After a long while, Shen Zhaodi finally said: "Don't be complacent, I'm afraid you don't know that there is a chain technique called the Purification Chain Technique.

You put the poison, and others purify it for you. Let's see how you hurt others three hundred times. Not three hundred times, who can you meet with your breaking speed? "


Liu Chuhe nodded. This is really a problem. The absorption of chaos chain skills must be put on the agenda. With chaos, I will directly disrupt your purification. In the end, won't we have to fight for 300 rounds?

While talking to Shen Zhaodi, Liu Chuhe extracted the gene chain of the Polyarmored Spiny Lizard.

After a while, he stretched out a hand towards Shen Zhaodi and said: "Get a gene bottle and put this thing's gene chain in it. I don't know how much this thing's gene chain can be sold for."

Shen Zhaodi stretched out a finger.

"Ten million?" Liu Chuhe suddenly beamed with joy.

Shen Zhaodi pointed at Liu Chuhe and then at herself and said, "Ten million for each of us."

Liu Chuhe was completely shocked: "The starting price of the seven-star alien beast gene chain is 10 million. This is only a six-star alien beast. It is twice as much as some seven-star alien beast gene chains. It is so high!"

"It's normal.

First of all, you need to know that the gene chains of many exotic beasts are expensive because their chain skills are all suitable for the same profession.

But that's only suitable. The genetic chain of the Polyarmored Spiny Lizard all increases defense. No matter which one you absorb, you can't go wrong. There are very few exotic beasts of this type, and the price of the same gene chain is naturally higher.

Furthermore, of its three chain skills, one has counter-injury, and the other two increase defense, which are extremely high among gold-quality chain skills, and the price will be even higher.

Then there is the alien beast gene chain unique to Olia, which is worth another point.

In the end, you were beaten to death with a stick, but what about others?

Unless there is a team of extremely powerful mages, or a team of two or three mages, no galaxy-level team will come to kill it, because its skin is too thick.

Therefore, it is normal for its gene chain to be sold at a high price. "

"Then why are you hesitating? Go kill this thing! By the way, in the overlapping space of our Zhulong River, are there any multi-armored spiny lizards?"

Liu Chuhe was excited. He saw the hope of earning 10 billion again!

Ten billion, isn't it just the genetic chain of a thousand armored spiny lizards? It's not difficult.

"No. We can only kill them here. In addition, first of all, you need to know where to find such strange beasts. Secondly, do you also need to collect the genetic chains of these strange beasts?"

"Take it, of course you have to take it, mosquito legs are meat too. Forget it, I'll be a good person, and you can follow me and learn how to extract the gene chain."

Liu Chuhe began to look for strange beasts that could absorb the gene chain.

While he was extracting the gene chains of all the alien beasts, another batch of alien beasts arrived, and Shen Zhaodi had to deal with them all.

"What's so special about this place? The smell of blood is so strong, and it attracts so many strange beasts here. It seems that they are not here to lick the corpses, they all come for the lake.

Is there anything special about this lake? "

Liu Chuhe came to the edge of the lake, reached out and drank a sip of water.

"It's a bit sweet and much better than other water. Is it because of this that they come here to drink water? I always feel that there is something special about this lake."

He thought for a while, took out two empty gene bottles and filled two bottles of water.

Shen Zhaodi laughed directly: "You are thinking too much. Do you think you are the only one who thinks there is a problem here? Do the official people of Olia State not think about it?

They must have done some research, but now that the place is still open, it's clear that nothing has come of it. "

"That's because they are stupid. Maybe I can study it and understand it."

Liu Chuhe threw the two gene bottles containing lake water to Shen Zhaodi. He looked around and said, "We can't wait here forever.

Let's take a look around first, and try to find the many armored spiny lizards. If we can't find them, we'll come back. By then, we'll probably gather a lot more strange beasts here, and we'll come back and kill them. "

"Look in this direction first." Shen Zhaodi pointed directly in a direction, and the two of them appeared quickly. They also killed many strange beasts on the way, but most of them were four-star strange beasts, and none of the five-star strange beasts were seen. .

Three hours later, the two had no choice but to return to this special lake.

By the lake, three to four hundred strange beasts had gathered again. Unfortunately, there were no multi-armored spiny lizards.

In three hours, both of them had almost returned to their peak condition and started to fight directly.

In this way, after killing the strange beasts by the lake, they went out to look for other strange beasts. When they felt that time was almost up, they returned to kill the strange beasts by the lake.

This lake is very capable of gathering strange beasts. The two of them discovered that even if they didn't find the spiny lizard, the efficiency of making money was actually quite high.

In the meantime, the two of them just found a place to sleep for four or five hours, and then immediately plunged into a crazy fight.

Distant China, Huangsang City.

In the Justice Division team group, the screen is full of red envelopes with red purple hair, but the progress of receiving all the red envelopes is 3/5.

After a while, the beeping sound of the three women's small group started, and the three of them connected to the voice line.

"What happened? Neither Shen Zhaodi nor Liu Chuhe received the red envelope?"

"It's been so long, no matter how late they slept, they should get up."

"What do you call them?"

"Don't pick on the words. Can you find the key point? What is the key point? The key point is that with their personalities, it is impossible not to grab the red envelope when they see it. There is only one reason for not grabbing it."

"The two of them can't use their phones now, they've entered the overlapping space again!"

"These two people! They stayed together and flew together again!"

"Oh my God, it's just the first day of the new year. Don't they take a break at this time? Shen Zhaodi is already at the Galaxy level, but she's still working so hard!"

"No, the three of us can't sink any further. We also have to go out and experience it!"

Sun Shengnan said speechlessly: "The three of us? Two mages and a healer?"

"Hey, it happens to be the Chinese New Year. It's not easy to ask my father to hire a team for us. There is only one way for us to practice. Shengnan, please contact Lian Junxi and his team to see if they have gone out to practice. idea."

Sun Shengnan was confused: "Why me? I..."

A big red envelope appeared in the group again. Sun Shengnan quickly clicked it, looked at the string of numbers, and immediately patted his chest and said, "I'll contact them now."

Unknowingly, Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi had entered the overlapping space of Olia Kingdom for two days.

Until now, they didn't know that they had killed thousands of strange beasts, but they only killed three spiny lizards in total. The gene chain of one of them was damaged and could not be extracted.

"On the last day, their trial will be over. There are fewer and fewer strange beasts gathered here, and they can no longer be killed here.

Let's go a little further this time and see if we can find a spiny lizard. "After Liu Chuhe extracted the last gene chain, he discussed it with Shen Zhaodi, and the two decided to go further this time.

Under the night, the two walked towards the distance.

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