When Sun Shengnan heard Liu Chuhe's words, he immediately became dissatisfied: "As long as you have chain control skills, we can perform."

That is, Ding Zizi agreed with her face: "You are a fat person, you don't even have control, and you have the nerve to criticize us. Also, why do I think you are fat again? Stay away from us."

Ding Zizi said, and deliberately pushed Liu Chuhe forward with a look of disgust. She didn't understand. After returning from the winter vacation, Liu Chuhe had obviously lost weight.

He was really handsome when he was thin, but not long after he was so eye-catching, Liu Chuhe became so fat again in the blink of an eye, almost as fat as when he started his senior year of high school.

"Who are you looking down on! When I break through, I will also have control."

Liu Chuhe refused to accept it. Isn't it just control? is it hard? When I learn about disorder, I will let you know what true control is.

Ding Zizi and Sun Shengnan stopped talking for a moment.

Although they are on the fifth level of Juyuan like Liu Chuhe, when they were on the fourth level of Juyuan, Liu Chuhe was only on the second level of Juyuan. Now, Liu Chuhe is on the fifth level of Juyuan like them.

Han Xinnian, who once united with them, is already at the Galaxy level.

Soon it was game time.

In the live broadcast room, Fanfan, as usual, began to introduce the players and lineups of both sides at the beginning of the game.

"Welcome everyone to watch the third round of the Huangsang City School Entrance Competition, where 2048 will advance to 1024.

Now that the two sides are on the field, the one on the left side of the screen is the black-to-bottom team from No. 1 Middle School.

They adopt a more classic 2-2-1 formation, with mages and healers at the back, their assassins and warriors on both sides in front, and their tanks guarding the front.

Let’s look at the teachers of justice again. What they use is..."

As she talked, she was completely confused after seeing the lineup of the Justice Division. What kind of lineup is this? I have commented on so many games, but I have never seen such a weird lineup.

The five of you actually got together. What are you doing?

If someone else's mage loses a chain skill, aren't you afraid that you will all be harvested by others?

She was having a headache how to introduce the Master of Justice, and from the side, Director Zhang's voice had already sounded.

"The Justice Division adopts the classic 500 formation."

Fanfan instantly had the urge to cover his forehead with his hands, what a 500 formation!

With the referee's order, the game officially started.

"Frost Ice Ball!"

"Thunder and lightning dance!"

Sun Shengnan and Ding Zizi released their chain skills almost at the same time.

Liu Chuhe looked at the two of them with a look of disgust. If you use the chain technique, just use the chain technique. You are shouting whatever you want. It's too good.

The five people on the opposite side can enter the third round, and they have some strength, at least they are not stupid.

After seeing the chain skills released by Sun Shengnan and Ding Zizi, they immediately scattered and retreated.

Whether it was the ice ball or the thunder and lightning, it only hit one of the opponent's players and did not cause a jump.

On Channel 1, Fanfan was still explaining quickly before the game started, but after the game, she couldn't keep up with the rhythm at all. I only heard Director Zhang explaining the game at an alarming speed.

"Okay, we saw that Sun and Ding's chain skills were not fully functioning.

Very good, their chain skills connect very quickly. Mud Turbulence and Fire Wall, the former affects the terrain, and the latter attacks in a range. The two chain skills are perfectly matched.

Next, this frost... this is ice confinement, which can imprison the opponent...

This thunder, this is rapid current.

As expected of Shen Zhaodi's teammates, these two mages were obviously much stronger than each other.

We can see from the information that Sun and Ding are both at the fifth level of Juyuan, while the strongest one on the other side is the opponent's assassin, but only at the fourth level of Juyuan. The gap is too big. "

"Shen Zhaodi suddenly took action, no, she kicked her into the air."

"Beautiful! The opponent's assassin was kicked out directly. She saw through the opponent's invisibility chain skill. This is amazing combat intuition!"

"Let's look at this leg again. It's slender but round. It's just...


I mean, there is something special about kicking out this leg. She not only judged the direction of the opponent's assassin, but also calculated the speed of the opponent's warrior rushing over, so that the opponent's assassin flew out and hit the opponent's fighter, killing two birds with one stone! "

Fanfan was speechless on the side, what did you just say? Can you explain it well? Why are you suddenly talking about people's legs?

Also, we are neutral, but you are too biased.

People in the team don't deserve names when they are black?

For Sun Shengnan and Ding Zizi, you just call them Sun and Ding, but when it comes to Shen Zhaodi, you start calling them by their full names.

It's a good thing you're not the host of a TV station, otherwise your salary would have been deducted.

Director Zhang seemed to be excited about what he was talking about. He even stood up as he spoke: "Sack bag! We can see that Student Sun threw a chain skill like a sack bag and directly trapped the two opponents.

Maybe many students and many audience friends are not familiar with this chain skill. This is a knowledge point. Everyone remembers that this chain skill is called Flying Bag Envelope, and it is the chain skill of the four-star alien beast Flying Water Wombat.

The flying water wombat is a unique beast to the Oria Kingdom, but now, the word "unique" has to be removed, because we also have this strange beast in China, and the location is in our Huangsang City! "

Director Zhang digressed directly from the topic and stopped explaining the game. Instead, he showed off with a proud look on his face: "Nowadays, there are flying water wombats in the overlapping space of the Zhulong River."

Fanfan finally intervened: "Director Zhang, as far as I know, the weakest alien beast in the overlapping space of the Zhulong River is the five-star alien beast."

"That was before." Director Zhang continued to popularize science, "Since the overlapping space of the Zhulong River was opened, for a long time, the weakest alien beasts were five-star alien beasts.

Later, for some unknown reason, there were suddenly many four-star alien beasts, three-star alien beasts, and even two-star alien beasts. And these strange beasts are also unique to the Oriya Kingdom.

Officials have also investigated, but they still don’t know why so many strange beasts have been added to the Zhulong River.

However, the number of these strange beasts is not particularly large, but as they slowly multiply, I believe that their number will continue to increase.

I know what you want to ask. Are you afraid that someone will hunt this strange beast?

This situation will basically never happen. Because the Zhulong River space is a central overlapping space where the alien beasts are strongest in the middle zone and become weaker towards the edge.

And those strange beasts happen to be at the other end of the entrance to the overlapping space, which can be said to be the farthest area from the entrance.

Therefore, people who are not strong enough cannot reach there at all, and people who are strong enough will not hunt such strange beasts casually. "

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