold-faced and warm-hearted. Knowing that I was alone, she specially invited me to her home to celebrate the New Year.

He was moved in his heart when Shen Zhaodi's words continued: "Why are you breaking the rules of the Strengthening Masters Guild? It's New Year's Eve, and my sister still has to be on duty at the Strengthening Masters Guild. Now that you're gone, can my sister go home?"

so? Did you let me go to your house to celebrate the New Year just to let your sister go home?

No, an excuse must be an excuse.

He has known Shen Zhaodi for so long, and this is the first time he knows where Shen Zhaodi lives.

As Wu Xiaoxiao walked into the sisters' home, he heard a crackling sound as soon as he opened the door. When he looked inside, he saw that Shen Zhaodi was chopping meat frantically.

Others used kitchen knives to chop meat, but it was better for her to use a dagger. The force of it almost scared him and made him turn around and run away.

Shen Zhaodi's house is not big, and there are only two bedrooms.

Two bedrooms?

Liu Chu was so happy, it was obviously Wu Xiaoxiao's bedroom and Shen Yatou's.

So the question is, which room should I stay in tonight?

It's impossible to sleep in the living room, I'll die!

While he was studying this dilemma, the phone rang again.

"Teacher Jia Taiping?"

Liu Chuhe answered the phone.

"Boy, let's spend the New Year alone." Teacher Jia's voice sounded lively, and there seemed to be the sound of children playing.

"No." Liu Chuhe looked at Shen Zhaodi, who was chopping meat, and then at Wu Xiaoxiao, who was pouring water for himself, and said with a look of embarrassment: "I'm..."

Before he finished speaking, Jia Taiping had hung up the phone.

In a villa not too far from Shen Zhaodi's home, an old man with white hair looked at Jia Taiping with a smile and asked: "What? Didn't you want to call your little apprentice? Why did you hang up the phone again? Already?"

Jia Taiping looked at the old man with great respect and said, "Uncle, he is accompanied by someone."

After Liu Chuhe came to this world, he celebrated the New Year for the first time. Compared with his previous life, the biggest difference was that the flavor of the New Year was stronger. Because of the technology in this era of big genes, it was not prohibited to set off fireworks.

That is, in the middle of Qilu Province, otherwise, he would have to participate in the fireworks war in the four provinces of Shanhe.

After dinner, he was dragged downstairs by Shen Zhaodi to set off fireworks. Unexpectedly, these two sisters, at such an age, were even crazier than those children when setting off fireworks.

The three of them set off fireworks until early in the morning before going home.

Liu Chuhe has been having fun eating New Year dumplings since he started eating them. Which room should I sleep in?

Finally, after finishing the dumplings, Shen Zhaodi pulled him up.

Sure enough, are you still accompanying your sister?

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